## Metadata modification =======================================================
#' Apply broad class definitions
#' This function is intended to work rowwise on the GRanges mcols.
#' @section Mitochondrial genes:
#' Mitochondrial gene matching depends on the genome.
#' This is important in particular for single-cell RNA-seq.
#' - *H. sapiens*: "MT-" gene name.
#' - *M. musculus*: "mt-" gene name.
#' - *D. melanogaster*: "mt:" gene name.
#' - *C. elegans*: Can't match by gene name. Match by "MtDNA" chromosome.
#' Alternatively, can match using "MTCE" sequence name (parent clone).
#' https://www.wormbase.org/species/c_elegans/clone/MTCE
#' Note that this might not be perfect for other genomes, so consider
#' atttempting to improve support here in a future update.
#' @section Ensembl biotypes:
#' See [biotypes guide][] for details.
#' LRG: Locus Reference Genomic sequence.
#' Refer to the [LRG website](https://www.lrg-sequence.org/) for details.
#' TEC (To be Experimentally Confirmed): Regions with EST clusters that have
#' polyA features that could indicate the presence of protein coding genes.
#' These require experimental validation, either by 5' RACE or RT-PCR to extend
#' the transcripts, or by confirming expression of the putatively-encoded
#' peptide with specific antibodies.
#' [biotypes guide]: https://m.ensembl.org/info/genome/genebuild/biotypes.html
#' @seealso Can use `dplyr::case_when()` instead, which allows for a rowwise
#' vectorized if/else call stack.
#' @note Can return `NA_character_` here instead. Keeping this as "other", to
#' main consistency with previous data sets. Also note that `NA` can behave
#' inconsistently in plotting engines.
#' @note Updated 2021-05-18.
#' @author Rory Kirchner, Michael Steinbaugh
#' @noRd
#' @param x `list`.
#' List returned via apply call using `MARGIN = 1`.
#' @return `character(1)`.
.applyBroadClass <- function(x) {
if (
pattern = "^MT",
x = x[["chromosome"]],
ignore.case = TRUE
)) ||
pattern = "^mt[\\:\\-]",
x = x[["geneName"]],
ignore.case = TRUE
) {
} else if (identical(
x = x[["biotype"]],
y = "protein_coding"
)) {
} else if (
x[["biotype"]] %in% c(
) {
} else if (
pattern = "pseudo",
x = x[["biotype"]],
ignore.case = TRUE
) {
} else if (
x[["biotype"]] %in% c(
) {
} else if (
x[["biotype"]] %in% c(
) {
} else if (
pattern = "^ig_",
x = x[["biotype"]],
ignore.case = TRUE
) {
## Immunoglobulin.
} else if (
pattern = "^tr_",
x = x[["biotype"]],
ignore.case = TRUE
) {
## T cell receptor.
} else {
#' Add broad class annotations
#' @note Updated 2023-04-26.
#' @noRd
.addBroadClass <- function(object) {
is(object, "GRanges"),
x = names(mcols(object)),
y = camelCase(names(mcols(object)), strict = TRUE)
!isSubset("broadClass", names(mcols(object))),
x = names(mcols(object)),
pattern = "^transcript"
df <- as.data.frame(object)
## Biotypes. Prioritizing gene over transcript biotype, if defined. This
## only applies for transcript-level GRanges.
if ("geneBiotype" %in% names(df)) {
biotypeCol <- "geneBiotype"
biotypeData <- df[[biotypeCol]]
} else if ("txBiotype" %in% names(df)) {
biotypeCol <- "txBiotype"
biotypeData <- df[[biotypeCol]]
} else {
biotypeCol <- NULL
biotypeData <- NA_character_
## Gene names.
if ("geneName" %in% names(df)) {
geneNameCol <- "geneName"
geneNameData <- df[[geneNameCol]]
} else {
geneNameCol <- NULL
geneNameData <- NA_character_
## Seqnames. This refers to the chromosome name. Note that data frame
## coercion will define `seqnames` column from the GRanges (see above).
if ("seqnames" %in% names(df)) {
seqnamesCol <- "seqnames"
seqnamesData <- df[[seqnamesCol]]
} else {
seqnamesCol <- NULL
seqnamesData <- NA_character_
## Apply broad class. Note that this method doesn't seem to work right with
## DFrame class.
df <- data.frame(
"biotype" = biotypeData,
"chromosome" = seqnamesData,
"geneName" = geneNameData,
row.names = names(object),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
x <- apply(X = df, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = .applyBroadClass)
x <- as.factor(x)
if (all(x == "other")) {
"Returning without {.var %s} in {.var %s}.",
"broadClass", "mcols"
mcols(object)[["broadClass"]] <- Rle(x)
## Identifier versions =========================================================
#' Include identifier version in primary identifier
#' @note Updated 2021-01-30.
