# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Flag and remove unwanted peaks
#' @description
#' Filter, flag and remove unwanted peaks from xcms object (xcmsObj) of class XCMSnExp, xcmsSet or xsAnnotate.
#' When the peaks are removed, the xcmsObj object can be regrouped (originally using xcms::group, now using xcms::groupChromPeaks).
#' The function then checks if any blank peaks are still present and the process is repeated.
#' The output is a list object containing: 1) the updated xcms object, 2) the grouped peaklist and 3) the blank removed peaks
#' @param xcmsObj object; XCMSnExp, xcmsSet or xsAnnotate object
#' @param pol str; polarity (just used for naming purpose for files being saved) \[positive, negative, NA\]
#' @param rsd_i_blank numeric; RSD threshold for the blank
#' @param minfrac_blank numeric; minimum fraction of files for features needed for the blank
#' @param rsd_rt_blank numeric; RSD threshold for the RT of the blank
#' @param ithres_blank numeric; Intensity threshold for the blank
#' @param s2b numeric; fold change (sample/blank) needed for sample peak to be allowed. e.g.
#' if s2b set to 10 and the recorded sample 'intensity' value was 100 and blank = 10.
#' 1000/10 = 100 so sample has fold change higher than the threshold and the peak is not considered a blank
#' @param ref.class str; A string representing the class that will be used for the blank.
#' @param egauss_thr numeric; Threshold for filtering out non gaussian shaped peaks. Note this only works
#' if the verbose option was set for XCMS;
#' @param rsd_i_sample numeric; RSD threshold for the sample
#' @param minfrac_sample numeric; minimum fraction of files for features needed for the sample
#' @param rsd_rt_sample numeric; RSD threshold for the RT of the sample
#' @param ithres_sample numeric; Intensity threshold for the sample
#' @param grp_rm_ids vector; vector of grouped_xcms peaks to remove (corresponds to the row from xcms::group output)
#' @param remove_spectra_bool bool; TRUE if flagged spectra is to be removed
#' @param minfrac_xcms numeric; minfrac for xcms grouping
#' @param mzwid numeric; xcms grouping parameter (corresponds to variable 'binSize' in XCMS3)
#' @param bw numeric; xcms grouping parameter
#' @param out_dir str; out directory
#' @param temp_save boolean; Assign True if files for each step saved (for testing purpsoses)
#' @param xset object, DEPRECATED; xcmsSet object
#' @return list(xset, grp_peaklist, removed_peaks)
#' @examples
#' library(xcms)
#' library(MSnbase)
#' library(magrittr)
#' #read in files and data
#' msPths <-list.files(system.file("extdata", "lcms", "mzML", package="msPurityData"), full.names = TRUE)
#' ms_data = readMSData(msPths, mode = 'onDisk', msLevel. = 1)
#' #subset the data to focus on retention times 30-90 seconds and m/z values between 100 and 200 m/z.
