#' Count Matrix Accessors
#' By default, [counts()] returns the raw counts. Normalized counts, including
#' transcripts per million (TPM) can be accessed using the "`normalized`"
#' argument.
#' @name counts
#' @family Data Functions
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Pantano
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics counts
#' @inheritParams general
#' @param normalized Logical or character indicating which normalization
#' method to apply:
#' - `FALSE`: Raw counts (tximport).
#' - `TRUE`: DESeq2 normalized counts. Calculated on the fly.
#' - "`tpm`": Transcripts per million (tximport).
#' - "`tmm`": edgeR trimmed mean of M-values. Calculated on the fly.
#' - "`rlog`": DESeq2 **log2** regularized log transformation.
#' - "`vst`": DESeq2 **log2** variance stabilizing transformation.
#' - "`rle`": Relative log expression transformation.
#' @return `matrix`.
#' @seealso
#' - [tpm()].
#' - [tmm()].
#' - [DESeq2::counts()].
#' - [DESeq2::rlog()].
#' - [DESeq2::varianceStabilizingTransformation()].
#' @examples
#' # bcbioRNASeq ====
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = FALSE) %>% summary()
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = TRUE) %>% summary()
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = "tpm") %>% summary()
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = "tmm") %>% summary()
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = "rle") %>% summary()
#' # log2 scale
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = "rlog") %>% summary()
#' counts(bcb_small, normalized = "vst") %>% summary()
# Methods ======================================================================
#' @rdname counts
#' @export
function(object, normalized = FALSE) {
assert_is_any_of(normalized, c("character", "logical"))
if (is.logical(normalized)) {
if (identical(normalized, FALSE)) {
counts <- assay(object)
} else if (identical(normalized, TRUE)) {
counts <- assays(object)[["normalized"]]
} else if (is.character(normalized)) {
x = normalized,
y = c("raw", "tpm", "rlog", "vst", "tmm", "rle")
if (normalized == "tmm") {
# Calculate TMM on the fly
counts <- tmm(assay(object))
} else if (normalized == "rle") {
# Calculate RLE on the fly
counts <- t(t(assay(object)) / colMedians(assay(object)))
} else {
# Use matrices slotted into `assays()`
counts <- assays(object)[[normalized]]
if (!is.matrix(counts)) {
# Support for skipped DESeq2 transforms: log2 TMM
normalized, "not present in assays.",
"Calculating log2 TMM counts instead."
), call. = FALSE)
counts <- tmm(assay(object))
message("Applying log2 transformation to TMM values")
counts <- log2(counts + 1L)
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