#' Get DNA model-based estimates from an MpraObject (the expected values based
#' on the model). These can be compared with the observed counts to assess
#' goodness of fit.
#' @param obj MpraObject to extract from
#' @param enhancers which enhancers to get the fits for. Can be character
#' vectors with enhancer names, logical or numeric enhancer indices, or NULL if
#' all enhancers are to be extracted (default)
#' @param depth include depth correction in the model fitting (default TRUE)
#' @param full if LRT modeling was used, TRUE (default) would return the fits
#' of the full model, FALSEwould return the reduced model fits.
#' @param transition use the DNA->RNA transition matrix (deafult: FALSE). This
#' is useful if the DNA observations need to be distributed to match the RNA
#' observations.
#' @return DNA fits (numeric, enhancers x samples)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode,
#' rnaDesign = ~1)
#' dna.fits <- getFits_DNA(obj)
getFits_DNA <- function(obj, enhancers=NULL, depth=TRUE, full=TRUE,
if ("mode" %in% slotNames(obj) & (obj@mode == "scale")) {
stop("In Scale mode, the DNA is not fitted.")
if(is.null(enhancers)) {
enhancers <- names(obj@modelFits$ll)
} else if(is.numeric(enhancers)) {
enhancers <- names(obj@modelFits$ll)[enhancers]
if(full == TRUE){
fit <- obj@modelFits
} else {
fit <- obj@modelFits.red
coef.mat <- fit$d.coef[enhancers,,drop=FALSE]
coef.mat[is.na(coef.mat)] <- 0
dmat <- obj@designs@dna
if(transition) {
dmat <- obj@designs@dna2rna
if(model(obj) == "gamma.pois") {
# disp * (1/beta)
disp <- rep(coef.mat[,1], NROW(dmat))
beta.inv <- coef.mat[,-1] %*% t(dmat)
dfit <- exp(disp + beta.inv)
} else if(model(obj) == "ln.nb" | model(obj) == "ln.ln") {
dfit <- exp(coef.mat[-1,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(dmat))
if(depth == TRUE){
dfit <- dfit * rep(dnaDepth(obj), each = NROW(coef.mat))
rownames(dfit) <- enhancers
if(transition) {
colnames(dfit) <- rownames(rnaAnnot(obj))
} else {
colnames(dfit) <- rownames(dnaAnnot(obj))
#' Get RNA model-based estimates from an MpraObject (the expected values based
#' on the model). These can be compared with the observed counts to assess
#' goodness of fit.
#' @param obj MpraObject to extract from
#' @param enhancers which enhancers to get the fits for. Can be character
#' vectors with enhancer names, logical or numeric enhancer indices, or NULL if
#' all enhancers are to be extracted (default)
#' @param depth include depth correction in the model fitting (default TRUE)
#' @param full if LRT modeling was used, TRUE (default) would return the fits
#' of the full model, FALSEwould return the reduced model fits.
#' @param rnascale if controls were used to correct the fitting (in comparative
#' analyses), use these factors to re-adjust the estimates back.
#' @return RNA fits (numeric, enhancers x samples)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode,
#' rnaDesign = ~1)
#' rna.fits <- getFits_RNA(obj)
getFits_RNA <- function(obj, enhancers=NULL, depth=TRUE, full=TRUE,
if(is.null(enhancers)) {
enhancers <- names(obj@modelFits$ll)
if(full == TRUE){
fit <- obj@modelFits
rdesign <- obj@designs@rnaFull
rctrldesign <- obj@designs@rnaCtrlFull
} else {
fit <- obj@modelFits.red
rdesign <- obj@designs@rnaRed
rctrldesign <- obj@designs@rnaCtrlRed
if(!is.null(obj@rnaCtrlScale) & rnascale) {
rctrlscale <- obj@rnaCtrlScale
} else {
rctrldesign <- NULL # overwrite initialisation
rctrlscale <- NULL
joint.des.mat <- cbind(rdesign, rctrldesign)
coef.mat <- t(fit$r.coef[enhancers,-1,drop=FALSE])
if(!is.null(obj@rnaCtrlScale) & rnascale) {
coef.mat <- rbind(coef.mat,
replicate(NCOL(coef.mat), obj@rnaCtrlScale))
rfit <- exp(joint.des.mat %*% coef.mat)
if(depth == TRUE){
rfit <- rfit * replicate(NCOL(rfit), rnaDepth(obj))
if (!("mode" %in% slotNames(obj)) | (obj@mode != "scale")) {
dfit <- getFits_DNA(obj=obj, enhancers=enhancers, depth=FALSE,
full=full, transition=TRUE)
rfit <- t(rfit) * dfit
rownames(rfit) <- enhancers
colnames(rfit) <- rownames(rnaAnnot(obj))
#' extract the DNA model parameters
#' @rdname extractModelParameters
#' @aliases extractModelParameters_DNA
#' extractModelParameters_RNA
#' @param obj the MpraObject to extract the parameters from
#' @param features the features to extract the parameters from (by default,
#' parameters will be returned for all features)
#' @param full if TRUE (default), return the parameters of the full model.
