## Internal utility functions:
.timeTrace <- function(oldT, indent = " ") {
currenT <- Sys.time()
t = currenT,
t_text = paste0(indent, "(", round(as.numeric(currenT - oldT, units = "secs"), 0), " sec.)")
.forwardSlashPath <- function(path) {
gsub("\\\\", "/", path)
# Assign the pacakge to workers and suppress the loading messsage!
.bploadLibraryQuiet <- function(libraryList, be) {
noreturn <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(BiocParallel::bpnworkers(be)), function(i, libraryList) {
suppressPackageStartupMessages(lapply(libraryList, library, character.only = TRUE))
}, BPPARAM = be, libraryList = libraryList)
.iblkrow <- function(M, chunks) {
i <- 1
uni_row <- nrow(M)
it <- idiv(uni_row, chunks = chunks)
nextEl <- function() {
if (i == uni_row + 1) {
n <- nextElem(it)
r <- seq(i, length = n)
i <<- i + n
M[r, , drop = FALSE]
.iblkrow_dup <- function(M, chunks, index_col_name) {
i <- 1
ind <- which(colnames(M) == index_col_name)
index <- M[, ind]
unique_index <- unique(index)
unique_length <- length(unique_index)
it <- idiv(unique_length, chunks = chunks)
nextEl <- function() {
if (i == unique_length + 1) {
n <- nextElem(it)
r <- seq(i, length = n)
i <<- i + n
M[index %in% unique_index[r], , drop = FALSE]
.aggregateREMP <- function(dat, index_col_name) {
eval(parse(text = paste0("aggregate(.~", index_col_name, ", dat, mean, na.rm = TRUE, na.action = na.pass)")))
.guessArrayType <- function(methyDat) {
nProbes <- nrow(methyDat)
if (nProbes <= remp_options(".default.27k.total.probes")) {
if (nProbes > remp_options(".default.27k.total.probes") &
nProbes <= remp_options(".default.450k.total.probes")) {
if (nProbes > remp_options(".default.450k.total.probes") &
nProbes <= remp_options(".default.epic.total.probes")) {
if (nProbes > remp_options(".default.epic.total.probes")) {
.guessDataType <- function(methyDat) {
methyDat_sample <- methyDat[sample(seq_len(nrow(methyDat)), min(5000, nrow(methyDat))),
sample(seq_len(ncol(methyDat)), min(5, ncol(methyDat))),
drop = FALSE
rng <- range(methyDat_sample, na.rm = TRUE)
if (rng[1] >= 0 & rng[2] <= 1 |
sum(methyDat_sample < 0 | methyDat_sample > 1, na.rm = TRUE) <
nrow(methyDat_sample) * ncol(methyDat_sample) * 0.01) {
} else if (rng[1] < 0) {
} else if (rng[1] == 0 & rng[2] == 100) {
} else {
.twoWayFlank <- function(object.GR, width) {
start(object.GR) <- start(object.GR) - width
end(object.GR) <- end(object.GR) + width
.oneWayFlank <- function(object.GR, width, start = TRUE) {
if (any(runValue(strand(object.GR)) == "*")) {
stop("Strand information must not be missing.")
forward_ind <- strand(object.GR) == "+"
reverse_ind <- strand(object.GR) == "-"
if (start) {
start(object.GR[forward_ind]) <- start(object.GR[forward_ind]) - width
end(object.GR[reverse_ind]) <- end(object.GR[reverse_ind]) + width
} else {
end(object.GR[forward_ind]) <- end(object.GR[forward_ind]) + width
start(object.GR[reverse_ind]) <- start(object.GR[reverse_ind]) - width
.changeColNames <- function(DForGR, oldnames, newnames) {
if ("DataFrame" %in% is(DForGR)) {
cnames <- colnames(DForGR)
colnames(DForGR)[cnames %in% oldnames] <- newnames
if ("GRanges" %in% is(DForGR)) {
cnames <- colnames(mcols(DForGR))
colnames(mcols(DForGR))[cnames %in% oldnames] <- newnames
.webDownload <- function(url, tag, col_types = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
tempfilenames <- list.files(tempdir())
which.tag.file <- grep(tag, tempfilenames)
if (length(which.tag.file) == 0) {
temp <- tempfile(pattern = tag) # Make an identifiable ext to avoid repeated download
if(verbose) message(" Downloading file...")
