# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Perform purity calculation on a peak matrix
#' @description
#' This is the main purity calculation that is performed in purityX,
#' purityD and purityA.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Takes in a matrix of peaks}
#' \item{gets isolation window based on mzmin mzmax}
#' \item{locates the mz target in the peak matrix}
#' \item{removes isotopic peaks}
#' \item{removes any peaks below limit (percentage of target peak intensity)}
#' \item{normalises}
#' \item{Calculates purity: Divides the target peak intensity by the total peak intensity for
#' the isolation window}
#' }
#' @param peaks matrix; Matrix of peaks consisting of 2 columns: mz and i
#' @param mzmin numeric; Isolation window (min)
#' @param mzmax numeric; Isolation window (max)
#' @param mztarget numeric; The mz window to target in the isolation window
#' @param ppm numeric; PPM tolerance for the target mz value. If NA will presume targetMinMZ and targetMaxMZ will be used
#' @param targetMinMZ numeric; Range to look for the mztarget (min)
#' @param targetMaxMZ numeric; Range to look for the mztarget (max)
#' @param iwNorm boolean; If TRUE then the intensity of the isolation window will be normalised based on the iwNormFun function
#' @param iwNormFun function; A function to normalise the isolation window intensity. The default function is very generalised and just accounts for edge effects
#' @param ilim numeric; All peaks less than this percentage of the target peak will be removed from the purity calculation, default is 5% (0.05)
#' @param isotopes boolean; TRUE if isotopes are to be removed
#' @param im matrix; Isotope matrix, default removes C13 isotopes (single, double and triple bonds)
#' @return a vector of the purity score and the number of peaks in the window e.g c(purity, pknm)
#' @examples
#' pm <- rbind(c(100, 1000),c(101.003, 10))
#' pcalc(pm, mzmin = 98, mzmax = 102, mztarget=100, ppm=5)
#' pcalc(pm, mzmin = 98, mzmax = 102, mztarget=100, ppm=5, isotopes = TRUE)
#' @export
pcalc <- function(peaks, mzmin, mzmax, mztarget, ppm=NA, iwNorm=FALSE,
iwNormFun=NULL, ilim=0, targetMinMZ=NA, targetMaxMZ=NA,
isotopes=FALSE, im=NULL){
return(c(NA, NA))
}else if(nrow(peaks)==0){
return(c(NA, NA))
return(c(NA, NA))
# Make sure the input is a matrix
peaks <- matrix(peaks, ncol = length(peaks), nrow = 1)
}else if(is.data.frame(peaks)){
peaks <- peaks[,c("mz","i")]
peaks <- data.matrix(peaks)
# Get the isolation window range
subp <- peaks[(peaks[,1]>mzmin) & (peaks[,1]<mzmax),]
subp <- matrix(subp, ncol = length(subp), nrow = 1)
# Check if the mztarget is to be identified based on a ppm tolerance or
# pre deterimend range
# check if the target mz in the list
mzLo <- round(mztarget - ((mztarget*0.000001)*ppm),10)
mzUp <- round(mztarget + ((mztarget*0.000001)*ppm),10)
mtch <- subp[(subp[,1]>mzLo) & (subp[,1]<mzUp),]
cmatch <- cleanUp(mtch, mztarget)
}else if(!is.na(targetMinMZ) || !is.na(targetMaxMZ)){
# pre determined range
mtch <- subp[(subp[,1]>=targetMinMZ) & (subp[,1]<=targetMaxMZ), ]
cmatch <- cleanUp(mtch, mztarget)
# As no ppm or target range given we presume the mz to have an
# exact match within the subp peak list
cmatch <- unlist(subp[subp[,1]==unlist(mztarget),])
mtchmz <- unname(cmatch[1])
mtchi <- unname(cmatch[2])
# if nothing was matched then the purity will be zero
if(identical(mtchi, numeric(0))){
return(c(NA, NA))
}else if(is.na(mtchi)){
return(c(NA, NA))
}else if (mtchi == 0){
return(c(0, NA))
