#' Infer the pseudotime tree strucutre of the input data
#' This function takes a low dimensional-reduction representation (for example, pca), the cell annotation, etc. as inputs, and then infer the pseudotime tree structures for further assessing the uncertainty of each of the pseudotime tree branches.
#' @author Wenpin Hou <whou10@jhu.edu>
#' @return a list
#' @export
#' @import TSCAN scattermore RColorBrewer grDevices
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @param pca cell by principal component (pc) matrix. Principal components reduction of the cells.
#' @param cellanno 2-column or 3-column dataframe/matrix, first column is cell name, second column is sample, third column (if exists) is cell type.
#' @param expression only useful when users want to use highly expressed marker genes to determine the starting point of pseudotime. It is a gene by cell expression matrix. The values should be library-size-normalized and log-transformed expression values. They can either be imputed or non-imputed.
#' @param origin.marker: a character or a character vector specifying the highly expressed marker genes used to identify the origin cluster in pseudotime inference.If NA (default), then not used.
#' @param origin.celltype only useful when users have specify the celltypes for the cells in cellanno[,3], and want to determin the starting point of pseudotime by this celltype. It is a character of origin celltype. It should be one of the element in cellanno[,3] if it will be used. If NA (default), then not used.
#' @param number.cluster the number of clusters in cell clustering that will be used in trajectory inference. If NA (default),the number of clusters will be determined automatically by elbow's method.
#' @param plotdir plot directory for storing the figures of cluster.pdf and pseudotime.pdf. If NA (default), figures will not be generated.
#' @param xlab the x-axis labels for the figures.
#' @param ylab the y-axis labels for the figures.
#' @param max.clunum the maximum number of clusters in the elbew's method.
#' @examples
#' data(hca_bm_pca)
#' data(hca_bm_saver)
#' data(hca_bm_cellanno)
#' res = infer_tree_structure(pca = hca_bm_pca, expression = hca_bm_saver, cellanno = hca_bm_cellanno, origin.marker = c('CD34'), xlab='Principal component 1', ylab = 'Principal component 2')
infer_tree_structure <-
origin.marker = NA,
origin.celltype = NA,
number.cluster = NA,
plotdir = NA,
xlab = 'PC1',
ylab = 'PC2',
max.clunum = 50,
kmeans.seed = 12345) {
alls <- cellanno[, 2]
names(alls) <- cellanno[, 1]
## set.seed(12345)
sdev <- apply(pca, 2, sd)
x <- seq_len(max.clunum)
optpoint <- which.min(sapply(2:max.clunum, function(i) {
x2 <- pmax(0, x - i)
sum(lm(sdev[seq_len(max.clunum)] ~ x + x2)$residuals ^ 2)
pcadim = optpoint + 1
pr <- pca[, seq_len(pcadim)] # 7
## clustering
clu <-
mykmeans(pr, maxclunum = 50, number.cluster = number.cluster, seed = kmeans.seed)$cluster
pd = data.frame(x = pr[, 1],
y = pr[, 2],
cluster = as.factor(clu[rownames(pr)]))
mypalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Set1'))
if (!is.na(plotdir)) {
pdf(paste0(plotdir, 'cluster.pdf'),
width = 3,
height = 2.1)
# pdf(paste0(plotdir, 'cluster.pdf'),
# width = 6,
# height = 4.2)
ggplot(data = pd, aes(
x = pd[,1], y = pd[,2], color = pd[,3]
)) +
geom_scattermore() +
scale_color_manual(values = mypalette(max(clu))) +
theme_classic() +
legend.spacing.y = unit(0.01, 'cm'),
legend.spacing.x = unit(0.01, 'cm'),
legend.key.size = unit(0.1, "cm")
) +
xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)
### mclust
mcl <- exprmclust(t(pr), cluster = clu, reduce = FALSE)
# --------------------
# construct pseudotime
# --------------------
## find origin
if (!is.na(origin.celltype)) {
pd = data.frame(
x = pr[, 1],
y = pr[, 2],
clu = as.factor(mcl$clusterid),
celltype = cellanno[match(rownames(pr), cellanno[, 1]), 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
tab <- table(pd[, 3:4])
tab <- tab / rowSums(tab)
pd <- melt(tab)
pd$clu <-
factor(as.character(pd$clu), levels = seq(1, max(pd$clu)))
tmp <- pd[pd$celltype == origin.celltype,]
origin.cluster <- as.numeric(tmp[which.max(tmp[, 3]), 1])
} else {
pd <-
x = pr[, 1],
y = pr[, 2],
clu = as.factor(mcl$clusterid),
mark = colMeans(expression[origin.marker, , drop = FALSE]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
tmp <- tapply(pd[, 4], pd[, 3], mean)
origin.cluster <- as.numeric(which.max(tmp))
## construct pseudotime
ord <-
startcluster = origin.cluster,
listbranch = TRUE,
orderonly = TRUE
pt <- unlist(sapply(sapply(ord, length), function(i)
seq(1, i)))
names(pt) <- unname(unlist(ord))
# ## plot pseudotime
pd = data.frame(pc1 = pca[, 1],
pc2 = pca[, 2],
time = as.numeric(pt[rownames(pca)]))
if (!is.na(plotdir)) {
pdf(paste0(plotdir, 'pseudotime.pdf'),
width = 3.1,
height = 2.1)
ggplot(data = pd, aes(
x = pd[,1], y = pd[,2], color = time
)) +
geom_scattermore() +
scale_color_gradient(low = 'yellow', high = 'blue') +
xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# get candidate branches to test reproducibility, 20200726 >>
# ------------------------------------------------------------
newbranch <-
findbranch(mst = mcl$MSTtree,
order = ord,
origin = origin.cluster)
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Evaluate robustness of tree branches using resampling
# -----------------------------------------------------
# null distribution of Jaccard index, overlap coefficient
js.null <- lapply(seq(1, length(newbranch)), function(i) {
b.ori <-
unlist(sapply(newbranch[[i]], function(c)
names(mcl$clusterid[mcl$clusterid == c])))
tmp <- sapply(seq(1, 1e3), function(j) {
## set.seed(j)
b.pm <- sample(rownames(pr), length(b.ori))
length(intersect(b.pm, b.ori)) / length(union(b.pm, b.ori))
js.cut <- sapply(js.null, quantile, 0.99)
oc.null <- lapply(seq(1, length(newbranch)), function(i) {
b.ori <-
unlist(sapply(newbranch[[i]], function(c)
names(mcl$clusterid[mcl$clusterid == c])))
tmp <- sapply(seq(1, 1e3), function(j) {
## set.seed(j)
b.pm <- sample(rownames(pr), length(b.ori))
length(intersect(b.pm, b.ori)) / min(length(b.pm), length(b.ori))
oc.cut <- sapply(oc.null, quantile, 0.99)
mcl$pseudotime <- pt
mcl$branch <- newbranch
mcl$js.cut <- js.cut
mcl$oc.cut <- oc.cut
mcl$pca <- pr
mcl$order <- ord
mcl$allsample <- alls
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