#' link between taxa
#' `geom_taxalink` supports data.frame as input,
#' the `colour`, `linewidth`, `linetype` and `alpha` can be mapped. When the `data` was provided,
#' the `mapping` should be also provided, which `taxa1` and `taxa2` should be mapped created
#' by `aes`, `aes_` or `aes_string`. In addition, the `hratio`, control the height of curve line,
#' when tree layout is `cirular`, default is 1. `ncp`, the number of control points used to draw the
#' curve, more control points creates a smoother curve, default is 1. They also can be mapped to
#' a column of data.
#' @param data data.frame, The data to be displayed in this layer, default is NULL.
#' @param mapping Set of aesthetic mappings, default is NULL.
#' @param taxa1 can be label or node number.
#' @param taxa2 can be label or node number.
#' @param offset numeric, control the shift of curve line (the ratio of axis value,
#' range is "(0-1)"), default is NULL.
#' @param outward logical, control the orientation of curve when the layout of tree is circular,
#' fan or other layout in polar coordinate, default is "auto", meaning It will automatically.
#' @param ..., additional parameter.
#' @section Aesthetics:
#' \code{geom_taxalink()} understands the following aesthethics (required aesthetics are in bold):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{taxa1}} label or node number of tree.
#' \item \strong{\code{taxa2}} label or node number of tree.
#' \item \code{group} group category of link.
#' \item \code{colour} control the color of line, default is black.
#' \item \code{linetype} control the type of line, default is 1 (solid).
#' \item \code{linewidth} control the width of line, default is 0.5.
#' \item \code{curvature} control the curvature of line, default is 0.5,
#' it will be created automatically in polar coordinate .
#' \item \code{hratio} control the height of curve line, default is 1.
#' \item \code{ncp} control the smooth of curve line, default is 1.
#' }
#' @return a list object.
#' @export
geom_taxalink <- function(data=NULL,
offset = NULL,
outward = "auto",
if(is.character(data) && is.character(mapping)) {
## may be taxa1 and taxa2 passed by position in previous version
## calls <- names(sapply(match.call(), deparse))[-1]
message("taxa1 and taxa2 is not in the 1st and 2nd positions of the parameter list.\n",
"Please specify parameter name in future as this backward compatibility will be removed.\n" )
taxa1 <- data
taxa2 <- mapping
data <- NULL
mapping <- NULL
params <- list(inherit.aes=FALSE, ...)
structure(list(data = data,
mapping = mapping,
taxa1 = taxa1,
taxa2 = taxa2,
offset = offset,
outward = outward,
params = params),
class = 'taxalink')
