#' Summarizing spatiotemporal clustering results
#' This function takes a `spotoroo` object to produce a summary of the
#' clustering results. It can be called by [summary.spotoroo()].
#' @param result `spotoroo` object.
#' A result of a call to [hotspot_cluster()].
#' @param cluster Character/Integer. If "all", summarize all clusters.
#' If an integer vector is given, summarize corresponding
#' clusters.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Time consuming functions (>5 seconds)
#' # Get clustering results
#' result <- hotspot_cluster(hotspots,
#' lon = "lon",
#' lat = "lat",
#' obsTime = "obsTime",
#' activeTime = 24,
#' adjDist = 3000,
#' minPts = 4,
#' minTime = 3,
#' ignitionCenter = "mean",
#' timeUnit = "h",
#' timeStep = 1)
#' # Make a summary of all clusters
#' summary_spotoroo(result)
#' # Make a summary of cluster 1 to 3
#' summary_spotoroo(result, 1:3)
#' }
#' @export
summary_spotoroo <- function(result, cluster = "all"){
if (!"spotoroo" %in% class(result)) {
stop('Needs a "spotoroo" object as input.')
if (!identical(cluster, "all")) {
check_type("numeric", cluster)
if (length(cluster) == 0) stop("Please provide valid membership labels.")
if (any(!cluster %in% unique(result$ignition$membership))) {
stop("Please provide valid membership labels.")}
indexes <- result$ignition$membership %in% cluster
result$ignition <- result$ignition[indexes, ]
indexes <- result$hotspots$membership %in% c(cluster, -1)
result$hotspots <- result$hotspots[indexes, ]
num_cluster <- nrow(result$ignition)
num_hotspots <- sum(!result$hotspots$noise)
num_noise <- sum(result$hotspots$noise)
per_noise <- num_noise / (num_hotspots + num_noise) * 100
from <- min(result$hotspots$obsTime)
to <- max(result$hotspots$obsTime)
cli::cli_div(theme = list(rule = list("font-weight" = "bold",
"margin-top" = 1,
"margin-bottom" = 0,
color = "cyan",
"font-color" = "black"),
span.unit = list(color = "magenta"),
span.subh = list(color = "red",
`text-decoration` = "underline",
`font-style` = "italic",
`font-weight` = "bold"),
span.type = list(color = "red",
`text-decoration` = "underline",
`font-style` = "italic",
`font-weight` = "bold"),
span.bi = list(`font-weight` = "bold"),
span.summary = list(color = "#a63603",
`font-weight` = "bold"),
.val = list(digits = 2,
`font-weight` = "bold")))
cli::cli_rule(center = "{.def SPOTOROO 0.1.4}")
cli::cli_h2("Calling Core Function : {.fn summary_spotoroo}")
cluster_str <- as.character(cluster)
if (identical(cluster_str, "all")) cluster_str <- "ALL"
if (length(cluster_str) > 10) {
cluster_str <- c(cluster_str[1],
cli::cat_line(paste("CLUSTERS:", paste(cluster_str, collapse = " ")))
cli::cat_line(paste("OBSERVATIONS:", num_noise + num_hotspots))
cli::cat_line(paste('TO: ',to))
cli::cli_h3("{.subh Clusters}")
cli::cli_alert_info("{.bi Number of clusters: {.val {num_cluster}}}")
# first 5 summary
cli::cli_text("{.summary Observations in cluster}")
vals <- summary(result$ignition$obsInCluster)[-3]
five_names <- paste(formatC(names(vals), width = 12), collapse = "")
vals <- paste(format(as.numeric(vals),
digits = 1,
nsmall = 1,
width = 12),
collapse = "")
cli::cat_line(five_names, col = "green")
cli::cat_line(vals, col = "blue")
# second 5 summary
tunit <- as.character(result$ignition$clusterTimeLenUnit[1])
tunit <- list(d = "days",
h = "hours",
m = "mins",
s = "secs",
n = "numeric")[[tunit]]
cli::cli_text("{.summary Duration of cluster ({.unit {tunit}})}")
vals <- summary(as.numeric(result$ignition$clusterTimeLen))[-3]
five_names <- paste(formatC(names(vals), width = 12), collapse = "")
vals <- paste(format(as.numeric(vals),
digits = 1,
nsmall = 1,
width = 12),
collapse = "")
cli::cat_line(five_names, col = "green")
cli::cat_line(vals, col = "blue")
cli::cli_h3("{.subh Hot spots (excluding noise)}")
cli::cli_alert_info("{.bi Number of hot spots: {.val {num_hotspots}}}")
# third 5 summary
cli::cli_text("{.summary Distance to ignition points ({.unit m})}")
vals <- summary(as.numeric(result$hotspots$distToIgnition[!result$hotspots$noise]))[-3]
five_names <- paste(formatC(names(vals), width = 12), collapse = "")
vals <- paste(format(as.numeric(vals),
digits = 1,
nsmall = 1,
width = 12),
collapse = "")
cli::cat_line(five_names, col = "green")
cli::cat_line(vals, col = "blue")
# fourth 5 summary
tunit <- as.character(result$hotspots$timeFromIgnitionUnit[1])
tunit <- list(d = "days",
h = "hours",
m = "mins",
s = "secs",
n = "numeric")[[tunit]]
cli::cli_text("{.summary Time from ignition ({.unit {tunit}})}")
vals <- summary(as.numeric(result$hotspots$timeFromIgnition[!result$hotspots$noise]))[-3]
five_names <- paste(formatC(names(vals), width = 12), collapse = "")
vals <- paste(format(as.numeric(vals),
digits = 1,
nsmall = 1,
width = 12),
collapse = "")
cli::cat_line(five_names, col = "green")
cli::cat_line(vals, col = "blue")
if (identical(cluster, "all")) {
cli::cli_h3("{.subh Noise}")
cli::cli_alert_info("{.bi Number of noise points: {.val {num_noise}}} ({.val {per_noise}} %)")
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