
Defines functions addMSA.treedata .pathsUnderThreshold .createCluster addMSA.phylo addMSA

Documented in addMSA addMSA.phylo addMSA.treedata

#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom utils flush.console setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterSplit parLapply
#' @importFrom seqinr read.alignment
#' @importFrom ape multi2di is.binary Ntip as.phylo

#' @rdname addMSA
#' @name phyMSAmatched
#' @title Add matching sequence alignment to the tree
#' @description \code{addMSA} wraps \code{\link{read.alignment}} function in
#'   \code{\link{seqinr}} package and helps match names in tree and sequence
#'   alignment. Either provide the file path to an alignment file and its format
#'   or an alignment object from the return of \code{\link{read.alignment}}
#'   function. If both the file path and alignment object are given, the
#'   function will use the sequence in the alignment file.
#' @param tree A \code{\link{phylo}} object. This commonly can be from tree
#'   parsing function in \code{\link{ape}} or \code{\link{ggtree}}. All the
#'   \code{tip.label} should be found in the sequence alignment. The tree is
#'   supposed to be fully resolved (bifurcated) and will be resolved by
#'   \code{\link{multi2di}} if \code{\link{is.binary}} gives \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return Since 1.5.12, the function returns a \code{phyMSAmatched} object to
#'   avoid S3 methods used on \code{phylo} (better encapsulation).
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.alignment}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(zikv_tree)
#' msaPath <- system.file('extdata', 'ZIKV.fasta', package = 'sitePath')
#' addMSA(zikv_tree, msaPath = msaPath, msaFormat = 'fasta')
addMSA <- function(tree, ...) {

