#' @title Train and test scClassify model
#' @param exprsMat_train A matrix of log-transformed expression matrix of reference dataset
#' @param cellTypes_train A vector of cell types of reference dataset
#' @param exprsMat_test A list or a matrix indicates the expression matrices of the query datasets
#' @param cellTypes_test A list or a vector indicates cell types of the query datasets (Optional).
#' @param tree A vector indicates the method to build hierarchical tree, set as "HOPACH" by default.
#' This should be one of "HOPACH" and "HC" (using hclust).
#' @param selectFeatures A vector indicates the gene selection method, set as "limma" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI" and "Cepo".
#' @param algorithm A vector indicates the KNN method that are used, set as
#' "WKNN" by default. Thisshould be one or more of "WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN".
#' @param similarity A vector indicates the similarity measure that are used,
#' set as "pearson" by default. This should be one or more of "pearson",
#' "spearman", "cosine", "jaccard", kendall", "binomial", "weighted_rank","manhattan"
#' @param cutoff_method A vector indicates the method to cutoff the correlation distribution.
#' Set as "dynamic" by default.
#' @param weighted_ensemble A logical input indicates in ensemble learning,
#' whether the results is combined by a weighted score for each base classifier.
#' @param weights A vector indicates the weights for ensemble
#' @param weighted_jointClassification A logical input indicates in joint classification
#' using multiple training datasets,
#' whether the results is combined by a weighted score for each training model.
#' @param cellType_tree A list indicates the cell type tree provided by user.
#' (By default, it is NULL) (Only for one training data input)
#' @param k An integer indicates the number of neighbour
#' @param topN An integer indicates the top number of features that are selected
#' @param hopach_kmax An integer between 1 and 9 specifying the maximum number of
#' children at each node in the HOPACH tree.
#' @param pSig A numeric indicates the cutoff of pvalue for features
#' @param prob_threshold A numeric indicates the probability threshold for KNN/WKNN/DWKNN.
#' @param cor_threshold_static A numeric indicates the static correlation threshold.
#' @param cor_threshold_high A numeric indicates the highest correlation threshold
#' @param returnList A logical input indicates whether the output will be class of list
#' @param parallel A logical input indicates whether running in paralllel or not
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object
#' from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param verbose A logical input indicates whether the intermediate steps will be printed
#' @return A list of the results, including testRes storing the results of the testing information,
#' and trainRes storing the training model inforamtion.
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @examples
#' data("scClassify_example")
#' xin_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$xin_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_xin_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_xin_subset
#' wang_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$wang_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_wang_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_wang_subset
#' scClassify_res <- scClassify(exprsMat_train = exprsMat_xin_subset,
#' cellTypes_train = xin_cellTypes,
#' exprsMat_test = list(wang = exprsMat_wang_subset),
#' cellTypes_test = list(wang = wang_cellTypes),
#' tree = "HOPACH",
#' algorithm = "WKNN",
#' selectFeatures = c("limma"),
#' similarity = c("pearson"),
#' returnList = FALSE,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @export
scClassify <- function(exprsMat_train = NULL,
cellTypes_train = NULL,
exprsMat_test = NULL,
cellTypes_test = NULL,
tree = "HOPACH",
algorithm = "WKNN",
selectFeatures = "limma",
similarity = "pearson",
cutoff_method = c("dynamic", "static"),
weighted_ensemble = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
weighted_jointClassification = TRUE,
cellType_tree = NULL,
k = 10,
topN = 50,
hopach_kmax = 5,
pSig = 0.01,
prob_threshold = 0.7,
cor_threshold_static = 0.5,
cor_threshold_high = 0.7,
returnList = TRUE,
parallel = FALSE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
verbose = FALSE) {
# check input
if (is.null(exprsMat_train) | is.null(cellTypes_train) |
is.null(exprsMat_test)) {
stop("exprsMat_train or cellTypes_train or exprsMat_test is NULL!")
