#' Post-processing output from MSstats summarization
#' @param input `data.table` in MSstats format
#' @param summarized output of the `MSstatsSummarizeWithSingleCore` function
#' @param processed output of MSstatsSelectFeatures
#' @param method name of the summarization method
#' (`summaryMethod` parameter to `dataProcess`)
#' @param impute if TRUE, censored missing values were imputed
#' (`MBimpute` parameter to `dataProcess`)
#' @param censored_symbol censored missing value indicator
#' (`censoredInt` parameter to `dataProcess`)
#' @return list that consists of the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{FeatureLevelData}{ - feature-level data after processing}
#' \item{ProteinLevelData}{ - protein-level (summarized) data}
#' \item{SummaryMethod}{ (string) - name of summarization method that was used}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' raw = DDARawData
#' method = "TMP"
#' cens = "NA"
#' impute = TRUE
#' MSstatsConvert::MSstatsLogsSettings(FALSE)
#' input = MSstatsPrepareForDataProcess(raw, 2, NULL)
#' input = MSstatsNormalize(input, "EQUALIZEMEDIANS")
#' input = MSstatsMergeFractions(input)
#' input = MSstatsHandleMissing(input, "TMP", TRUE, "NA", 0.999)
#' input = MSstatsSelectFeatures(input, "all")
#' processed = getProcessed(input)
#' input = MSstatsPrepareForSummarization(input, method, impute, cens, FALSE)
#' summarized = MSstatsSummarizeWithSingleCore(input, method, impute, cens, FALSE, TRUE)
#' output = output = MSstatsSummarizationOutput(input, summarized, processed,
#' method, impute, cens)
MSstatsSummarizationOutput = function(input, summarized, processed,
method, impute, censored_symbol) {
LABEL = TotalGroupMeasurements = GROUP = Protein = RUN = NULL
input = .finalizeInput(input, summarized, method, impute, censored_symbol)
summarized = lapply(summarized, function(x) x[[1]])
summarized = data.table::rbindlist(summarized)
if (inherits(summarized, "try-error")) {
msg = paste("*** error : can't summarize per subplot with ",
method, ".")
getOption("MSstatsLog")("ERROR", msg)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("ERROR", msg)
rqall = NULL
rqmodelqc = NULL
workpred = NULL
} else {
input[LABEL == "L", TotalGroupMeasurements := uniqueN(.SD),
by = c("PROTEIN", "GROUP"),
.SDcols = c("FEATURE", "originalRUN")]
cols = intersect(c("PROTEIN", "originalRUN", "RUN", "GROUP",
"NumMeasuredFeature", "MissingPercentage",
"more50missing", "NumImputedFeature"),
merge_col = ifelse(is.element("RUN", colnames(summarized)),
lab = unique(input[LABEL == "L", cols, with = FALSE])
if (nlevels(input$LABEL) > 1) {
lab = lab[GROUP != 0]
lab = lab[, colnames(lab) != "GROUP", with = FALSE]
rqall = merge(summarized, lab, by.x = c(merge_col, "Protein"),
by.y = c(merge_col, "PROTEIN"))
data.table::setnames(rqall, c("GROUP_ORIGINAL", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL"),
c("GROUP", "SUBJECT"), skip_absent = TRUE)
rqall$GROUP = factor(as.character(rqall$GROUP))
rqall$Protein = factor(rqall$Protein)
rqmodelqc = summarized$ModelQC
if (is.element("RUN", colnames(rqall)) & !is.null(rqall)) {
rqall = rqall[order(Protein, as.numeric(as.character(RUN))), ]
rownames(rqall) = NULL
output_cols = intersect(c("PROTEIN", "PEPTIDE", "TRANSITION", "FEATURE",
"originalRUN", "censored", "INTENSITY", "ABUNDANCE",
"newABUNDANCE", "predicted", "feature_quality",
"is_outlier", "remove"), colnames(input))
input = input[, output_cols, with = FALSE]
if (is.element("remove", colnames(processed))) {
processed = processed[(remove),
colnames(processed)), with = FALSE]
input = rbind(input, processed, fill = TRUE)
list(FeatureLevelData = as.data.frame(input),
ProteinLevelData = as.data.frame(rqall),
SummaryMethod = method)
#' Add summary statistics to dataProcess output
#' @param input feature-level data
#' @param summarized protein-level data (list)
#' @param method summary method
#' @param impute if TRUE, censored missing values were imputed
#' @param censored_symbol censored missing value indicator
#' @keywords internal
.finalizeInput = function(input, summarized, method, impute, censored_symbol) {
if (method == "TMP") {
input = .finalizeTMP(input, censored_symbol, impute, summarized)
} else {
input = .finalizeLinear(input, censored_symbol)
#' Summary statistics for output of TMP-based summarization
#' @inheritParams .finalizeInput
#' @keywords internal
.finalizeTMP = function(input, censored_symbol, impute, summarized) {
NonMissingStats = NumMeasuredFeature = MissingPercentage = LABEL = NULL
total_features = more50missing = nonmissing_orig = censored = NULL
INTENSITY = newABUNDANCE = NumImputedFeature = NULL
survival_predictions = lapply(summarized, function(x) x[[2]])
predicted_survival = data.table::rbindlist(survival_predictions)
if (impute) {
cols = intersect(colnames(input), c("newABUNDANCE",
"cen", "RUN",
"FEATURE", "ref"))
input = merge(input[, colnames(input) != "newABUNDANCE", with = FALSE],
by = setdiff(cols, "newABUNDANCE"),
all.x = TRUE)
input[, NonMissingStats := .getNonMissingFilterStats(.SD, censored_symbol)]
input[, NumMeasuredFeature := sum(NonMissingStats),
by = c("PROTEIN", "RUN")]
input[, MissingPercentage := 1 - (NumMeasuredFeature / total_features)]
input[, more50missing := MissingPercentage >= 0.5]
if (!is.null(censored_symbol)) {
if (is.element("censored", colnames(input))) {
input[, nonmissing_orig := LABEL == "L" & !censored]
} else {
input[, nonmissing_orig := LABEL == "L" & !is.na(INTENSITY)]
input[, nonmissing_orig := ifelse(is.na(newABUNDANCE), TRUE, nonmissing_orig)]
if (impute) {
input[, NumImputedFeature := sum(LABEL == "L" & !nonmissing_orig),
by = c("PROTEIN", "RUN")]
} else {
input[, NumImputedFeature := 0]
#' Summary statistics for linear model-based summarization
#' @inheritParams .finalizeInput
#' @keywords internal
.finalizeLinear = function(input, censored_symbol) {
NonMissingStats = NumMeasuredFeature = MissingPercentage = NULL
total_features = more50missing = nonmissing_orig = LABEL = NULL
censored = INTENSITY = newABUNDANCE = NumImputedFeature = NULL
input[, NonMissingStats := .getNonMissingFilterStats(.SD, censored_symbol)]
input[, NumMeasuredFeature := sum(NonMissingStats),
by = c("PROTEIN", "RUN")]
input[, MissingPercentage := 1 - (NumMeasuredFeature / total_features)]
input[, more50missing := MissingPercentage >= 0.5]
if (!is.null(censored_symbol)) {
if (is.element("censored", colnames(input))) {
input[, nonmissing_orig := LABEL == "L" & !censored]
} else {
input[, nonmissing_orig := LABEL == "L" & !is.na(INTENSITY)]
input[, nonmissing_orig := ifelse(is.na(newABUNDANCE), TRUE, nonmissing_orig)]
input[, NumImputedFeature := 0]
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