# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Using a purityA object, create an MSP file of fragmentation spectra
#' @description
#' **General**
#' Create an MSP file for all the fragmentation spectra that has been linked to an XCMS feature via frag4feature.
#' Can export all the associated scans individually or the averaged fragmentation spectra can be exported.
#' Additional metadata can be included in a dataframe (each column will be added to metadata of the MSP spectra).
#' The dataframe must contain the column "grpid" corresponding to the XCMS grouped feature.
#' **Example LC-MS/MS processing workflow**
#' * Purity assessments
#' + (mzML files) -> **purityA** -> (pa)
#' * XCMS processing
#' + (mzML files) -> xcms.findChromPeaks -> (optionally) xcms.adjustRtime -> xcms.groupChromPeaks -> (xcmsObj)
#' + --- *Older versions of XCMS* --- (mzML files) -> xcms.xcmsSet -> xcms.group -> xcms.retcor -> xcms.group -> (xcmsObj)
#' * Fragmentation processing
#' + (xcmsObj, pa) -> frag4feature -> filterFragSpectra -> averageIntraFragSpectra -> averageIntraFragSpectra -> **createMSP** -> (MSP file)
#' @aliases createMSP
#' @param pa object; purityA object
#' @param msp_file_pth character; Name of the output msp file, if NULL the file "frag_spectra_{time stamp}.msp" will be created in the current directory
#' @param metadata data.frame; Data frame with additional coumpound infomation to include in msp output
#' @param metadata_cols vector; Column names of meta data to incorporate into name
#' @param xcms_groupids vector; XCMS group id's to extract ms/ms data for
#' @param method character; "all" will export all matching ms/ms spectra to xcms features, "max" will use spectra with the highest inensity,
#' "av_intra" will use the intra file averaged spectra (within file), "av_inter" will use the inter file (across file)
#' averaged spectra, "av_all" will use the averaged spectra (ignoring inter and intra)
#' @param adduct_split boolean; If either "adduct" or MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_TYPE column is in metadata then each adduct will have it's own MSP spectra.
#' (Useful, if the MSP file will be used for further annotation)
#' @param filter boolean; TRUE if filtered peaks are to be removed
#' @param msp_schema character; Either MassBank (Europe) or MoNA style of MSP file format to be used ('massbank' or 'mona')
#' @param intensity_ra character; Either 'intensity', 'ra' (relative abundance) or 'intensity_ra' (intensity and relative abundance) to be written
#' to the MSP file
#' @param include_adducts character; Additional adducts to include as a string seperated by white a space (e.g. \[M+H\]+ \[M+Na\]+)
#' @return Returns a MSP file with the selected spectra and metadata
#' @examples
#' #====== XCMS =================================
#' ## Read in MS data
#' #msmsPths <- list.files(system.file("extdata", "lcms", "mzML",
#' # package="msPurityData"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "MSMS")
#' #ms_data = readMSData(msmsPths, mode = 'onDisk', msLevel. = 1)
#' ## Find peaks in each file
#' #cwp <- CentWaveParam(snthresh = 5, noise = 100, ppm = 10, peakwidth = c(3, 30))
#' #xcmsObj <- xcms::findChromPeaks(ms_data, param = cwp)
#' ## Optionally adjust retention time
#' #xcmsObj <- adjustRtime(xcmsObj , param = ObiwarpParam(binSize = 0.6))
#' ## Group features across samples
#' #pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = c(1, 1), minFraction = 0, bw = 30)
#' #xcmsObj <- groupChromPeaks(xcmsObj , param = pdp)
#' #====== msPurity ============================
#' #pa <- purityA(msmsPths)
#' #pa <- frag4feature(pa = pa, xcmsObj = xcmsObj)
#' #pa <- filterFragSpectra(pa, allfrag=TRUE)
#' #pa <- averageAllFragSpectra(pa)
#' #createMSP(pa)
#' pa <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tests", "purityA",
#' "9_averageAllFragSpectra_with_filter_pa.rds",
#' package="msPurity"))
#' createMSP(pa)
#' @md
#' @export
setMethod(f="createMSP", signature="purityA",
definition = function(pa, msp_file_pth=NULL, metadata=NULL, metadata_cols=NULL,
xcms_groupids=NULL, method="all", adduct_split=TRUE, filter=TRUE,
msp_schema='massbank', intensity_ra='intensity_ra', include_adducts=''
mspurity_to_msp(pa, msp_file_pth, metadata, metadata_cols,
xcms_groupids, method, adduct_split, filter, msp_schema,
intensity_ra, include_adducts)
mspurity_to_msp <- function (pa, msp_file_pth=NULL, metadata=NULL, metadata_cols=NULL,
