#' identify_bordering_cells
#' @description Identify the cells bordering a group of cells of a particular
#' phenotype, and calculate the number of clustered groups of this cell type.
#' @details The bordering cell detection algorithm is based on computing an
#' alpha hull (Hemmer et al., 2020), a generalization of convex hull (Green
#' and Silverman, 1979). The cells detected to be on the alpha hull are
#' identified as the bordering cells.
#' @param spe_object SpatialExperiment object in the form of the output of
#' \code{\link{format_image_to_spe}}.
#' @param reference_cell String. Cells of this cell type will be used for border
#' detection.
#' @param feature_colname String that specifies the column of `reference_cell`.
#' @param ahull_alpha Number specifying the parameter for the alpha hull
#' algorithm. The larger the number, the more cells will be included in one
#' cell cluster.
#' @param n_to_exclude Integer. Clusters with cell count under this number will
#' be deleted.
#' @param plot_final_border Boolean if plot the identified bordering cells.
#' @export
#' @return A new SPE object is returned. The SPE object has a `Region` column
#' with "Border", "Inside" and "Outside" categories. The returned object also
#' has an attribute saving the number of clusters.
#' @examples
#' spe_border <- identify_bordering_cells(SPIAT::defined_image,
#' reference_cell = "Tumour", feature_colname = "Cell.Type", n_to_exclude = 10)
#' n_clusters <- attr(spe_border, "n_of_clusters") # get the number of clusters
#' n_clusters
identify_bordering_cells <- function(spe_object, reference_cell,
feature_colname = "Cell.Type",
ahull_alpha = NULL,n_to_exclude = 10,
plot_final_border = TRUE){
if (is.null(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object)[,feature_colname])){
stop("Undefined column name. Please check if input contains `feature_colname`!")
if (!(reference_cell %in%
stop("Reference cell not found!")
coords_df <- data.frame(SpatialExperiment::spatialCoords(spe_object))
## draw boundaries
l <- list()
draw.polys <- data.frame("x" = c(max(coords_df$Cell.X.Position),
"y" = c(min(coords_df$Cell.Y.Position),
poly <- sp::Polygon(draw.polys, hole = FALSE)
l[[1]] <- poly
polys <- sp::Polygons(l,ID = c("a"))
sp_obj <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(polys))
# for loop, get the boundary cells and inside cells for each polygon #####
data <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
data <- cbind(data,data.frame(SpatialExperiment::spatialCoords(spe_object)))
data[,"Region"] <- "Outside"
# get the coords
buffered_polygon <- methods::slot(sp_obj@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]],
# identify the cells in the drawn polygon
inpolygon <- sp::point.in.polygon(
data$Cell.X.Position, data$Cell.Y.Position, buffered_polygon[, 1],
buffered_polygon[, 2])
allcells_in_polygon <- data[which(inpolygon!= 0),
tumour_in_polygon <-
allcells_in_polygon[which(allcells_in_polygon[,feature_colname] ==
tumour_in_polygon <- unique(tumour_in_polygon)
# ahull of the tumour cells
# define the value of alpha
requireNamespace("alphahull", quietly = TRUE)
if (is.null(ahull_alpha)){
n_cells <- dim(tumour_in_polygon)[1]
if (n_cells<200){
alpha <- 60} else if (n_cells > 5000){
alpha <- 90} else {
alpha <- (n_cells - 300)/160 + 60}
methods::show(paste("The alpha of Polygon is:", alpha))
ahull <- alphahull::ahull(tumour_in_polygon$Cell.X.Position,
alpha = alpha)
else {
ahull <- alphahull::ahull(tumour_in_polygon$Cell.X.Position,
alpha = ahull_alpha)
# fix ahull
ahull <- fix_ahull(ahull)
# my polygon function
xahull <- ahull$xahull
arc <- ahull$arcs
ahull_polygon <- get_polygon(xahull,arc,n_to_exclude)
# identify the cells that compose the ahull
border_ids <- c()
for (i in c(seq_len(length(ahull_polygon)))){
p <- data.frame(ahull_polygon[[i]])
colnames(p) <- c("Cell.X.Position","Cell.Y.Position")
# find the bordering cells in the original dataset to find the IDs
common_cells <- dplyr::intersect(
border_ids <- c(border_ids, rownames(common_cells))}
# identify the cells that are in the ahull
points_in_polygon <- data.frame()
for (i in c(seq_len(length(ahull_polygon)))){
p <- ahull_polygon[[i]]
in_p <- sp::point.in.polygon(allcells_in_polygon$Cell.X.Position,
p[,1], p[,2])
points_in_polygon <-
allcells_in_polygon[which(in_p == 1),
c(feature_colname, "Cell.X.Position",
points_in_polygon_df <- as.data.frame(points_in_polygon)
cells_in_boundary <- points_in_polygon_df
in_border_ids <- rownames(cells_in_boundary)
data[in_border_ids,"Region"] <- "Inside"
data[border_ids,"Region"] <- "Border"
# plot and return #####
SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object)$Region <- data[,"Region"]
# check if bordering cells are detected and if plot the border
if (dim(data[which(data$Region=="Border"),])[1]!=0){
if (isTRUE(plot_final_border)){
pch = 19, cex = 0.3, main = paste(attr(spe_object, "name"),
"bordering cells"))}
warning("There are no bordering cells detected when alpha = ", ahull_alpha)
# save the number of clusters identified
attr(spe_object, "n_of_clusters") <- length(ahull_polygon)
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