
Defines functions read.trans_beast read.treetext_beast remove_quote_in_tree_label BEAST read.beast.newick read.beast

Documented in read.beast read.beast.newick

##' read beast/mrbayes/mega Nexus output
##' @rdname beast-parser
##' @title read.beast
##' @param file beast file
##' @param threads number of threads for multithreading (default: 1)
##' @param verbose set TRUE to log progress (default: FALSE)
##' @return treedata object
##' @importFrom ape read.nexus
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{https://guangchuangyu.github.io}
##' @examples
##' file <- system.file("extdata/BEAST", "beast_mcc.tree", package="treeio")
##' read.beast(file)
read.beast <- function(file, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
    text <- readLines(file)

    treetext <- read.treetext_beast(text)
    stats <- read.stats_beast(text, treetext, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
    phylo <- read.nexus(file)

    if (length(treetext) == 1) {
        obj <- BEAST(file, treetext, stats, phylo)
    } else {
        obj <- lapply(seq_along(treetext), function(i) {
            BEAST(file, treetext[i], stats[[i]], phylo[[i]])
        names(obj) <- names(phylo)
        class(obj) <- "treedataList"

##' @rdname beast-parser
##' @export
##' @examples
##' file <- system.file("extdata/MrBayes", "Gq_nxs.tre", package="treeio")
##' read.mrbayes(file)
read.mrbayes <- read.beast

##' read beast/mrbayes/mega newick file format
##' @rdname beast-parser
##' @title read.beast.newick
##' @param file newick file
##' @param threads number of threads for multithreading (default: 1)
##' @param verbose set TRUE to log progress (default: FALSE)
##' @return treedata object
##' @importFrom ape read.tree
##' @export
##' @author Bradley R Jones
##' @examples
##' tr <- read.beast.newick(
##'         textConnection(
##'           '(a[&rate=1]:2,(b[&rate=1.1]:1,c[&rate=0.9]:1)[&rate=1]:1);'
##'         )
##' )
read.beast.newick <- function(file, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
    text <- readLines(file)
    treetext <- text
    phylo <- read.tree(textConnection(treetext))

    is_translated <- any(grepl("TRANSLATE", text, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl()))

    stats <- if (length(treetext) == 1){
        read.stats_beast_internal(treetext, is_translated)
    } else {
        if (threads == 1) {
            myapply <- lapply
        } else {
            myapply <- function(...) mclapply(..., mc.cores = threads)

        myapply(treetext, read.stats_beast_internal, is_translated=is_translated, verbose = verbose)

    if (length(treetext) == 1) {
        obj <- BEAST(file, treetext, stats, phylo)
    } else {
        obj <- lapply(seq_along(treetext), function(i) {
            BEAST(file, treetext[i], stats[[i]], phylo[[i]])
        class(obj) <- "treedataList"

#' @importFrom yulab.utils use_perl
BEAST <- function(file, treetext, stats, phylo) {
    stats$node <- gsub("\"*'*", "", stats$node, perl = use_perl())

    phylo <- remove_quote_in_tree_label(phylo)

    obj <- new("treedata",
               ## fields      = fields,
               treetext    = treetext,
               phylo       = phylo,
               data        = stats,
               file        = filename(file)


remove_quote_in_tree_label <- function(phylo) {
    if (!is.null(phylo$node.label)) {
        phylo$node.label <- gsub("\"*'*", "", phylo$node.label, perl = use_perl())
    if ( !is.null(phylo$tip.label)) {
        phylo$tip.label <- gsub("\"*'*", "", phylo$tip.label, perl = use_perl())

read.treetext_beast <- function(beast) {
    ii <- grep("begin trees;", beast, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl())
    jj <- grep("end;", beast, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl())
    jj <- jj[jj > max(ii)][1]
    jj <- c(ii[-1], jj)

    trees <- lapply(seq_along(ii), function(i) {
        tree <- beast[(ii[i]+1):(jj[i]-1)]
        tree <- tree[grep("^\\s*tree", tree, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl())]
        sub("[^(]*", "", tree)
    }) %>% unlist


read.trans_beast <- function(beast) {
    i <- grep("TRANSLATE", beast, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl())
    if (length(i) == 0) {
    end <- grep(";", beast, fixed = TRUE)
    j <- end[which(end > i)[1]]
    trans <- beast[(i+1):j] %>%
        gsub("^\\s+", "", ., perl = use_perl()) %>%
        gsub(",|;", "", ., perl = use_perl())
    trans <- trans[nzchar(trans)]
    ## remove quote if strings were quoted
    trans <- gsub("'|\"", "", trans, perl = use_perl())
    trans <- strsplit(trans, split="\\s+") %>%
        do.call(rbind, .)
    ## trans is a matrix

##' @importFrom parallel mclapply
read.stats_beast <- function(beast, trees, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
    is_translated <- any(grepl("TRANSLATE", beast, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = use_perl()))

    if (length(trees) == 1) {
        return(read.stats_beast_internal(trees, is_translated))
    if (threads == 1) {
        myapply <- lapply
    } else {
        myapply <- function(...) mclapply(..., mc.cores = threads)

    res <- myapply(seq_along(trees), read.stats_beast_internal, text=trees, is_translated = is_translated, verbose=verbose, ntrees=length(trees))
    if (verbose) {

read.stats_beast_internal <- function(text, is_translated, index = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ntrees = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(index)) {
        text = text[[index]]

    phylo <- read.tree(text = text)
    tree2 <- add_pseudo_nodelabel(phylo, is_translated)

