#' @keywords internal
.checkGroupComparisonInput = function(input) {
required_cols = c("Protein", "BioReplicate", "Abundance", "Run",
"Channel", "Condition", "TechRepMixture", "Mixture")
if (!all(required_cols %in% colnames(input))) {
missing_cols = !(required_cols %in% colnames(input))
missing_msg = paste(required_cols[missing_cols],
collapse = ", ")
if (sum(missing_cols) == 1) {
stop(paste("Please check the required input. ** columns :",
missing_msg, "is missed."))
} else {
stop(paste("Please check the required input. ** columns :",
missing_msg, ", are missed."))
if (data.table::uniqueN(input$Condition) < 2){
stop(paste("Please check the Condition column in annotation file.",
"There must be at least two conditions!"))
#' check whether pairwise comparison. If pairwise, generate a contrast matrix.
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a contrast matrix
.checkContrastMatrix = function(contrast_matrix) {
# TODO: use MSstatsdev::MSstatsContrastMatrix
# TODO: add checking data.frame/validity in MSstatsContrastMatrix
groups <- NULL
## check whether contrast.matrix is pairwise or matrix
if (!(is.matrix(contrast.matrix) | is.data.frame(contrast.matrix))) {
if(length(contrast.matrix) == 1){ # contrast.matrix is a character
if(contrast.matrix != "pairwise"){
stop("contrast.matrix must be 'pairwise' or a contrast matrix.")
} else{ # create constrast matrix for pairwise comparison
contrast.matrix = .makeContrast(groups)
} else{
stop("contrast.matrix must be 'pairwise' or a contrast matrix.")
} else{ # contrast.matrix is a matrix or data frame
contrast.matrix = as.matrix(contrast.matrix)
if (!all(colnames(contrast.matrix) %in% groups)) {
stop("Please check the contrast.matrix. Column names of contrast.matrix must be matched with conditions!")
stop("Please check the contrast.matrix. The elements of the contrast matrix must be all numeric!")
ncomp = nrow(contrast.matrix)
#' @keywords internal
.fitModelTMT = function(single_protein, has_single_subject, has_techreps,
has_biomixtures, has_single_run, has_Repeated_Measures) {
if (has_single_subject) { # no biological variation
if (has_techreps & has_biomixtures) { # multiple mixtures and tech MS runs
fit = fit_Mix_TechRep_Group_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # full model is not applicable
fit = fit_Run_Group_model(single_protein) # fit the reduced model with only run effect
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # second model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else {
if (has_techreps | has_biomixtures) { # multiple runs
# fit the reduced model with only run effect
fit = fit_Run_Group_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # run model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single run
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # the data has biological variation
if(has_Repeated_Measures){ # time course design
if (has_biomixtures) { # multiple mixtures
if (has_techreps) { # multiple tech MS runs
####### TODO: need to double check the full model ######
fit = fit_Mix_TechRep_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the full model with mixture, techrep, subject effects
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # full model is not applicable, fit the model with run and subject effects
fit = fit_Run_Group_Sub_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # second model not applicable - fit model with only subject effect
fit = fit_Group_Sub_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # subject model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single MS run per mixture
fit = fit_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the model with subject effect
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # subject model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single mixture
if (has_techreps) { # multiple tech MS runs
fit = fit_Run_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the model with run and subject effects
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # full model not applicable - fit model with only run effect
fit = fit_Group_Sub_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single MS run
fit = fit_Group_Sub_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else{ # group comparison design
if (has_biomixtures) { # multiple mixtures
if (has_techreps) { # multiple tech MS runs
fit = fit_Mix_TechRep_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the full model with mixture, techrep, subject effects
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # full model is not applicable