if (!is.null(cellTypes_test)) {
if ("character" %in% is(cellTypes_test)) {
if (length(cellTypes_test) != ncol(exprsMat_test)) {
stop("Length of testing cell types does not match
with number of column of testing expression matrix")
if ("list" %in% is(cellTypes_test)) {
if (sum(unlist(lapply(cellTypes_test, length)) !=
unlist(lapply(exprsMat_test, ncol))) != 0) {
stop("Length of testing cell types does not match
with number of column of testing expression matrix")
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train) ) {
if (sum(unlist(lapply(cellTypes_train, length)) !=
unlist(lapply(exprsMat_train, ncol))) != 0) {
stop("Length of training cell types does not match with
number of column of training expression matrix")
}else {
if (length(cellTypes_train) != ncol(exprsMat_train)) {
stop("Length of training cell types does not match with
number of column of training expression matrix")
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
if (any(lapply(cellTypes_train, function(x) any(table(x) == 1)))) {
stop("There is cell type with only one cell,
please check cellTypes_train")
}else {
if (any(table(cellTypes_train) == 1)) {
stop("There is cell type with only one cell,
please check cellTypes_train")
tree <- match.arg(tree, c("HOPACH", "HC"), several.ok = FALSE)
selectFeatures <- match.arg(selectFeatures,
c("limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI", "Cepo"),
several.ok = TRUE)
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm,
c("WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN"),
several.ok = TRUE)
similarity <- match.arg(similarity, c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
several.ok = TRUE)
cutoff_method <- match.arg(cutoff_method, c("dynamic", "static"))
# To check if need to run weighted ensemble learning
if ((length(selectFeatures) > 1 | length(algorithm) > 1 |
length(similarity) > 1) ) {
if (weighted_ensemble) {
weighted_ensemble <- TRUE
ensemble <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
cat("Performing weighted ensemble learning... \n")
} else {
weighted_ensemble <- FALSE
ensemble <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
cat("Performing unweighted ensemble learning... \n")
} else {
weighted_ensemble <- FALSE
ensemble <- FALSE
if (verbose) {
cat("Ensemble learning is disabled... \n")
# To check if need to run weighted joint classification
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train) &
length(exprsMat_train) > 1 &
weighted_jointClassification) {
cat("Performing weighted joint classification \n")
weighted_jointClassification <- TRUE
} else {
weighted_jointClassification <- FALSE
ensemble_methods <- as.matrix(expand.grid(similarity = similarity,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = selectFeatures))
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (length(weights) != nrow(ensemble_methods)) {
stop("The length of weights is not equal to
the number of combination of ensemble methods")
# calculate the weights for train model
if (weighted_jointClassification | (weighted_ensemble & is.null(weights))) {
weightsCal = TRUE
} else {
weightsCal = FALSE
### train_scClassify
trainRes <- train_scClassify(exprsMat_train,
tree = tree,
selectFeatures = selectFeatures,
topN = topN,
hopach_kmax = hopach_kmax,
pSig = pSig,
cellType_tree = cellType_tree,
weightsCal = weightsCal,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
algorithm = algorithm,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method
if (verbose) {
cat("Predicting using followings parameter combinations: \n")
### if there are multiple testing datasets
if (verbose) {
cat("================== Start classifying on test dataset ==== \n")
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_test)) {
testRes <- list()
for (testDataset_idx in seq_len(length(exprsMat_test))) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Predicting: ")
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
# for the case there are multiple training datasets
predictRes <- list()
for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(exprsMat_train))) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Training using ")
cat(names(exprsMat_train)[train_list_idx], "\n")
predictRes[[train_list_idx]] <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test[[testDataset_idx]],
trainRes = trainRes[[train_list_idx]],
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test[[testDataset_idx]],
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = selectFeatures,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
weighted_ensemble = weighted_ensemble,
weights = weights,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose)
names(predictRes) <- paste("Trained_by",
names(trainRes), sep = "_")
jointRes <- getJointRes(predictRes, trainRes)
rownames(jointRes) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
predictRes$jointRes <- jointRes
}else {
predictRes <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test[[testDataset_idx]],
trainRes = trainRes,
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test[[testDataset_idx]],
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = selectFeatures,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
weighted_ensemble = weighted_ensemble,
weights = weights,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose)
testRes[[testDataset_idx]] <- predictRes
names(testRes) <- names(exprsMat_test)
# else only one dataset as a matrix in the test
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
# for the case there are multiple training datasets
testRes <- list()
for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(exprsMat_train))) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Training using ")
cat(names(exprsMat_train)[train_list_idx], "\n")
testRes[[train_list_idx]] <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test,
trainRes = trainRes[[train_list_idx]],
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = selectFeatures,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
weighted_ensemble = weighted_ensemble,
weights = weights,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose)
names(testRes) <- paste("Trained_by", names(trainRes), sep = "_")
jointRes <- getJointRes(testRes, trainRes)
rownames(jointRes) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
testRes$jointRes <- jointRes
}else {
predictRes <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test,
trainRes = trainRes,
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = selectFeatures,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
weighted_ensemble = weighted_ensemble,
weights = weights,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose)
testRes <- list(test = predictRes)
if (returnList) {
return(list(testRes = testRes, trainRes = trainRes))
} else {
if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
trainClassList <- list()
for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(trainRes))) {
trainClassList[[train_list_idx]] <- .scClassifyTrainModel(
name = names(trainRes)[train_list_idx],
cellTypeTree = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$cutree_list,
cellTypeTrain = as.character(trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$cellTypes_train),
features = names(trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$hierarchyKNNRes),
model = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$hierarchyKNNRes,
modelweights = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$modelweights,
metaData = S4Vectors::DataFrame())
trainClassList <- scClassifyTrainModelList(trainClassList)
} else {
trainClassList <- .scClassifyTrainModel(
name = "training",
cellTypeTree = trainRes$cutree_list,
cellTypeTrain = as.character(trainRes$cellTypes_train),
features = names(trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes),
model = trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes,
modelweights = trainRes$modelweights,
metaData = S4Vectors::DataFrame())
return(list(testRes = testRes, trainRes = trainClassList))
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