#' @noRd
.includeVersion <-
quiet = TRUE) {
is(object, "GRanges"),
## Early return for genomes without identifier versions (e.g. FlyBase).
if (!isSubset(
x = c(idCol, idVersionCol),
y = names(mcols(object))
)) {
assert(areDisjointSets(idNoVersionCol, names(mcols(object))))
if (isFALSE(quiet)) {
"Including version in {.var %s} from {.var %s}.",
idCol, idVersionCol
"Unversioned identifiers are in {.var %s}.",
id <- mcols(object)[[idVersionCol]]
mcols(object)[[idNoVersionCol]] <- mcols(object)[[idCol]]
mcols(object)[[idCol]] <- id
#' Include the gene identifier version
#' Append the gene version to the identifier (e.g. ENSG00000000003.15).
#' @note Updated 2021-01-27.
#' @noRd
.includeGeneVersion <- function(object) {
object = object,
idCol = "geneId",
idVersionCol = "geneIdVersion",
idNoVersionCol = "geneIdNoVersion"
#' Include the transcript identifier version
#' Append the transcript version to the identifier (e.g. ENST00000000233.10).
#' @note Updated 2021-01-27.
#' @noRd
.includeTxVersion <- function(object) {
object = object,
idCol = "txId",
idVersionCol = "txIdVersion",
idNoVersionCol = "txIdNoVersion"
## Standardization =============================================================
#' Apply run-length encoding and minimize `GRanges` mcols
#' @note Updated 2023-03-01.
#' @noRd
#' @details
#' This step sanitizes NA values, applies run-length encoding (to reduce memory
#' overhead), and trims any invalid ranges.
#' This trimming step was added to handle GRanges from Ensembl 102, which won't
#' return valid otherwise from ensembldb.
.encodeMcols <- function(object) {
assert(is(object, "GRanges"))
length <- length(object)
object <- trim(object)
assert(hasLength(object, n = length))
mcols <- mcols(object)
mcolsList <- lapply(
X = mcols,
FUN = function(x) {
if (isS4(x) || is(x, "AsIs") || !is.atomic(x)) {
x <- sanitizeNa(x)
if (all(is.na(x))) {
if (is.factor(x)) {
x <- droplevels(x)
x <- Rle(x)
mcolsList <- Filter(f = Negate(is.null), x = mcolsList)
mcols <- as.DataFrame(mcolsList)
## Ensure nested list columns return classed when possible.
if (is.list(mcols[["ncbiGeneId"]])) {
mcols[["ncbiGeneId"]] <- IntegerList(mcols[["ncbiGeneId"]])
## This step is necessary here until we can fix unwanted coercion with join
## operations due to internal DFrame `merge()` call in AcidPlyr.
if (is.list(mcols[["geneSynonyms"]])) {
mcols[["geneSynonyms"]] <- CharacterList(mcols[["geneSynonyms"]])
mcols(object) <- mcols
#' Match the identifier column in `GRanges` to use for names.
#' @note Updated 2023-04-26.
#' @noRd
.matchGRangesNamesColumn <- function(object) {
is(object, "GRanges"),
level <- match.arg(
arg = metadata(object)[["level"]],
choices = c(
x <- camelCase(names(mcols(object)), strict = TRUE)
table <- switch(
EXPR = level,
"cds" = "cdsId",
"exons" = "exonId",
"genes" = "geneId",
"transcripts" = "txId"
idx <- which(x %in% table)
x <- names(mcols(object))[idx]
#' Standardize the `GRanges` mcols into desired naming conventions
#' @details
#' Always return using camel case, even though GFF/GTF files use snake.
#' Note that this step makes `GRanges` imported via `rtracklayer::import()`
#' incompatible with `GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges()` parser, so be
#' sure to call that function prior to attempting to run this step.
#' @note Updated 2023-04-26.