fit = fit_Run_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # full model not applicable - fit model with only run effect
fit = fit_Run_Group_model(single_protein)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # run model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else {
fit = fit_Run_Group_model(single_protein) # fit the reduced model with only subject effect
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # subject model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single mixture
if (has_techreps) { # multiple tech MS runs
fit = fit_Run_Group_Sub_model(single_protein) # fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { # model not applicable - fit one-way anova model
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
} else { # single MS run per mixture
fit = fit_Group_model(single_protein)
#' @keywords internal
.addVarianceInformation = function(fitted_model, protein_name) {
if (!inherits(fitted_model, "try-error")) {
if (inherits(fitted_model, "lm")) { # single run case
av = anova(fitted_model)
coefs = coef(fitted_model)
s2_df = av["Residuals", "Df"]
if(s2_df == 0) {
s2 = 0
} else {
s2 = av["Residuals", "Mean Sq"] # use error variance for testing
} else {
av = anova(fitted_model)
coefs = lme4::fixef(fitted_model)
s2_df = av$DenDF
s2 = av$'Mean Sq'/av$'F value'
} else {
s2 = NA
s2_df = NA
coefs = NA
list(fitted_model = list(fitted_model),
protein = protein_name,
variance = s2,
variance_df = s2_df,
coefs = list(coefs)
## make contrast matrix for pairwise comparisons
#' @keywords internal
.makeContrast = function(groups) {
ncomp = length(groups) * (length(groups) - 1) / 2 # Number of comparison
contrast.matrix = matrix(rep(0, length(groups) * ncomp), ncol = length(groups))
colnames(contrast.matrix) = groups
count = 0
contrast.matrix.rownames = NULL
for(j in seq_len(length(groups)-1)){
for(k in (j+1):length(groups)){
count = count + 1
# save row name
contrast.matrix.rownames = c(contrast.matrix.rownames, paste(groups[j], groups[k], sep = "-"))
# set constrast value
contrast.matrix[count, groups[j]] = 1
contrast.matrix[count, groups[k]] = -1
rownames(contrast.matrix) = contrast.matrix.rownames
## check whether single subject per mixture and group
#' @keywords internal
.checkSingleSubject = function(annotation) {
Subject <- NULL
count_subjects = annotation[, .(NumSubjects = uniqueN(Subject)),
by = c("Group")]
all(count_subjects$NumSubjects <= 1)
## check .checkTechReplicate
#' @keywords internal
.checkTechReplicate = function(annotation) {
Run <- NULL
count_runs = annotation[, .(NumRuns = uniqueN(Run)),
by = c("Mixture")]
any(count_runs$NumRuns > 1)
## check whether there are multiple biological mixtures
#' @keywords internal
.checkMulBioMixture = function(annotation) {
uniqueN(annotation$Mixture) > 1
# check whether there is only single run
#' @keywords internal
.checkSingleRun = function(annotation) {
uniqueN(annotation$Run) == 1
# check whether the data has repeated measures
#' @keywords internal
.checkRepeatedMeasures = function(annotation) {
Group <- NULL
count_groups = annotation[, .(NumGroups = uniqueN(Group)),
by = c("Subject")]
any(count_groups$NumGroups > 1)
## fit the full model with mixture, techrep and subject effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has
#' multiple mixtures, multiple technical replicate runs per mixture and biological variation
fit_Mix_TechRep_Group_Sub_model = function(data) {
lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Mixture) + (1|Mixture:TechRepMixture) + # whole plot
Group + #subplot
(1|Subject), data = data), TRUE))
## fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has
#' single mixture with multiple technical replicate runs
fit_Run_Group_Sub_model = function(data) {
lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Run) + # whole plot
Group + #subplot
(1|Subject), data = data), TRUE))
## fit the reduced model with mixture and techrep effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has no biological variation,
#' multiple mixtures with multiple technical replicate runs
fit_Mix_TechRep_Group_model = function(data) {
Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Mixture) + (1|Mixture:TechRepMixture) + Group,
data = data
## fit the reduced with only run effect
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has no biological variation,
#' multiple mixtures or multiple technical replicate runs
#' or if the data has multiple mixtures but single technical replicate MS run
fit_Run_Group_model = function(data) {
suppressMessages(try(lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Run) + Group,
data = data), TRUE))