download.file(url, temp, quiet = TRUE)
} else {
if(verbose) message(" File existed!")
temp <- file.path(tempdir(), tempfilenames[which.tag.file])
if(verbose) message(" Unzipping and loading file...")
downloadedFile <- readr::read_delim(gzfile(temp), col_names = FALSE, delim = "\t", col_types = col_types)
.liftOver_Hg19toHg38 <- function(ILMN.GR, m = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
if(verbose) message(m)
ah <- .initiateAH()
if(is.null(ah)) stop("AnnotationHub is currently not accessible. Please try again later.")
ch <- suppressMessages(ah[[remp_options(".default.AH.hg19ToHg38.over.chain")]])
ILMN.GR <- rtracklayer::liftOver(ILMN.GR, ch)
ILMN.GR <- unlist(ILMN.GR)
.liftOver_Hg38toHg19 <- function(ILMN.GR, m = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
if(verbose) message(m)
ah <- .initiateAH()
if(is.null(ah)) stop("AnnotationHub is currently not accessible. Please try again later.")
ch <- suppressMessages(ah[[remp_options(".default.AH.hg38ToHg19.over.chain")]])
ILMN.GR <- rtracklayer::liftOver(ILMN.GR, ch)
ILMN.GR <- unlist(ILMN.GR)
.initiateAH <- function()
permission <- file.access(AnnotationHub::getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE"), 2)
if (permission != 0) {
" is not writable, using temporal directory ",
.forwardSlashPath(tempdir()), " instead."
AnnotationHub::setAnnotationHubOption("CACHE", file.path(tempdir(), ".AnnotationHub"))
ah <- tryCatch({
# stop("")
}, error = function(e) {
#### Message display functions
.printMsgArray <- function(msg, printType) {
if (printType == "message") for (m in msg) message(m)
if (printType == "cat") for (m in msg) cat(m, "\n")
.showREMParceInfo <- function(object) {
info <- object@REMParcelInfo
cat("REMParcel object\n")
cat("RE type:", info[["REtype"]], "\n")
cat("Genome build:", info[["genome"]], "\n")
cat("Illumina platform:", info[["platform"]], "\n")
cat("Valid (max)", paste0(info[["REtype"]], "-CpG"), "flanking window size:", info[["max.win"]], "\n")
cat("Number of RE:", length(object@RE), "\n")
cat("Number of", paste0(info[["REtype"]], "-CpG:"), length(object@RECpG), "\n")
.showTrainingStats <- function(REStats, REtype, printType, indent) {
if (!isEmpty(REStats)) {
p <- rep(NA, 2)
p[1] <- paste0(
indent, REStats[1, 1], " profiled ",
REtype, " are used for model training."
p[2] <- paste0(
indent, REStats[1, 2],
" ", REtype, "-CpGs that have at least 2 neighboring profiled CpGs are used for model training."
} else {
p <- "N/A"
.printMsgArray(p, printType)
.showREStats <- function(REStats, REtype, printType, indent, notAggregated) {
if (!isEmpty(REStats)) {
p <- paste0(indent, "The data cover ", REStats[1, 3], " ", REtype)
if (notAggregated) p <- paste0(p, " (", REStats[1, 4], " ", REtype, "-CpG).")
} else {
p <- "N/A"
.printMsgArray(p, printType)
.showGeneStats <- function(GeneStats, REtype, printType, indent) {
if (!isEmpty(GeneStats)) {
p <- rep(NA, 4)
p[1] <- paste0(indent, "Gene coverage by ", REtype, " (out of total # of RefSeq genes):")
p[2] <- paste0(
indent, indent, GeneStats[2, 3],
" (", round(GeneStats[2, 3] / GeneStats[1, 3] * 100, 2), "%) total genes;"
p[3] <- paste0(
indent, indent, GeneStats[2, 1],
" (", round(GeneStats[2, 1] / GeneStats[1, 1] * 100, 2), "%) protein-coding genes;"
p[4] <- paste0(
indent, indent, GeneStats[2, 2],
" (", round(GeneStats[2, 2] / GeneStats[1, 2] * 100, 2), "%) non-coding RNA genes."
