
Defines functions heatmapUI heatmapServer getJSLine heatmapJScode getSelHeat prepHeatData customColorsUI palUI distFunParamsUI clustFunParamsUI dendControlsUI kmeansControlsUI heatmapControlsUI getHeatmapUI changeClusterOrder runHeatmap2 runHeatmap getPlotArea debrowserheatmap

Documented in changeClusterOrder clustFunParamsUI customColorsUI debrowserheatmap dendControlsUI distFunParamsUI getHeatmapUI getJSLine getPlotArea getSelHeat heatmapControlsUI heatmapJScode heatmapServer heatmapUI kmeansControlsUI palUI prepHeatData runHeatmap runHeatmap2

#' debrowserheatmap
#' Heatmap module to create interactive heatmaps and get selected list from
#' a heatmap
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param output, output objects
#' @param session, session 
#' @param expdata, a matrix that includes expression values
#' @return heatmapply plot
#' @examples
#'     x <- debrowserheatmap()
#' @export
debrowserheatmap <- function( input, output, session, expdata = NULL){
    if(is.null(expdata)) return(NULL)
    output$heatmap <- renderPlotly({
        shinyjs::onevent("mousemove", "heatmap", js$getHoverName(session$ns("hoveredgenename")))
        shinyjs::onevent("click", "heatmap", js$getHoverName(session$ns("hoveredgenenameclick")))

        withProgress(message = 'Drawing Heatmap', detail = "interactive", value = 0, {
            runHeatmap(input, session, orderData())
    output$heatmap2 <- renderPlot({
        withProgress(message = 'Drawing Heatmap', detail = "non-interactive", value = 0, {
            runHeatmap2(input, session, orderData())
    heatdata <- reactive({
        cld <- prepHeatData(expdata, input)
        if (input$kmeansControl)
            res <- niceKmeans(cld, input)
            cld <- res$clustered
    button <- reactiveVal(FALSE)
    orderData <- reactive({
        newclus <- heatdata()
        if (input$changeOrder && isolate(button()) && !is.null(input$clusterorder)){
            newclus <- changeClusterOrder(isolate(input$clusterorder), newclus)
    output$heatmapUI <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(input$interactive)) return(NULL)
            collapsible = TRUE, title = session$ns("Heatmap"), status = "primary", 
            solidHeader = TRUE, width = NULL,
            draggable = TRUE,   getPlotArea(input, session))
    hselGenes <- reactive({
        if (is.null(input$selgenenames)) return("")
        unlist(strsplit(input$selgenenames, split=","))
    shg <- reactive({
        if (is.null(input$hoveredgenename)) return("")
        js$getSelectedGenes(session$ns("heatmap"), session$ns("selgenenames"))
            updateTextInput(session, "clusterorder", value = paste(seq(1:input$knum), collapse=","))
        if (is.null(shg()))
    shgClicked <- reactive({
        if (is.null(input$hoveredgenenameclick) || input$hoveredgenenameclick == "") return(input$hoveredgenename)
    list( shg = (shg), shgClicked=(shgClicked), selGenes=(hselGenes), getSelected = (orderData))
#' getPlotArea
#' returns plot area either for heatmaply or heatmap.2
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param session, session 
#' @return heatmapply/heatmap.2 plot area
#' @examples
#'     x <- getPlotArea()
#' @export
getPlotArea <- function(input = NULL, session = NULL){
    if (is.null(input)) return(NULL)
    ret <- c()
    if (input$interactive){
        ret <- plotlyOutput(session$ns("heatmap"),
            height=input$height, width=input$width)
        ret <- plotOutput(session$ns("heatmap2"),
            height = input$height, input$width)

