#' @title Prepare data template for REMP
#' @description
#' \code{rempTemplate} is used to build a set of data templates for prediction. The data templates include
#' RE-CpGs and their methylation data for model training, neighboring CpGs of RE-CpGs and their
#' methylation data for model prediction, and other necessary information about the prediction.
#' This function is useful when one needs to experiment different tunning parameters so that these pre-built
#' data templates can be re-used and substaintially improve efficiency.
#' @param methyDat A \code{\link{RatioSet}}, \code{\link{GenomicRatioSet}}, \code{\link{DataFrame}},
#' \code{data.table}, \code{data.frame}, or \code{matrix} of Illumina BeadChip methylation data
#' (450k or EPIC array) or Illumina methylation percentage estimates by sequencing.
#' @param Seq.GR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object containing genomic locations of the CpGs profiled by sequencing
#' platforms. This parameter should not be \code{NULL} if the input methylation data \code{methyDat} are
#' obtained by sequencing. Note that the genomic location can be in either hg19 or hg38 build, but must be consistent
#' with the build as \code{parcel}. See details in \code{\link{initREMP}}.
#' @param parcel An \code{\link{REMParcel}} object containing necessary data to carry out the
#' prediction. If \code{NULL}, the function will search the \code{.rds} data file in \code{work.dir}
#' exported by \code{\link{initREMP}} (with \code{export = TRUE}) or \code{\link{saveParcel}}.
#' @param win An integer specifying window size to confine the upstream and downstream flanking
#' region centered on the predicted CpG in RE for prediction. Default = \code{1000}.
#' @param verbose Logical parameter. Should the function be verbose?
#' @return A \code{template} object containing a \code{\link{GRanges}} object of neifhboring CpGs of RE-CpGs
#' to be predicted (\code{$NBCpG_GR}) and their methylation dataset matrix (\code{$NBCpG_methyDat});
#' a \code{\link{GRanges}} object of RE-CpGs for model training (\code{$RECpG_GR}) and their methylation
#' dataset matrix (\code{$RECpG_methyDat}); \code{\link{GRanges}} objects of RefSeq Gene database (\code{$refgene})
#' and RE (\code{$RE}) that are extracted from the \code{parcel} input; a string of RE type (\code{$REtype})
#' and a string of methylation platform (\code{$arrayType}). Note: the subset operator \code{[]} is supported.
#' @examples
#' if (!exists("GM12878_450k"))
#' GM12878_450k <- getGM12878("450k")
#' if (!exists("remparcel")) {
#' data(Alu.hg19.demo)
#' remparcel <- initREMP(arrayType = "450k",
#' REtype = "Alu",
#' annotation.source = "AH",
#' genome = "hg19",
#' RE = Alu.hg19.demo,
#' ncore = 1,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' template <- rempTemplate(GM12878_450k,
#' parcel = remparcel,
#' win = 1000,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' template
#' ## To make a subset
#' template[1]
#' @export
rempTemplate <- function(methyDat = NULL,
Seq.GR = NULL,
parcel = NULL,
win = 1000,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.null(methyDat)) stop("Methylation dataset (methyDat) is missing.")
if (!is.null(Seq.GR)) {
names(Seq.GR) <- NULL
if (is.null(parcel)) stop("REMParcel object is missing.")
if (win > remp_options(".default.max.flankWindow")) {
"Flanking window size cannot be greater than ", remp_options(".default.max.flankWindow"),
". Please see ?remp_options for details."
currenT <- Sys.time()
## Groom methylation data
methyDat <- grooMethy(methyDat, Seq.GR, verbose = verbose)
methyDat <- minfi::getM(methyDat)
## Get parcel information
arrayType <- getParcelInfo(parcel)$platform
REtype <- getParcelInfo(parcel)$REtype
genome <- getParcelInfo(parcel)$genome
RE_refGene.original <- getRE(parcel)
RE_CpG <- getRECpG(parcel)
ILMN <- getILMN(parcel)
RE_CpG_ILMN <- getILMN(parcel, REonly = TRUE)
## Make indicator of genomic regions
RE_refGene <- .toIndicator(RE_refGene.original)
## RE.CpG : Add CpG density and rename
## identical(runValue(RE_refGene$Index), runValue(RE_CpG$Index))
RE_refGene$N <- runLength(RE_CpG$Index)
RE_refGene$Length <- width(RE_refGene)
RE_refGene$CpG.density <- RE_refGene$N / RE_refGene$Length # density of CpG within RE sequence
merge_RE_CpG_meta <- mcols(RE_refGene)[base::match(
as.character(RE_refGene$Index)), ]
merge_RE_CpG_meta$CpG.ID <- as.character(granges(RE_CpG))
mcols(RE_CpG) <- setNames(merge_RE_CpG_meta, paste0("RE.", colnames(merge_RE_CpG_meta)))
# all(as.character(granges(RE_CpG)) == RE_CpG$RE.CpG.ID)
## Find valid CpG sites with methylation profiled
commonCpGIndex <- intersect(rownames(methyDat), ILMN$Index)
## Trim down methyDat:
methyDat <- methyDat[base::match(commonCpGIndex, rownames(methyDat)), , drop = FALSE]