#' rtr = c(30, 90)
#' mzr = c(100, 200)
#' ms_data = ms_data %>% filterRt(rt = rtr) %>% filterMz(mz = mzr)
#' ##### perform feature detection in individual files
#' cwp <- CentWaveParam(snthresh = 3, noise = 100, ppm = 10, peakwidth = c(3, 30))
#' xcmsObj <- findChromPeaks(ms_data, param = cwp)
#' xcmsObj@phenoData@data$class = c('blank', 'blank', 'sample', 'sample')
#' xcmsObj@phenoData@varMetadata = data.frame('labelDescription' = 'sampleNames', 'class')
#' pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xcmsObj@phenoData@data$class, minFraction = 0, bw = 5, binSize = 0.017)
#' xcmsObj <- groupChromPeaks(xcmsObj, param = pdp)
#' #### flag, filter and remove peaks, returning an updated xcmsObj (XCMSnExp or xcmsSet class), grouped_peaklist (data.frame) and removed_peaks (data.frame)
#' fr <- flag_remove(xcmsObj)
#' ##### load from existing data
#' xcmsObj = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tests", "purityA", "10_input_filterflagremove.rds", package="msPurity"))
#' @export
flag_remove <- function(xcmsObj, pol=NA, rsd_i_blank=NA, minfrac_blank=0.5,
rsd_rt_blank=NA, ithres_blank=NA, s2b=10, ref.class='blank',
egauss_thr=NA, rsd_i_sample=NA, minfrac_sample=0.7,
rsd_rt_sample=NA, ithres_sample=NA, minfrac_xcms=0.7,
mzwid=0.017, bw=5, out_dir='.', temp_save=FALSE, remove_spectra_bool=TRUE,
grp_rm_ids=NA, xset=NA){
xcmsObj = xset
if(is(xcmsObj, 'XCMSnExp')){
XCMSnExp_bool = TRUE
}else if(is(xcmsObj, 'xcmsSet')){
XCMSnExp_bool = FALSE
}else if(is(xcmsObj, 'xsAnnotation')){
XCMSnExp_bool = FALSE
xcmsObj = xcmsObj@xcmsSet
stop('unrecognised class for xcmsObj object')
# Get enriched peaklist
# Get a peaklist with additional information e.g. RSD, coverage, 'valid' columns
grp_peaklist <- create_enriched_peaklist(xcmsObj, rsd_i_blank, minfrac_blank,
rsd_rt_blank, ithres_blank, s2b, ref.class,
rsd_i_sample, minfrac_sample, rsd_rt_sample, ithres_sample,
# Save the original peaklist for reference
grp_peaklist_orig <- grp_peaklist
grp_peaklist <- get_full_peak_width(grp_peaklist_orig, xcmsObj)
# Remove blank and invalid peaks
obj.count <- 1
message('########## REMOVING FLAGGED PEAKS ###########')
# Remove any grouped peaks that have been specifically selected
if (!anyNA(grp_rm_ids)){
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, 'grp_remove'=rep(0, nrow(grp_peaklist)))
grp_peaklist[grp_rm_ids,'grp_remove'] <- 1
grp_peaklist[grp_rm_ids,'all_sample_valid'] <- 0
removed_peaks = data.frame()
while(sum(grp_peaklist[,paste(ref.class, '_valid', sep='')])>0){
# Remove blank peaks and invalid sample peaks from xcms object (then regroup)
message(paste('xcmsObj', obj.count,sep=''))
rms <- remove_spectra(xcmsObj, grp_peaklist, rclass=ref.class, rm_peak_out=TRUE, XCMSnExp_bool = XCMSnExp_bool)
