#' predict_phenotypes
#' @description Predicts cell phenotypes based on marker intensity levels. If no
#' prior cell phenotypes are available, it adds the phenotypes to the
#' SpaitalExperiment object used as input. If reference cell phenotypes are
#' available, it produces a density plot showing predicted cutoff of a
#' positive reading for marker intensity and it returns a dataframe containing
#' the predicted intensity status for a particular marker.
#' @param spe_object SpatialExperiment object in the form of the output of
#' \code{\link{format_image_to_spe}}.
#' @param thresholds (Optional) Numeric Vector specifying the cutoff of a
#' positive reading. The order must match the marker order, and it should be
#' NA for DAPI.
#' @param tumour_marker String containing the tumour_marker used for the image.
#' If tumor cells are known, annotate tumor cells as 1 and non-tumor cells as
#' 0, and include the rowname.
#' @param baseline_markers String Vector. Markers not found on tumour cells to
#' refine the threshold used for tumour cell phenotying.
#' @param nuclear_marker String. Nuclear marker used.
#' @param reference_phenotypes Boolean. TRUE or FALSE value whether there are reference
#' phenotypes for the sample obtained by the user through other means (e.g.
#' HALO or InForm). If there are reference phenotypes available, a matrix of
#' predicted phenotypes, intensities, and reference phenotypes will be
#' returned, which can be used as input to "marker_prediction_plot". If no
#' reference phenotype available, the result of the function will be added to
#' the spe object used in the input. Note that if a reference phenotype is to
#' be used, the phenotypes must be an explicit combination of positive markers
#' (e.g. AMACR,PDL1), as opposed to descriptive (PDL1+ tumour cells).
#' @param markers_to_phenotype String Vector. Markers to be included in the phenotyping. If
#' NULL, then all markers will be used. DAPI needs to be excluded.
#' @param plot_distribution Boolean. If TRUE, plots of the marker intensities
#' distributions and cutoffs are plotted.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @return An updated spe object with cell phenotypes or a data.frame of
#' predicted phenotypes
#' @examples
#' # keep the original phenotypes
#' predicted_result <- predict_phenotypes(spe_object = simulated_image, thresholds = NULL,
#' tumour_marker = "Tumour_marker",baseline_markers = c("Immune_marker1", "Immune_marker2",
#' "Immune_marker3", "Immune_marker4"), reference_phenotypes = TRUE)
#' # update the predicted phenotypes
#' predicted_spe_image <- predict_phenotypes(spe_object = simulated_image, thresholds = NULL,
#' tumour_marker = "Tumour_marker",baseline_markers = c("Immune_marker1", "Immune_marker2",
#' "Immune_marker3", "Immune_marker4"), reference_phenotypes = FALSE)
#' @export
predict_phenotypes <- function(spe_object, thresholds = NULL, tumour_marker,
baseline_markers, nuclear_marker = NULL,
reference_phenotypes = FALSE, markers_to_phenotype = NULL,
Marker_level <- NULL
formatted_data <- get_colData(spe_object)
intensity_matrix <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(spe_object)
markers <- rownames(intensity_matrix)
markers <- markers_to_phenotype
if (sum(markers %in% rownames(intensity_matrix)) != length(markers)) {
missing <- markers[!(markers %in% rownames(intensity_matrix))]
stop(sprintf("There are no intensity values for %s in your input dataset. Please check markers\n",
intensity_matrix <- intensity_matrix[markers,]
if (is.element(tumour_marker, markers) == FALSE) {
stop("Tumour marker not found")
cell_ids <- colnames(intensity_matrix)
rownames(intensity_matrix) <- NULL
colnames(intensity_matrix) <- NULL
intensity_matrix_t <- t(intensity_matrix)
intensity_df <- data.frame(intensity_matrix_t)
colnames(intensity_df) <- markers
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, intensity_df)
