# methods for tsMSdata
setGeneric("retIndex", function(obj) standardGeneric("retIndex"))
setMethod("retIndex", "tsMSdata", function(obj) obj@RI)
setGeneric("retIndex<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("retIndex<-"))
setReplaceMethod("retIndex", "tsMSdata", function(obj, value) { obj@RI <- value
obj })
setGeneric("retTime", function(obj) standardGeneric("retTime"))
setMethod("retTime", "tsMSdata", function(obj) obj@RT)
setGeneric("retTime<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("retTime<-"))
setReplaceMethod("retTime", "tsMSdata", function(obj, value) { obj@RT <- value
obj })
setGeneric("Intensity", function(obj) standardGeneric("Intensity"))
setMethod("Intensity", "tsMSdata", function(obj) obj@Intensity)
setGeneric("Intensity<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("Intensity<-"))
setReplaceMethod("Intensity", "tsMSdata", function(obj, value) { obj@Intensity <- value
obj })
setGeneric("as.list.tsMSdata", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("as.list.tsMSdata"))
setMethod("as.list.tsMSdata", "tsMSdata", function(x, ...) {
am <- function(z) {
nm <- if(is.null(names(z))) as.character(1:length(z)) else names(z)
rn <- unlist(sapply(z, rownames))
cn <- colnames(z[[1]])
m <- length(rn)
n <- length(cn)
i <- rep(1:length(z), sapply(z,nrow))
y <- matrix(0,m,n, dimnames=list(rn,cn))
for(k in 1:length(z)) {
y[k==i,] <- z[[k]]
attr(y, "index") <- nm[i]
int <- am(x@Intensity)
ri <- am(x@RI)
if(length(x@RT) > 0) {
rt <- am(x@RT)
return(list(Intensity=int, RI=ri, RT=rt))
} else {
return(list(Intensity=int, RI=ri))
setMethod("show", "tsMSdata", function(object) {
cat("An object of class 'tsMSdata':\n")
cat(" Number of samples: ", ncol(object@RI[[1]]), "\n")
cat(" Number of metabolites: ", length(object@RI), "\n")
validMSdataObject <- function(object) {
# get lengths of objects
nri <- length(object@RI)
nrt <- length(object@RT)
nin <- length(object@Intensity)
# get number of samples per component
nc.ri <- sapply(object@RI, ncol)
nc.in <- sapply(object@Intensity, ncol)
nc.rt <- sapply(object@RT, ncol)
if(nri != nin)
return(sprintf("Unequal number of `RI` (%d) and `Intensity` (%d) components.", nri, nin))
if(nri != nrt)
return(sprintf("Unequal number of `RI` (%d) and `RT` (%d) components.", nri, nrt))
# check that all the column numbers are the same
if(any(nc.ri != nc.ri[1]))
return("Some elements of the `RI` slot have different number of samples.")
if(any(nc.in != nc.in[1]) || (nc.in[1] != nc.ri[1]))
return("Some elements of the `Intensity` slot have different number of samples.")
if(any(nc.rt != nc.rt[1]) || (nc.rt[1] != nc.ri[1]))
return("Some elements of the `RT` slot have different number of samples.")
setValidity("tsMSdata", validMSdataObject)
# methods for tsProfile
setGeneric("profileInfo", function(obj) standardGeneric("profileInfo"))
setMethod("profileInfo", "tsProfile", function(obj) obj@info)
setGeneric("profileInfo<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("profileInfo<-"))
setReplaceMethod("profileInfo", "tsProfile", function(obj, value) { obj@info <- value
obj })
setGeneric("profileInt", function(obj) standardGeneric("profileInt"))
setMethod("profileInt", "tsProfile", function(obj) obj@profInt)
setGeneric("profileInt<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("profileInt<-"))
setReplaceMethod("profileInt", "tsProfile", function(obj, value) { obj@profInt <- value
obj })
setGeneric("profileRI", function(obj) standardGeneric("profileRI"))
setMethod("profileRI", "tsProfile", function(obj) obj@profRI)
setGeneric("profileRI<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("profileRI<-"))
setReplaceMethod("profileRI", "tsProfile", function(obj, value) { obj@profRI <- value
obj })
setGeneric("profileRT", function(obj) standardGeneric("profileRT"))
setMethod("profileRT", "tsProfile", function(obj) obj@profRT)
setGeneric("profileRT<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("profileRT<-"))
setReplaceMethod("profileRT", "tsProfile", function(obj, value) { obj@profRT <- value
obj })
setMethod("show", "tsProfile", function(object) {
cat("An object of class 'tsMSdata':\n")
cat(" Profile Information:\n")
print(head(object@info), 5)
if(nrow(object@info) > 5) cat(" ", nrow(object@info) - 5,"lines more...\n")
setValidity("tsProfile", function(object) {
n <- length(object@RI)
s <- sapply(object@RI, ncol)[1]
if( (nr <- nrow(object@profRI)) != n )
paste0("Invalid number of rows in slot `profRI`. Found ", nr, ", expected ", n, ".")
else if( (nc <- ncol(object@profRI)) != s )
paste0("Invalid number of columns in slot `profRI`. Found ", nc, ", expected ", s, ".")
else if( (nr <- nrow(object@profRT)) != n )
paste0("Invalid number of rows in slot `profRT`. Found ", nr, ", expected ", n, ".")
else if( (nc <- ncol(object@profRT)) != s )
paste0("Invalid number of columns in slot `profRT`. Found ", nc, ", expected ", s, ".")
else if( (nr <- nrow(object@profInt)) != n )
paste0("Invalid number of rows in slot `profInt`. Found ", nr, ", expected ", n, ".")
else if( (nc <- ncol(object@profInt)) != s )
paste0("Invalid number of columns in slot `profInt`. Found ", nc, ", expected ", s, ".")
else if( (nr <- nrow(object@info)) != n )
paste0("Invalid number of rows in slot `info`. Found ", nr, ", expected ", n, ".")
setGeneric("as.list.tsProfile", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("as.list.tsProfile"))
setMethod("as.list.tsProfile", "tsMSdata", function(x, ...) as.list.tsMSdata(x))
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