## NOTE Is there a way to hide "Intersection size" text in the plot?
#' @name plotUpset
#' @inherit AcidGenerics::plotUpset
#' @note Updated 2022-04-05.
#' @details
#' S4 wrapper for `ComplexUpset::upset()` with improved default aesthetics.
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param minSize,maxSize Non-negative `integer(1)` or `Inf`.
#' Minimal/maximal number of observations in an intersection for it to be
#' included. Defaults to all observations. Note that `maxSize` must be
#' greater than `minSize`.
#' @param nIntersections `integer(1)` or `Inf`.
#' Maximum number of intersections to plot.
#' Set `Inf` to plot all intersections.
#' @param orderBySize `logical`.
#' Whether to order main bar plot and/or intersection matrix by set size.
#' - `"intersection"`: refers to main intersection bar plot.
#' - `"sets"`: refers to set intersection matrix, shown as connected dots.
#' When `TRUE`, orders by the set size (see plot to the left).
#' Can pass in `TRUE`/`FALSE` boolean flag and both `"intersection"` and
#' `"sets"` settings will inherit.
#' @seealso
#' - `intersectionMatrix()`.
#' - `ComplexUpset::upset()`.
#' - `ComplexUpset::upset_themes`.
#' - UpSetR package (legacy approach).
#' @examples
#' ## list ====
#' list <- list(
#' "aaa" = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"),
#' "bbb" = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"),
#' "ccc" = c("c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"),
#' "ddd" = c("d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i")
#' )
#' print(list)
#' plotUpset(list)
#' ## matrix ====
#' mat <- AcidBase::intersectionMatrix(list)
#' print(mat)
#' plotUpset(mat)
## Updated 2022-05-24.
`plotUpset,list` <- # nolint
function(object, ...) {
object <- intersectionMatrix(object)
plotUpset(object, ...)
## Updated 2022-04-05.
`plotUpset,matrix` <- # nolint
minSize = 0L,
maxSize = Inf,
nIntersections = 40L,
orderBySize = c(
"intersections" = TRUE,
"sets" = TRUE
labels = list(
"title" = NULL,
"subtitle" = NULL
)) {
whatPkg <- "ComplexUpset"
whatFun <- "upset"
if (is.logical(object)) {
mode(object) <- "integer"
if (isFlag(orderBySize)) {
orderBySize <- c(
"intersections" = orderBySize,
"sets" = orderBySize
all(object %in% c(0L, 1L)),
allAreNonNegative(c(minSize, maxSize)),
isTRUE(maxSize > minSize),
isInt(nIntersections) || is.infinite(nIntersections),
x = names(orderBySize),
y = names(eval(formals()[["orderBySize"]]))
if (!is.finite(nIntersections)) {
nIntersections <- NULL
args <- list(
"data" = as.data.frame(object),
"base_annotations" = list(
"Intersection size" =
counts = FALSE,
color = NA,
fill = "black"
"intersect" = colnames(object),
"max_size" = maxSize,
"min_size" = minSize,
## This will define label shown below the intersection matrix.
"name" = NULL,
## The exact number of the intersections to be displayed;
## "n" largest intersections that meet criteria will be shown.
"n_intersections" = nIntersections,
"set_sizes" = ComplexUpset::upset_set_size(
geom = geom_bar(
width = 0.6,
color = NA,
fill = "black"
## Whether to sort the columns in the intersection matrix.
"sort_intersections" = ifelse(
test = orderBySize[["intersections"]],
yes = "descending",
no = FALSE
## Whether to sort the rows in the intersection matrix.
"sort_sets" = ifelse(
test = orderBySize[["sets"]],
yes = "descending",
no = FALSE
what <- get(x = whatFun, envir = asNamespace(whatPkg), inherits = FALSE)
p <- do.call(what = what, args = args)
p <- p + do.call(what = labs, args = labels)
## Updated 2021-09-08.
`plotUpset,data.frame` <- # nolint
function(object, ...) {
keep <- bapply(
X = object,
FUN = function(x) {
all(x %in% c(0L, 1L))
msg = "Data frame does not contain any columns with 0, 1 values."
mat <- as.matrix(object[, keep, drop = FALSE])
mode(mat) <- "integer"
plotUpset(mat, ...)
## Updated 2023-04-27.
`plotUpset,DFrame` <- # nolint
#' @rdname plotUpset
#' @export
f = "plotUpset",
signature = signature(object = "DFrame"),
definition = `plotUpset,DFrame`
#' @rdname plotUpset
#' @export
f = "plotUpset",
signature = signature(object = "data.frame"),
definition = `plotUpset,data.frame`
#' @rdname plotUpset
#' @export
f = "plotUpset",
signature = signature(object = "list"),
definition = `plotUpset,list`
#' @rdname plotUpset
#' @export
f = "plotUpset",
signature = signature(object = "matrix"),
definition = `plotUpset,matrix`
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