.pkgName <- packageName()
.pkgVersion <- packageVersion(.pkgName)
#' Internal formals list, specific to package
#' @note Updated 2023-08-17.
#' @noRd
.formalsList <- list(
"continuousColor" = quote(
x = "acid.continuous.color",
default = ggplot2::scale_color_gradient(
low = "gray75",
high = "purple"
"continuousColorPurpleOrange" = quote(
x = "acid.continuous.color",
default = ggplot2::scale_color_gradient2(
low = "orange",
mid = "gray75",
high = "purple",
midpoint = 0L
"dark" = quote(
x = "acid.dark",
default = FALSE
"darkMarkerColors" = quote(
ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(option = "plasma")
"dims" = c(1L, 2L),
"direction" = c("both", "up", "down"),
"discreteColor" = quote(
x = "acid.discrete.color",
default = AcidPlots::acid_scale_color_synesthesia_d()
"expression" = c("mean", "sum"),
"flip" = quote(
x = "acid.flip",
default = TRUE
"geom" = c(
"headerLevel" = 2L,
"heatmapColor" = quote(
x = "acid.heatmap.color",
default = AcidPlots::blueYellow
"heatmapCorrelationColor" = quote(
x = "acid.heatmap.correlation.color",
default = viridis::magma
"heatmapLegendColor" = quote(
x = "acid.heatmap.legend.color",
default = AcidPlots::synesthesia
"heatmapQuantileColor" = quote(
x = "acid.heatmap.quantile.color",
default = viridis::magma
"label" = quote(
getOption(x = "acid.label", default = FALSE)
"labelSize" = quote(
getOption(x = "acid.label.size", default = 6L)
"legend" = quote(
getOption(x = "acid.legend", default = TRUE)
"n" = 256L,
"palette" = c(
"pointAlpha" = quote(
x = "acid.point.alpha",
default = 0.9
"pointSize" = quote(
x = "acid.point.size",
default = 3L
"pointSize2" = quote(
x = "acid.point.size",
default = 1L
"pointsAsNumbers" = quote(
x = "acid.points.as.numbers",
default = FALSE
"reduction" = "UMAP" # or `1L`.
#' AcidPlots test data URL
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' AcidPlotsTestsUrl
AcidPlotsTestsUrl <- # nolint
## Color palettes ==============================================================
## nolint start
#' Color palettes
#' Color palette hexadecimal character vectors.
#' @name palettes
#' @note Updated 2021-08-11.
#' @return `character`.
#' @seealso
#' - [iOS palette](https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/visual-design/color/)
#' - [macOS palette](https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/visual-design/color/)
#' - [Dracula palette](https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme)
#' @examples
#' lightPalette
## nolint end
#' Prepare exported palette global variable
#' @note Updated 2021-08-11.
#' @noRd
.preparePalette <- function(name) {
#' Improve the `rgb()` default to use 0:255, as expected
#' @note Updated 2019-09-13.
#' @noRd
.rgb <- function(...) {
rgb(..., maxColorValue = 255L)
#' Internal color palette hex values
#' @note Updated 2021-08-11.
#' @noRd
#' @details
#' Consider adding:
#' - gruvbox
#' - nord
#' - solarized
.palettes <- list(
"dracula" = c(
"background" = .rgb(40L, 42L, 54L),
"foreground" = .rgb(248L, 248L, 242L),
"border" = .rgb(54L, 57L, 72L),
"blue" = .rgb(0L, 122L, 255L),
"green" = .rgb(52L, 199L, 89L),
"orange" = .rgb(255L, 149L, 0L),
"pink" = .rgb(255L, 45L, 85L),
"purple" = .rgb(175L, 82L, 222L),
"red" = .rgb(255L, 59L, 48L),
"teal" = .rgb(90L, 200L, 250L),
"yellow" = .rgb(255L, 204L, 0L)
"iOSDark" = c(
"background" = .rgb(23L, 23L, 23L),
"foreground" = .rgb(153L, 153L, 153L),
"border" = .rgb(152L, 152L, 157L),
"blue" = .rgb(10L, 132L, 255L),
"gray" = .rgb(152L, 152L, 157L),
"green" = .rgb(48L, 209L, 88L),
"orange" = .rgb(255L, 159L, 10L),
"pink" = .rgb(255L, 55L, 95L),
"purple" = .rgb(191L, 90L, 242L),
"red" = .rgb(255L, 69L, 58L),
"teal" = .rgb(100L, 210L, 255L),
"yellow" = .rgb(255L, 214L, 10L)
"iOSLight" = c(
"background" = .rgb(255L, 255L, 255L),
"foreground" = .rgb(0L, 0L, 0L),
"border" = .rgb(142L, 142L, 147L),
"blue" = .rgb(0L, 122L, 255L),
"gray" = .rgb(142L, 142L, 147L),
"green" = .rgb(52L, 199L, 89L),
"orange" = .rgb(255L, 149L, 0L),
"pink" = .rgb(255L, 45L, 85L),
"purple" = .rgb(175L, 82L, 222L),
"red" = .rgb(255L, 59L, 48L),
"teal" = .rgb(90L, 200L, 250L),
"yellow" = .rgb(255L, 204L, 0L)
.palettes[["macOSDark"]] <- .palettes[["iOSDark"]]
.palettes[["macOSDark"]][["green"]] <- .rgb(50L, 215L, 75L)
.palettes[["macOSLight"]] <- .palettes[["iOSLight"]]
.palettes[["macOSLight"]][["green"]] <- .rgb(40L, 205L, 65L)
.palettes[["dracula"]][["gray"]] <- .palettes[["macOSDark"]][["gray"]]
.palettes[["light"]] <- .palettes[["macOSLight"]]
.palettes[["dark"]] <- .palettes[["macOSDark"]]
.palettes[["dark"]][["background"]] <- .rgb(0L, 0L, 0L)
.palettes[["dark"]][["foreground"]] <- .rgb(255L, 255L, 255L)
.palettes[["dark"]][["gray"]] <- .rgb(26L, 26L, 26L) ## gray10
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
draculaPalette <- .preparePalette("dracula")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
darkPalette <- .preparePalette("dark")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
lightPalette <- .preparePalette("light")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
iOSDarkPalette <- .preparePalette("iOSDark")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
iOSLightPalette <- .preparePalette("iOSLight")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
macOSDarkPalette <- .preparePalette("macOSDark")
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
macOSLightPalette <- .preparePalette("macOSLight")
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