## This script performs the minimal processing on the leduc2022_pSCoPE
## dataset.
####---- Loading libraries and preparing data ----####
## libraries
## data
leduc <- leduc2022_pSCoPE()
## keep only required data
assaysToRemove <- c(
"peptides", "peptides_log", "proteins_norm2", "proteins_processed"
leduc <- removeAssay(leduc, assaysToRemove)
requiredRowData <- c(
"Sequence", "Leading.razor.protein.symbol",
"Leading.razor.protein.id", "Reverse", "Potential.contaminant",
"Leading.razor.protein", "PIF", "dart_qval"
leduc <- selectRowData(leduc, requiredRowData)
## format missing values
leduc <- zeroIsNA(leduc, i = names(leduc))
####---- Feature quality control ----####
leduc <- computeSCR(
leduc, names(leduc), colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Mel|Macro", carrierPattern = "Carrier",
sampleFUN = "mean", rowDataName = "MeanSCR"
df <- data.frame(rbindRowData(leduc, names(leduc)))
df$ContaminantOrReverse <- df$Reverse != "+" &
df$Potential.contaminant != "+" &
!grepl("REV|CON", df$Leading.razor.protein)
## Contaminant plot
ggplot(df) +
aes(x = ContaminantOrReverse) +
geom_bar() +
## PIF plot
ggplot(df) +
aes(x = PIF) +
geom_histogram() +
## q-value plot
ggplot(df) +
aes(x = log10(dart_qval)) +
geom_histogram() +
## mean SCR plot
ggplot(df) +
aes(x = log10(MeanSCR)) +
leduc <- filterFeatures(
leduc, ~ Reverse != "+" &
Potential.contaminant != "+" &
!grepl("REV|CON", Leading.razor.protein) &
!is.na(PIF) & PIF > 0.6 &
dart_qval < 0.01 &
!is.na(MeanSCR) & MeanSCR < 0.05
####---- Sample quality control ----####
## Number of detected peptides per sample
leduc <- countUniqueFeatures(
leduc, i = names(leduc), groupBy = "Sequence",
colDataName = "NumberPeptides"
## Median intensity per sample
# for (i in names(leduc)) {
# logAssay <- log2(assay(leduc[[i]]))
# meds <- colMedians(logAssay, na.rm = TRUE)
# colData(leduc)[names(med), "MedianIntensity"] <- meds
# }
MedianIntensity <- lapply(experiments(leduc), function(x) {
out <- colMedians(log(assay(x)), na.rm = TRUE)
names(out) <- colnames(x)
names(MedianIntensity) <- NULL
MedianIntensity <- unlist(MedianIntensity)
colData(leduc)[names(MedianIntensity), "MedianIntensity"] <- MedianIntensity
## Median CV per sample
leduc <- medianCVperCell(
leduc, i = names(leduc), groupBy = "Leading.razor.protein.symbol",
nobs = 3, na.rm = TRUE, colDataName = "MedianCV", norm = "SCoPE2"
data.frame(colData(leduc)) |>
ggplot() +
y = MedianIntensity,
x = NumberPeptides,
color = MedianCV,
shape = SampleType
) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
scale_color_continuous(type = "viridis")
leduc$passQC <- !is.na(leduc$MedianCV) & leduc$MedianCV < 0.6 &
leduc$MedianIntensity > 6 & leduc$MedianIntensity < 8 &
leduc$NumberPeptides > 750 &
grepl("Mono|Mel", leduc$SampleType)
leduc <- subsetByColData(leduc, leduc$passQC)
####---- Building the peptide matrix ----####
## Aggregate PSMs to peptides
peptideAssays <- paste0("peptides_", names(leduc))
leduc <- aggregateFeatures(leduc,
i = names(leduc),
fcol = "Sequence",
name = peptideAssays,
fun = colMedians,
na.rm = TRUE)
## Apply majority vote for peptide to protein mapping
ppMap <- rbindRowData(leduc, i = grep("^pep", names(leduc))) |>
data.frame() |>
group_by(Sequence) |>
## The majority vote happens here
mutate(Leading.razor.protein.symbol =
decreasing = TRUE))[1],
Leading.razor.protein.id =
decreasing = TRUE))[1]) |>
dplyr::select(Sequence, Leading.razor.protein.symbol, Leading.razor.protein.id) |>
dplyr::filter(!duplicated(Sequence, Leading.razor.protein.symbol))
consensus <- lapply(peptideAssays, function(i) {
ind <- match(rowData(leduc)[[i]]$Sequence, ppMap$Sequence)
DataFrame(Leading.razor.protein.symbol =
Leading.razor.protein.id =
names(consensus) <- peptideAssays
rowData(leduc) <- consensus
## Join peptide assays
leduc <- joinAssays(leduc, i = peptideAssays,
name = "peptides")
proteinIds <- rowData(leduc)[["peptides"]]$Leading.razor.protein.id
## Add gene name information
proteinConversionDf <- transcripts(
columns = "gene_name",
return.type = "data.frame",
filter = UniprotFilter(proteinIds)
matchedIndex <- match(proteinIds, proteinConversionDf$uniprot_id)
geneName <- proteinConversionDf$gene_name[matchedIndex]
rowData(leduc)[["peptides"]]$gene <- geneName
####---- Log-transformation ----####
leduc <- logTransform(leduc, i = "peptides", name = "peptides_log")
####---- Subset cells ----####
## Take the first 3 and the last 3 MS batches
leduc_minimal <- getWithColData(leduc, "peptides_log")
sets <- unique(leduc_minimal$Set)
sel <- c(head(sets, 3), tail(sets, 3))
leduc_minimal <- leduc_minimal[, leduc_minimal$Set %in% sel]
####---- Subset peptides ----####
## Remove all NAs
leduc_minimal <- filterNA(leduc_minimal, pNA = 0.9999)
## Randomly select 200 peptides
sel <- sample(1:nrow(leduc_minimal), 200, replace = FALSE)
leduc_minimal <- leduc_minimal[sel, ]
####---- Example model ----####
f <- ~ 1 + ## intercept
Channel + Set + ## batch variables
MedianIntensity +## normalization
SampleType ## biological variable
leduc_minimal <- scpModelWorkflow(leduc_minimal, formula = f)
####---- Save results ----####
saveDir <- "~/PhD/asca-scp/package/data/"
leduc_minimal, file = paste0(saveDir, "leduc_minimal.rda"),
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9
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