## fit one-way anova model
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has single run
fit_Group_model = function(data) {
suppressMessages(try(lm(Abundance ~ 1 + Group, data = data), TRUE))
## fit subject model for repeated measures design
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit subject model if the data uses repeated measures design
fit_Group_Sub_model = function(data) {
Abundance ~ 1 + Group + (1|Subject),
data = data
#' perform statistical inference for single protein and single contrast
#' @keywords internal
.handleSingleContrastTMT = function(contrast, fit, single_protein, coefs,
protein, groups, s2_posterior, rho, vss,
df_prior, s2_df) {
positive.groups = colnames(contrast)[contrast > 0]
negative.groups = colnames(contrast)[contrast < 0]
if (any(positive.groups %in% groups) &
any(negative.groups %in% groups)) {
cm = .makeContrastSingleTMT(fit, contrast, single_protein, coefs)
FC = (cm %*% coefs)[, 1]
if (inherits(fit, "lm")) {
se2.post = diag(t(cm) %*% summary(fit)$cov.unscaled %*% cm) * s2_posterior
df.post = s2_df + df_prior
} else {
# Acknowlege: Tyler Bradshawthis contributed to this part of implementation
vcov = fit@vcov_beta
se2 = as.matrix(t(cm) %*% as.matrix(vcov) %*% cm)
## calculate posterior variance
vcov.post = fit@pp$unsc() * s2_posterior
se2.post = as.matrix(t(cm) %*% as.matrix(vcov.post) %*% cm)
## calculate posterior df
g = .mygrad(function(x) vss(t(cm), x)$varcor, c(rho$thopt, rho$sigma))
denom = try(t(g) %*% fit@vcov_varpar %*% g, silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(denom, "try-error")) {
df.post = s2_df + df_prior
} else{
df.post = 2*(se2)^2/denom + df_prior
t = FC / sqrt(se2.post)[1, 1]
p = 2*pt(-abs(t), df = df.post)
se = sqrt(se2.post)[1, 1]
DF = df.post[1, 1]
if (s2_df == 0) {
issue = "SingleMeasurePerCondition"
} else{
issue = NA
} else {
result = .handleMissingConditionTMT(single_protein, contrast[1, ])
FC = result[["logFC"]]
p = NA
se = NA
issue = result[["issue"]]
list(Protein = protein, comparison = row.names(contrast),
log2FC = FC, pvalue = p, SE = se, DF = DF, issue = issue)
## check the reason for results with NA
#' @keywords internal
#' check the possible reason for untestable comparison
.handleMissingConditionTMT = function(input, contrast){
groups = as.character(unique(input$Group))
positive = names(contrast)[contrast > 0]
negative = names(contrast)[contrast < 0]
if(is.null(positive) | is.null(negative)){
stop("Please check the contrast.matrix.
Each row must have both positive and negative values,
and their sum must be 1!")
} # TODO: do this check earlier
if (any(positive %in% groups) & any(negative %in% groups)) {
logFC = NA
issue = "unfittableModel"
} else {
if (all(!positive %in% groups) & any(negative %in% groups)) {
logFC = -Inf
issue = "oneConditionMissing"
} else {
if (any(positive %in% groups) & all(!negative %in% groups)) {
logFC = Inf
issue = "oneConditionMissing"
} else {
logFC = NA
issue = "completeMissing"
list(logFC = logFC, issue = issue)
#' Make a contrast
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a contrast vector
.makeContrastSingleTMT = function(fit, contrast, single_protein, coefs) {
sub_groups = as.character(unique(single_protein$Group))
positive = names(contrast)[contrast > 0]
negative = names(contrast)[contrast < 0]
if (!(all(positive %in% sub_groups) & all(negative %in% sub_groups))) {
contrast_updated = unname(contrast[, sub_groups])
contrast_updated = .normalizeContrastGroups(contrast_updated, "negative")
contrast_updated = .normalizeContrastGroups(contrast_updated, "positive")
contrast[] = 0
contrast[1, sub_groups] = contrast_updated
if (inherits(fit, "lm")) {
coef_name = names(coefs)
} else {
coef_name = names(coefs)
temp = coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c = NULL
} else {
intercept_c = rep(0, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) = temp
temp = coef_name[grep("Group", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) == 0) {
group_c = NULL
} else {
tempcontrast = contrast[1, sub_groups]
group_c = tempcontrast[gsub("^Group", "", temp)]
names(group_c) = temp
new_contrast = c(intercept_c, group_c)
if (inherits(fit, "lm")) {
new_contrast = new_contrast[!is.na(coefs)]
} else {
new_contrast = new_contrast[!is.na(coefs)]
#' @keywords internal
.normalizeContrastGroups = function(contrast, type) {
if (type == "negative") {
condition = contrast < 0
} else {
condition = contrast > 0
new_values = contrast[condition]
new_values = new_values * abs(1 / sum(new_values, na.rm = TRUE))
contrast[condition] = new_values
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