#' identify_neighborhoods
#' @description Uses Euclidean distances to identify neighborhoods of cells.
#' Three clustering methods are available, including hierarchical clustering,
#' dbscan, and (Rphenograph).
#' @param spe_object SpatialExperiment object in the form of the output of
#' \code{\link{format_image_to_spe}}.
#' @param method String. The clustering method. Choose from "hierarchical",
#' "dbscan" and "Rphenograph". (Note Rphenograph function is not available for
#' this version yet).
#' @param cell_types_of_interest String Vector of phenotypes to consider.
#' @param radius Numeric specifying the radius of search. Need to specify when
#' `method` is "hierarchical" or "dbscan".
#' @param min_neighborhood_size Numeric. The minimum number of cells within each
#' cluster. Need to specify when `method` is "hierarchical" or "dbscan".
#' @param k Numeric. The parameter for "Rphenograph" method.
#' @param feature_colname String. Column from which the cell types are selected.
#' @param no_pheno Cell type corresponding to cells without a known phenotype
#' (e.g. "None", "Other")
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return An spe object and a plot is returned. The spe object contains
#' information of the defined neighborhood under "Neighborhood" column. The
#' cells of interest that do not form clusters are labelled "Free_cell", cells
#' not of interest are labelled `NA`.
#' @examples
#' neighborhoods <- identify_neighborhoods(image_no_markers, method = "hierarchical",
#' min_neighborhood_size = 100, cell_types_of_interest = c("Immune", "Immune1", "Immune2"),
#' radius = 50, feature_colname = "Cell.Type")
#' @export
identify_neighborhoods <- function(spe_object, method = "hierarchical",
cell_types_of_interest, radius,
min_neighborhood_size = 10,
k = 100,
feature_colname, no_pheno = NULL) {
# setting these variables to NULL as otherwise get "no visible binding for global variable" in R check
Cell.X.Position <- Cell.Y.Position <- Cluster <- Xpos <- Ypos <- NULL
plot_clusters <- TRUE
formatted_data <- get_colData(spe_object)
######remove cells without a phenotype
formatted_data <- formatted_data[formatted_data[,feature_colname] != no_pheno, ]
#select cells to include if phenotypes of interest are specified
if (!is.null(cell_types_of_interest)) {
formatted_data <- formatted_data[formatted_data[,feature_colname] %in% cell_types_of_interest,]
if (nrow(formatted_data) == 0) {
message("There are no cells in data/no cells for the phenotypes of interest")
formatted_data <- get_colData(spe_object)
formatted_data$Cluster <- NA
plot_clusters <- FALSE
# hierarchical clustering
if (method == "hierarchical"){
rownames(formatted_data) <- formatted_data$Cell.ID
# compute the similarity matrix between cells pairwisely (negtive dist)
sim_close <- - apcluster::negDistMat(formatted_data[,c("Cell.X.Position", "Cell.Y.Position")])
sim_close[sim_close > radius] <- NA
sim_close[sim_close == 0] <- NA
#Remove rows, columns with only NAs
sim_close <- sim_close[apply(sim_close, 1, function(x){
if(sum(is.na(x)) == length(x)){
}} ),]
if (is.null(dim(sim_close))){
formatted_data$Cluster <- NA
plot_clusters <- FALSE
if (nrow(sim_close) == 0) {
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] %in%
cell_types_of_interest, "Cluster"] <- "Free_cell"
plot_clusters <- FALSE
message("There are no clusters detected in this image. All cells of interest are free cells.")
else {
sim_close <- sim_close[, apply(sim_close, 2,
function(x) {
if (sum(is.na(x)) == length(x)) {
else {
cells_in_cluster <- rownames(sim_close)
sim_close <- ifelse(is.na(sim_close), 1, 0)
if (nrow(sim_close) != 0 & ncol(sim_close) !=
0) {
h <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(sim_close),
method = "single")
local_clusters <- stats::cutree(h, h = 0.5)
formatted_data$Cluster <- as.character(local_clusters[match(formatted_data$Cell.ID,
else {
formatted_data$Cluster <- NA
summarised_data <- formatted_data %>% group_by(Cluster) %>%
summarise(n = n())
big_clusters <- summarised_data[summarised_data$n >
min_neighborhood_size, "Cluster"]$Cluster
if (length(big_clusters) == 0) {
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] %in%
cell_types_of_interest, "Cluster"] <- "Free_cell"
plot_clusters <- FALSE
message("There are no clusters detected in this image. All cells of interest are free cells.")
