#' @title moduleInfo
#' @description The moduleInfo class is the S4 class for module.
#' @slot name Peak name.
#' @slot mz Peak m/z.
#' @slot ms2 MS/MS spectrum of peak.
#' @slot annotation Annotation information of peak. It is a list contains
#' different annotation result.
#' @name peakInfo-Class
#' @exportClass peakInfo
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' @export
representation(Module.name = "character",
Module.size = "numeric",
Module.impact = "numeric",
p.value = "numeric",
Detected.number = "numeric",
Hidden.number = "numeric",
All.metabolite.id = "character",
Detected.ID = "character",
Hidden.ID = "character",
All.metabolite.name = "character",
Detected.metabolite.name = "character",
Hidden.metabolite.name = "character",
msea = "data.frame")
# prototype(Module.name = "module1",
# Module.size = 46,
# Module.impact = 0.6470588,
# p.value = 0.00158,
# Detected.number = 27,
# Hidden.number = 19,
# All.metabolite.id = c("C00031","C00185","C00092","C00095","C00103",
# "C00198","C00207","C00208","C00221","C00243","C00252","C00561",
# "C00267","C00345", "C00530", "C01172","C00689","C00844","C01113",
# "C01594","C02013","C05394","C06217","C01083","C16143","C02659",
# "C03107","C02655", "C01236","C02995","C04534","C02048","C01093",
# "C06219","C02964","C05403","C08325","C05396","C01870","C06218",
# "C06187","C13636", "C15548","C16827","C01518","C06468"),
# Detected.ID = c("C00031","C00185","C00095","C00198","C00208"
# "C00221","C00243","C00252","C00267","C01594","C02013","C05394"
# "C06217","C01083","C16143","C03107","C02655","C02048","C01093"
# "C06219","C02964","C05403","C08325","C01870","C15548","C01518",
# "C06468"),
# Hidden.ID = c("C00092","C00103","C00207","C00561","C00345","C00530"
# "C01172","C00689","C00844","C01113","C02659","C01236","C02995",
# "C04534","C05396","C06218","C06187","C13636","C16827"),
# All.metabolite.name = "character",
# Detected.metabolite.name = "character",
# Hidden.metabolite.name = "character",
# msea= list()
# )
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "moduleInfo",
definition = function(object) {
cat("Module name:", object@Module.name, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Module size:", object@Module.size, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Module impact:", object@Module.impact, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Module p value:", object@p.value, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Detected metabolite number:", object@Detected.number, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("Hidden metabolite number:", object@Hidden.number, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("All metabolite:",
"...\n", sep = " ")
cat("Detected metabolite:",
"...\n", sep = " ")
cat("Hidden metabolite:",
"...\n", sep = " ")
if(nrow(object@msea) == 0){
cat("No pathway are enriched.")
cat("Metabolite sets enrichment result\n")
#' @title moduleplot
#' @description Barplot of pathway enrichment result.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param object moduleInfo object.
#' @param cex.label The font size of label.
#' @param mar margin size.
#' @param n The number of pathway.
#' @param main Main of plot.
#' @param show p.value or voerlap.
#' @param ... see ?barplot
#' @export
name = "moduleplot",
def = function(object,
cex.label = 1,
show = c("p", "overlap"),
...) {
msea <- object@msea
module.name <- object@Module.name
if(nrow(msea) == 0) {
par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
plot(0, 0, col = "white", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", main = module.name, cex.main = 1.5)
text(x = 0, y = 0, labels = 'No pathways are enriched.',
cex = 1.5)
show <- match.arg(show)
module.name <- object@Module.name
overlap <- msea$Overlap/msea$Pathway.length
msea$Overlap <- overlap
"p" = {msea <- msea[order(msea$q.value),]},
"overlap" = {msea <- msea[order(msea$Overlap, decreasing = TRUE),]})
if(nrow(msea) == 0) {
par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
plot(0, 0, col = "white", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", main = module.name, cex.main = 1.5)
text(x = 0, y = 0, labels = 'No pathways are enriched.',
cex = 1.5)
if(missing(n)) {
msea <- msea
# msea <- msea[order(msea$p.value),]
msea <- msea[1:n,]
msea <- msea[!is.na(msea[,1]),]
if(show == "p"){
msea <- msea[order(msea$q.value, decreasing = TRUE),]
pathway.name <- rownames(msea)
pathway.name <- unname(unlist(sapply(pathway.name, function(x){
strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
q.value <- msea$q.value
q.value <- -log(q.value, 10)
# overlap <- msea$Overlap
max.len <- max(nchar(pathway.name))
left.margin <- max.len * cex.label / 2.4
if(missing(mar)) {
par(mar = c(5,left.margin,4,2))
par(mar = mar)
color <- NULL
color[which(q.value >= 1.3)] <- "salmon"
color[which(q.value < 1.3)] <- "black"
temp <- barplot(q.value, horiz = TRUE, border = NA,
main = ifelse(missing(main), module.name, main),
col = color, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1,
xlab = "-log10P-value(adjusted)", cex.main = 1.5, ...)
idx1 <- which(q.value >= 1.3)
idx2 <- which(q.value < 1.3)
axis(side = 2, at = temp[idx1], labels = pathway.name[idx1],
las = 2, cex.axis = cex.label,
col.axis = "firebrick", tick = FALSE)
axis(side = 2, at = temp[idx2], labels = pathway.name[idx2],
las = 2, cex.axis = cex.label,
col.axis = "black", tick = FALSE)
msea <- msea[order(msea$Overlap, decreasing = FALSE),]
pathway.name <- rownames(msea)
pathway.name <- unname(unlist(sapply(pathway.name, function(x){
strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
overlap <- msea$Overlap
max.len <- max(nchar(pathway.name))
left.margin <- max.len * cex.label / 2.4
if(missing(mar)) {
par(mar = c(5,left.margin,4,2))
par(mar = mar)
color <- NULL
color[which(overlap >= 0.1)] <- "salmon"
color[which(overlap < 0.1)] <- "black"
temp <- barplot(overlap*100, horiz = TRUE, border = NA,
main = ifelse(missing(main), module.name, main),
col = color, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1,
xlab = "Overlap (%)", cex.main = 1.5, ...)
idx1 <- which(overlap >= 0.1)
idx2 <- which(overlap < 0.1)
axis(side = 2, at = temp[idx1], labels = pathway.name[idx1],
las = 2, cex.axis = cex.label,
col.axis = "firebrick", tick = FALSE)
axis(side = 2, at = temp[idx2], labels = pathway.name[idx2],
las = 2, cex.axis = cex.label,
col.axis = "black", tick = FALSE)
# abline(v = 1.3, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 1.5)
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