#' measure_association_to_cell_properties
#' @description Plots the density or boxplot of a property of two cell celltypes
#' or compares using t test/wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' @param spe_object SpatialExperiment object in the form of the output of
#' \code{\link{format_image_to_spe}}.
#' @param property String that is the name of the column of interest.
#' @param celltypes String Vector of celltypes of interest.
#' @param feature_colname String that speficies the column of the cell types.
#' @param method String. The analysis to perform on the selected cell types and
#' property. Options are "density", "box", "t", "wilcox".
#' @param Nucleus.Ratio Boolean whether the ratio of the nucleus size is of
#' interest.
#' @param log.scale Boolean whether to log the data.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return With method "box" or "density a plot is returned. With method "t" or
#' "wilcox", the text output from the test are returned.
#' @examples
#' measure_association_to_cell_properties(image_no_markers,
#' celltypes = c("Tumour", "Immune1"),
#' feature_colname = "Cell.Type",
#' property = "Cell.Size",
#' method = "box")
#' measure_association_to_cell_properties(image_no_markers,
#' celltypes = c("Tumour", "Immune2"),
#' feature_colname="Cell.Type",
#' property = "Cell.Size",
#' method = "t")
#' @export
measure_association_to_cell_properties <- function(spe_object, property = "Cell.Area",
celltypes, feature_colname = "Cell.Type",
method = "density", Nucleus.Ratio = FALSE,
log.scale = FALSE) {
formatted_data <- get_colData(spe_object)
if (is.element(property, colnames(formatted_data)) == FALSE) {
stop("Property of interest not found")
if (!all(celltypes %in% formatted_data[[feature_colname]])) {
stop("Cell type not found")
# CHECK if nucleus.ratio is the property of interest
if (Nucleus.Ratio == TRUE){
formatted_data["Nucleus.Ratio"] <- formatted_data$Nucleus.Area/formatted_data$Cell.Area
property <- "Nucleus.Ratio"
#Extract interested property and celltypes
formatted_data <- formatted_data[which(formatted_data[[feature_colname]] %in% celltypes),
# CHECK if log the scale
if (log.scale == TRUE){
formatted_data[,property] <- log(formatted_data[,property])
# Plot the density
if (method == "density"){
# get colourblind-friendly colours
colours <- dittoSeq::dittoColors()[seq_len(2)]
p <- ggplot(formatted_data, aes(x=.data[[property]], color = .data[[feature_colname]])) +
geom_density() +
labs(x = property) +
scale_color_manual(values = colours) +
# Plot the boxplot
if (method == "box"){
#code from ggplot2 to show the number in each group
give.n <- function(x){
return(c(y = max(x)+1, label = length(x)))
p <- ggplot(formatted_data, aes(.data[[feature_colname]],
fill = .data[[feature_colname]])) +
geom_boxplot() +
stat_summary(fun.data = give.n, geom = "text", vjust = -0.5) +
ylab(property) +
if (method == "t"){
if (length(celltypes) != 2){
stop("wrong number of inputs to do t.test")
p <- stats::t.test(formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == celltypes[1],property],
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == celltypes[2],property])
# make output name nicer
p$data.name <- paste(celltypes[1], "and", celltypes[2])
if (method == "wilcox"){
if (length(celltypes) != 2){
stop("wrong number of inputs to do Wilcoxon Rank Sum test")
p <- stats::wilcox.test(formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == celltypes[1],property],
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == celltypes[2],property])
return (p)
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