#' Perform by-feature operations.
#' @param input `data.table` preprocessed by one of the cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param feature_columns character vector of names of columns that define features.
#' @param cleaning_control named list of two or three elements.
#' See the documentation for `MSstatsImport` for details.
#' @return `data.table`
#' @keywords internal
.cleanByFeature = function(input, feature_columns, cleaning_control) {
if (is.element("Channel", colnames(input))) {
input = .filterFewMeasurements(
input, 0,
unique(c("PSM", "Run")))
input = .aggregatePSMstoPeptideIons(
input, feature_columns,
} else {
summary_str = deparse(cleaning_control[["summarize_multiple_psms"]])
summary_str = ifelse(grepl("sum", summary_str), "sum", "max")
input = .summarizeMultipleMeasurements(
input, cleaning_control[["summarize_multiple_psms"]],
c(feature_columns, "Run"))
msg = paste("** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run",
"are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows:", summary_str)
getOption("MSstatsLog")("INFO", msg)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", msg)
input = .filterFewMeasurements(
input, 0,
#' Remove features with a small number of (non-missing) measurements across runs
#' @param input `data.table` pre-processed by one of the .cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param min_intensity minimum intensity that will be considered non-missing.
#' @param remove_few logical, if TRUE, features that have less than three
#' measurements will be removed. If FALSE, only features with all missing runs
#' will be removed.
#' @param features_columns chr, vector of names of columns that define features.
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
.filterFewMeasurements = function(input, min_intensity, remove_few,
feature_columns = NULL) {
Intensity = n_obs = NULL
if (is.null(feature_columns)) {
if (is.element("Channel", colnames(input))) {
feature_columns = c("PSM", "Run")
} else {
feature_columns = intersect(colnames(input),
c("PeptideModifiedSequence", "Charge",
"PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge",
"FragmentIon", "ProductCharge"))
feature_columns = setdiff(feature_columns, "IsotopeLabelType")
input[, n_obs := sum(Intensity > min_intensity, na.rm = TRUE),
by = feature_columns]
what = ifelse(is.element("Channel", colnames(input)),
"channels within each run", "runs")
if (remove_few) {
cutoff = 2
msg = paste("** Features with one or two measurements across",
what, "are removed.")
} else {
cutoff = 0
msg = paste("** Features with all missing measurements across",
what, "are removed.")
input = input[n_obs > cutoff]
getOption("MSstatsLog")("INFO", msg)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", msg)
input[, colnames(input) != "n_obs", with = FALSE]
#' Summarize multiple measurements per feature in a single run
#' @param input `data.table` pre-processed by one of the .cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param aggregator function that will be used to aggregate duplicated values.
#' @param feature_columns chr, vector of names of columns that define features.
#' @return `data.table`
#' @keywords internal
.summarizeMultipleMeasurements = function(input, aggregator, feature_columns) {
Intensity = isZero = NULL
info = unique(input[, intersect(colnames(input),
c("StandardType", "ProteinName",
"PeptideModifiedSequence", "Charge",
"PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge",
with = FALSE])
if (is.element("isZero", colnames(input))) {
input = input[, list(Intensity = aggregator(Intensity, na.rm = TRUE),
isZero = all(isZero | is.na(Intensity)) &
by = feature_columns]
} else {
input = input[, list(Intensity = aggregator(Intensity, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = feature_columns]
merge(input, info,
by = intersect(colnames(input), colnames(info)), sort = FALSE)
#' Remove proteins only identified by a single feature
#' @param input `data.table` pre-processed by one of the .cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param remove_single_feature lgl, if TRUE, proteins with a single feature
#' will be removed.
#' @return `data.table`
#' @keywords internal
.handleSingleFeaturePerProtein = function(input, remove_single_feature) {
feature_count = feature = NULL
if (remove_single_feature) {
feature_columns = intersect(c("PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge",
"FragmentIon", "ProductCharge", "Charge"),
input[, feature := do.call(".combine", .SD), .SDcols = feature_columns]
input[, feature_count := uniqueN(feature), by = "ProteinName"]
input = input[feature_count > 1]
input = input[, !(colnames(input) %in% c("feature_count", "feature")),
with = FALSE]
"Proteins with a single feature are removed.")
"Proteins with a single feature are removed.")
#' @keywords internal
.combine = function(...) {
paste(..., sep = "_")
#' Aggregate multiple PSMs to a single peptide ion.
#' @param input data.table preprocessed by one of the cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param feature_columns chr, names of columns that define features.
#' @param summary_function function that will be used to aggregate intensities
#' if needed.