xcms_groupids=NULL, method="all", adduct_split=TRUE, filter=TRUE,
msp_schema='massbank', intensity_ra='intensity_ra', include_adducts=''){
if (!is.null(metadata) && !'grpid' %in% colnames(metadata)){
metadata$grpid <- 1:nrow(metadata)
if (!msp_schema %in% c('massbank', 'mona')){
stop('msp_schema should either be "massbank" or "mona"')
if (!intensity_ra %in% c('intensity', 'ra', 'intensity_ra')){
stop('intensity_ra should either be "intensity", "ra" or "intensity_ra"')
if (is.null(msp_file_pth)){
msp_file_pth <- paste('frag_spectra', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%I%M%S"), '.msp', sep="")
grped_df <- pa@grped_df
msms <- pa@grped_ms2
puritydf <- pa@puritydf
of <- file(description = msp_file_pth, open = "w+")
if (is.null(xcms_groupids)){
xcms_groupids <- as.numeric(names(pa@grped_ms2))
for(grpid in xcms_groupids){
group_id <- which(grped_df$grpid==grpid)
spec <- msms[[as.character(grpid)]]
if (length(group_id)>=1){
grpd <- grped_df[group_id,]
if (method=="all"){
for(j in 1:length(group_id)){
grpdj <- grpd[j,]
if ('sample' %in% colnames(grpd)){
fileid = grpdj$sample
fileid = grpdj$fileid
spectrum <- spec[[j]]
if ((filter) & ('pass_flag' %in% colnames(spectrum))){
spectrum <- spectrum[spectrum[,'pass_flag']==1,,drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(spectrum)>0){
spectrum <- add_mzi_cols(spectrum)
write.msp(grpdj$precurMtchMZ, grpdj$rt, grpid, fileid, spectrum, metadata,
metadata_cols, of, method, adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts)
}else if (method=="max"){
prec_int <- puritydf[puritydf$pid %in% grpd$pid,'precursorIntensity']
idx <- which(prec_int==max(prec_int))[1] # if joint place, take the first one (very unlikely to occur)
grpdi <- grpd[idx,]
if ('sample' %in% colnames(grpdi)){
fileid = grpdi$sample
fileid = grpdi$fileid
specmax <- spec[[idx]]
if ((filter) & ('pass_flag' %in% colnames(specmax))){
specmax <- specmax[specmax[,'pass_flag']==1,]
specmax<- add_mzi_cols(specmax)
write.msp(grpdi$precurMtchMZ,grpdi$rt, grpid, fileid, specmax, metadata, metadata_cols, of,
method, adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts)
}else if (method=="av_inter"){
av_inter <- pa@av_spectra[[as.character(grpid)]]$av_inter
if (!is.null(av_inter) && length(av_inter)==0){
if (filter){
av_inter <- av_inter[av_inter[,'pass_flag']==1,]
if (!is.null(av_inter) && nrow(av_inter)>0){
write.msp(median(grpd$mz), median(grpd$rt), grpid, NA, av_inter, metadata, metadata_cols, of, method,
adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts)
}else if (method=="av_intra"){
av_intra <- pa@av_spectra[[as.character(grpid)]]$av_intra
if (!is.null(av_intra) && length(av_intra)==0){
for (j in 1:length(av_intra)){
av_intra_j_l <- av_intra[j]
fileid <- names(av_intra_j_l)
av_intra_j <- av_intra_j_l[[1]]
if (filter){
av_intra_j <- av_intra_j[av_intra_j[,'pass_flag']==1,]
if (!is.null(av_intra_j) && nrow(av_intra_j)>0){
write.msp(median(grpd$mz), median(grpd$rt), grpid, fileid, av_intra_j, metadata, metadata_cols,
of, method, adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts)
}else if (method=="av_all"){
av_all <- pa@av_spectra[[as.character(grpid)]]$av_all
if (filter){
av_all <- av_all[av_all[,'pass_flag']==1,]
if (!is.null(av_all) && nrow(av_all)>0){
write.msp(median(grpd$mz), median(grpd$rt), grpid, NA, av_all, metadata, metadata_cols, of,
method, adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts)
write.msp <- function(precmz, rtmed, grpid, fileid, spectra, metadata, metadata_cols, ofile, method,
adduct_split, msp_schema, intensity_ra, include_adducts){
# Kee the same name for adduct type
if (msp_schema=='mona'){
precursor_type <- 'PRECURSOR_TYPE:'
precursor_type <- 'MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_TYPE'
if ('adduct' %in% names(metadata)){
# If adduct is used as metadata, we change the name to keep it consistent with the MoNA or MassBank format
colnames(metadata)[colnames(metadata)=='adduct'] <- precursor_type
# loop through meta data (if metadata is null the sum will be zero)
for(i in 1:sum(metadata$grpid==grpid)){
# metadata is null and a single iteration has been performed (all that is required)
metadatai <- metadata[metadata$grpid==grpid,][i,]
if (precursor_type %in% names(metadatai) && sum(metadatai$grpid==grpid) > 0){
# extract the text, expecting to be in CAMERA format, e.g. "[M-H]- 88.016 [M-H-NH3]- 105.042"
adduct_text <- gsub('[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*', ' ', metadatai[metadatai$grpid==grpid,precursor_type])