#' @noRd
.standardizeMcols <- function(object) {
assert(is(object, "GRanges"))
mcols <- mcols(object)
names(mcols) <- camelCase(names(mcols), strict = TRUE)
## Ensure "tx" prefix is used consistently instead of "transcript".
## This convention was changed in v0.2.0 release.
names(mcols) <- gsub(
pattern = "^transcript",
replacement = "tx",
x = names(mcols),
ignore.case = FALSE
## Ensure "Id" is always capitalized at the end.
names(mcols) <-
pattern = "(.+)id$",
replacement = "\\1Id",
x = names(mcols),
ignore.case = FALSE
## Use NCBI instead of Entrez for database name.
if (isSubset("entrezId", names(mcols))) {
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "entrezId"] <- "ncbiGeneId"
## Always prefer use of "geneName" instead of "geneSymbol" or "symbol".
## Note that ensembldb output "symbol" duplicate by default.
if (isSubset(c("geneName", "symbol"), names(mcols))) {
mcols[["symbol"]] <- NULL
} else if (
isSubset("symbol", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("geneName", names(mcols))
) {
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "symbol"] <- "geneName"
} else if (
isSubset("geneSymbol", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("geneName", names(mcols))
) {
## e.g. FlyBase GTF.
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "geneSymbol"] <- "geneName"
## Always prefer use of "txName" instead of "txSymbol".
if (
isSubset("txSymbol", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("txName", names(mcols))
) {
## e.g. FlyBase GTF.
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "txSymbol"] <- "txName"
## Add geneName column if missing.
if (
isSubset("geneId", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("geneName", names(mcols))
) {
mcols[["geneName"]] <- mcols[["geneId"]]
## Add txName column if missing.
if (
isSubset("txId", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("txName", names(mcols))
) {
mcols[["txName"]] <- mcols[["txId"]]
## Always prefer use of "geneBiotype" instead of "geneType" or "biotype".
if (
isSubset("geneType", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("geneBiotype", names(mcols))
) {
## e.g. GENCODE GFF.
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "geneType"] <- "geneBiotype"
} else if (
isSubset("biotype", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("geneBiotype", names(mcols))
) {
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "biotype"] <- "geneBiotype"
if (
isSubset("txType", names(mcols)) &&
!isSubset("txBiotype", names(mcols))
) {
## e.g. GENCODE GFF.
names(mcols)[names(mcols) == "txType"] <- "txBiotype"
mcols(object) <- mcols
## Main generator ==============================================================
#' Make genomic ranges (`GRanges`)
#' This is the main `GRanges` final return generator, used by
#' `makeGRangesFromEnsembl()` and `makeGRangesFromGff()`.
#' @note Updated 2023-12-05.
#' @noRd
.makeGRanges <-
extraMcols) {
is(object, "GRanges"),
level <- match.arg(
arg = metadata(object)[["level"]],
choices = .grangesLevels
provider <- metadata(object)[["provider"]]
object <- .standardizeMcols(object)
if (isFALSE(ignoreVersion)) {
object <- .includeGeneVersion(object)
object <- .includeTxVersion(object)
if (isTRUE(extraMcols)) {
object <- .addBroadClass(object)
if (isSubset(
x = metadata(object)[["provider"]],
y = c("Ensembl", "GENCODE")
)) {
object <- .addEnsemblFtpMcols(
object = object,
ignoreVersion = ignoreVersion
object <- .encodeMcols(object)
idCol <- .matchGRangesNamesColumn(object)
assert(isSubset(idCol, names(mcols(object))))
"Defining names by {.var %s} column in {.fun %s}.",
idCol, "mcols"
## Sort the ranges by genomic location.
object <- sort(object)
## Sort the mcols alphabetically.
mcols(object) <-
mcols(object)[, sort(names(mcols(object))), drop = FALSE]
## Sort the metadata elements alphabetically.
metadata(object) <- append(
x = metadata(object),
values = list(
"date" = Sys.Date(),
"ignoreVersion" = ignoreVersion,
"packageVersion" = .pkgVersion
metadata(object) <- metadata(object)[sort(names(metadata(object)))]
if (identical(provider, "RefSeq")) {
"Splitting {.cls %s} by {.var %s} into {.cls %s}.",
"GRanges", idCol, "GRangesList"
## Metadata gets dropped during `split()` call; stash and reassign.
meta <- metadata(object)
object <- split(x = object, f = as.factor(mcols(object)[[idCol]]))
metadata(object) <- meta
} else {
names <- as.character(mcols(object)[[idCol]])
msg = paste(
"Invalid and/or duplicated identifiers detected.",
"Setting 'ignoreVersion = FALSE' may resolve this."
names(object) <- names
## This check fails for split GRangesList.
msg = "Ranges are not sorted."
## Run final assert checks before returning.
if (isSubset(level, c("genes", "transcripts"))) {
class <- upperCamelCase(
object = tolower(paste(provider, level)),
strict = FALSE
object <- new(Class = class, object)
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