## ##' link between taxa
## ##'
## ##'
## ##' @title geom_taxalink
## ##' @param taxa1 taxa1, can be label or node number
## ##' @param taxa2 taxa2, can be label or node number
## ##' @param curvature A numeric value giving the amount of curvature.
## ##' Negative values produce left-hand curves,
## ##' positive values produce right-hand curves, and zero produces a straight line.
## ##' @param arrow specification for arrow heads, as created by arrow().
## ##' @param arrow.fill fill color to usse for the arrow head (if closed). `NULL` means use `colour` aesthetic.
## ##' @param offset numeric, control the shift of curve line (the ratio of axis value,
## ##' range is "(0-1)"), default is NULL.
## ##' @param hratio numeric, the height of curve line, default is 1.
## ##' @param outward logical, control the orientation of curve when the layout of tree is circular,
## ##' fan or other layout in polar coordinate, default is TRUE.
## ##' @param ... additional parameter.
## ##' @return ggplot layer
## ##' @export
## ##' @author Guangchuang Yu
## geom_taxalink <- function(taxa1, taxa2, curvature=0.5, arrow = NULL,
## arrow.fill = NULL, offset=NULL, hratio=1,
## outward = TRUE, ...) {
## position = "identity"
## show.legend = NA
## na.rm = TRUE
## inherit.aes = FALSE
## mapping <- aes_(x=~x, y=~y, node=~node, label=~label, xend=~x, yend=~y)
## layer(stat=StatTaxalink,
## mapping=mapping,
## data = NULL,
## geom=GeomCurvelink,
## position='identity',
## show.legend=show.legend,
## inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
## params = list(taxa1 = taxa1,
## taxa2 = taxa2,
## curvature = curvature,
## na.rm = na.rm,
## arrow = arrow,
## arrow.fill = arrow.fill,
## offset = offset,
## hratio = hratio,
## outward = outward,
## ...),
## check.aes = FALSE
## )
## }
## StatTaxalink <- ggproto("StatTaxalink", Stat,
## compute_group = function(self, data, scales, params, taxa1, taxa2, offset) {
## node1 <- taxa2node(data, taxa1)
## node2 <- taxa2node(data, taxa2)
## x <- data$x
## y <- data$y
## if (!is.null(offset)){
## tmpshift <- offset * (max(x, na.rm=TRUE)-min(x, na.rm=TRUE))
## data.frame(x = x[node1] + tmpshift,
## xend = x[node2] + tmpshift,
## y = y[node1],
## yend = y[node2])
## }else{
## data.frame(x = x[node1],
## xend = x[node2],
## y = y[node1],
## yend = y[node2])
## }
## },
## required_aes = c("x", "y", "xend", "yend")
## )
geom_curvelink <- function(data=NULL,
stat = "identity",
position = "identity",
arrow = NULL,
arrow.fill = NULL,
lineend = "butt",
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,...){
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
stat = stat,
geom = GeomCurvelink,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
arrow = arrow,
arrow.fill = arrow.fill,
lineend = lineend,
na.rm = na.rm,
#' @importFrom ggplot2 GeomSegment
#' @importFrom grid gTree curveGrob gpar
#' @importFrom scales alpha
GeomCurvelink <- ggproto("GeomCurvelink", GeomSegment,
required_aes = c("x", "y", "xend", "yend"),
default_aes = aes(colour = "black", linewidth = 0.5, linetype = 1, alpha = NA, curvature=0.5, hratio=1, ncp=1, curveangle=90, square=FALSE),
rename_size = TRUE,
draw_panel = function(data, panel_params, coord, shape=0.5, outward=TRUE,
arrow = NULL, arrow.fill=NULL, lineend = "butt", na.rm = FALSE) {
if (!coord$is_linear()) {
tmpgroup <- data$group
starts <- subset(data, select = c(-xend, -yend))
starts$group <- 1
ends <- rename(subset(data, select = c(-x, -y)), c("x" = "xend", "y" = "yend"))
ends$group <- 2
pieces <- rbind(starts, ends)
trans <- coord$transform(pieces, panel_params)
starts <- trans[trans$group==1, ,drop=FALSE]
ends <- trans[trans$group==2, ,drop=FALSE]
if (outward){
curvature <- unlist(mapply(generate_curvature2, starttheta=starts$theta,
endtheta=ends$theta, hratio=starts$hratio, ncp=starts$ncp,
curvature <- unlist(mapply(generate_curvature, starttheta=starts$theta,
endtheta=ends$theta, hratio=starts$hratio, ncp=starts$ncp,
ends <- rename(subset(ends, select=c(x, y)), c("xend"="x", "yend"="y"))
trans <- cbind(starts, ends)
trans$group <- tmpgroup
trans$curvature <- curvature
trans <- coord$transform(data, panel_params)
if (inherits(coord, 'CoordFlip')){
trans$curvature <- -1 * trans$curvature
arrow.fill <- arrow.fill %|||% trans$colour
grobs <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(trans)), function(i){
trans$x[i], trans$y[i], trans$xend[i], trans$yend[i],
default.units = "native",
curvature = trans$curvature[i], angle = trans$curveangle[i], ncp = trans$ncp[i],
square = trans$square[i], squareShape = 1, inflect = FALSE, open = TRUE,
gp = gpar(col = alpha(trans$colour[i], trans$alpha[i]),
fill = alpha(arrow.fill[i], trans$alpha[i]),
lwd = trans$linewidth[i] * ggplot2::.pt,
lty = trans$linetype[i],
lineend = lineend),
arrow = arrow,
shape = shape)})
class(grobs) <- "gList"
return(ggname("geom_curvelink", gTree(children=grobs)))
# for inward curve lines
generate_curvature <- function(starttheta, endtheta, hratio, ncp){
flag <- endtheta - starttheta
newflag <- min(c(abs(flag), 2*pi-abs(flag)))
if (flag > 0){
if (flag <= pi){
origin_direction <- 1
origin_direction <- -1
if (abs(flag)<=pi){
origin_direction <- -1
origin_direction <- 1
curvature <- hratio * origin_direction * (1 - newflag/pi)
# for outward curve lines
generate_curvature2 <- function(starttheta, endtheta, hratio, ncp){
flag <- endtheta - starttheta
newflag <- min(c(abs(flag), 2*pi-abs(flag)))
if (flag > 0){
if (flag <= pi){
origin_direction <- -1
origin_direction <- 1
if (abs(flag)<=pi){
origin_direction <- 1
origin_direction <- -1
if (newflag>pi/2){
curvature <- hratio * origin_direction * pi/newflag
curvature <- hratio * origin_direction * (1-newflag/pi)
return (curvature)
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
ggname <- getFromNamespace("ggname", "ggplot2")
"%|||%" <- function(x, y){
if (is.null(x)){
if (is.null(y)) {
if (length(x)<length(y)) {
return (y)
} else {
return (x)
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