#' @rdname addMSA
#' @param msaPath The file path to the multiple sequence alignment file.
#' @param msaFormat The format of the multiple sequence alignment file. The
#'   internal uses the \code{\link{read.alignment}} from \code{\link{seqinr}}
#'   package to parse the sequence alignment. The default is "fasta" and it also
#'   accepts "clustal", "phylip", "mase", "msf".
#' @param alignment An \code{alignment} object. This commonly can be from
#'   sequence parsing function in the \code{\link{seqinr}} package. Sequence
#'   names in the alignment should include all \code{tip.label} in the tree
#' @param seqType The type of the sequence in the alignment file. The default is
#'   "AA" for amino acid. The other options are "DNA" and "RNA".
#' @export
addMSA.phylo <- function(tree,
                         msaPath = "",
                         msaFormat = c("fasta", "clustal", "phylip", "mase", "msf"),
                         alignment = NULL,
                         seqType = c("AA", "DNA", "RNA"),
                         ...) {
    # String as the placeholder for the 'phyMSAmatched' object Might be using S4
    # class in the later version
    res <- "phyMSAmatched"
    class(res) <- "phyMSAmatched"
    # Read alignment from the file or check the class of 'alignment'
    if (file.exists(msaPath)) {
        alignment <- read.alignment(file = msaPath,
                                    format = match.arg(msaFormat))
    } else if (is.null(alignment)) {
        stop("Alignment file \"", msaPath, "\" does not exist.")
    } else if (!is(alignment, "alignment")) {
        stop("\"alignment\" is not class alignment.")
    # Set 'alignment' attribute
    align <- toupper(alignment[["seq"]])
    names(align) <- alignment[["nam"]]
    attr(res, "align") <- align
    # Set the sequence type
    if (missing(seqType)) {
        letterSum <- table(strsplit(align[[1]], "")[[1]])
        gapSum <- 0
        if ("-" %in% names(letterSum)) {
            gapSum <- letterSum[["-"]]
        atcgSum <-
            sum(letterSum[c("A", "T", "C", "G")], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (atcgSum / (sum(letterSum) - gapSum) > 0.8) {
            seqType <- "DNA"
        } else {
            seqType <- "AA"
    attr(res, "seqType") <- match.arg(seqType)
    # Set 'tree' attribute
    if (!is.binary(tree)) {
        tree <- multi2di(tree, random = FALSE)
            "The \"tree\" object is not bifurcated ",
            "and resolved by \"multi2di\" function."
    attr(res, "tree") <- tree
    # Use the numbering of MSA as the default site numbering
    res <- setSiteNumbering.phyMSAmatched(res)
    align <- attr(res, "align")
    loci <- attr(res, "loci")
    siteIndices <- attr(res, "msaNumbering")[loci] - 1L
    # Test if multiprocessing is turned on
    mc <- getOption("cl.cores")
    if (is.null(mc) || mc == 1) {
        # Sequence similarity matrix
        simMatrix <- getSimilarityMatrix(align)
        dimnames(simMatrix) <- list(tree[["tip.label"]],
        attr(res, "simMatrix") <- simMatrix
        terminalTips <- terminalTipsBySim(
            siteIndices = siteIndices,
            tipPaths = nodepath(tree),
            alignedSeqs = align,
            metricMatrix = simMatrix
        # The threshold better not exceed half of total tip number
        maxSize <- min(Ntip(tree) / 2, max(unlist(lapply(
            terminalTips, lengths
        # Set the attributes
        attr(res, "rangeOfResults") <- lapply(
            X = seq(2, maxSize),
            FUN = .pathsUnderThreshold,
            terminalTips = terminalTips
    } else {
        cl <- .createCluster(mc, method = FALSE)
        # Sequence similarity matrix
        simMatrix <- parLapply(
            cl = cl,
            X = seq_along(align) - 1,
            fun = pairSimilarity,
            align = align
        simMatrix <- do.call("rbind", simMatrix)
        dimnames(simMatrix) <- list(tree[["tip.label"]],
        attr(res, "simMatrix") <- simMatrix
        # Get all lineages using the terminal node found by SNP
        terminalTips <- parLapply(
            cl = cl,
            X = clusterSplit(cl, siteIndices),
            fun = terminalTipsBySim,
            tipPaths = nodepath(tree),
            alignedSeqs = align,
            metricMatrix = simMatrix
        terminalTips <- Reduce("c", terminalTips)
        # The threshold better not exceed half of total tip number
        maxSize <- min(Ntip(tree) / 2, max(unlist(lapply(
            terminalTips, lengths
        # Set the attributes
        attr(res, "rangeOfResults") <- parLapply(
            cl = cl,
            X = seq(2, maxSize),
            fun = .pathsUnderThreshold,
            terminalTips = terminalTips
        cat(paste("Multiprocessing ended.\n"))
    attr(res, "rootNode") <- getMRCA(tree, tree[["tip.label"]])
    res <- lineagePath.phyMSAmatched(res)

.createCluster <- function(mc, ...) {
    if (is.numeric(mc)) {
        mc <- as.integer(mc)
    } else {
        mc <- detectCores()
    cl <- makeCluster(spec = mc, ...)
    cat(paste("Using", length(cl), "cores..\n"))

.pathsUnderThreshold <- function(minSize, terminalTips) {
    # The result for each 'minSize' threshold
    paths <- lapply(
        X = names(terminalTips),
        FUN = function(siteName) {
            # The node path for each site
            endTips <- terminalTips[[siteName]]
            candidatePaths <- lapply(
                X = endTips[which(lengths(endTips) >= minSize)],
                FUN = function(tips) {
                    res <- attr(tips, "nodepath")
                    attributes(tips) <- NULL
                    attr(res, "tips") <- tips
    paths <- unlist(x = paths, recursive = FALSE)
    paths <- mergePaths(paths)
    attr(paths, "minSize") <- minSize

#' @rdname addMSA
#' @export
addMSA.treedata <- function(tree, ...) {
    tree <- as.phylo(tree)
    res <- addMSA.phylo(tree, ...)
Takkoona/sitePath documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 1:24 a.m.