xcmsObj <- rms[[1]]
remPeaksTemp <- data.frame(rms[[2]])
remPeaksTemp$xcmsIDx <- obj.count
removed_peaks <- remPeaksTemp
removed_peaks <- rbind(remPeaksTemp, removed_peaks)
# need to regroup the xcms object
pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xcmsObj@phenoData@data$class, minFraction = minfrac_xcms, bw = bw, binSize = mzwid)
xcmsObj <- xcms::groupChromPeaks(xcmsObj, param = pdp)
xcmsObj <- xcms::group(xcmsObj, bw = bw, mzwid = mzwid, minfrac = minfrac_xcms)
# Update the grouped_peaklist
grp_peaklist <- create_enriched_peaklist(xcmsObj, rsd_i_blank, minfrac_blank,
rsd_rt_blank, ithres_blank, s2b, ref.class,
rsd_i_sample, minfrac_sample, rsd_rt_sample, ithres_sample,
XCMSnExp_bool = XCMSnExp_bool)
grp_peaklist <- get_full_peak_width(grp_peaklist, xcmsObj = xcmsObj)
obj.count <- obj.count + 1
saveRDS(xcmsObj, file.path(out_dir, paste(pol, 'xcmsnexp', obj.count, '.rds', sep='_')))
# Remove all individual where the egauss (RSM of the Gaussian fit to curve) is too high
if (!is.na(egauss_thr)){
if('egauss' %in% colnames(xcms::chromPeaks(xcmsObj))){
chromPeaks(xcmsObj) <- chromPeaks(xcmsObj)[(chromPeaks(xcmsObj)[,'egauss']<=egauss_thr) & (!is.na(chromPeaks(xcmsObj)[,'egauss'])) ,]
# need to regroup the xcms object
pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xcmsObj@phenoData@data$class, minFraction = minfrac_xcms, bw = bw, binSize = mzwid)
xcmsObj <- xcms::groupChromPeaks(xcmsObj, param = pdp)
message('"egauss_thr" specified but no column "egauss" in xcms::chromPeaks(xcmsObj) - continuing without filtering based on egauss' )
if('egauss' %in% colnames(xcmsObj@peaks)){
xcmsObj@peaks <- xcmsObj@peaks[(xcmsObj@peaks[,'egauss']<=egauss_thr) & (!is.na(xcmsObj@peaks[,'egauss'])) ,]
xcmsObj <- xcms::group(xcmsObj, bw = bw, mzwid = mzwid, minfrac = minfrac_xcms)
message('"egauss_thr" specified but no column "egauss" in xcmsObj@peaks (xcmsSet) - continuing without filtering based on egauss' )
grp_peaklist <- create_enriched_peaklist(xcmsObj, rsd_i_blank, minfrac_blank,
rsd_rt_blank, ithres_blank, s2b, ref.class,
rsd_i_sample, minfrac_sample, rsd_rt_sample, ithres_sample,
XCMSnExp_bool = XCMSnExp_bool)
grp_peaklist <- get_full_peak_width(grp_peaklist, xcmsObj = xcmsObj)
if (nrow(removed_peaks)>0){
if (temp_save){
write.csv(removed_peaks, file.path(out_dir, paste('removed_peaks_', pol, '.csv', sep='')))
removed_peaks = NA
write.csv(grp_peaklist, file.path(out_dir, paste(pol, 'grp_peaklist_blanksRemoved.csv', sep='_')))
grp_peaklist <- data.frame(cbind(grp_peaklist, 'grp_names'=xcms::groupnames(xcmsObj)))
return(list('xcmsObj'= xcmsObj, 'grp_peaklist'= grp_peaklist, 'removed_peaks'= removed_peaks))
create_enriched_peaklist <- function(xcmsObj,rsd_i_blank, minfrac_blank,rsd_rt_blank,