#add actual intensity boolean value to formatted_data
markers_no_tumour <- markers[markers != tumour_marker]
markers_no_tumour <- markers_no_tumour[markers_no_tumour != nuclear_marker]
selected_valley_xcord <- list()
##Add actual marker levels
for (marker in markers){
if ((!is.null(nuclear_marker)) && (marker == nuclear_marker)){
actual_phenotype <- data.frame(rep(1, nrow(formatted_data)))
colnames(actual_phenotype) <- paste(marker, "_actual_phenotype", sep="")
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, actual_phenotype)
} else{
cell_IDs <- data.frame(formatted_data$Cell.ID)
colnames(cell_IDs) <- "Cell.ID"
actual_phenotype <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(formatted_data)))
colnames(actual_phenotype) <- "Phenotype_status"
actual_phenotype <- cbind(actual_phenotype, cell_IDs)
rows <- formatted_data[grepl(marker, formatted_data$Phenotype), ]
if(nrow(rows) > 0){
actual_phenotype[actual_phenotype$Cell.ID %in% rows$Cell.ID,]$Phenotype_status <- 1
actual_phenotype <- data.frame(actual_phenotype[,1])
colnames(actual_phenotype) <- paste(marker, "_actual_phenotype", sep="")
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, actual_phenotype)
for (marker in markers_no_tumour) {
#extract the marker intensity column
marker_specific_level <- formatted_data[,marker]
#calculate the predictions
if (!is.null(thresholds) && !is.na(thresholds[match(marker,markers)])) {
#there is a threshold value specified for the marker, use the threshold
marker_threshold <- thresholds[match(marker,markers)]
methods::show( paste0(marker, " has threshold specified: ",as.character(marker_threshold)))
selected_valley_xcord[[marker]] <- marker_threshold
#get the threshold predictions
predictions_by_threshold <- data.frame(mmand::threshold(marker_specific_level, level = marker_threshold))
} else {
#calculate the valleys
intensity_density <- stats::density(marker_specific_level, na.rm=TRUE)
valleys <- pracma::findpeaks(-(intensity_density)$y)
valley_ycords <- valleys[,1] * -1
index <- match(valley_ycords, intensity_density$y)
valley_xcords <- intensity_density$x[index]
#create a df for the valley coordinates
valley_df <- data.frame(cbind(valley_xcords, valley_ycords))
#select the first valley that's greater than the maximum density and below 25% density
ycord_max_density <- max(intensity_density$y)
xcord_max_density_index <- match(ycord_max_density, intensity_density$y)
xcord_max_density <- intensity_density$x[xcord_max_density_index]
density_threshold_for_valley <- 0.25 * ycord_max_density
valley_df <- valley_df[valley_df$valley_xcords >= xcord_max_density, ]
valley_df <- valley_df[valley_df$valley_ycords <= density_threshold_for_valley, ]
selected_valley_xcord[[marker]] <- valley_df$valley_xcords[1]
#using the selected valley as the threshold
predictions_by_threshold <- data.frame(mmand::threshold(marker_specific_level, level = selected_valley_xcord[[marker]]))
colnames(predictions_by_threshold) <- paste(marker, "_predicted_phenotype", sep="")
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, predictions_by_threshold)
###Prediction for tumour marker
#Select cells that are positive for a marker that tumor cells don't have
baseline_cells <- vector()
for(marker in baseline_markers){
temp <- formatted_data[, colnames(formatted_data) %in% c("Cell.ID", paste0(marker, "_predicted_phenotype"))]
temp <- temp[temp[,2] == 1,]
baseline_cells <- c(baseline_cells, temp$Cell.ID)
baseline_cells <- unique(baseline_cells)
#Tumor marker levels in these cells
formatted_data_baseline <- formatted_data[formatted_data$Cell.ID %in% baseline_cells,tumour_marker]
if(length(unique(formatted_data_baseline)) != 2){
cutoff_for_tumour <- stats::quantile(formatted_data_baseline, 0.95)
cutoff_for_tumour <- max(formatted_data_baseline)-min(formatted_data_baseline)/2
#extract the marker intensity column
