# based on .covar_BEDMatrix / popkinsuppl::kinship_std. Computes
# covariance for second SVD step of LFA.
.covar_logit_BEDMatrix <- function(X, X_mean, V, ploidy = 2, m_chunk = 1000) {
if (missing(X))
stop("Genotype matrix `X` is required!")
if (missing(X_mean))
stop("Mean locus frequency `X_mean` is required!")
if (missing(V))
stop("Truncated eigenvector matrix `V` is required!")
if (!("BEDMatrix" %in% class(X)))
stop("`X` must be a BEDMatrix object!")
# get dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
m <- ncol(X)
# turn eigenvector matrix into a projection matrix
P_V <- tcrossprod(V)
# initialize desired matrix and vector
covar <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
# navigate chunks
i_chunk <- 1 # start of first chunk
while (TRUE) {
# start an infinite loop, break inside as needed
if (i_chunk > m)
break # reached end
# range of SNPs to extract in this chunk
loci_chunk <- i_chunk:min(i_chunk + m_chunk - 1, m)
# transpose for our usual setup (makes centering easiest)
Xi <- t(X[, loci_chunk, drop = FALSE])
# update for next chunk! (overshoots at end, that's ok)
i_chunk <- i_chunk + m_chunk
Xi_mean <- X_mean[loci_chunk] # precomputed data
Xi <- Xi - Xi_mean # center
if (anyNA(Xi))
Xi[is.na(Xi)] <- 0 # set NAs to zero ('impute')
# project data using first-pass eigenvecs (P_V)
Zi <- (Xi %*% P_V + Xi_mean)/ploidy
# apply LFA threshold to this subset, will remove some loci
loci_keep <- as.logical(.Call("lfa_threshold", Zi, 1/(ploidy * n)))
if (!any(loci_keep))
next # move on if nothing passed
Zi <- Zi[loci_keep, , drop = FALSE] # subset loci
Zi <- log(Zi/(1 - Zi)) # logit transform whole matrix
Zi <- centerscale(Zi)
covar <- covar + crossprod(Zi) # add to running sum.
# projection trick. Full rank version: (X is centered matrix though!): X = U D
# t(V); X V = U D t(V) V = U D; X V D^(-1) = U; limited rank now: Z = U_r D_r
# t(V_r); Z = (X V D^(-1))_r D_r t(V_r); Z = (X V)_r D_r^(-1) D_r t(V_r); Z = X
# V_r t(V_r)
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