ithres_blank, s2b, ref.class, rsd_i_sample,
minfrac_sample, rsd_rt_sample, ithres_sample, XCMSnExp_bool){
# Create enriched peaklist
# Description:
# Create a peaklist of the grouped xcms features but with additional information. The peaklist
# is flagged with valid and invalid peaks based on the params
# Args:
# xset: xcmsSet grouped object
# ...
# Returns:
# enriched peaklist
# Add all the summary stats for each class
grp_peaklist <- sum_calc_peaklist(xcmsObj, XCMSnExp_bool)
# Flag valid peaks to be used for the blank
classes <- as.character(unique(xcms::phenoData(xcmsObj)@data$class))
classes <- as.character(unique(xcms::phenoData(xcmsObj)$class))
grp_peaklist <- flag_peaks(peaklist = grp_peaklist,
RSD_I_filter = rsd_i_blank,
minfrac_filter = minfrac_blank,
RSD_RT_filter = rsd_rt_blank,
i_thre_filter = ithres_blank,
s2b = s2b,
fclass = ref.class,
classes = classes)
# A Loop through the sample classes updating the associated
# 'valid' column
valids = ''
for(c in classes){
grp_peaklist <- flag_peaks(peaklist = grp_peaklist,
RSD_I_filter = rsd_i_sample,
minfrac_filter = minfrac_sample,
RSD_RT_filter = rsd_rt_sample,
i_thre_filter = ithres_sample,
s2b = 0,
fclass = c,
classes = classes)
valids <- c(valids, paste(c, 'valid', sep='_'))
valids <- valids[-1]
# Check if any of the peaks are valid for each sample. If they are we create a
# summary flag to keep this peak (unless we remove it later at the subtraction stage)
temp <- apply(as.array(grp_peaklist[,valids]), 1, sum)
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, 'all_sample_valid'=rep(0, nrow(grp_peaklist)))
sum_calc_peaklist <- function(xcmsObj, XCMSnExp_bool){
# Calculates summary information for XCMS peaks
# Description:
# Create a peaklist of the grouped xcms features but with additional information
# including:
# * RSD for intensity [blank, samples]
# * RSD for RT [blank, samples, all]
# * median intensity [blank, samples]
# * coverage [blank, samples]
# Args:
# xset = xcmsSet object (has to have been grouped prior)
# Returns:
# updated peaklist
# Get the group peaklist
grp_peaklist <- data.frame(xcms::featureDefinitions(xcmsObj))
grp_peaklist <- data.frame(xcms::groups(xcmsObj))
grp_peaklist[,'ms_level'] = xcms::mslevel(xcmsObj)
rownames(grp_peaklist) <- seq(1, nrow(grp_peaklist))
# Get the intensity values
if(XCMSnExp_bool == TRUE){
indiv_peaks <- xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, 'medret', intensity = 'into', value = 'into')
indiv_peaks <- xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, 'medret', intensity="into", value='into')
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, indiv_peaks)
# Calculate summary stats for each class
classes = as(phenoData(xcmsObj), 'data.frame')
classes$fileid <- rownames(classes)
classes$class <- as.character(classes$class)
# Create a matrix for each of the summary stats that use intensity
cnt = 1
colnm <- length(unique(classes$class))
med_i_m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(grp_peaklist), ncol=colnm)
colnames(med_i_m) <- 1:colnm
rsd_i_m <- med_i_m
coverage_m <- med_i_m
# Intensity: RSD and median (and coverage)
for (c in unique(classes$class)){
x <- classes[classes$class==c,]
files <- x$fileid
coverage_m[,cnt] <- grp_peaklist[,c]/length(files)
colnames(coverage_m)[cnt] <- paste(c, "coverage", sep="_")
subseti <- grp_peaklist[ , which(colnames(grp_peaklist) %in% files)]
rsdi <- apply(subseti, 1, rsd)
mediani <- apply(subseti, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
med_i_m[,cnt] <- mediani
colnames(med_i_m)[cnt] <- paste(c, "median_I", sep="_")
rsd_i_m[,cnt] <- rsdi
colnames(rsd_i_m)[cnt] <- paste(c, "RSD_I", sep="_")
cnt = cnt+1
# Combine the summarys stats with the group peaklist
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, med_i_m, rsd_i_m, coverage_m)
# Get the retention time values
grouprt <- xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, method='medret', value = 'rt')
grouprt <- xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, method='medret', value = 'rt')
# retention time RSD
for (c in unique(classes$class)){
x <- classes[classes$class==c,]
files <- x$fileid
# rt RSD
subsetT <- grouprt[ , which(colnames(grouprt) %in% files)]