#' Otherwise, return the parameters of the reduced model (only relevant for
#' LRT-based analyses)
#' @return a data.frame of features (rows) by parameters (cols). By convension,
#' the first parameter is related to the second moment, and the interpretation
#' of it depends on the distributional model used (`alpha` for `gamma.pois`,
#' variance for `ln.nb` and `ln.ln`)
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode,
#' rnaDesign = ~1)
#' model.params.dna <- getModelParameters_DNA(obj)
#' model.params.rna <- getModelParameters_RNA(obj)
#' @export
#' @rdname extractModelParameters
getModelParameters_DNA <- function(obj, features=NULL, full=TRUE) {
if ("mode" %in% slotNames(obj) & (obj@mode == "scale")) {
stop("In Scale mode, the DNA is not fitted.")
if(is.null(features)) {
features <- seq_len(NROW(dnaCounts(obj)))
} else if (is.character(features)) {
features <- which(rownames(dnaCounts(obj)) %in% features)
stop("can't extract model parameters before fitting a model. An \
analysis function must be called first.")
if(full) {
coef.mat <- obj@modelFits$d.coef[features,,drop=FALSE]
} else if (!full & !is.null(obj@modelFits.red)) {
coef.mat <- obj@modelFits.red$d.coef[features,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
stop("Parameters can't be extracted from reduced model, since analysis \
did not include fitting a reduced model")
colnames(coef.mat) <- c("disp", colnames(obj@designs@dna))
rownames(coef.mat) <- rownames(dnaCounts(obj))[features]
#' @export
#' @rdname extractModelParameters
getModelParameters_RNA <- function(obj, features=NULL, full=TRUE) {
stop("can't extract model parameters before fitting a model")
if(is.null(features)) {
features <- seq_len(NROW(rnaCounts(obj)))
} else if (is.character(features)) {
features <- which(rownames(rnaCounts(obj)) %in% features)
if(full) {
coef.mat <- obj@modelFits$r.coef[features,,drop=FALSE]
colnames(coef.mat) <- c("disp", colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull))
} else if (!full & !is.null(obj@modelFits.red)) {
coef.mat <- obj@modelFits.red$r.coef[features,,drop=FALSE]
colnames(coef.mat) <- c("disp", colnames(obj@designs@rnaRed))
} else {
stop("Reduced model unavailable")
rownames(coef.mat) <- rownames(rnaCounts(obj))[features]
#' Get model distribution parameters from an MpraObject of a given candidate
#' enhancer
#' @rdname getDistrParam
#' @aliases getDistrParam_DNA
#' getDistrParam_RNA
#' @param obj MpraObject to extract from
#' @param enhancer enhancer to extract
#' @param full whether to extract from full model
#' @return fit parameters (numeric, samples x parameters)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode,
#' rnaDesign = ~1)
#' ## get distributional parameters of the first enhancer:
#' dist.params.dna <- getDistrParam_DNA(obj, 1)
#' dist.params.rna <- getDistrParam_RNA(obj, 1)
#' @rdname getDistrParam
getDistrParam_DNA <- function(obj, enhancer, full=TRUE){
if ("mode" %in% slotNames(obj) & (obj@mode == "scale")) {
stop("In Scale mode, the DNA is not fitted.")
