
Defines functions plotGeneCellAndPopulation

#' Plot genes' cell and population-level fitting.
#' This function is used to plot genes' using their cellular level expression and the population-level fitting values.
#' @import ggplot2 RColorBrewer grDevices
#' @return a plot
#' @author Wenpin Hou <whou10@jhu.edu>
#' @export
#' @param testobj object returned from lamian_test().
#' @param gene a character vector of gene names. It can be of length 1 or > 1.
#' @param type One of c('Time', 'Variable').
#' @param subSampleNumber a numeric number. If specified, use it as the number of cells subsampled from all cells that will be shown in the plot
#' @param point.size the size value of points.
#' @param point.alpha the alpha value of points.
#' @param ylim y-axis limits to be passed to ggplot.
#' @param xlim x-axis limits to be passed to ggplot.
#' @param sep a string in the gene names that needs to replaced with blank.
#' @param free.scale logical. If TRUE, the y-axis is on free scale.
#' @param palette a RColorBrewer palette name.
#' @param ncol number of colums for organizing all genes' plot.
#' @param line.size the size of the curves.
#' @param axis.text.blank logical. If TRUE, leave axis text as blank.
#' @examples
#' data(mantestobj)
#' plotGeneCellAndPopulation(testobj = mantestobj, type = 'variable', gene = rownames(mantestobj$populationFit[[1]])[seq(1,2)])

plotGeneCellAndPopulation <- function(testobj,
                                      gene = NA,
                                      type = 'time',
                                      ylim = NA,
                                      xlim = NA,
                                      sep = NA,
                                      free.scale = TRUE,
                                      palette = 'Dark2',
                                      ncol = NA,
                                      subSampleNumber = NA,
                                      line.size = 1,
                                      line.alpha = 1,
                                      point.size = 0.2,
                                      point.alpha = 0.2,
                                      axis.text.blank = FALSE,
                                      dot.quantile = 1) {
  if (is.na(ncol))
    nrow = round(sqrt(length(gene)))
    nrow = NA
  a <- if (free.scale)
  if ('populationFit' %in% names(testobj))
    fit <-
    fit = getPopulationFit(testobj, gene = gene, type = type)
  if ('expr.ori' %in% names(testobj))
    expression <- testobj$expr.ori
    expression <- testobj$expr
  pseudotime <- testobj$pseudotime
  cellanno <- testobj$cellanno
  design <- testobj$design
  pdlist <- list()
  if (toupper(type) == 'TIME')
    variable.d <- 1
    variable.d <- 2
  for (g in gene) {
    pd <- data.frame(
      expression = expression[g,],
      pseudotime = pseudotime[colnames(expression)],
      Sample = cellanno[match(colnames(expression), cellanno[, 1]), 2],
      Variable = design[match(cellanno[, 2], rownames(design)), variable.d],
      gene = g,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    pd[pd[, 1] >= quantile(pd[, 1], dot.quantile), 1] <- NA
    pdlist[[g]] <- pd
  pd <- do.call(rbind, pdlist)
  pd[, 'Variable'] <- as.factor(pd[, 'Variable'])
  if (!is.na(sep)) {
    pd$gene <- gsub(sep, '', pd$gene)
    pd$gene <- factor(pd$gene, levels = gsub(sep, '', gene))
  } else {
    pd$gene <- factor(pd$gene, levels = gene)
  if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
    if (is.na(gene))
      gene <- rownames(fit)
    ld <- sapply(gene, function(g) {
      if (!is.na(sep))
        g2 <- sub(sep, '', g)
        g2 = g
      tmp <-
          gene = g2,
          expression = fit[g,],
          pseudotime = testobj$pseudotime,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    }, simplify = FALSE)
    ld <- do.call(rbind, ld)
    if (!is.na(sep)) {
      ld$gene <-
        factor(as.character(ld$gene), levels = sub(sep, '', gene))
    } else {
      ld$gene <- factor(as.character(ld$gene), levels = gene)
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        data = pd,
        aes(x = pseudotime, y = expression),
        color = 'black',
        size = point.size,
        alpha = point.alpha
      ) +
        data = ld,
        aes(x = pseudotime, y = expression),
        color = 'red',
        size = line.size,
        alpha = line.alpha
      ) +
      theme_classic() +
      xlab('Pseudotime') +
      ylab('Expression') +
      labs(color = '')
    if (is.na(ncol)) {
      p <- p + facet_wrap( ~ gene, nrow = nrow, scales = a)
    } else {
      p <- p + facet_wrap( ~ gene, ncol = ncol, scales = a)
  } else {
    if (is.na(gene[1]))
      gene <- rownames(fit[[1]])
    ld <- sapply(seq_len(length(fit)), function(i) {
      tmp <- reshape2::melt(fit[[i]][gene, , drop = FALSE])
      if (!is.na(subSampleNumber)) {
        ## set.seed(12345)
        id <- sample(seq_len(nrow(fit[[i]])), subSampleNumber)
        tmp <- reshape2::melt(fit[[i]][gene, id , drop = FALSE])
      } else {
        tmp <- reshape2::melt(fit[[i]][gene, , drop = FALSE])
      colnames(tmp) <- c('gene', 'pseudotime', 'expression')
      if (!is.na(subSampleNumber)) {
        ## set.seed(12345)
        tmp <-
          tmp[sample(seq_len(nrow(tmp)), subSampleNumber), , drop = FALSE]
      tmp <- data.frame(tmp,
                        type = names(fit)[i],
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }, simplify = FALSE)
    ld <- do.call(rbind, ld)
    if (!is.na(sep)) {
      ld$gene <- sub(sep, '', ld$gene)
      ld$gene <-
        factor(as.character(ld$gene), levels = sub(sep, '', gene))
    } else{
      ld$gene <- factor(as.character(ld$gene), levels = gene)
    pd <-
      data.frame(pd[, c('gene', 'pseudotime', 'expression')], type = paste0(colnames(design)[2], '_', pd[, 'Variable']))
    p <- ggplot() +
        data = pd,
          x = pseudotime,
          y = expression,
          group = type,
          color = type
        size = point.size,
        alpha = point.alpha
      ) +
        data = ld,
          x = pseudotime,
          y = expression,
          group = type,
          color = type
        size = line.size
      ) +
      theme_classic() +
      xlab('Pseudotime') +
      ylab('Expression') +
      labs(color = '')
    if (is.na(ncol)) {
      p <- p + facet_wrap( ~ gene, nrow = nrow, scales = a)
    } else {
      p <- p + facet_wrap( ~ gene, ncol = ncol, scales = a)
    if (length(unique(ld$type)) < 8)  {
      p <-  p + scale_color_brewer(palette = palette)
    } else {
      p <-
        p + scale_color_manual(values = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, palette))(length(unique(ld$type))))
  if (!is.na(ylim)[1])
    p <- p + ylim(ylim)
  if (!is.na(xlim)[1])
    p <- p + xlim(xlim)
  if (axis.text.blank) {
    p <-
      p + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
  } else {
    p <-
      p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(min(ld$pseudotime), max(ld$pseudotime)))
Winnie09/Lamian documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 5:39 p.m.