# add the user provided adduct text
adduct_text <- paste(adduct_text, include_adducts, sep = '')
# otherwise just use the user provided text
adduct_text <- include_adducts
# split the text into a vecotr
adducts <- strsplit(adduct_text, ' ')[[1]]
if (identical(adducts, character(0))){
adducts <- ''
# Remove duplicate adducts
adducts <- unique(adducts)
if (adduct_split){
# loop through the adducts creating an appropiate MSP for each
for (i in 1:length(adducts)){
adduct <- adducts[i]
# Already created an output with an adduct if using default adduct
if (!is.null(metadatai)){
metadatai[metadatai$grpid==grpid,precursor_type] <- adduct
write_msp_single(precmz, rtmed, grpid, fileid, adduct, spectra, metadatai, metadata_cols, ofile,
method, msp_schema, intensity_ra)
# Ignore adduct splitting
write_msp_single(precmz, rtmed, grpid, fileid, adduct_text, spectra, metadatai, metadata_cols, ofile,
method, msp_schema, intensity_ra)
write_msp_single <- function(precmz, rtmed, grpid, fileid, adduct, spectra, metadata, metadata_cols,
ofile, method, msp_schema='massbank', intensity_ra='intensity_ra'){
name <- concat_name(precmz, rtmed, grpid, fileid, adduct, metadata, metadata_cols)
if (!is.null(metadata) && nrow(metadata[metadata$grpid==grpid,])>0){
metadata <- metadata[metadata$grpid==grpid,]
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
line_end = "\n"
} else {
line_end = "\r\n"
if (msp_schema=='mona'){
if ('NAME:' %in% colnames(metadata)){
cat(paste0("NAME: ", metadata[,'NAME:'], line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("NAME: ", name, line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("PRECURSORMZ: ", precmz , line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("RETENTIONTIME: ", rtmed, line_end), file = ofile)
if (is.null(metadata) && !adduct==''){
cat(paste0("PRECURSOR_TYPE: ", adduct, line_end), file = ofile)
if ('RECORD_TITLE:' %in% colnames(metadata)){
cat(paste0("RECORD_TITLE: ", metadata[,'RECORD_TITLE:'], line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("RECORD_TITLE: ", name, line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_M/Z ", precmz , line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY: RETENTION_TIME ", rtmed, line_end), file = ofile)
if (is.null(metadata) && !adduct==''){
cat(paste0("MS$FOCUSED_ION: PRECURSOR_TYPE ", adduct, line_end), file = ofile)
if (!is.null(metadata)){
metadata_to_write <- metadata[ , !(names(metadata) %in% c('NAME:','RECORD_TITLE:', 'grpid', 'PRECURSORMZ:', 'RETENTIONTIME:',
cat(paste(as.character(names(metadata_to_write)), ' ', as.character(unlist(metadata_to_write)), line_end, sep='', collapse=''), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("XCMS groupid (grpid): ", grpid, line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("COMMENT: Exported from msPurity purityA object using function createMSP, using method '",
method, "' msPurity version:", packageVersion("msPurity")),
line_end,file = ofile)
if (msp_schema=='mona'){
cat(paste0("Num Peaks: ", nrow(spectra), line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste0("PK$NUM_PEAK: ", nrow(spectra), line_end), file = ofile)
if (intensity_ra=='intensity_ra'){
cat(paste0("PK$PEAK: m/z int. rel.int.", line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste(paste(spectra$mz, spectra$i, round(spectra$i/max(spectra$i)*100,2), sep = "\t"), sep = line_end),
sep = line_end, file = ofile)
}else if (intensity_ra == 'ra'){
cat(paste0("PK$PEAK: m/z rel.int.", line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste(paste(spectra$mz, round(spectra$i/max(spectra$i)*100,2), sep = "\t"), sep = line_end),
sep = line_end, file = ofile)
cat(paste0("PK$PEAK: m/z int.", line_end), file = ofile)
cat(paste(paste(spectra$mz, spectra$i, sep = "\t"), sep = line_end),
sep = line_end, file = ofile)
cat(line_end, file = ofile)
concat_name <- function(mz, rtmed, grpid, fileid=NA, adduct, metadata, metadata_cols){
if (adduct==''){
adduct = NA
name <- paste("MZ:" ,round(mz, 4)," | RT:" ,round(rtmed,1), " | grpid:" ,grpid, " | file:" ,fileid,
" | adduct:", adduct, sep='')
if (!is.null(metadata_cols) && !is.null(metadata) && nrow(metadata[metadata$grpid==grpid,])>0){
name <- paste(paste(metadata_cols, ': ', metadata[metadata$grpid==grpid, metadata_cols], collapse = " | ", sep=''), name, sep=' | ')
add_mzi_cols <- function(x){
x <- data.frame(x)
colnames(x) <- c('mz', 'i')
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