else {
formatted_data[formatted_data$Cluster %in% big_clusters,
"size"] <- "larger"
cluster_ids <- unique(formatted_data[formatted_data$size ==
"larger", "Cluster"])
n_cluster <- length(cluster_ids)
n <- 1
for (cluster_id in cluster_ids) {
if (!is.na(cluster_id)) {
formatted_data[which(formatted_data$Cluster ==
cluster_id), "new_cluster"] <- n
n <- n + 1
formatted_data$Cluster <- formatted_data$new_cluster
formatted_data$Cluster <- as.character(formatted_data$Cluster)
formatted_data$new_cluster <- NULL
formatted_data$size <- NULL
else if (method == "dbscan"){
cell_cords <- formatted_data[,c("Cell.X.Position", "Cell.Y.Position")]
#Use dbscan to generate clusters
db <- dbscan::dbscan(cell_cords, eps = radius, minPts = min_neighborhood_size)
#since dbscan outputs cluster 0 as noise, we add 1 to all cluster numbers to keep it consistent
formatted_data$Cluster <- factor(db$cluster + 1)
else if (method == "rphenograph"){
# if (requireNamespace("Rphenograph", quietly = TRUE)) {
# cell_cords <- formatted_data[,c("Cell.X.Position", "Cell.Y.Position")]
# Rphenograph_out <- Rphenograph::Rphenograph(cell_cords, k = k)
# formatted_data$Cluster <- factor(igraph::membership(Rphenograph_out[[2]]))
# }
stop("This option is not available for this version yet! Check dev version for this function!")
else {
stop("Please select a valid clustering method, current options: dbscan")
#get cells assigned to clusters
cells_in_clusters <- formatted_data[stats::complete.cases(formatted_data),]
cells_not_in_clusters <- formatted_data[!stats::complete.cases(formatted_data),]
#get number_of_clusters
number_of_clusters <- length(unique(cells_in_clusters$Cluster))
#label the Cluster centre by averaging x and y
label_location <- vector()
for (Clusternumber in seq_len(number_of_clusters)) {
cells_in_Cluster <- cells_in_clusters[cells_in_clusters$Cluster == Clusternumber, ]
minX <- min(cells_in_Cluster$Cell.X.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
maxX <- max(cells_in_Cluster$Cell.X.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
minY <- min(cells_in_Cluster$Cell.Y.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
maxY <- max(cells_in_Cluster$Cell.Y.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
averageX <- (minX + maxX)/2
averageY <- (minY + maxY)/2
label_location <- rbind(label_location,c(Clusternumber, averageX, averageY))
label_location <- as.data.frame(label_location)
colnames(label_location) <- c("Cluster", "Xpos", "Ypos")
# use colourblind-friendly colours
cluster_colours <- dittoSeq::dittoColors()[seq_len(number_of_clusters)]
q <- ggplot(cells_in_clusters, aes(x=Cell.X.Position, y=Cell.Y.Position))
q <- q + geom_point(aes(color = Cluster))
q <- q + geom_text(data = label_location, aes(x = Xpos, y = Ypos, label = Cluster))
q <- q + scale_color_manual(values=cluster_colours)
q <- q + geom_point(data = cells_not_in_clusters, colour = "black")
q <- q + xlab("Cell.X.Position") + ylab("Cell.Y.Position") +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none")
formatted_data_with_clusters <- formatted_data
formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster <- paste0("Cluster_", as.character(formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster))
formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster[formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster == "Cluster_NA"] <- "Free_cell"
formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster[formatted_data_with_clusters$Cluster == "Cluster_Free_cell"] <- "Free_cell"
colnames(formatted_data_with_clusters)[which(colnames(formatted_data_with_clusters) == "Cluster")] <- "Neighborhood"
if (is.null(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object)$Cell.ID)){
SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object)$Cell.ID <- rownames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
df <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
df$Neighborhood <- NULL
for (id in formatted_data_with_clusters$Cell.ID){
df[id, "Neighborhood"] <- formatted_data_with_clusters[id, "Neighborhood"]
SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object) <- methods::as(df, "DFrame")
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