#' Import sample metadata
#' This function imports user-defined sample metadata saved in a spreadsheet.
#' @section bcbio pipeline:
#' **Required column names.** The `"description"` column is always required, and
#' must match the bcbio per sample directory names exactly. Inclusion of the
#' `"fileName"` column isn't required but is recommended for data provenance.
#' Note that some bcbio examples on readthedocs use `"samplename"` (note case)
#' instead of `"fileName"`. This function checks for that and will rename the
#' column to `"fileName"` automatically. We're using the `sampleName` column
#' (note case) to define unique sample names, in the event that bcbio has
#' processed multiplexed samples.
#' **Demultiplexed samples.** The samples in the bcbio run must map to the
#' `"description"` column. The values provided in description for demultiplexed
#' samples must be unique. They must also be *syntactically valid*, meaning that
#' they cannot contain illegal characters (e.g. spaces, non-alphanumerics,
#' *dashes*) or *begin with a number*. Consult the documentation in `help(topic
#' = "make.names")` for more information on valid names in R.
#' **Multiplexed samples.** This applies to some single-cell RNA-seq formats,
#' including inDrops. In this case, bcbio will output per-sample directories
#' with this this structure: `description-revcomp`. The function checks to
#' see if the `"description"` column is unique. If the values are duplicated,
#' the function assumes that bcbio processed multiplexed FASTQs, where multiple
#' samples of interest are barcoded inside a single FASTQ. This this case, you
#' must supply additional `"index"`, `"sequence"`, and `"sampleName"` columns.
#' Note that bcbio currently outputs the reverse complement index sequence in
#' the sample directory names (e.g. `"sample-ATAGAGAG"`). Define the forward
#' index barcode in the `sequence` column here, not the reverse complement. The
#' reverse complement will be calculated automatically and added as the
#' `revcomp` column in the sample metadata.
#' @note Works with local or remote files.
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh
#' @note Updated 2023-10-04.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param lanes `integer(1)`.
#' Number of lanes used to split the samples into technical replicates
#' suffix (i.e. `_LXXX`).
#' @param pipeline `character(1)`.
#' Analysis pipeline:
#' - `"none"`: Simple mode, requiring only "sampleId" column.
#' - `"bcbio"`: bcbio mode. See section here in documentation for details.
#' - `"cellranger"`: Cell Ranger mode. Currently requires "directory" column.
#' Used by Chromium R package.
#' @param autopadZeros `logical(1)`.
#' Autopad zeros in sample identifiers, for improved sorting.
#' Currently supported only for non-multiplexed samples.
#' For example: `sample_1`, `sample_2`, ... `sample_10` becomes
#' `sample_01`, `sample_02`, ... `sample10`.
#' @param ... Passthrough arguments to `import` method.
#' For example, supports `sheet` argument for Microsoft Excel files.
#' @return `DFrame`.
#' @examples
#' ## Demultiplexed ====
#' file <- file.path(
#' AcidExperimentTestsUrl,
#' "bcbio-metadata-demultiplexed.csv"
#' )
#' x <- importSampleData(file, pipeline = "bcbio")
#' print(x)
#' ## Multiplexed ====
#' file <- file.path(
#' AcidExperimentTestsUrl,
#' "bcbio-metadata-multiplexed-indrops.csv"
#' )
#' x <- importSampleData(file, pipeline = "bcbio")
#' print(x)
importSampleData <-
lanes = 0L,
pipeline = c("none", "bcbio", "cellranger"),
autopadZeros = FALSE,
...) {
## Coerce `detectLanes()` empty integer return to 0.
if (!hasLength(lanes)) {
lanes <- 0L
isAFile(file) || isAUrl(file),
lanes <- as.integer(lanes)
pipeline <- match.arg(pipeline)
requiredCols <- switch(
EXPR = pipeline,
"none" = "sampleId",
"bcbio" = "description",
"cellranger" = "directory"
## Convert lanes to a sequence, if necessary.
if (hasLength(lanes, n = 1L) && isTRUE(lanes > 1L)) {
lanes <- seq_len(lanes)
## Import --------------------------------------------------------------
data <- import(con = file, ...)
data <- as(data, "DFrame")
colnames(data) <- camelCase(colnames(data), strict = TRUE)
data <- removeNa(data)
## Manual "sampleId" column not allowed for bcbio or Cell Ranger input.
if (isSubset(pipeline, c("bcbio", "cellranger"))) {
assert(areDisjointSets("sampleId", colnames(data)))
EXPR = pipeline,
"none" = {
idCol <- "sampleId"
"bcbio" = {
## Look for bcbio "samplename" column and rename to "fileName".
if (isSubset("samplename", colnames(data))) {
alertWarning("Renaming 'samplename' column to 'fileName'.")