#' runHeatmap
#' Creates a heatmap based on the user selected parameters within shiny
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param session, session 
#' @param expdata, a matrix that includes expression values
#' @return heatmapply plot
#' @examples
#'     x <- runHeatmap()
#' @export
runHeatmap <- function(input = NULL, session = NULL, expdata = NULL){
    if (is.null(expdata)) return(NULL)
    cld <-expdata
    hclustfun_row <- function(x, ...) hclust(x, method = input$hclustFun_Row)
    hclustfun_col <- function(x, ...) hclust(x, method = input$hclustFun_Col)
    distfun_row <- function(x, ...) {
        if (input$distFun_Row != "cor") {
            return(dist(x, method = input$distFun_Row))
        } else {
            return(as.dist(1 - cor(t(x))))
    distfun_col <- function(x, ...) {
        if (input$distFun_Col != "cor") {
            return(dist(x, method = input$distFun_Col))
        } else {
            return(as.dist(1 - cor(t(x))))
    if (!input$customColors ) {
        heatmapColors <- eval(parse(text=paste0(input$pal,
        if (!is.null(input$color1))
            heatmapColors <- colorRampPalette(c(input$color1, 
               input$color2, input$color3))(n = 1000)
    if (!input$kmeansControl){
        p <- heatmaply(cld,
                       main = input$main,
                       xlab = input$xlab,
                       ylab = input$ylab,
                       row_text_angle = input$row_text_angle,
                       column_text_angle = input$column_text_angle,
                       dendrogram = input$dendrogram,
                       branches_lwd = input$branches_lwd,
                       seriate = input$seriation,
                       colors = heatmapColors,
                       distfun_row =  distfun_row,
                       hclustfun_row = hclustfun_row,
                       distfun_col = distfun_col,
                       hclustfun_col = hclustfun_col,
                       showticklabels = c(input$labCol, input$labRow),
                       k_col = input$k_Col, 
                       k_row = input$k_Row
    }else {
        if (!input$showClasses){
            cld <- data.frame(cld)
            cld <- as.matrix(cld [, -match("class",names(cld))])
        rhcr <- hclust(dist(cld))
        chrc <- hclust(dist(t(cld)))
        p <- heatmaply(cld,
                       main = input$main,
                       xlab = input$xlab,
                       ylab = input$ylab,
                       row_text_angle = input$row_text_angle,
                       column_text_angle = input$column_text_angle,
                       #dendrogram = input$dendrogram,
                       dendrogram = "none",
                       branches_lwd = input$branches_lwd,
                       seriate = input$seriation,
                       colors = heatmapColors,
                       showticklabels = c(input$labCol, input$labRow),
                       Rowv = as.dendrogram(rhcr),
                       Colv = as.dendrogram(chrc),
                       k_col = input$k_Col,
                       k_row = input$knum
    p <- p %>% 
            height=input$height, width=input$width,
            margin = list(l = input$left,
                          b = input$bottom,
                          t = input$top,
                          r = input$right
    if (!is.null(input$svg) && input$svg == TRUE)
        p <- p %>% config(toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "svg"))
    p$elementId <- NULL

#' runHeatmap2
#' Creates a heatmap based on the user selected parameters within shiny
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param session, session 
#' @param expdata, a matrix that includes expression values
#' @return heatmap.2
#' @examples
#'     x <- runHeatmap2()
#' @export
runHeatmap2 <- function(input = NULL, session = NULL, expdata = NULL){
    if(is.null(expdata)) return(NULL)
    if (nrow(expdata)>5000)
        expdata <- expdata[1:5000, ]
    if (!input$customColors ) {
        heatmapColors <- eval(parse(text=paste0(input$pal,
        if (!is.null(input$color1))
            heatmapColors <- colorRampPalette(c(input$color1, 
                                                input$color2, input$color3))(n = 1000)
        #heatmapColors <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))(n = 1000)
    hclustfun_row <- function(x, ...) hclust(x, method = input$hclustFun_Row)
    distfun_row <- function(x, ...) {
        if (input$distFun_Row != "cor") {
            return(dist(x, method = input$distFun_Row))
        } else {
            return(as.dist(1 - cor(t(x))))
    if (!input$showClasses && "class" %in% names(expdata) ){
        expdata <- data.frame(expdata)
        expdata <- as.matrix(expdata [, -match("class",names(expdata))])
    if (input$kmeansControl){
        m <- heatmap.2(as.matrix(expdata), Rowv = FALSE, main = input$main, dendrogram = input$dendrogram,
                       Colv = FALSE, col = heatmapColors, labRow = input$labRow,
                       distfun = distfun_row, hclustfun = hclustfun_row, density.info = "none",
                       trace = "none", margins = c(input$bottom/10, input$right/10))
        m <- heatmap.2(as.matrix(expdata), main = input$main, dendrogram = input$dendrogram,
                       col = heatmapColors, labRow = input$labRow,
                       distfun = distfun_row, hclustfun = hclustfun_row, density.info = "none",
                       trace = "none", margins = c(input$bottom/10, input$right/10))

#' changeClusterOrder
#' change order of K-means clusters
#' @note \code{changeClusterOrder}
#' @param order, order
#' @param cld, data
#' @return heatmap plot area
#' @examples
#'     x <- changeClusterOrder()
#' @export
changeClusterOrder <- function(order = NULL, cld = NULL){
    if (is.null(order) || is.null(cld) ) return(NULL)
    newcluster <- c()
    idx <- as.integer(as.vector(unlist(strsplit(order, ","))))
    da <- data.frame(cld)
    for (i in 1:length(idx)) {
        newcluster <- rbind(newcluster, da[da$class == idx[i], ])