## ILMN : create pointer and rename. Note: Different Methy data will
## result in different size of this data!
ILMN <- ILMN[base::match(commonCpGIndex, ILMN$Index), ]
mcols(ILMN) <- setNames(mcols(ILMN), paste0("ILMN.", colnames(mcols(ILMN))))
ILMN$Methy.ptr <- seq_len(length(ILMN))
# identical(ILMN$ILMN.Index, rownames(methyDat))
## RE_CpG_ILMN : Compute total number of RE covered by ILMN. Note:
## Different Methy data will result in different size of this data.
RE_CpG_ILMN <- RE_CpG_ILMN[RE_CpG_ILMN$Index %in% rownames(methyDat), ]
RE_CpG_ILMN <- unique(RE_CpG_ILMN)
RE_CpG_ILMN_DATA <- methyDat[base::match(RE_CpG_ILMN$Index, rownames(methyDat)), , drop = FALSE]
############################################################# Find RE_CpG's neighboring CpG
message("Processing ", REtype, " with window +/- ", win, " base pair ...")
RE_CpG_flanking <- .twoWayFlank(granges(RE_CpG), win)
HITS <- findOverlaps(RE_CpG_flanking, ILMN, ignore.strand = TRUE)
## Part 1: RE-CpG
RE_NeibCpG <- RE_CpG[queryHits(HITS), ]
## Total RE that can be predicted (contains neighboring CpGs within given window)
## Part 2: Neighboring ILMN CpG
RE_NeibCpG_ILMN <- ILMN[subjectHits(HITS), ]
RE_NeibCpG_ILMN <- DataFrame(
RE_NeibCpG_ILMN.GR = granges(RE_NeibCpG_ILMN),
mcols(RE_NeibCpG) <- DataFrame(mcols(RE_NeibCpG), RE_NeibCpG_ILMN)
# identical(as.character(granges(RE_NeibCpG)), RE_NeibCpG$RE.CpG.ID)
## Remove singleton (RE-CpGs with only one neighboring ILMN CpG)
RE_NeibCpG$distance <- abs(start(RE_NeibCpG$RE_NeibCpG_ILMN.GR) - start(RE_NeibCpG))
RE_NeibCpG <- RE_NeibCpG[RE_NeibCpG$distance > 1, ]
## Make distance bucket
RE_NeibCpG$distance_cat <- cut(RE_NeibCpG$distance, seq(0, win, win / 4),
labels = FALSE
RE_NeibCpG$distance_cat[is.na(RE_NeibCpG$distance_cat)] <- 4
## Add core predictors.
RE_NeibCpG <- RE_NeibCpG[order(RE_NeibCpG$RE.CpG.ID, RE_NeibCpG$distance), ]
RE_NeibCpG.DF <- mcols(RE_NeibCpG)[, c("RE.CpG.ID", "Methy.ptr", "distance")]
distance_agg <- .aggregateNeib(
distance ~ RE.CpG.ID, RE_NeibCpG.DF,
function(x) c(length(x), mean(x), sd(x), x[1], x[2]),
"RE.CpG.ID", "N.nbr", "distance.mean",
"distance.std", "distance.min", "distance.min2"
Methy_ptr_agg <- .aggregateNeib(
Methy.ptr ~ RE.CpG.ID, RE_NeibCpG.DF,
function(x) c(x[1], x[2]),
c("RE.CpG.ID", "Methy.ptr.min", "Methy.ptr.min2")
Methy_ptr_distance_agg <- merge(distance_agg, Methy_ptr_agg, by = "RE.CpG.ID")
RE_NeibCpG_meta <- mcols(RE_NeibCpG)
mcols(RE_NeibCpG) <- cbind(
), -1]
RE_NeibCpG <- RE_NeibCpG[order(RE_NeibCpG$RE.Index)]
RE_NeibCpG <- RE_NeibCpG[RE_NeibCpG$N.nbr > 1, ] ## Remove singleton
refgene_main <- getRefGene(parcel)
RE_refGene.original <- getRE(parcel)
res <- list(
NBCpG_methyDat = DataFrame(methyDat), RECpG_methyDat = DataFrame(RE_CpG_ILMN_DATA),
refgene = getRefGene(parcel),
RE = getRE(parcel),
REtype = REtype,
genome = genome,
arrayType = arrayType
class(res) <- "template"
message("Done.", .timeTrace(currenT)$t_text)
#' @export
"[.template" <- function(x, i) {
x$NBCpG_methyDat <- x$NBCpG_methyDat[, i, drop = FALSE]
x$RECpG_methyDat <- x$RECpG_methyDat[, i, drop = FALSE]
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