#' Evaluate the pseudotime tree uncertainty
#' This function is designed to evaluate the pseudotime tree uncertainty, as one of the main functions in lamain module 1.
#' @param inferobj the output object from function infer_tree_structure().
#' @param n.permute: a numeric number of permutation in the permutation test.
#' @param subset.cell a character vector of the names of the selected cells where boostrap will happen on. If NULL, then boostrap from all the cells.
#' @param design a design matrix for performing branch proportion test. Each row is a sample. First column is intercept (all 1). Second column is covariate.
#' @param return.ctcomp if TRUE, return all branch proportion values of permutations. The default is FALSE.
#' @export
#' @return a list of results
#' @author Wenpin Hou <whou10@jhu.edu>
#' @examples
#' data(man_tree_res)
#' a <- evaluate_uncertainty(inferobj = man_tree_res, n.permute = 3)
evaluate_uncertainty <-
subset.cell = NULL,
design = NULL,
return.ctcomp = FALSE
# branchPropTest.method = 'ttest', ## this is a quick way to call the t-test in branchPropTest(); however, if want to use the multinom test, call branchPropTest() separately.
# branchPropTest.value.log = FALSE
) {
if (is.null(subset.cell)) {
pr <- inferobj$pca
} else {
pr <- inferobj$pca[subset.cell,]
newbranch <- inferobj$branch
js.cut <- inferobj$js.cut
oc.cut <- inferobj$oc.cut
pt <- inferobj$pseudotime
ord <- inferobj$order
alls <- inferobj$allsample
ctcomplist.logit <- ctcomplist <- reproduce.js <- reproduce.oc <- corr.score <- list()
for (pmid in seq(1, n.permute)) {
## boostrap cells
## set.seed(pmid)
bstid <- sample(seq_len(nrow(pr)), nrow(pr), replace = TRUE)
bstid <- unique(bstid)
pr.pm <- pr[bstid, ]
## cluster cells
invisible(capture.output(clu <-
mykmeans(pr.pm, number.cluster = max(inferobj$clusterid))$cluster))
## build pseudotime
mcl.pm <-
exprmclust(t(pr.pm), cluster = clu, reduce = FALSE) ###
## select origin cluster
pt.pm.mean <-
tapply(pt[names(mcl.pm[['clusterid']])], list(mcl.pm[['clusterid']]), mean)
start.cluster <- names(which.min(pt.pm.mean))
## construct pseudotime
ord.pm <-
startcluster = start.cluster,
listbranch = TRUE,
orderonly = TRUE
pt.pm <-
unlist(sapply(sapply(ord.pm, length), function(i)
seq(1, i)))
names(pt.pm) <- unname(unlist(ord.pm))
## plot pseudotime
pd = data.frame(pc1 = pr[, 1],
pc2 = pr[, 2],
time = as.numeric(pt.pm[rownames(pr)]))
# get candidate branches
newbranch.pm <-
findbranch(mst = mcl.pm$MSTtree,
order = ord.pm,
origin = start.cluster)
## compare two MST
js <- sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch)), function(i) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch[[i]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord[[id]]
b.ori <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch[[i]], function(k)
names(inferobj$clusterid)[inferobj$clusterid == k])), cells)
sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch.pm)), function(j) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord.pm), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch.pm[[j]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord.pm[[id]]
b.pm <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch.pm[[j]], function(k)
names(mcl.pm$clusterid)[mcl.pm$clusterid == k])), cells)
js <-
length(intersect(b.pm, b.ori)) / length(union(b.pm, b.ori))
oc <- sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch)), function(i) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch[[i]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord[[id]]
b.ori <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch[[i]], function(k)
names(inferobj$clusterid)[inferobj$clusterid == k])), cells)
sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch.pm)), function(j) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord.pm), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch.pm[[j]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord.pm[[id]]
b.pm <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch.pm[[j]], function(k)
names(mcl.pm$clusterid)[mcl.pm$clusterid == k])), cells)
oc <-
length(intersect(b.pm, b.ori)) / min(length(b.pm), length(b.ori))
corr <- sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch)), function(i) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch[[i]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord[[id]]
b.ori <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch[[i]], function(k)
names(inferobj$clusterid)[inferobj$clusterid == k])), cells)
sapply(seq(1, length(newbranch.pm)), function(j) {
id <-
which(sapply(paste0(names(ord.pm), ','), function(k)
paste0(newbranch.pm[[j]], collapse = ','), ','
), k)))[1]
cells <- ord.pm[[id]]
b.pm <-
intersect(unlist(sapply(newbranch.pm[[j]], function(k)
names(mcl.pm$clusterid)[mcl.pm$clusterid == k])), cells)
ov = intersect(b.ori, b.pm)
