
Defines functions .interaction_from_dataframe .interaction_from_igraph get_interaction_from_database

Documented in get_interaction_from_database

#' Get interaction from database
#' Returns an interaction graph from a vector of nodes (or a list of vectors) 
#' and an interaction database (data.frame or igraph)
#' @param X vector of nodes or list of vectors
#' @param db data.frame (with two columns: from, to) or igraph 
#' @param type character added to node metadata
#' @param user.ego logical, if user.ego == TRUE looks for first degree neighbors
#'        in db and add 'mode' metadata ('core'/'extended')
#' @return a subset graph of db from X list of nodes
#' @examples 
#' X <- letters[1:4]
#' db <- as.data.frame(list(from = sample(letters[1:10], replace = TRUE),
#'                          to = sample(letters[1:10], replace = TRUE)))
#'  sub <- get_interaction_from_database(X, 
#'                                       db)
#'  db.graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(db, 
#'                                            directed=FALSE)
#'  sub <- get_interaction_from_database(X, 
#'                                       db)
#' @importFrom purrr is_empty map reduce
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph set_vertex_attr adjacent_vertices
#' @export
get_interaction_from_database <- function(X, 
                                          db = NULL, 
                                          type = "db", 
                                          user.ego = FALSE) {
    # check X
    if (is(X, "list")) {
        X <- lapply(X, function(x) check_vector_char(x))
        if (is.null(names(X))) {
            names(X) <- seq_along(X)
    } else {
        X <- check_vector_char(X)
    # check db
    db <- check_db(db, var.name = "'db' ")
    # check type
    type <- check_vector_char(type, X.length = 1, default = "db")
    # check user.ego
    user.ego <- return_true_false(user.ego, default = FALSE)
    if (is.null(X)) {
        message("X is NULL, returning an empty graph")
        db.subgraph <- igraph::make_empty_graph(directed = FALSE)
        class(db.subgraph) <- c("interaction.igraph", "igraph")
    } else if (is(X, "list")) {
        # filter db from X
        db.subgraph.list <- list()
        if (is(db, "igraph")) {
            db.subgraph.list <- lapply(X, function(i){
                .interaction_from_igraph(X = i,
                                         db = db, 
                                         ego = user.ego, 
                                         type = type)
        } else {
            # db is a data.frame
            db.subgraph.list <- lapply(X, function(i){
                .interaction_from_dataframe(X = i,
                                         db = db, 
                                         ego = user.ego, 
                                         type = type)
        class(db.subgraph.list) <- "list.igraph"
    } else {
        # X is a single vector
        if (is(db, "igraph")) {
            db.subgraph <- .interaction_from_igraph(X = X, 
                                                    db = db, 
                                                    ego = user.ego,
                                                    type = type)
        } else {
            # db is a data.frame
            db.subgraph <- .interaction_from_dataframe(X = X, 
                                                       db = db, 
                                                       ego = user.ego, 
                                                       type = type)

.interaction_from_igraph <- function(X, 
                                     type) {
    node.names <- intersect(X, igraph::V(db)$name)
    if (purrr::is_empty(node.names)) {
        message("no shared elements between X and db, return empty graph")
        db.subgraph <- igraph::make_empty_graph(directed = FALSE)
    } else if (isTRUE(ego)) {
        ego.neighbors <- igraph::adjacent_vertices(graph = db, 
                                                   v = node.names, 
                                                   mode = "all")
        ego.neighbors <- unique(
                purrr::map(ego.neighbors, ~names(.x)),
        ego.neighbors <- setdiff(ego.neighbors, node.names)
        db.subgraph <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph = db, 
                                                vids = c(node.names, 
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               index = node.names, 
                                               value = "core")
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               index = ego.neighbors, 
                                               value = "extended")
    } else {
        # ego = FALSE
        db.subgraph <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph = db, 
                                                vids = c(node.names))
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               index = node.names, 
                                               value = "core")
    # return graph
    db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                           name = "type", 
                                           value = type)
    class(db.subgraph) <- c("interaction.igraph", "igraph")

.interaction_from_dataframe <- function(X, 
                                        type) {
    db <- as.data.frame(db) %>%
        dplyr::select(c("from", "to"))  # checked colnames
    db.all.nodes <- unique(c(db$from, db$to))
    node.names <- intersect(X, db.all.nodes)
    if (purrr::is_empty(node.names)) {
        message("no shared elements between X and db, return empty graph")
        db.subgraph <- igraph::make_empty_graph(directed = FALSE)
    } else if (isTRUE(ego)) {
        ego.db <- db %>%
            dplyr::filter(.$from %in% node.names | .$to %in% node.names)
        # ego.neighbors <- setdiff(db.all.nodes, node.names)
        ego.neighbors <- setdiff(
            unique(c(ego.db$from, ego.db$to)),
        db.subgraph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(ego.db, directed = FALSE)
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               index = node.names, 
                                               value = "core")
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               index = ego.neighbors, 
                                               value = "extended")
    } else {
        # ego = FALSE
        ego.db <- db %>%
            dplyr::filter(.$from %in% node.names & .$to %in% node.names)
        db.subgraph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(ego.db, directed = FALSE)
        db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                               name = "mode", 
                                               value = "core")
    # return graph
    db.subgraph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = db.subgraph, 
                                           name = "type", 
                                           value = type)
    class(db.subgraph) <- c("interaction.igraph", "igraph")
abodein/netOmics documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:25 a.m.