tumour_specific_level <- formatted_data[,tumour_marker]
#calculate the predictions
if (!is.null(thresholds)) {
#there is a threshold value specified for the marker, use the threshold
marker_threshold <- thresholds[match(tumour_marker,markers)]
methods::show(paste0(tumour_marker, " has threshold specified: ", as.character(marker_threshold)))
selected_valley_xcord[[tumour_marker]] <- marker_threshold
#get the threshold predictions
predictions_by_threshold <- data.frame(mmand::threshold(tumour_specific_level, level = marker_threshold))
} else {
#calculate the valleys
intensity_density <- stats::density(tumour_specific_level, na.rm=TRUE)
valleys <- pracma::findpeaks(-(intensity_density)$y)
valley_ycords <- valleys[,1] * -1
index <- match(valley_ycords, intensity_density$y)
valley_xcords <- intensity_density$x[index]
#create a df for the valley coordinates
valley_df <- data.frame(cbind(valley_xcords, valley_ycords))
selected_valley_xcord[[tumour_marker]] <- valley_df$valley_xcords[1]
#using the selected valley as the threshold if it is lower than the
#level of intensity of the tumour marker in non-tumour cells
final_threshold <- ifelse(selected_valley_xcord[[tumour_marker]] < cutoff_for_tumour,
selected_valley_xcord[[tumour_marker]], cutoff_for_tumour)
selected_valley_xcord[[tumour_marker]] <- final_threshold
predictions_by_threshold <- data.frame(mmand::threshold(tumour_specific_level, level = final_threshold))
colnames(predictions_by_threshold) <- paste(tumour_marker, "_predicted_phenotype", sep="")
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, predictions_by_threshold)
predicted_data <- formatted_data
markers <- markers[markers != nuclear_marker]
if (reference_phenotypes) {
p_list <- list()
for (marker in markers) {
#exclude markers that are not reference markers
#if (marker == tumour_marker) {
# next
#names of columns
marker_status_name <- paste(marker, "_status",
sep = "")
marker_actual_exp_colname <- paste(marker, "_actual_phenotype",
sep = "")
marker_pred_exp_colname <- paste(marker, "_predicted_phenotype",
sep = "")
#create an accuracy_df with the same number of rows and 1 column
accuracy_df <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(predicted_data)))
colnames(accuracy_df) <- "status"
if (marker_actual_exp_colname %in% colnames(predicted_data)) {
#grab both the actual and predicted intensity for the specific marker, change colnames and bind to accuracy_df
marker_exp_actual_pred <- predicted_data[, c(marker_actual_exp_colname,
colnames(marker_exp_actual_pred) <- c("actual",
accuracy_df <- cbind(accuracy_df, marker_exp_actual_pred)
#set the TP, TF, FP, FN if they exist
if (nrow(accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 1 & accuracy_df$pred ==
1, ])) {
accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 1 & accuracy_df$pred ==
1, ]$status <- "TP"
if (nrow(accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 0 & accuracy_df$pred ==
0, ])) {
accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 0 & accuracy_df$pred ==
0, ]$status <- "TN"
if (nrow(accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 0 & accuracy_df$pred ==
1, ])) {
accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 0 & accuracy_df$pred ==
1, ]$status <- "FP"
if (nrow(accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 1 & accuracy_df$pred ==
0, ])) {
accuracy_df[accuracy_df$actual == 1 & accuracy_df$pred ==
0, ]$status <- "FN"
#bind the specific marker_status to intensity level
accuracy_df <- data.frame(accuracy_df[,"status"])
colnames(accuracy_df) <- "status"
marker_specific_level <- predicted_data[,marker]
marker_specific_level <- data.frame(marker_specific_level)
colnames(marker_specific_level) <- "Marker_level"
level_and_accuracy <- cbind(marker_specific_level, accuracy_df)
#print the number of TP, TN, FP, FN
TP_count <- nrow(level_and_accuracy[level_and_accuracy$status == "TP", ])