#' niceKmeans
#' Generates hierarchially clustered K-means clusters
#' @note \code{niceKmeans}
#' @param df, data
#' @param input, user inputs
#' @param iter.max, max iteration for kmeans clustering
#' @param nstart, n for kmeans clustering
#' @return heatmap plot area
#' @examples
#'     x <- niceKmeans()
#' @export
niceKmeans <-function (df = NULL, input = NULL, iter.max = 1000, nstart=100) {
    if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)
    source <-df
    kmeans <- kmeans(source, centers = input$knum, iter.max = iter.max, algorithm=input$kmeansalgo, nstart=nstart)
    clustered <- data.frame()
    distfun_row <- function(x, ...) {
        if (input$distFun_Row != "cor") {
            return(dist(x, method = input$distFun_Row))
        } else {
            return(as.dist(1 - cor(t(x))))
    breaks <- c();
    for (i in 1:input$knum) {
        cluster <- source[kmeans$cluster==i,]
        rows <- row.names(cluster)
        clust <- hclust(distfun_row(as.matrix(cluster)), method = input$hclustFun_Row)
        clust$rowInd <- clust[[3]]
        cluster.ordered <- cluster[clust$rowInd,]
        cluster.ordered.genes <- rows[clust$rowInd]
        row.names(cluster.ordered) <- cluster.ordered.genes
        class <- data.frame(row.names = cluster.ordered.genes)
        class[,"class"] <- i 
        cluster.ordered <- cbind(cluster.ordered, class)
        clustered <- rbind(clustered, cluster.ordered)
        if(i > 1 & i < input$knum) {
            breaks[i] <- as.numeric(breaks[i-1]) + length(rows)
        } else if(i==1) {
            breaks[i] <- length(rows);
    result <- list();
    result$clustered <- clustered;
    result$breaks <- breaks;

#' getHeatmapUI
#' Generates the left menu to be used for heatmap plots
#' @note \code{getHeatmapUI}
#' @param id, module ID
#' @return heatmap plot area
#' @examples
#'     x <- getHeatmapUI("heatmap")
#' @export
getHeatmapUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)

#' heatmapControlsUI
#' Generates the left menu to be used for heatmap plots
#' @note \code{heatmapControlsUI}
#' @param id, module ID
#' @return HeatmapControls
#' @examples
#'     x <- heatmapControlsUI("heatmap")
#' @export
heatmapControlsUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
        checkboxInput(ns('interactive'), 'Interactive', value = FALSE),
        shinydashboard::menuItem("Scale Options",
            checkboxInput(ns('scale'), 'Scale', value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput(ns('center'), 'Center', value = TRUE),
            checkboxInput(ns('log'), 'Log', value = TRUE),
            textInput(ns('pseudo'),'Pseudo Count','0.1')
        dendControlsUI(id, "Row"),
        dendControlsUI(id, "Col"),
        shinydashboard::menuItem("Heatmap Colors",
            conditionalPanel(paste0("!input['", ns("customColors"), "']"),
            sliderInput(ns("ncol"), "# of Colors", 
            min = 1, max = 256, value = 256)),
        shinydashboard::menuItem("Heatmap Dendrogram",
            choices = c("both", "row", "column", "none"),selected = 'both'),
            selectizeInput(ns("seriation"), "Seriation", 
            c(OLO="OLO", GW="GW", Mean="mean", None="none"),selected = 'OLO'),
            sliderInput(ns('branches_lwd'),'Branch Width',
            value = 0.6,min=0,max=5,step = 0.1)
        shinydashboard::menuItem("Heatmap Layout",
            textInput(ns('xlab'),'Sample label',''),
            sliderInput(ns('row_text_angle'),'Sample Text Angle',
            value = 0,min=0,max=180),
            textInput(ns('ylab'), 'Gene/Region label',''),
            sliderInput(ns('column_text_angle'),'Gene/Region Text Angle',
            value = 45,min=0,max=180)
#' kmeansControlsUI
#' get kmeans controls
#' @note \code{kmeansControlsUI}
#' @param id, module ID
#' @return controls
#' @examples
#'     x <- kmeansControlsUI("heatmap")
#' @export
kmeansControlsUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
        checkboxInput(ns('kmeansControl'), 'kmeans clustering', value = FALSE),
        conditionalPanel(paste0("input['", ns("kmeansControl"), "']"),
            sliderInput(ns("knum"), "k: # of Clusters", 
                min = 2, max = 20, value = 2),
            selectizeInput(ns("kmeansalgo"), "kmeans.algorithm",
                c("Hartigan-Wong", "Lloyd", "Forgy",
                "MacQueen"), selected = 'Lloyd'),
                'The order of the clusters', ""),
            actionButtonDE(ns("changeOrder"), label = "Change Order", styleclass = "primary"),
            checkboxInput(ns('showClasses'), 'Show Classes', value = FALSE)))
#' dendControlsUI
#' get distance metric parameters 
#' @note \code{dendControlsUI}
#' @param id, module ID
#' @param dendtype, Row or Col
#' @return controls
#' @examples
#'     x <- dendControlsUI("heatmap")
#' @export
dendControlsUI <- function(id, dendtype = "Row") {
    ns <- NS(id)
    shinydashboard::menuItem(paste0(dendtype, " dendrogram"),
        selectizeInput(ns(paste0("distFun_", dendtype)), "Dist. method", 
            selected = 'euclidean'),
        selectizeInput(ns(paste0("hclustFun_", dendtype)), "Clustering linkage",
            selected = 'complete'),
        sliderInput(ns(paste0("k_", dendtype)), "# of Clusters",
            min = 1, max = 10, value = 2),
        checkboxInput(ns(paste0('lab',dendtype)), paste0(dendtype, ' Labels'), value = TRUE))

