#' Tree height
#' Compute the tree height from an ultrametric tree
#' @param tree an ultrametric tree \code{phylo} object.
#' @return the height of the tree
#' @export
#' @importFrom ape is.ultrametric
#' @examples
#' tree <- ape::rcoal(6)
#' tree_height(tree)
tree_height <- function(tree){
N <- length(tree$tip.label)
e <- which(tree$edge[, 2] == 1)
parent <- tree$edge[e, 1]
sum <- tree$edge.length[e]
while (parent > N+1) {
e <- which(tree$edge[, 2] == parent)
parent <- tree$edge[e, 1]
sum <- sum + tree$edge.length[e]
#' Force a tree to be ultrametric
#' Force a tree to be ultrametric by extending its terminal branches
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return an ultrametric tree
#' @export
#' @importFrom ape vcv Ntip
#' @examples
#' tree_u <- force_ultrametric(alcohol$tree)
#' ape::is.ultrametric(tree_u)
force_ultrametric <- function(tree) {
h <- diag(vcv(tree))
d <- max(h) - h
ii <- vapply(1:Ntip(tree),
FUN = function(x, y) {which(y == x)},
FUN.VALUE = integer(1),
y = tree$edge[, 2])
tree$edge.length[ii] <- tree$edge.length[ii] + d
#' Fitch parsimony score
#' @param phy tree
#' @param states named state vector (typically the estimated z-scores)
#' @return Fitch parsimony score
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nwk <- "(((t4:8,(t6:5,t5:5):3):66,t2:74):40,(t7:39,(t1:10,t3:10):29):75);"
#' tree <- ape::read.tree(text = nwk)
#' states <- c(t1 = "A", t2 = "B", t3 = "A", t4 = "C",
#' t5 = "C", t6 = "C", t7 = "A")
#' fitch(tree, states) ## 2
fitch <- function(phy, states) {
## Check state vector
if (is.null(names(states))) {
warning("State vector is unnamed, assuming same order as tip labels")
names(states) <- phy$tip.label
## Reorder tree for up-recursion and state vector to match tip_label order
phy <- reorder(phy, order = "postorder")
states <- states[phy$tip.label]
## Use integer coding for states for faster subsets
## \code{states[tip]} is the integer coding of the state of \code{tip}
states <- as.integer(factor(states))
## Bookkeeping variables
n_leaves <- length(phy$tip.label)
n_nodes <- phy$Nnode + n_leaves
n_states <- length(unique(states))
costs <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_nodes)
## Local functions
init_cost <- function(node) {
## Initialize costs at 0 for internal nodes
if (node > n_leaves) {
cost <- rep(0, n_states)
} else {
## Initialize costs at +Inf/0 for leaves according to leaf states
cost <- rep(Inf, n_states)
cost[states[node]] <- 0
costs[[node]] <<- cost
exists_cost <- function(node) { !is.null(costs[[node]]) }
update_cost <- function(parent, child) {
if (!exists_cost(parent)) init_cost(parent)
if (!exists_cost(child)) init_cost(child)
costs[[parent]] <<- costs[[parent]] + pmin(
costs[[child]], ## parent in same state as child
min(costs[[child]]) + 1 ## parent in different state
## remove child costs
costs[[child]] <<- numeric(0)
## Recursion
for (edge in seq_len(nrow(phy$edge))) {
update_cost(parent = phy$edge[edge, 1], child = phy$edge[edge, 2])
## Compute fitch scores (min of root score)
return(min(costs[[n_leaves + 1]]))
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