rsdT <- apply(subsetT, 1, rsd)
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, rsdT)
colnames(grp_peaklist)[ncol(grp_peaklist)] = paste(c, "RSD_RT", sep="_")
# retention time rsd of all the peaks (see to what extent the times have been aligned)
rsd_all_RT <- apply(grouprt, 1, rsd)
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, rsd_all_RT, 'grpid'=seq(1, nrow(grp_peaklist)))
# Add a column as to whether the feature is considered valid (set to 0) now. We
# can update this later
valid_col <- rep(0, nrow(grp_peaklist))
for (c in unique(classes$class)){
grp_peaklist <- cbind(grp_peaklist, valid_col)
colnames(grp_peaklist)[ncol(grp_peaklist)] <- paste(c, "valid", sep="_")
flag_peaks <- function(peaklist, RSD_I_filter, minfrac_filter, RSD_RT_filter, i_thre_filter, fclass, s2b, classes){
# Flag peaks that pass the 'valid' criteria
# Description:
# Flag a peak list, check that a value passes RSD, minfrac, intensity threshold. Also checks the sample2blank
# intensity threshold
# Returns:
# updated peaklist
rsd_i_nm <- paste(fclass, "RSD", "I", sep="_")
rsd_rt_nm <- paste(fclass, "RSD", "RT", sep="_")
median_i_nm <- paste(fclass, "median", "I", sep="_")
coverage_nm <- paste(fclass, "coverage", sep="_")
valid_col_nm <- paste(fclass, "valid", sep="_")
if (anyNA(minfrac_filter)){
min_samp_bool <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
min_samp_bool <- peaklist[,coverage_nm]>=minfrac_filter
if (anyNA(RSD_I_filter)){
rsd_i_bool_thr <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
rsd_i_bool_na <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
rsd_i_bool_thr <- peaklist[,rsd_i_nm]<RSD_I_filter
rsd_i_bool_na <- !is.na(peaklist[,rsd_i_nm])
if (anyNA(RSD_RT_filter)){
rsd_rt_bool_thr <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
rsd_rt_bool_na <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
rsd_rt_bool_thr <- peaklist[,rsd_rt_nm ]<RSD_RT_filter
rsd_rt_bool_na <- !is.na(peaklist[,rsd_rt_nm])
if (anyNA(i_thre_filter)){
i_thre_bool <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
i_thre_bool_na <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
i_thre_bool <- peaklist[,median_i_nm]>i_thre_filter
i_thre_bool_na <- !is.na(peaklist[,median_i_nm ])
# if the intensity is n times less than any other sample class intensity
# we do not use (for blank subtraction)
blankI <- peaklist[,paste(fclass, 'median_I', sep="_")]
#classes <- as.character(unique(xset@phenoData$class))
classes <- classes[!classes==fclass]
s2b_sum <- sapply(classes, function(c){
targetI <- peaklist[,paste(c, 'median_I', sep="_")]
return((targetI/blankI > s2b) & (!is.na(targetI/blankI)))
# if sums to 0 it means that the sample intensity is NOT n times greater than the s2b value
s2b_check <- apply(s2b_sum, 1, sum)
# valid blank peaks (i.e. sample is not 'n' times greater than the blank for any of the sample classes)
s2b_bool = s2b_check==0
s2b_bool = rep(TRUE, nrow(peaklist))
sub <- peaklist[min_samp_bool &
rsd_i_bool_na & rsd_i_bool_thr &
rsd_rt_bool_na & rsd_rt_bool_thr &
i_thre_bool_na & i_thre_bool &
peaklist[sub['grpid'],][valid_col_nm] = 1
}else if(nrow(sub)==1){
peaklist[rownames(sub),][valid_col_nm] = 1
}else if(nrow(sub)<1){
message(paste('Warning (ignore this statement if blank peaks have been remove). No peaks for ', fclass))
peaklist[rownames(sub),][,valid_col_nm] = 1
rsd <- function(x){ (sd(x,na.rm = TRUE)/mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))*100 }
remove_spectra <- function(xcmsObj, peaklist, rclass, rm_peak_out=FALSE, XCMSnExp_bool){
# remove the valid peaks of one selected class from an xcms object
peaklist = get_full_peak_width(peaklist, xcmsObj)
valid_blank_bool <- peaklist[,paste(rclass, 'valid', sep='_')]==1
invalid_sample_bool <- peaklist[,'all_sample_valid']==0
removed_peaks <- peaklist[(valid_blank_bool | invalid_sample_bool), ,drop=FALSE]
grp_ids_rm <- unlist(removed_peaks[,'grpid'])
peak_ids_rm <- unlist(xcms::featureDefinitions(xcmsObj)$peakidx[grp_ids_rm])
xcms::chromPeaks(xcmsObj) <- xcms::chromPeaks(xcmsObj)[-peak_ids_rm,]
peak_ids_rm <- unlist(xcmsObj@groupidx[grp_ids_rm])
xcmsObj@peaks <- xcmsObj@peaks[-peak_ids_rm,]
if( rm_peak_out){
return(list(xcmsObj, removed_peaks))
