##' @importFrom ape ladderize
##' @importFrom treeio as.phylo
##' @importFrom treeio Nnode
##' @importFrom dplyr full_join
##' @importFrom dplyr mutate
##' @importFrom tidytree as_tibble
##' @method fortify phylo
##' @export
fortify.phylo <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
branch.length = "branch.length",
mrsd = NULL,
as.Date = FALSE,
yscale = "none",
root.position = 0,
...) {
x <- as.phylo(model) ## reorder.phylo(get.tree(model), "postorder")
if (ladderize == TRUE) {
x <- ladderize(x, right=right)
if (! is.null(x$edge.length)) {
if (anyNA(x$edge.length)) {
warning("'edge.length' contains NA values...\n## setting 'edge.length' to NULL automatically when plotting the tree...")
x$edge.length <- NULL
if (layout %in% c("equal_angle", "daylight", "ape")) {
res <- layout.unrooted(model, layout.method = layout, branch.length = branch.length, ...)
} else {
ypos <- getYcoord(x)
N <- Nnode(x, internal.only=FALSE)
if (is.null(x$edge.length) || branch.length == "none") {
if (layout == 'slanted'){
sbp <- .convert_tips2ancestors_sbp(x, include.root = TRUE)
xpos <- getXcoord_no_length_slanted(sbp)
ypos <- getYcoord_no_length_slanted(sbp)
xpos <- getXcoord_no_length(x)
} else {
xpos <- getXcoord(x)
xypos <- tibble::tibble(node=1:N, x=xpos + root.position, y=ypos)
df <- as_tibble(model) %>%
mutate(isTip = ! .data$node %in% .data$parent)
res <- full_join(df, xypos, by = "node")
## add branch mid position
res <- calculate_branch_mid(res, layout=layout)
if (!is.null(mrsd)) {
res <- scaleX_by_time_from_mrsd(res, mrsd, as.Date)
if (layout == "slanted") {
res <- add_angle_slanted(res)
} else {
## angle for all layout, if 'rectangular', user use coord_polar, can still use angle
res <- calculate_angle(res)
res <- scaleY(as.phylo(model), res, yscale, layout, ...)
res <- adjust_hclust_tip.edge.len(res, x, layout, branch.length)
class(res) <- c("tbl_tree", class(res))
attr(res, "layout") <- layout
##' @method fortify multiPhylo
##' @export
fortify.multiPhylo <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
mrsd = NULL, ...) {
df.list <- lapply(model, function(x) fortify(x, layout=layout, ladderize=ladderize, right=right, mrsd=mrsd, ...))
if (is.null(names(model))) {
names(df.list) <- paste0("Tree ", "#", seq_along(model))
} else {
names(df.list) <- names(model)
df <- do.call("rbind", df.list)
df$.id <- rep(names(df.list), times=sapply(df.list, nrow))
df$.id <- factor(df$.id, levels=names(df.list))
attr(df, "layout") <- layout
##' @method fortify treedataList
##' @export
fortify.treedataList <- fortify.multiPhylo
##' @importFrom ggplot2 fortify
##' @method fortify treedata
##' @export
fortify.treedata <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
yscale = "none",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
branch.length = "branch.length",
mrsd = NULL,
as.Date = FALSE, ...) {
model <- set_branch_length(model, branch.length)
fortify.phylo(model, data,
layout = layout,
yscale = yscale,
ladderize = ladderize,
right = right,
branch.length = branch.length,
mrsd = mrsd,
as.Date = as.Date, ...)
##' @method fortify phylo4
##' @importFrom treeio as.phylo
##' @export
fortify.phylo4 <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
yscale = "none",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
mrsd = NULL,
hang = .1,
...) {
if (inherits(model, c("dendrogram", "linkage",
"agnes", "diana", "twins"))) {
model <- stats::as.hclust(model)
if (inherits(model, "hclust")) {
phylo <- .as.phylo.hclust2(model, hang = hang)
} else {
phylo <- as.phylo(model)
df <- fortify.phylo(phylo, data,
layout, ladderize, right, mrsd=mrsd, ...)
scaleY(phylo, df, yscale, layout, ...)
## `ape::as.phylo` (for `hclust`)
##' @method fortify hclust
##' @export
fortify.hclust <- fortify.phylo4
## `phylogram::as.phylo` (for `dendrogram`).
##' @method fortify dendrogram
##' @export
fortify.dendrogram <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify agnes
##' @export
fortify.agnes <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify diana
##' @export
fortify.diana <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify twins
##' @export
fortify.twins <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify phylog
##' @export
fortify.phylog <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify igraph
##' @export
fortify.igraph <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify linkage
##' @export
fortify.linkage <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify dendro
##' @export
fortify.dendro <- fortify.phylo4
##' @method fortify phylo4d
##' @importFrom treeio as.treedata
##' @export
fortify.phylo4d <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
yscale = "none",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
branch.length = "branch.length",
mrsd = NULL,
hang = 0.1,
...) {
model <- as.treedata(model, hang = hang)
df <- fortify(model, data, layout, yscale, ladderize, right, branch.length, mrsd, ...)
return (df)
##' @method fortify pvclust
##' @export
fortify.pvclust <- fortify.phylo4d
##' @method fortify obkData
##' @export
fortify.obkData <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
mrsd = NULL, ...) {
df <- fortify(model@trees[[1]], layout=layout, ladderize=ladderize, right=right, mrsd=mrsd, ...)
meta.df <- model@dna@meta
meta.df <- data.frame(taxa=rownames(meta.df), meta.df)
loc <- model@individuals
loc <- data.frame(individualID=rownames(loc), loc)
meta_loc <- merge(meta.df, loc, by="individualID")
meta_loc <- meta_loc[,-1]
df <- merge(df, meta_loc, by.x="label", by.y="taxa", all.x=TRUE)
df <- df[order(df$node, decreasing = FALSE),]
##' @method fortify phyloseq
##' @export
fortify.phyloseq <- function(model, data,
layout = "rectangular",
ladderize = TRUE,
right = FALSE,
mrsd = NULL, ...) {
df <- fortify(model@phy_tree, layout=layout, ladderize=ladderize, right=right, mrsd=mrsd, ...)
phyloseq <- "phyloseq"
require(phyloseq, character.only=TRUE)
psmelt <- eval(parse(text="psmelt"))
dd <- psmelt(model)
if ('Abundance' %in% colnames(dd)) {
dd <- dd[dd$Abundance > 0, ]
data <- merge(df, dd, by.x="label", by.y="OTU", all.x=TRUE)
spacing <- 0.02
idx <- with(data, sapply(table(node)[unique(node)], function(i) 1:i)) %>% unlist
data$hjust <- spacing * idx * max(data$x)
## data$hjust <- data$x + hjust
data[order(data$node, decreasing = FALSE), ]
## fortify.cophylo <- function(model, data, layout="rectangular",
## ladderize=TRUE, right=FALSE, mrsd = NULL, ...) {
## trees <- model$trees
## df.list <- lapply(trees, function(x) fortify(x, layout=layout, ladderize=ladderize, right=right, mrsd=mrsd, ...))
## df1 <- df.list[[1]]
## df2 <- df.list[[2]]
## df2$x <- max(df2$x) + df2$x * -1 + max(df1$x) * 1.1
## df2$parent <- df2$parent+nrow(df1)
## df <- rbind(df1, df2)
## ggplot(df) + geom_tree()
## }
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