#' Map genomic alignment coordinated to transcript coordinates
#' Mappings in the genomic alignment \code{data.frame} are devided into two parts:
#' those that have \code{CIGAR == "25M"} and those that have \code{CIGAR != "25M"}.
#' The first ones are mapped to exon coordinated from the Reference Annotation,
#' and the second ones are suspects to be exon-exon border mappings,
#' which is why they are mapped to transcript coordinates.
#' @title Map non-25M genomic mapppings to transcripts coordinates
#' @param Alignment.genomic.non25M \code{data.frame} of raw genomic alignment, subsetted to non-25M mappings (\code{CIGAR != "25M"})
#' @param Annotation \code{data.frame}, reference genome annotation, must contatin \code{feature} column, and feature names must contain \code{"transcript"} or \code{"RNA"}
#' @return returns a \code{data.frame}
#' @seealso \code{annotate.G.alignment}
#' @author Vladislava Milchevskaya \email{milchv@gmail.com}
annotate.non25M.genomic.transcrits_wise <-
function( Alignment.genomic.non25M, Annotation)
Annotation = Annotation[which(grepl("transcript|RNA",Annotation$feature)), ,
drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(Annotation) == 0)
stop(message =
"Error: Input full or transcriptomic annotation data.frame!
Check the column names (must be feature)
and feature names (must contain transcript or RNA) \n")
Annotation = Annotation[!duplicated(Annotation), ]
stopifnot(all(Alignment.genomic.non25M$CIGAR != "25M"))
Alignment.genomic.non25M =
Alignment.genomic.non25M[!duplicated(Alignment.genomic.non25M), ]
AGquery =
sapply(Alignment.genomic.non25M$CIGAR, FUN = cigar2length) +
Alignment.genomic.non25M$POS - 1)
colnames(AGquery)[ncol(AGquery)] <- "endPOS"
colnames(AGquery)[ c( which(colnames(AGquery) == "RNAME"),
which(colnames(AGquery) == "POS"),
which(colnames(AGquery) == "endPOS")
)] <- c("chr", "start.q", "end.q")
referenceDF_input = Annotation[ ,c("id", "seqid", "feature",
"start", "end", "strand",
"transcript_id", "gene_id")]
AGinclusion.transcript =
findInclusion( AGquery, referenceDF = referenceDF_input)
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