if(full == TRUE){
fit <- obj@modelFits
} else {
fit <- obj@modelFits.red
coef.mat <- t(fit$d.coef[enhancer,,drop=FALSE])
coef.mat[is.na(coef.mat)] <- 0
if(model(obj) == "gamma.pois") {
par.shape <- as.vector(exp(coef.mat[1,]))
par.rate <- as.vector(exp(-obj@designs@dna %*%
par <- data.frame(shape = par.shape, rate = par.rate)
} else if(model(obj) == "ln.nb" | model(obj) == "ln.ln") {
par.sdlog <- as.vector(exp(coef.mat[1,]))
par.meanlog <- as.vector(obj@designs@dna %*% coef.mat[-1,,drop=FALSE])
par <- data.frame(meanlog = par.meanlog, sdlog = par.sdlog)
rownames(par) <- rownames(dnaAnnot(obj))
#' @export
#' @rdname getDistrParam
getDistrParam_RNA <- function(obj, enhancer=NULL, full=TRUE){
if(full == TRUE){
fit <- obj@modelFits
} else {
fit <- obj@modelFits.red
rfit <- as.vector(getFits_RNA(obj, enhancers=enhancer, depth=FALSE,
full=full, rnascale=TRUE))
if(model(obj) == "gamma.pois") {
par.size <- as.vector(exp(fit$r.coef[enhancer,1]))
par.mu <- rfit
par <- data.frame(size = par.size, mu = par.mu)
} else if(model(obj) == "ln.nb") {
par.size <- as.vector(exp(fit$r.coef[enhancer,1]))
par.mu <- rfit
par <- data.frame(size = par.size, mu = par.mu)
} else if(model(obj) == "ln.ln") {
par.sdlog <- as.vector(exp(fit$r.coef[enhancer,1]))
par.meanlog <- log(rfit)
par <- data.frame(meanlog = par.meanlog, sdlog = par.sdlog)
rownames(par) <- rownames(rnaAnnot(obj))
#' return the fitted value for the transcription rate.
#' @param obj the MpraObject to extract from, must be after model fitting
#' @param by.factor return a matrix of values, corresponding to the estimated
#' rates of transcription under different values of a factor included in the
#' design. Value must be of these options:
#' NULL: (default) return only the intercept term, a single baseline rate for
#' each enhancer
#' "all": will return the corresponding transcription rates for all values
#' included in the model
#' factor name: must be a factor included in the RNA annotations and the rna
#' design. Will return the corresponding rates for all values of the given
#' factor
#' @param full if true, return rate of the full model (default), otherwise of
#' the reduced model (only applies if an LRT-based analysis was used)
#' @export
#' @return the estimate for transcription rate as fitted by the model
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,10), da=c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5)),
#' nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeComparative(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode + condition,
#' rnaDesign = ~ condition, reducedDesign = ~ 1)
#' ## get alpha estimate for the two conditions
#' alpha <- getAlpha(obj, by.factor="condition")
getAlpha <- function(obj, by.factor=NULL, full=TRUE) {
des <- obj@designs@rnaFull
if(!full) {
des <- obj@designs@rnaRed
if(is.null(des)) {
stop("reduced model not available")
if(is.null(by.factor)) {
return(data.frame(alpha=getSingleAlpha(obj, full=full)))
} else if (by.factor=="all") {
## extract all parametres except for the dispersion
alpha.mat <- getModelParameters_RNA(obj, full=full)[,-1]
if(checkForIntercept(des)) {
## add the intercept to all other columns
alpha.mat[,-1] <- alpha.mat[,-1] + alpha.mat[,1]
} else {
l <- levels(rnaAnnot(obj)[,by.factor])
## if intercepted: first level is different
if(checkForIntercept(des)) {
int.alpha <- getSingleAlpha(obj)
l <- l[-1]
} else {
int.alpha <- NULL
alpha.mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(l, function(v) {
getSingleAlpha(obj, term = by.factor, value = v, full = full)
alpha.mat <- cbind(int.alpha, alpha.mat)
colnames(alpha.mat) <- levels(rnaAnnot(obj)[,by.factor])
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