#' @importFrom ape getMRCA nodepath
#' @rdname as.data.frame
#' @title Convert results to Data Frame
#' @description Convert return of functions in \code{sitePath} package to a
#' \code{\link{data.frame}} so can be better worked with. The group name for
#' each tip is the same as \code{\link{groupTips}}.
#' @description A \code{\link{fixationSites}} object will output the mutation
#' name of the fixation and the cluster name before and after the mutation.
#' @param x The object to be converted to \code{data.frame}.
#' @param row.names Unimplemented.
#' @param optional Unimplemented.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return A \code{\link{data.frame}} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(zikv_tree_reduced)
#' data(zikv_align_reduced)
#' tree <- addMSA(zikv_tree_reduced, alignment = zikv_align_reduced)
#' fixations <- fixationSites(lineagePath(tree))
#' as.data.frame(fixations)
as.data.frame.fixationSites <- function(x,
row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE,
...) {
res <- .mutationTable(x)
res <- res[, c("mutation", "from", "to")]
.mutationTable <- function(fixations) {
# The original tree
tree <- as.phylo.fixationSites(fixations)
# The clusters sorted by path
clustersByPath <- attr(fixations, "clustersByPath")
# The cluster each tip belongs to
clusterInfo <- character()
# Extract the node path for each tip cluster
clusterPaths <- list()
rootNode <- getMRCA(tree, tree[["tip.label"]])
# The cluster name and node of each group
for (gp in clustersByPath) {
for (tips in gp) {
cluster <- attr(tips, "clsName")
# The cluster named by the tips
clsNames <- rep(cluster, length(tips))
names(clsNames) <- as.character(tips)
clusterInfo <- c(clusterInfo, clsNames)
# The node path towards the cluster
ancestral <- as.integer(attr(tips, "node"))
if (is.null(ancestral)) {
np <- nodepath(tree, rootNode, tips)
clusterPaths[[cluster]] <-
np[seq_len(length(np) - 1)]
} else {
clusterPaths[[cluster]] <- nodepath(tree, rootNode, ancestral)
# Info for the transition mutation
prevCls <- character()
currCls <- character()
mutName <- character()
transNode <- integer()
for (sp in fixations) {
site <- attr(sp, "site")
prefix <- ""
if (is.character(site)) {
nameSplit <- rev(strsplit(site, " ")[[1]])
site <- nameSplit[1]
prefix <- nameSplit[2]
if (is.na(prefix)) {
prefix <- ""
} else {
prefix <- paste0(prefix, " ")
for (mp in sp) {
nodeNames <- names(mp)
for (i in seq_along(mp)[-1]) {
prevTips <- mp[[i - 1]]
currTips <- mp[[i]]
mutation <- paste0(prefix,
attr(prevTips, "AA"),
attr(currTips, "AA"))
trans <- nodeNames[i]
prev <- unique(clusterInfo[as.character(prevTips)])
names(prev) <- prev
# Choose the most recent cluster to stay un-mutated
prev <- names(which.max(lapply(
X = prev,
FUN = function(cluster) {
curr <- unique(clusterInfo[as.character(currTips)])
names(curr) <- curr
# Choose the most ancient cluster which first receive the
# mutation
curr <- names(which.min(lapply(
X = curr,
FUN = function(cluster) {
# Add the new transition mutation
prevCls <- c(prevCls, prev)
currCls <- c(currCls, curr)
mutName <- c(mutName, mutation)
transNode <- c(transNode, trans)
# The mutation between adjacent clusters
res <- data.frame(
"mutation" = mutName,
"from" = prevCls,
"to" = currCls,
"node" = transNode
res <- unique(res)
rownames(res) <- NULL
#' @rdname as.data.frame
#' @description An \code{\link{SNPsites}} object will output the tip name with
#' the SNP and its position.
#' @export
as.data.frame.SNPsites <- function(x,
row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE,
...) {
res <- attr(x, "allSNP")
#' @rdname as.data.frame
#' @description An \code{\link{parallelSites}} object will output the tip name
#' with the group name and mutation info.
#' @export
as.data.frame.parallelSites <- function(x,
row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE,
...) {
tree <- as.phylo.phyMSAmatched(attr(x, "paths"))
tipNames <- tree[["tip.label"]]
clustersByPath <- attr(x, "clustersByPath")
clusterInfo <- character()
for (gp in clustersByPath) {
for (tips in gp) {
# The cluster named by the tips
clsNames <- rep(attr(tips, "clsName"), length(tips))
names(clsNames) <- as.character(tipNames[tips])
clusterInfo <- c(clusterInfo, clsNames)
# Info for the parallel mutation
accession <- character()
clsName <- character()
mutSite <- integer()
mutFrom <- character()
mutTo <- character()
isFixed <- logical()
for (sp in x) {
tips <- extractTips.sitePara(sp)
for (t in tips) {
accession <- c(accession, t)
clsName <- c(clsName, clusterInfo[t])
mutName <- attr(t, "mutName")
mutSite <- c(mutSite, rep(mutName[2], length(t)))
mutFrom <- c(mutFrom, rep(mutName[1], length(t)))
mutTo <- c(mutTo, rep(mutName[3], length(t)))
isFixed <- c(isFixed, rep(attr(t, "fixed"), length(t)))
res <- data.frame(
"Accession" = accession,
"group" = clsName,
"site" = mutSite,
"mutFrom" = mutFrom,
"mutTo" = mutTo,
"fixation" = isFixed
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