##' plot sequence logo for MSA based 'ggolot2'
##' @title seqlogo
##' @param msa Multiple sequence alignment file or object for representing
##' either nucleotide sequences or peptide sequences.
##' @param start Start position to plot.
##' @param end End position to plot.
##' @param font font families, possible values are 'helvetical', 'mono', and
##' 'DroidSansMono', 'TimesNewRoman'. Defaults is 'DroidSansMono'.
##' If font=NULL, only the background tiles is drawn.
##' @param color A Color scheme. One of 'Clustal', 'Chemistry_AA',
##' 'Shapely_AA', 'Zappo_AA', 'Taylor_AA', 'LETTER', 'CN6','Chemistry_NT',
##' 'Shapely_NT', 'Zappo_NT', 'Taylor_NT'. Defaults is 'Chemistry_AA'.
##' @param custom_color A data frame with two cloumn called "names" and
##' "color".Customize the color scheme.
##' @param adaptive A logical value indicating whether the overall height of
##' seqlogo corresponds to the number of sequences. If FALSE, seqlogo
##' overall height = 4,fixedly.
##' @param top A logical value. If TRUE, seqlogo is aligned to the top of MSA.
##' @return ggplot object
##' @examples
##' #plot sequence motif independently
##' nt_sequence <- system.file("extdata", "LeaderRepeat_All.fa",
##' package = "ggmsa")
##' seqlogo(nt_sequence, color = "Chemistry_NT")
##' @export
##' @author Lang Zhou
seqlogo <- function(msa,
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
font = "DroidSansMono",
color = "Chemistry_AA",
adaptive = FALSE,
top = FALSE,
custom_color = NULL) {
data <- tidy_msa(msa, start = start, end = end)
ggplot() + geom_logo(data,
font = font,
color = color,
adaptive = adaptive,
top = top,
custom_color = custom_color) +
theme_minimal() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
theme(legend.position = 'none') +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
##' Multiple sequence alignment layer for ggplot2. It plot sequence motifs.
##' @title geom_seqlogo
##' @param font font families, possible values are 'helvetical', 'mono',
##' and 'DroidSansMono', 'TimesNewRoman'. Defaults is 'DroidSansMono'.
##' @param color A Color scheme. One of 'Clustal', 'Chemistry_AA',
##' 'Shapely_AA', 'Zappo_AA', 'Taylor_AA', 'LETTER', 'CN6', 'Chemistry_NT',
##' 'Shapely_NT', 'Zappo_NT', 'Taylor_NT'. Defaults is 'Chemistry_AA'.
##' @param custom_color A data frame with two cloumn called "names" and
##' "color".Customize the color scheme.
##' @param adaptive A logical value indicating whether the overall height
##' of seqlogo corresponds to the number of sequences.If is FALSE,
##' seqlogo overall height = 4,fixedly.
##' @param top A logical value. If TRUE, seqlogo is aligned to the top of MSA.
##' @param show.legend logical. Should this layer be included in the legends?
##' @param ... additional parameter
##' @return A list
##' @examples
##' #plot multiple sequence alignment and sequence motifs
##' f <- system.file("extdata/LeaderRepeat_All.fa", package="ggmsa")
##' ggmsa(f,font = NULL,color = "Chemistry_NT") + geom_seqlogo()
##' @export
##' @author Lang Zhou
geom_seqlogo <- function(font = "DroidSansMono", color = "Chemistry_AA",
adaptive = TRUE, top = TRUE, custom_color = NULL,
show.legend = FALSE, ...) {
structure(list(font = font,
color = color,
adaptive = adaptive,
top = top,
custom_color = custom_color,
show.legend = show.legend),
class = "seqlogo")
geom_logo <- function(data, font = "DroidSansMono", color = "Chemistry_AA",
adaptive = FALSE, top = TRUE, custom_color = NULL,
show.legend = FALSE, ...) {
mapping <- aes_(x = ~logo_x,
y = ~logo_y,
group = ~group,
fill = ~I(color))
logo_data <- seqlogo_data(data, font = font, color = color,
adaptive = adaptive, top = top,
custom_color = custom_color)
ly_logo <- geom_polygon(mapping = mapping, data = logo_data,
inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = show.legend)
seqlogo_data <- function(data, font = "DroidSansMono",
color = "Chemistry_AA", adaptive = FALSE,
top = TRUE, custom_color = NULL){
tidy <- data
if (color == "Clustal") {
tidy <- color_Clustal(tidy)
} else{
tidy <- color_scheme(tidy, color, custom_color)
if (adaptive) {
seq_number <- as.character(unique(tidy[[1]]))
total_heigh <- length(seq_number) / 6
} else {
total_heigh <- 4
#total_heigh <- getOption("total_heigh")
logo_width <- getOption("logo_width")
## assign the start postion to the first label
col_num <- as.numeric(levels(factor(tidy$position)))
moti_da <- lapply(col_num, function(j){
## Calculate the char frequency in each column
clo <- tidy[tidy$position == j, ]
fre <- prop.table(table(clo$character))
## total_heigh is overall hight, the height of each char is assigned.
ywidth <- sort(total_heigh * fre )
## calling color scheme
column_char_color <- data.frame(unique(clo[c("character", "color")]))
font_f <- font_fam[[font]]
motif_char <- font_f[names(ywidth)]
ds_ <- lapply(seq_along(motif_char), function(i){
ds_ <- motif_char[[i]]
names(ds_)[names(ds_) == "x"] <- "logo_x"
names(ds_)[names(ds_) == "y"] <- "logo_y"
ds_$char <- names(motif_char[i])
#width = .9
ds_$logo_x <- ds_$logo_x * logo_width/diff(range(ds_$logo_x))
#hight = overall hight * frequency
ds_$logo_y <- ds_$logo_y * ywidth[[i]]/diff(range(ds_$logo_y))
ymotif <- sum(ywidth[0:(i - 1)]) # sum-hight currently
# moving char horizontally
ds_$logo_x <- ds_$logo_x - min(ds_$logo_x) - logo_width/2 + j
ds_$logo_y <- ds_$logo_y - min(ds_$logo_y) - ywidth[[i]]/2 +
ymotif + ywidth[[i]]/2
if (top) {
ds_$logo_y <- ds_$logo_y + nrow(tidy[tidy$position == j, ]) + .5
## ds_$y - min(ds_$y) - ywidth[[i]]/2: Centered at zero
## + ymotif: sum-hight that are below the char currently
## + ywidth[[i]]/2: the char height currently
ds_$group <- paste0("P", j, '-', "Char", names(motif_char[i]))
ds_$color <- column_char_color[column_char_color$character ==
unique(ds_$char), "color"]
ds <- do.call(rbind, ds_)
moti_da <- do.call(rbind, moti_da)
moti_da$name <- as.character(tidy[1,1])
other_cn <- names(moti_da)[!names(moti_da) == 'name']
moti_da <- moti_da[c("name", other_cn)]
add_col <- tidy[,!names(tidy) %in% names(moti_da)]
moti_da <- cbind(add_col[1,], moti_da, row.names = NULL)
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