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
.aggregatePSMstoPeptideIons = function(input, feature_columns,
summary_function = sum
) {
keep = n_psms = PSM = Intensity = NULL
feature_columns = unique(c(feature_columns, "Run"))
input[, n_psms := data.table::uniqueN(PSM), by = feature_columns]
if (any(input$n_psms > 1)) {
input_duplicates = input[n_psms != 1]
input = input[n_psms == 1]
if (nrow(input_duplicates) > 0) {
cols = intersect(colnames(input_duplicates),
c("PSM", "Channel", "Intensity", "Run", "Score",
"IsolationInterference", "IonsScore", "n_psms",
"Purity", "PeptideProphetProbability"))
input_duplicates[, keep := .summarizeMultiplePSMs(.SD,
by = feature_columns, .SDcols = cols]
input = rbind(input, input_duplicates, fill = TRUE)
cols = intersect(colnames(input),
c("PSM", "Channel", "Intensity", "Run", "Score",
"IsolationInterference", "IonsScore", "n_psms",
"Purity", "PeptideProphetProbability"))
input[, keep := .summarizeMultiplePSMs(.SD, summary_function),
by = feature_columns, .SDcols = cols]
input = input[(PSM == keep) | is.na(keep),
!(colnames(input) %in% c("keep", "feature")),
with = FALSE]
input[, n_psms := data.table::uniqueN(PSM), by = feature_columns]
if (any(input$n_psms > 1)) {
input = input[, list(Intensity = mean(Intensity, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = setdiff(colnames(input),
c("PSM", "Intensity", "n_psms",
"IsolationInterference", "Score",
"IonsScore", "Purity",
"Purity", "PeptideProphetProbability"))]
input[, PSM := do.call(".combine", .SD),
.SDcols = c("PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge")]
msg = "** PSMs have been aggregated to peptide ions."
getOption("MSstatsLog")("INFO", msg)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", msg)
input[, colnames(input) != "n_psms", with = FALSE]
#' Pick one PSM from a data.table of several PSMs.
#' @param input data.table preprocessed by one of the .cleanRaw* functions.
#' @param summary_function function that will be used to aggregate intensities
#' if needed.
#' @return character - label of a chosen PSM
#' @keywords internal
.summarizeMultiplePSMs = function(input, summary_function) {
Intensity = Score = IsolationInterference = IonsScore = PSM = NULL
if (all(unique(input$n_psms) == 1)) {
} else {
nonmissing_counts = input[, list(n_nonmissing = sum(!is.na(Intensity))),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = nonmissing_counts$n_nonmissing == max(nonmissing_counts$n_nonmissing,
na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(nonmissing_counts$PSM[is_max])]
if ("Score" %in% colnames(input)) {
by_score = input[, list(score = unique(Score)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = by_score$score == max(by_score$score, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(by_score$PSM[is_max])]
if ("IsolationInterference" %in% colnames(input) &
!any(is.na(input$IsolationInterference))) {
by_score = input[, list(score = unique(IsolationInterference)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_min = by_score$score == min(by_score$score, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_min, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(by_score$PSM[is_min])]
if ("IonsScore" %in% colnames(input) & !any(is.na(input$IonsScore))) {
by_score = input[, list(score = unique(IonsScore)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = by_score$score == max(by_score$score, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(by_score$PSM[is_max])]
if ("Purity" %in% colnames(input) & !any(is.na(input$Purity))) {
by_score = input[, list(score = unique(Purity)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = by_score$score == max(by_score$score, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(by_score$PSM[is_max])]
if ("PeptideProphet.Probability" %in% colnames(input) &
!any(is.na(input$PeptideProphet.Probability))) {
by_score = input[, list(score = unique(PeptideProphet.Probability)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = by_score$score == max(by_score$score, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
input = input[PSM %in% unique(by_score$PSM[is_max])]
by_max = input[, list(Intensity = summary_function(Intensity,
na.rm = TRUE)),
by = c("PSM")]
is_max = by_max$Intensity == max(by_max$Intensity, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is_max, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) {
} else {
#' Fix invalid intensities: infinite to NA, between 0 and 1 to 0
#' @param input data.table
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
.adjustIntensities = function(input) {
Intensity = isZero = NULL
if (is.element("isZero", colnames(input))) {
input[, isZero := ifelse(Intensity > 0 & Intensity <= 1, TRUE, isZero)]
input[, Intensity := ifelse(is.finite(Intensity), Intensity, NA)]
input[, Intensity := ifelse(Intensity > 0 & Intensity <= 1, 0, Intensity)]
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