} else {
p <- "N/A"
.printMsgArray(p, printType)
.showSampleID <- function(object, indent) {
x <- object@sampleID
cat("Number of sample(s):", length(x), "\n")
cat("Sample ID:")
if (length(x) > 5) {
x <- x[seq_len(5)]
cat(indent, paste0(x, collapse = ", "), " ...\n")
} else {
cat(indent, paste0(x, collapse = ", "), "\n")
.showREMPinfo <- function(object) {
info <- object@REMPInfo
cat("RE type:", info[["REtype"]], "\n")
cat("Genome build:", info[["genome"]], "\n")
cat("Methylation profiling platform:", info[["platform"]], "\n")
cat("Flanking window size:", info[["win"]], "\n")
cat("Prediction model:", info[["predictModel"]], "\n")
cat("QC model:", info[["QCModel"]], "\n")
if (grepl("Random Forest", info[["predictModel"]])) {
cat("Seed:", metadata(object)$Seed, "\n")
restats <- metadata(object)$REStats
if (!isEmpty(restats)) {
if (grepl("aggregated", info[["REtype"]])) {
cat("Covered", restats[1, 3], info[["REtype"]], "\n")
} else {
"Covered", restats[1, 4], "CpG sites in",
restats[1, 3], info[["REtype"]], "\n"
.showCpGcountbyChr <- function(object) {
info <- object@REMPInfo
if (grepl("aggregated", info[["REtype"]])) {
cat("Number of", info[["REtype"]], "by chromosome:")
} else {
cat("Number of", paste0(info[["REtype"]], "-CpGs"), "by chromosome:")
chr <- table(as.character(seqnames(rowRanges(object))))
chr.name <- names(chr)
chr.name[chr.name == "chrX"] <- "chr23"
chr.name[chr.name == "chrY"] <- "chr24"
chr.num <- as.numeric(substring(chr.name, 4, 5))
chr <- chr[order(chr.num)]
for (i in seq_len(ceiling(length(chr) / 8)))
print(chr[((i - 1) * 8 + 1):min((8 * i), length(chr))])
.showPredictionSummary <- function(object) {
options(digits = 10)
Bvalue <- assays(object)[["rempB"]]
cat("Distribution of methylation value (beta value):", "\n")
options(digits = 7)
.showQCSummary <- function(object) {
options(digits = 10)
QC <- assays(object)[["rempQC"]]
cat("Distribution of reliability score (lower score = higher reliability):", "\n")
options(digits = 7)
## Convert refgene index to gene symbol or entrez id
.decodeEntrez <- function(x, refgene) {
paste0(unique(refgene[x, "EntrezGene"]), collapse = "|")
.decodeSymbol <- function(x, refgene) {
paste0(unique(refgene[x, "GeneSymbol"]), collapse = "|")
## Methylation beta <--> M value conversion
.toBeta <- function(M) {
2^(M) / (1 + 2^(M))
.toM <- function(beta) {
log2(beta / (1 - beta))
## Class check
.isGROrStop <- function(object) {
if (!"GRanges" %in% is(object)) {
"object is of class '%s', but needs to be of class 'GRanges' (see object definition in package 'GenomicRanges')",
.isRSetOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "RatioSet") && !is(object, "GenomicRatioSet")) {
"object is of class '%s', but needs to be of class '[Genomic]RatioSet' (see object definition in package 'minfi')",
.isREMParcelOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "REMParcel")) {
"object is of class '%s', but needs to be of class 'REMParcel'.",
.isREMProductOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "REMProduct")) {
"object is of class '%s', but needs to be of class 'REMProduct'.",
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