# matrix of isotopes to look at. by default this is just C12/C13 (only single, double and triple charge)
# row composed of:
# 'isotope_id','mass diff', 'abundance of isotope', 'ppm tol for mz', 'abundance buffer',
# 'charge', 'relative atomic mass (int)', 'xflag'
# Notes: The estimated max and min number of atoms in is calculated from the relative atomic mass. This
# a very broad estimate as such the number should really just be a int
# The xflag indicates if the larger (mass) isotope is the most abundant or less abundant. e.g.
# for c12 to c13, the c13 is less abundant so we flag as 1
# for Li6 to Li7, the Li7 is more abundant so we would flag as 0
im = rbind(c(1, 1.003355, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 1, 12, 1), # C13
c(2, 1.003355/2, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 2, 12, 1), # C13 double charge
c(3, 1.003355/3, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 3, 12, 1)) # C13 triple charge
# example below is if the C14 isotope is to be looked for as well. Not relevant in most cases though
# im = rbind(c(1, 1.003355, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 1, 12, 1), # C13
# c(2, 1.003355/2, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 2, 12, 1), # C13 double charge
# c(3, 1.003355/3, 1.07, 4, 0.1, 3, 12, 1), # C13 triple charge
# c(4, 2.003242, 0.1, 4, 0.1, 1, 12, 1), # C14
# c(5, 2.003242/2, 0.1, 4, 0.1, 2, 12, 1), # C14 double charge
# c(6, 2.003242/3, 0.1, 4, 0.1, 3, 12, 1)) # C14 triple charge
subp <- removeIsotopes(subp, im, mtchmz, mtchi)
# Normalise based on the peak shape of ion contribution
# If the isolation window is to be normalised based on the contribution
# of ions in relation to position in isolation window
middle <- mzmax-(mzmax-mzmin)/2
# Get the mz position as distances away from the centre position (0 Da)
adjustmz = subp[,1]-middle
subp[,2] = subp[,2]*iwNormFun(adjustmz)
# get the adjusted intensity for the matched intensity
# (bit of duplication here, but easiest way to update code for isotopes without
# having to change too much)
mtchi <- mtchi*iwNormFun(mtchmz-middle)
# only count intensity from peaks that are above x percentage of the target
ilimit <- mtchi*ilim
subpl <- subp[subp[,2]>ilimit,]
# Get the updated total intensity and peak number
if((!is.na(mtchi)) && ((is.null(subpl)) || (length(subpl)==0))){
return(c(1, 1))
}else if(is.vector(subpl)){
li <- subpl[2]
pknm = 1
li <- sum(subpl[,2])
# peak count
pknm = nrow(subpl)
# Perform the purity calculation
purity <- unlist(mtchi)/unlist(li)
return(c(purity, pknm))
cleanUp <- function(mtch, mztarget){
mtch <- c(NA, NA)
}else if(is.vector(mtch)){
mtch <- unlist(mtch)
