#' @title Run sample size calculation for pilot data for reference dataset
#' @param exprsMat A matrix of expression matrix of pilot dataset
#' (log-transformed, or normalised)
#' @param cellTypes A vector of cell types of pilot dataset
#' @param n_list A vector of integer indicates the sample size to run.
#' @param num_repeat An integer indicates the number of run for
#' each sample size will be repeated.
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object
#' from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param subset_test A ogical input indicates whether we used a subset of data
#' (fixed number for each sample size)
#' to test instead of all remaining data. By default, it is FALSE.
#' @param num_test An integer indicates the size of the test data.
#' @param cellType_tree A list indicates the cell type tree (optional),
#' if it is NULL, the accuracy rate is calculate
#' based on the provided cellTypes.
#' @param level An integer indicates the accuracy rate is calculate
#' based on the n-th level from top of cell type tree.
#' If it is NULL (by default), it will be the bottom of the cell type tree.
#' It can not be larger than the total number of levels of the tree.
#' @param ... other parameter from scClassify
#' @return A matrix of accuracy matrix, where columns corresponding to different
#' sample sizes, rows corresponding to the number of repetation.
#' @examples
#' data("scClassify_example")
#' xin_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$xin_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_xin_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_xin_subset
#' exprsMat_xin_subset <- as(exprsMat_xin_subset, "dgCMatrix")
#' set.seed(2019)
#' accMat <- runSampleCal(exprsMat_xin_subset,
#' xin_cellTypes,
#' n_list = seq(20, 100, 20),
#' num_repeat = 5, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SerialParam
#' @export
runSampleCal <- function(exprsMat,
n_list = c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100, seq(200, 500, 100)),
num_repeat = 20,
level = NULL,
cellType_tree = NULL,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
subset_test = FALSE,
num_test = NULL,
...) {
if (length(n_list) < 5) {
stop("length of n_list provided is too short...
wont be enough point to fit the learning curve")
# If there is an input of cell type tree,
#relabelled the cell types based on input level
if (!is.null(cellType_tree)) {
if (is.null(level)) {
level <- length(cellType_tree)
} else {
if (level <= 0 | level > length(cellType_tree)) {
stop("The input of level is invalid")
level <- level + 1
cellTypes_ind <- cellType_tree[[level]][as.character(cellTypes)]
cellTypes_relabelled <- vapply(seq_len(length(cellTypes_ind)),
function(i) {
paste(names(cellType_tree[[level]])[cellType_tree[[level]] %in%
collapse = "_")
}, character(1L))
cellTypes <- cellTypes_relabelled
cellType_tree_relabelled <- reLevelCellTypeTree(cellType_tree,
level = level)
} else {
cellType_tree_relabelled <- NULL
exprsMat <- as(exprsMat, "dgCMatrix")
# n_list <- c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100, seq(200, 500, 100))
res_sub <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(n_list))) {
res_sub[[i]] <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(num_repeat),
function(x) {
l <- runSubSampling(exprsMat, cellTypes, n = n_list[[i]],
subset_test = subset_test,
num_test = num_test,
cellType_tree = cellType_tree_relabelled,
cutoff_method = "dynamic",
prob_threshold = 0.6
error = function(e){NULL})
print(do.call(cbind, res_sub[[i]]))
gc(reset = TRUE)
names(res_sub) <- n_list
res_sub <- lapply(res_sub, function(x) unlist(lapply(x, "[[", "correct")))
res_sub <- res_sub[!is.null(res_sub)]
accuracy_mat <- do.call(cbind, res_sub)
# function to run subsampling
runSubSampling <- function(exprsMat,
n = 50,
subset_test = FALSE,
num_test = 2000,
# make sure the smallest training type has at least 3 cells.
n_subset <- round(table(cellTypes)/length(cellTypes)*n)
n_subset <- ifelse(n_subset < 3, 3, n_subset)
trainIdx <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(n_subset)), function(x)
sample(which(cellTypes == names(n_subset)[x]), n_subset[x])))
exprsMat_train <- exprsMat[,trainIdx]
cellTypes_train <- cellTypes[trainIdx]
if (subset_test) {
testIdx <- sample(seq_len(ncol(exprsMat))[-trainIdx], num_test)
exprsMat_test <- exprsMat[, testIdx]
cellTypes_test <- cellTypes[testIdx]
exprsMat_test <- exprsMat[, -trainIdx]
cellTypes_test <- cellTypes[-trainIdx]
trainRes <- scClassify(exprsMat_train = exprsMat_train,
cellTypes_train = cellTypes_train,
exprsMat_test = list(
test = exprsMat_test),
cellTypes_test = list(
test = cellTypes_test),
acc_cls <- trainRes$testRes$test$pearson_WKNN_limma$classifyRes
reLevelCellTypeTree <- function(cellType_tree, level) {
cellTypes_newTree <- list()
newCellTypeNames <- vapply(seq_len(max(cellType_tree[[level]])),
function(i) {
paste(names(cellType_tree[[level]])[cellType_tree[[level]] == i],
collapse = "_")
}, character(1))
cellTypes_newTree[[level]] <- seq_len(max(cellType_tree[[level]]))
names(cellTypes_newTree[[level]]) <- newCellTypeNames
for (i in seq_len((level - 1))) {
cellTypes_newTree[[i]] <- vapply(seq_len(length(newCellTypeNames)),
unique(cellType_tree[[i]][names(cellType_tree[[i]]) %in%
names(cellTypes_newTree[[i]]) <- newCellTypeNames
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