cor(pt[ov], pt.pm[ov])
corr[is.na(corr)] <- 0
colnames(corr) <-
colnames(oc) <-
colnames(js) <- paste0('original', seq(1, length(newbranch)))
## get js binary to match branches
js.binary <- get_binary(js, js.cut)
corr.score[[pmid]] <- corr * js.binary
js.melt <- melt(js.binary)
js.melt <- js.melt[js.melt[, 3] != 0, ]
colnames(js.melt) <-
c('permutation.branch', 'original.branch', 'matched')
reproduce.js[[pmid]] <- as.character(js.melt[, 2])
## get oc binary to match branches
oc.binary <- get_binary(oc, oc.cut)
oc.melt <- melt(oc.binary)
oc.melt <- oc.melt[oc.melt[, 3] != 0, ]
reproduce.oc[[pmid]] <- as.character(oc.melt[, 2])
## samples cell compositions
ctcomp.new.logit <- ctcomp.new <-
matrix(0, nrow = length(unique(alls)), ncol = length(newbranch))
colnames(ctcomp.new.logit) <- colnames(ctcomp.new) <-
paste0('origin', seq(1, length(newbranch)))
rownames(ctcomp.new.logit) <- rownames(ctcomp.new) <- unique(alls)
if (nrow(js.melt) > 0) {
ctcomp <-
sapply(seq_len(nrow(js.melt)), function(i) {
## corrected from 2 to 1. 2020/08/31
c <- names(clu)[clu %in% newbranch.pm[[js.melt[i, 1]]]]
ctcomp <- rep(0, length(unique(alls)))
names(ctcomp) <- unique(alls)
ctcomp[names(table(alls[c]))] <- table(alls[c])
colnames(ctcomp) <- paste0('origin', js.melt[, 2])
## if use logit values in t-test, then add a pseudocount of one
## sample by #branch: in logit case, rowSums != 1
ctcomp.logit.tmp <- (ctcomp+1) / (rowSums(ctcomp)+1)
ctcomp.logit <- log(ctcomp.logit.tmp/(1-ctcomp.logit.tmp))
ctcomp.new.logit[rownames(ctcomp.logit), colnames(ctcomp.logit)] <- ctcomp.logit
## if use original composition values, sample by #branch: rowSums = 1
ctcomp <- ctcomp / rowSums(ctcomp)
ctcomp.new[rownames(ctcomp), colnames(ctcomp)] <- ctcomp
ctcomplist[[pmid]] <- t(ctcomp.new)
ctcomplist.logit[[pmid]] <- t(ctcomp.new.logit)
reproduce.js <- unlist(reproduce.js)
js.perc <- rep(0, length(newbranch))
js.perc[as.numeric(names(table(reproduce.js)))] <-
table(reproduce.js) / n.permute
names(js.perc) <- newbranch
reproduce.oc <- unlist(reproduce.oc)
oc.perc <- rep(0, length(newbranch))
oc.perc[as.numeric(names(table(reproduce.oc)))] <-
table(reproduce.oc) / n.permute
names(oc.perc) <- newbranch
corr.score.m <- do.call(rbind, corr.score)
corr.score.v <- colSums(corr.score.m) / n.permute
names(corr.score.v) <- newbranch
sort((js.perc + oc.perc) / 2)
detection.rate <-
data.frame(detection.rate = (js.perc + oc.perc[names(js.perc)]) / 2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
detection.rate[which(detection.rate[, 1] > 1), 1] <- 1
sample.cellcomp.mean <-
apply(simplify2array(ctcomplist), seq_len(2), mean)
sample.cellcomp.sd <-
apply(simplify2array(ctcomplist), seq_len(2), sd)
rownames(sample.cellcomp.mean) <-
newbranch[as.numeric(sub('origin', '', rownames(sample.cellcomp.mean)))]
rownames(sample.cellcomp.sd) <-
newbranch[as.numeric(sub('origin', '', rownames(sample.cellcomp.sd)))]
if (!is.null(design)) {
## t-test on original composition values
dv <- as.numeric(as.factor(design[colnames(ctcomplist[[1]]), 2])) - 1
sample.cellcomp.pvalue <-
sapply(ctcomplist, function(i)
apply(i, 1, function(j) {
if (length(unique(j)) == 1) {
} else {
t.test(j[dv == 1], j[dv == 0])$p.value
sample.cellcomp.pvalue <-
rowMeans(sample.cellcomp.pvalue < 0.05)
names(sample.cellcomp.pvalue) <-
newbranch[as.numeric(sub('origin', '', names(sample.cellcomp.pvalue)))]
## t-test on logit-transformed composition values
sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue <-
sapply(ctcomplist.logit, function(i)
apply(i, 1, function(j) {
if (length(unique(j)) == 1) {
} else {
t.test(j[dv == 1], j[dv == 0])$p.value
sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue <-
rowMeans(sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue < 0.05)
names(sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue) <-
newbranch[as.numeric(sub('origin', '', names(sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue)))]
if (length(newbranch[[length(newbranch)]]) == 2) {
name <-
paste0('c(', newbranch[[length(newbranch)]][1], ',', newbranch[[length(newbranch)]][2], ')')
rownames(detection.rate)[nrow(detection.rate)] <-
rownames(sample.cellcomp.mean)[nrow(sample.cellcomp.mean)] <-
rownames(sample.cellcomp.sd)[nrow(sample.cellcomp.sd)] <- name
if (!is.null(design)) {
result <- list(
detection.rate = detection.rate,
sample.cellcomp.mean = sample.cellcomp.mean,
sample.cellcomp.sd = sample.cellcomp.sd,
sample.cellcomp.pvalue = sample.cellcomp.pvalue,
sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue = sample.cellcomp.logit.pvalue
} else {
result <- list(
detection.rate = detection.rate,
sample.cellcomp.mean = sample.cellcomp.mean,
sample.cellcomp.sd = sample.cellcomp.sd
if (return.ctcomp == TRUE){
result[['branchProp']] = ctcomplist
result[['branchProp.logit']] = ctcomplist.logit
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