TN_count <- nrow(level_and_accuracy[level_and_accuracy$status == "TN", ])
FP_count <- nrow(level_and_accuracy[level_and_accuracy$status == "FP", ])
FN_count <- nrow(level_and_accuracy[level_and_accuracy$status == "FN", ])
sprintf("For %s:", marker)
sprintf("TP:%i TN:%i FP:%i FN:%i", TP_count, TN_count, FP_count, FN_count)
p <- ggplot(level_and_accuracy, aes(x=Marker_level)) + geom_density()
p <- p + labs(title = marker, x = "Level of intensity", y = "Density")
if (!is.null(selected_valley_xcord[[marker]])) {
p <- p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = selected_valley_xcord[[marker]]), linetype = "dashed")
sprintf("%s threshold intensity: %s", marker, as.character(selected_valley_xcord[[marker]]))
} else {
p <- p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = marker_threshold), linetype = "dashed")
sprintf("%s threshold intensity: %.2f", marker, marker_threshold)
p <- p + theme_bw()
p_list[[marker]] <- p
p_list <- list()
for(marker in markers){
#names of columns
marker_status_name <- paste(marker, "_status", sep="")
marker_pred_exp_colname <- paste(marker,"_predicted_phenotype", sep="")
#create an accuracy_df with the same number of rows and 1 column
accuracy_df <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(predicted_data)))
colnames(accuracy_df) <- "status"
#grab both the actual and predicted intensity for the specific marker, change colnames and bind to accuracy_df
marker_exp_pred <- predicted_data[,c( marker_pred_exp_colname)]
accuracy_df <- cbind(accuracy_df, marker_exp_pred)
#bind the specific marker_status to intensity level
accuracy_df <- data.frame(accuracy_df[,"status"])
colnames(accuracy_df) <- "status"
marker_specific_level <- predicted_data[,marker]
marker_specific_level <- data.frame(marker_specific_level)
colnames(marker_specific_level) <- "Marker_level"
level_and_accuracy <- cbind(marker_specific_level, accuracy_df)
p <- ggplot(level_and_accuracy, aes(x=Marker_level)) + geom_density()
p <- p + labs(title = marker, x = "Level of intensity", y = "Density")
if (!is.null(selected_valley_xcord[[marker]])) {
p <- p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = selected_valley_xcord[[marker]]), linetype = "dashed")
methods::show(paste(marker, " threshold intensity: ", selected_valley_xcord[[marker]]))
} else {
p <- p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = marker_threshold), linetype = "dashed")
methods::show(paste(marker, " threshold intensity: ", marker_threshold))
p <- p + theme_bw()
# p_list[[marker]] <- p
# if (plot_distribution){
# n <- length(p_list)
# nCol <- floor(sqrt(n))
# do.call("grid.arrange", c(p_list, ncol=nCol))
# }
phenotype_predictions <- predicted_data[,grep("_predicted_phenotype", colnames(predicted_data))]
colnames(phenotype_predictions) <- gsub("_predicted_phenotype", "", colnames(phenotype_predictions))
phenotype_predictions_collapsed <- vector()
for(marker in markers){
temp <- phenotype_predictions[,marker]
temp[temp == 1] <- marker
phenotype_predictions_collapsed <- cbind(phenotype_predictions_collapsed, temp)
phenotype_predictions_vector <- apply(phenotype_predictions_collapsed, 1, paste, collapse=",")
phenotype_predictions_vector <- gsub("^0", "", phenotype_predictions_vector)
phenotype_predictions_vector <- gsub(",0", "", phenotype_predictions_vector)
phenotype_predictions_vector <- gsub("NA,", "", phenotype_predictions_vector)
phenotype_predictions_vector <- gsub(",NA", "", phenotype_predictions_vector)
phenotype_predictions_vector <- gsub("^,", "", phenotype_predictions_vector)
phenotype_predictions_vector[phenotype_predictions_vector == ""] <- "None"
SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object)$Phenotype <- phenotype_predictions_vector
return_results <- spe_object
return_results <- predicted_data
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