assert(areDisjointSets(x = "fileName", y = colnames(data)))
colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "samplename"] <- "fileName"
idCol <- "description"
"cellranger" = {
## Consider renaming this to `sampleId`, for consistency.
idCol <- "directory"
## Check that input passes denylist, and has all required columns.
.isSampleData(object = data, requiredCols = requiredCols),
isString(idCol), isSubset(idCol, colnames(data))
## Valid rows must contain a non-empty sample identifier.
data <- data[!is.na(data[[idCol]]), , drop = FALSE]
## Determine whether the samples are multiplexed.
if (
isSubset(c("index", "sequence"), colnames(data)) &&
(hasDuplicates(data[[idCol]]) || identical(nrow(data), 1L))
) {
multiplexed <- TRUE
alertInfo("Multiplexed samples detected.")
requiredCols <- c(requiredCols, "sampleName", "index")
## Note that sample ID column is now expected to have duplicates.
isSubset(requiredCols, colnames(data)),
} else if (hasNoDuplicates(data[[idCol]])) {
multiplexed <- FALSE
## Note that `sampleName` column isn't required for demultiplexed
## samples. We can assign from bcbio `description` automatically.
if (!"sampleName" %in% colnames(data)) {
data[["sampleName"]] <- data[[idCol]]
## Requiring syntactically valid names on direct "sampleId" input.
## Sanitize sample IDs into snake case, if necessary.
if (
identical(idCol, "sampleId") &&
) {
fmt = paste0(
"Sanitizing sample identifiers defined in ",
"{.var %s} column into snake case."
data[[idCol]] <- snakeCase(data[[idCol]])
## Autopad zeros in sample IDs to improve sorting.
if (isTRUE(autopadZeros)) {
data[[idCol]] <- autopadZeros(data[[idCol]])
} else {
fmt = paste(
"Sample data input file is malformed.",
"Refer to {.fun %s} for formatting requirements.",
sep = "\n"
## Multiplexed samples -------------------------------------------------
## This step applies to handling single-cell metadata.
## - bcbio subdirs (e.g. inDrops): `description`-`revcomp`.
## - Note that forward `sequence` is required in metadata file.
## - Index number is also required here for data preservation, but is
## not used in generation of the sample directory names.
## - Require at least 6 nucleotides in the index sequence.
## - inDrops currently uses 8 but SureCell uses 6.
if (identical(pipeline, "bcbio") && isTRUE(multiplexed)) {
isSubset(c("index", "sequence"), colnames(data))
sequence <- data[["sequence"]]
assert(allAreMatchingRegex(sequence, pattern = "^[ACGT]{6,}"))
data[["revcomp"]] <- vapply(
X = sequence,
FUN = function(x) {
x <- as(x, "character")
x <- as(x, "DNAStringSet")
x <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(x)
x <- as(x, "character")
FUN.VALUE = character(1L),
## Match the sample directories exactly here, using the hyphen.
data[[idCol]] <- paste(data[[idCol]], data[["revcomp"]], sep = "-")
## Lane-split replicates -----------------------------------------------
## Prepare metadata for lane split replicates. This step will expand
## rows into the number of desired replicates (e.g. "L001").
## `lapply()` approach here inspired by `mefa::rep.data.frame()`.
if (isTRUE(length(lanes) > 1L)) {
split <- split(data, f = data[[idCol]])
split <- SplitDataFrameList(lapply(
X = split,
FUN = function(x) {
x <- rep(x, times = length(lanes))
x[["lane"]] <- paste0(
x = as.character(lanes),
width = 3L,
side = "left",
pad = "0"
data <- unsplit(split, f = unlist(split[, idCol]))
pasteLanes <- function(nameCol, laneCol) {
makeNames(paste(nameCol, laneCol, sep = "_"), unique = FALSE)
nameCols <- c(idCol, "sampleName")
data <- mutateAt(
object = data,
vars = nameCols,
fun = pasteLanes,
laneCol = data[["lane"]]
## Fix the lane-split bcbio description. This is an uncommon edge
## case, but we're still providing support here.
## Example: `indrops1_AGAGGATA_L001` to `indrops1_L001_AGAGGATA`.
if (identical(pipeline, "bcbio") && isTRUE(multiplexed)) {
match <- strMatch(
x = data[["description"]],
pattern = "^(.+)_([ACGT]{8})_(.+)$"
data[["description"]] <- apply(
X = match,
FUN = function(x) {
paste0(x[[2L]], "_", x[[4L]], "_", x[[3L]])
## Return.
rownames(data) <- makeNames(data[[idCol]], unique = TRUE)
## Sample metadata assert check for goalie engine.
## Updated 2023-10-03.
.isSampleData <- function(object, requiredCols = "sampleName") {
ok <- isAny(object, c("data.frame", "DFrame"))
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
ok <- hasRows(object)
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
## Check for denylist columns.
intersect <- intersect(colnames(object), metadataDenylist)
ok <- !hasLength(intersect)
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
fmt = paste0(
"Denylist columns detected: %s.\n",
"Refer to {.fun %s} for formatting requirements."
toString(intersect, width = 100L),
## Check for required columns (e.g. description).
ok <- isSubset(requiredCols, colnames(object))
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
setdiff <- setdiff(requiredCols, colnames(object))
fmt = paste0(
"Required columns missing: %s.\n",
"Refer to {.fun %s} for formatting requirements."
toString(setdiff, width = 100L),
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