}else if(nrow(mtch)>1){
# multiple mz's in the same region of ppm tolerance.
#Get the closest match for mz and use that intensity
mtch <- mtch[which.min(abs(mtch[,1] - mztarget)),]
}else if(nrow(mtch)==1) {
# just one match so get the single intensity value
mtch <- unlist(mtch)
mtch <- c(NA,NA)
removeIsotopes <- function(peaks, im, target_mz, target_i, writeout=FALSE){
# loop through all the isotopes in the im list tomn
if (!is.data.frame(peaks)){
peaks <- data.frame(peaks)
colnames(peaks) <- c('mz', 'i')
peaks$id <- seq(1, nrow(peaks))
l = apply(im, 1, im_tag, peaks=peaks, target_mz=target_mz, target_i=target_i)
idf <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(l), nrow=length(l)*2, byrow=TRUE))
to_remove <- idf[,2][!is.na(idf[,2])]
if (identical(numeric(0), to_remove)){
if (writeout){
rst <- MHmakeRandomString()
colnames(idf) <- c('iid', 'peakid', 'charge')
pref <- paste('/tmp/', rst, round(target_mz,4), round(target_i, 4), sep="_")
write.csv(idf, paste(pref, 'idf.csv', sep="_"), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(peaks, paste(pref, 'peaks.csv', sep="_"), row.names = FALSE)
updated_peaks <- as.matrix(peaks[!peaks$id %in% to_remove,])[,1:2]
updated_peaks <- matrix(updated_peaks, nrow=1, ncol=2)
MHmakeRandomString <- function(n=1, lenght=12){
# taken from https://ryouready.wordpress.com/2008/12/18/generate-random-string-name/
# used for testing only
randomString <- c(1:n) # initialize vector
for (i in 1:n)
randomString[i] <- paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS),
lenght, replace=TRUE),
im_tag <- function(x, peaks, target_mz, target_i){
iid <- x[1]
mdiff <- x[2]
adiff <- x[3]
mtol <- x[4]
atol <- x[5]
charge <- x[6]
ram <- x[7]
xflag <- x[8]
# get the difference between the target and all the other peaks
mr = target_mz+mdiff
ml = target_mz-mdiff
peaks$ppmR <- sapply(peaks$mz, ppm_error, MZiso=mr)
peaks$ppmL <- sapply(peaks$mz, ppm_error, MZiso=ml)
# Check if contaminating peaks are the M+1.. isotopes
# filter the peaks so we are only looking at those with less than the
# determined ppm tolerance
peakr <- peaks[which(peaks$ppmR<mtol),]
# Get intensity ratio tolerances
i_range_r <- get_iso_intensity_range(rp=FALSE, target_mz, target_i, adiff, ram, atol)
i_range_r <- get_iso_intensity_range(rp=TRUE, target_mz, target_i, adiff, ram, atol)
inten_min_r <- i_range_r[1]
inten_max_r <- i_range_r[2]
peakr <- peakr[peakr$i<=inten_max_r & peakr$i>=inten_min_r,]
peakr <- peakr[order(peakr$ppmR, decreasing = FALSE),]
# Check best match
bmatchr <- peakr[1,]
# Check if contaminating peaks are the more abundant isotope (e.g. C12)
# filter the peaks so we are only looking at those with less than the
# determined ppm tolerance
peakl <- peaks[which(peaks$ppmL<mtol),]
i_range_l <- get_iso_intensity_range(rp=TRUE, target_mz, target_i, adiff, ram, atol)
i_range_l <- get_iso_intensity_range(rp=FALSE, target_mz, target_i, adiff, ram, atol)
inten_min_l <- i_range_l[1]
inten_max_l <- i_range_l[2]
peakl <- peakl[peakl$i<=inten_max_l & peakl$i>=inten_min_l,]
peakl <- peakl[order(peakl$ppmL, decreasing = FALSE),]
bmatchl <- peakl[1,]
ilog <- list(c(iid, bmatchr$id, charge),
c(iid, bmatchl$id, charge-1))
get_iso_intensity_range <- function(rp=FALSE, target_mz, target_i, adiff, ram, atol){
numE <- abs(round(target_mz / ram)) # max. number of element (e.g. C) in molecule
inten_max <- (target_i / (1 * adiff - atol)) * 100 # lowest possible intensity (for most abundant isotope e.g C12)
inten_min <- (target_i / (numE * adiff + atol)) * 100 # highest possible intensity (for most abundant isotope e.g C12)
inten_max <- ((numE * adiff + atol) / 100) * target_i # highest possible intensity (for M+1(or more) isotope)
inten_min <- ((1 * adiff - atol) / 100) * target_i # lowest possible intensity (for M+1(or more) isotope)
return(c(inten_min, inten_max))
ppm_error <- function(MZcont, MZiso){
# MZcont = Observered MZcontaminating peak
# MZiso = Theoritical MZisotopic peak
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