get_normalized: Retrieve Normalized Matrix

get_normalizedR Documentation

Retrieve Normalized Matrix


Given a SconeExperiment object created by a call to scone, it will return a matrix of normalized counts (in log scale if log=TRUE).


get_normalized(x, method, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SconeExperiment,character'
get_normalized(x, method, log = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'SconeExperiment,numeric'
get_normalized(x, method, log = FALSE)



a SconeExperiment object containing the results of scone.


character or numeric. Either a string identifying the normalization scheme to be retrieved, or a numeric index with the rank of the normalization method to retrieve (according to scone ranking of normalizations).


additional arguments for specific methods.


logical. Should the data be returned in log-scale


If scone was run with return_norm="in_memory", this function simply retrieves the normalized data from the assays slote of object.

If scone was run with return_norm="hdf5", this function will read the normalized matrix from the specified hdf5 file.

If scone was run with return_norm="no", this function will compute the normalized matrix on the fly.

The numeric method will always return the normalization corresponding to row method of the scone_params slot. This means that if scone was run with eval=TRUE, get_normalized(x, 1) will return the top ranked method. If scone was run with eval=FALSE, get_normalized(x,1) will return the first normalization in the order saved by scone.


A matrix of normalized counts in log-scale.


  • get_normalized(x = SconeExperiment, method = character): If method is a character, it will return the normalized matrix corresponding to the normalization scheme specified by the character string.The string must be one of the row.names of the slot scone_params.

  • get_normalized(x = SconeExperiment, method = numeric): If method is a numeric, it will return the normalized matrix according to the scone ranking.


mat <- matrix(rpois(500, lambda = 5), ncol=10)
colnames(mat) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(mat), sep="")
obj <- SconeExperiment(mat)
res <- scone(obj, scaling=list(none=identity, uq=UQ_FN),
           evaluate=TRUE, k_ruv=0, k_qc=0,
           eval_kclust=2, bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
top_norm = get_normalized(res,1)

YosefLab/scone documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 4:22 p.m.