get_full_peak_width <- function(peaklist, xcmsObj){
# Get full peak width
# Args:
# peaklist: the peak list generated from either XCMS or CAMERA.
# Use the CAMERA peak list for this piplein
# xcmsObj: xcms object of class XCMSnExp, xcmsSet or xsAnnotate
# Returns:
# An updated peaklist with the full retention window ranges (and full mz ranges)
# See also:
# full_minmax, getpeaks, ldply (from the plyr library)
message("Getting full peak widths")
# Get 'peaks' (xcms features) from the xcmsSet object stored
# in the camera annotation object
message("Get 'individual' peaks from camera-xcms object")
XCMSnExp_bool = TRUE
}else if(is(xcmsObj, 'xcmsSet')){
XCMSnExp_bool = FALSE
}else if(is(xcmsObj, 'xsAnnotate')){
XCMSnExp_bool = FALSE
xcmsObj = xcmsObj@xcmsSet
stop('unrecognised class for "xcmsObj", should be either "XCMSnExp", "xcmsSet", "xsAnnotate"')
if(XCMSnExp_bool && (is(xcmsObj,'XCMSnExp'))){
rt.min = xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "rtmin", intensity = "into")
rt.max = xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "rtmax", intensity = "into")
mz.min = xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "mzmin", intensity = "into")
mz.max = xcms::featureValues(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "mzmax", intensity = "into")
}else if (XCMSnExp_bool==FALSE && (is(xcmsObj, 'xcmsSet'))){
rt.min = xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "rtmin", intensity = "into")
rt.max = xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "rtmax", intensity = "into")
mz.min = xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "mzmin", intensity = "into")
mz.max = xcms::groupval(xcmsObj, method = "medret", value = "mzmax", intensity = "into")
rt.min = apply(rt.min, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
rt.max = apply(rt.max, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
mz.min = apply(mz.min, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
mz.max = apply(mz.max, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
peaklist_full = cbind(peaklist, "mzmin_full" = mz.min, "mzmax_full" = mz.max, "rtmin_full" = rt.min, "rtmax_full" = rt.max)
full_minmax <- function(grouplist,peaks,groupdf){
# Use the the plyr package to go through a list() of peaks and output a
# dataframe of actual rtmin, rtmax, mzmin and mzmax
full_info <- plyr::ldply(grouplist,getpeaks,peaks=peaks)
# Update users original dataframe
groupdf$mzmin_full <- full_info$mzmin
groupdf$mzmax_full <- full_info$mzmax
groupdf$rtmin_full <- full_info$rtmin
groupdf$rtmax_full <- full_info$rtmax
# return the updated dataframe
getpeaks <- function(row,peaks) {
# In case no peaks found. Should be worried if this happens though
if (is.null(nrow(row)) || nrow(row)==0 ) {
return(c(mzmin = NA, mzmax = NA, rtmin = NA, rtmax = NA))
# get the associated peaks for the group
fullpeak <- peaks[row$peakID,]
# output a vector of the actual min max values
return(c(mzmin = min(fullpeak[,"mzmin"]), mzmax = max(fullpeak[,"mzmax"]),
rtmin = min(fullpeak[,"rtmin"]), rtmax = max(fullpeak[,"rtmax"])))
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