#' clustFunParamsUI
#' get cluster function parameter control
#' @note \code{clustFunParamsUI}
#' @return cluster params
#' @examples
#'     x <- clustFunParamsUI()
#' @export
clustFunParamsUI <- function() {
    c(Complete= "complete",Single= "single",Average= "average",
    Mcquitty= "mcquitty",Median= "median",Centroid= "centroid",
    Ward.D= "ward.D",Ward.D2= "ward.D2")

#' distFunParamsUI
#' get distance metric parameters 
#' @note \code{distFunParamsUI}
#' @return funParams
#' @examples
#'     x <- distFunParamsUI()
#' @export
distFunParamsUI <- function() {
    c(Cor="cor", Euclidean="euclidean",Maximum='maximum',

#' palUI
#' get pallete 
#' @note \code{palUI}
#' @param id, namespace ID
#' @return pals
#' @examples
#'     x <- palUI("heatmap")
#' @export
palUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
    # colSel='RdBu'
    selectizeInput(inputId = ns("pal"), 
    label ="Select Color Palette",
    choices = c('BlueRed' = 'bluered',
        'RdBu' = 'RdBu',
        'RedBlue' = 'redblue',
        'RdYlBu' = 'RdYlBu',
        'RdYlGn' = 'RdYlGn',
        'BrBG' = 'BrBG',
        'Spectral' = 'Spectral',
        'BuGn' = 'BuGn',
        'PuBuGn' = 'PuBuGn',
        'YlOrRd' = 'YlOrRd',
        'Heat' = 'heat.colors',
        'Grey' = 'grey.colors'),

#' customColorsUI
#' get Custom Color controls
#' @note \code{getColRng}
#' @param id, namespace ID
#' @return color range
#' @examples
#'     x <- customColorsUI("heatmap")
#' @export
customColorsUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
        checkboxInput(ns('customColors'), 'Custom Colors', value = FALSE),
        conditionalPanel(paste0("input['", ns("customColors"), "']"),
            colourpicker::colourInput(ns("color1"), "Choose min colour", "blue"),
            colourpicker::colourInput(ns("color2"), "Choose median colour", "white"),
            colourpicker::colourInput(ns("color3"), "Choose max colour", "red")))

#' prepHeatData
#' scales the data
#' @param expdata, a matrixthat includes expression values
#' @param input, input variables
#' @return heatdata
#' @examples
#'     x <- prepHeatData()
#' @export
prepHeatData <- function(expdata = NULL, input = NULL) 
    if(is.null(expdata)) return(NULL)
    ld <- expdata
    if (!is.null(input$pseudo))
        ld <- ld + as.numeric(input$pseudo)
    if (!is.null(input$log) && input$log)
        ld <- log2(ld)
    cldt <- scale(t(ld), center = input$center, scale = input$scale)
    cld <- t(cldt)

#' getSelHeat
#' heatmap selection functionality
#' @param expdata, selected genes
#' @param input, input params
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- getSelHeat()
getSelHeat <- function(expdata = NULL, input = NULL) {
    if (is.null(input)) return(NULL)
    getSelected <- reactive({
        expdata[unlist(strsplit(input, ",")), ]
    list( getSelected = isolate(getSelected) )