    ## node name corresponding to stats
    nn <- strsplit(tree2, split="[,\\)]", perl = use_perl()) %>% unlist %>%
        gsub("\\(*", "", ., perl = use_perl()) %>%
        gsub("[:;].*", "", ., perl = use_perl()) %>%
        gsub("[ '\"]", "", ., perl = use_perl())

    phylo <- read.tree(text = tree2)
    root <- rootnode(phylo)
    nnode <- phylo$Nnode

    tree_label <- c(phylo$tip.label, phylo$node.label)
    ii <- match(nn, tree_label)

    if (is_translated == TRUE) {
        label2 <- c(phylo$tip.label, root:getNodeNum(phylo))
    } else {
        label2 <- as.character(1:getNodeNum(phylo))
    node <- label2[match(nn, tree_label)]

    ## BEAST1 edge stat fix
   	text <- gsub("\\]:\\[&(.+?\\])", ",\\1:", text, perl = use_perl())
    text <- gsub(":(\\[.+?\\])", "\\1:", text, perl = use_perl())

    if (grepl("\\:[0-9\\.eEL+\\-]*\\[", text, perl = use_perl()) || grepl("\\]\\[", text, perl = use_perl())){
        pattern <- "(\\w+)?(:[\\+\\-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*[Ee]?[\\+\\-]?\\L*\\d*)?(\\[&.*?\\])"
        text <- gsub(pattern, "\\1\\3\\2", text)  # not PCRE compatible

    stats <- strsplit(text, ":") %>% unlist
    names(stats) <- node

    stats <- stats[grep("\\[", stats, perl = use_perl())]
    stats <- sub("[^\\[]*\\[", "", stats, perl = use_perl())

    stats <- sub("^&", "", stats, perl = use_perl())
    # this is for MrBayes output
    stats <- sub("\\]\\[&", ",", stats, perl = use_perl())
    stats <- sub("];*$", "", stats, perl = use_perl())
    stats <- gsub("\"", "", stats, perl = use_perl())

    stats2 <- lapply(seq_along(stats), function(i) {
        x <- stats[[i]]
        y <- unlist(strsplit(x, ","))
        # the stats information does not has always {}
        sidx1 <- grep("=", y, fixed = TRUE)
        eidx1 <- sidx1 - 1
        eidx1 <- c(eidx1[-1], length(y))
        # for better parsing [&mutation="test",name="A"] single value to key.
        sidx <- sidx1[!(sidx1==eidx1)]
        eidx <- eidx1[!(sidx1==eidx1)]

        flag <- FALSE
        if (length(sidx) > 0) {
            flag <- TRUE
            SETS <- lapply(seq_along(sidx), function(k) {
                p <- y[sidx[k]:eidx[k]]
                gsub(".*=\\{", "", p, perl = use_perl()) %>%
                    gsub("\\}$", "", ., perl = use_perl()) %>%
                    gsub(".*=", "", ., perl = use_perl())
            names(SETS) <- gsub("=.*", "", y[sidx], perl = use_perl())

            kk <- lapply(seq_along(sidx), function(k) {
            }) %>%
            y <- y[-kk]

        if (length(y) == 0)

        name <- gsub("=.*", "", y, perl = use_perl())
        val <- gsub(".*=", "", y, perl = use_perl()) %>%
            gsub("^\\{", "", ., perl = use_perl()) %>%
            gsub("\\}$", "", ., perl = use_perl())

        if (flag) {
            nn <- c(name, names(SETS))
        } else {
            nn <- name

        res <- rep(NA, length(nn))
        names(res) <- nn

        for (i in seq_along(name)) {
            res[i] <- if(is_numeric(val[i])) as.numeric(val[i]) else val[i]
        if (flag) {
            j <- i
            for (i in seq_along(SETS)) {
                if(is_numeric(SETS[[i]])) {
                    res[i+j] <- list(as.numeric(SETS[[i]]))
                } else {
                    res[i+j] <- SETS[i]


    nn <- lapply(stats2, names) %>% unlist %>%
        unique %>% sort

    stats2 <- lapply(stats2, function(x) {
        y <- x[nn]
        names(y) <- nn
        y[vapply(y, is.null, logical(1))] <- NA

    stats3 <- do.call(rbind, stats2)
    stats3 <- as_tibble(stats3)

    cn <- gsub("(\\d+)%", "0.\\1", colnames(stats3), perl = use_perl())
    cn <- gsub("\\(([^\\)]+)\\)", "_\\1", cn, perl = use_perl())

    colnames(stats3) <- cn
    stats3$node <- names(stats)

    if (length(cn) > 0) {
        i <- vapply(stats3,
                    function(x) max(vapply(x, length, numeric(1))),

        for (j in which(i==1)) {
            stats3[,j] <- unlist(stats3[,j])

    stats3$node <- as.integer(stats3$node)

    if (verbose && (index %% 100 == 0)) {
        cat("Completed (", index," / ",  ntrees, ") trees\r", sep = "")


add_pseudo_nodelabel <- function(phylo, translated=FALSE) {
    # When TRANSLATE is TRUE, the tip.label of tree line is
    # the node number of phylo that is parsed via read.nexus, So the
    # tip.label can not be replaced in this condition
    if (translated == TRUE) {
        phylo$node.label <- paste0("N", seq_len(Nnode(phylo)))
    } else {
        # However when TRANSLATE is not provided, the tip.label
        # of tree line is not the node number of phylo that is parsed
        # via read.nexus. Moreover, the node label does not affect
        # the node number of phylo that is parsed via read.nexus.
        # So the tip.label and node.label can be replaced in this condition.
        phylo$tip.label <- paste0("T", seq_len(Ntip(phylo)))
        phylo$node.label <- paste0("N", seq_len(Nnode(phylo)))
    treetext <- write.tree(phylo)
YuLab-SMU/treeio documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 4:17 p.m.