#' heatmapJScode
#' heatmap JS code for selection functionality
#' @return JS Code
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- heatmapJScode()
heatmapJScode <- function() {        
    'shinyjs.getHoverName = function(params){
    var defaultParams = {
    controlname : "hoveredgenename"
    params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
    var out = ""
    if (typeof  document.getElementsByClassName("nums")[0] != "undefined"){
    if (typeof  document.getElementsByClassName("nums")[0].querySelectorAll("tspan.line")[0] != "undefined"){
    out = document.getElementsByClassName("nums")[0].querySelectorAll("tspan.line")[0].innerHTML.match("row: (.*)")[1]
    $("#heatmap-heatmap").attr("gname", out)
    Shiny.onInputChange(params.controlname, $("#heatmap-heatmap").attr("gname"));
    shinyjs.resetInputParam = function(params){
        var defaultParams = {
                controlname : "hoveredgenename"
        params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
        Shiny.onInputChange(params.controlname, "");

    shinyjs.getSelectedGenes = function(params){
    var defaultParams = {
    plotId : "heatmap",
    controlname : "selgenenames"
    params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
    var count = document.getElementById(params.plotId).querySelectorAll("g.y2tick").length
    var start = 0
    var out = ""
    for (i = start; i < count; i++)
        if (typeof document.getElementById(params.plotId).querySelectorAll("g.y2tick")[i] != "undefined"){
        out += document.getElementById(params.plotId).querySelectorAll("g.y2tick")[i].innerHTML.match(">(.*)</text>")[1]  + ","
    Shiny.onInputChange(params.controlname, out);

#' getJSLine
#' heatmap JS code for selection functionality
#' @return JS Code
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- getJSLine()
getJSLine <-function()
         shinyjs::extendShinyjs(text = heatmapJScode(), functions = c("getHoverName", "getSelectedGenes", "resetInputParam")))

#' heatmapServer
#' Sets up shinyServer to be able to run heatmapServer interactively.
#' @note \code{heatmapServer}
#' @param input, input params from UI
#' @param output, output params to UI
#' @param session, session variable
#' @return the panel for main plots;
#' @examples
#'     heatmapServer
#' @export

heatmapServer <- function(input, output, session) {
    updata <- reactiveVal()
    selected <- reactiveVal()
    expdata <- reactiveVal()
        updata(callModule(debrowserdataload, "load", "Submit"))
        if (nrow(updata()$load()$count) > 1000){
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "mostvaried", value = TRUE)
            colnames(updata()$load()$count), input))
    observeEvent (input$Submit, {
        updateTabItems(session, "DEBrowserHeatmap", "Heatmap")
        if (!is.null(expdata())){
            withProgress(message = 'Creating plot', style = "notification", value = 0.1, {
                selected(callModule(debrowserheatmap, "heatmap", expdata()))
    output$heatmap_hover <- renderPrint({
        if (!is.null(selected()) && !is.null(selected()$shgClicked()) && 
            selected()$shgClicked() != "")
            return(paste0("Clicked: ",selected()$shgClicked()))
            return(paste0("Hovered:", selected()$shg()))
    output$heatmap_selected <- renderPrint({
        if (!is.null(selected()))
    output$topn <- renderPrint({
        if (!is.null(input$topn))
    output$mincount <- renderPrint({
        if (!is.null(input$mincount))

#' heatmapUI
#' Creates a shinyUI to be able to run DEBrowser interactively.
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param output, output objects
#' @param session, session
#' @note \code{heatmapUI}
#' @return the panel for heatmapUI;
#' @examples
#'     x<-heatmapUI()
#' @export

heatmapUI <- function(input, output, session) {
    header <- dashboardHeader(
        title = "DEBrowser Heatmap"
    sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(  getJSLine(),  
        menuItem("Upload", tabName = "Upload"),
        menuItem("Heatmap", tabName = "Heatmap"),
        menuItem("Options", tabName = "Heatmap",
        checkboxInput('mostvaried', 'Most Varied Set', value = FALSE),
        conditionalPanel( (condition <- "input.mostvaried"),
        textInput("topn", "top-n", value = "500" ), 
        textInput("mincount", "total min count", value = "10" )),
    body <- dashboardBody(
            tabItem(tabName="Upload", dataLoadUI("load")),
            tabItem(tabName="Heatmap",  getHeatmapUI("heatmap"),
    dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body, skin = "blue")
UMMS-Biocore/debrowser documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:15 p.m.