#' Import SNPs from rsid for use in motifbreakR
#' @param rsid Character; a character vector of rsid values from dbSNP
#' @param dbSNP an object of class SNPlocs to lookup rsids; see \code{availible.SNPs} in
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{injectSNPs}} to check for availible SNPlocs
#' @param search.genome an object of class BSgenome for the species you are interrogating;
#' see \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} for a list of species.
#' @param biomart.dataset a Mart object from \code{\link{useEnsembl}} specifying
#' the \code{snps} biomart, which dataset i.e., \code{hsapiens_snp}, and which
#' version i.e., \code{111} or \code{GRCm39}. This will override \code{SNPlocs} and must
#' be compatible with search.genome selection, and will query from \code{biomaRt},
#' which may be considerably faster than a lookup from a \code{SNPlocs} object.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{motifbreakR}} for analysis; See \code{\link{snps.from.file}}
#' for an alternate method for generating a list of variants.
#' @details \code{snps.from.rsid} take an rsid, or character vector of rsids and
#' generates the required object to input into \code{motifbreakR}
#' @return a GRanges object containing:
#' \item{SNP_id}{The rsid of the snp with the "rs" portion stripped}
#' \item{alleles_as_ambig}{THE IUPAC ambiguity code between the reference and
#' alternate allele for this SNP}
#' \item{REF}{The reference allele for the SNP}
#' \item{ALT}{The alternate allele for the SNP}
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' library(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP155.GRCh37)
#' snps.file <- system.file("extdata", "pca.enhancer.snps", package = "motifbreakR")
#' snps <- as.character(read.table(snps.file)[,1])
#' snps.mb <- snps.from.rsid(snps[1],
#' dbSNP = SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP155.GRCh37,
#' search.genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' ## alternatively using biomaRt
#' library(biomaRt)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' ensembl_snp <- useEnsembl(biomart = "snps",
#' dataset = "hsapiens_snp",
#' version = "112")
#' snps.mb <- snps.from.rsid(snps,
#' biomart.dataset = ensembl_snp,
#' search.genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' @importFrom BSgenome snpsById snplocs snpsByOverlaps
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet DNAString DNAStringSetList
#' @importFrom biomaRt useEnsembl getBM searchDatasets
#' @export
snps.from.rsid <- function(rsid = NULL, dbSNP = NULL,
search.genome = NULL,
biomart.dataset = NULL) {
if (is.null(rsid)) {
stop("no RefSNP IDs have been found, please include RefSNP ID numbers")
if (!inherits(search.genome, "BSgenome")) {
stop(paste0("search.genome argument was not provided with a valid BSgenome object.\n",
"Run availible.genomes() and choose the appropriate BSgenome object"))
if (all(!grepl("rs", rsid))) {
bad.names <- rsid[!grepl("rs", rsid)]
stop(paste(paste(bad.names, collapse = " "), "are not rsids, perhaps you want to import your snps from a bed or vcf file with snps.from.file()?"))
rsid <- unique(rsid)
if (!is.null(biomart.dataset)) {
ens.genome <- searchDatasets(biomart.dataset, pattern = biomart.dataset@dataset)$version[[1]]
ens.genome <- Seqinfo(genome = ens.genome)
ens.seqlevel <- seqnames(keepStandardChromosomes(ens.genome))
seqlevelsStyle(ens.genome) <- seqlevelsStyle(search.genome)
compatible_genome <- genome(ens.genome)[[1]] == genome(search.genome)[[1]]
if(!compatible_genome) stop("bioMart genome and BSgenome are not compatible")
bm.snp <- getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id','chr_name','chrom_start','chrom_end','allele'),
filters = c("snp_filter", "chr_name"),
values = list(rsid, ens.seqlevel),
mart = biomart.dataset)
bm.snp <- biomartToGranges(bm.snp, biomart.dataset)
bm.snp <- sort(formatVcfOut(bm.snp, search.genome))
if (!inherits(dbSNP, "SNPlocs")) {
stop(paste0("dbSNP argument was not provided with a valid SNPlocs object.\n",
"Please run availible.SNPs() to check for availible SNPlocs"))
rsid.grange <- as(snpsById(dbSNP, rsid, ifnotfound = "warning"), "GRanges")
rsid.grange <- change.to.search.genome(rsid.grange, search.genome)
rsid.grange <- GRanges(rsid.grange)
rsid.refseq <- getSeq(search.genome, rsid.grange)
rsid.grange$UCSC.reference <- as.character(rsid.refseq)
rsid.grange <- sapply(split(rsid.grange, rsid.grange$RefSNP_id), function(snp) {
alt.allele <- determine.allele.from.ambiguous(snp$alleles_as_ambig, snp$UCSC.reference)
if (length(alt.allele) > 1L) {
snp <- do.call("c", replicate(length(alt.allele), snp))
snp$UCSC.alternate <- alt.allele
names(snp) <- paste(snp$RefSNP_id, alt.allele, sep = ":")
} else {
snp$UCSC.alternate <- alt.allele
names(snp) <- snp$RefSNP_id
rsid.grange <- unlist(do.call("GRangesList", rsid.grange), use.names = FALSE)
colnames(mcols(rsid.grange)) <- c("RefSNP_id", "alleles_as_ambig", "REF", "ALT")
rsid.grange$REF <- DNAStringSet(rsid.grange$REF)
rsid.grange$ALT <- DNAStringSet(rsid.grange$ALT)
# rsid.grange$alleles_as_ambig <- DNAStringSet(rsid.grange$alleles_as_ambig)
rsid.grange$alleles_as_ambig <- NULL
colnames(mcols(rsid.grange))[1] <- "SNP_id"
attributes(rsid.grange)$genome.package <- attributes(search.genome)$pkgname
determine.allele.from.ambiguous <- function(ambiguous.allele, known.allele) {
neucleotide.ambiguity.code <- list(Y = c("C", "T"), R = c("A", "G"), W = c("A", "T"),
S = c("G", "C"), K = c("T", "G"), M = c("C", "A"),
D = c("A", "G", "T"), V = c("A", "C", "G"),
H = c("A", "C", "T"), B = c("C", "G", "T"),
N = c("A", "C", "G", "T"))
specnac <- neucleotide.ambiguity.code[[ambiguous.allele]]
unknown.allele <- specnac[-grep(known.allele, specnac)]
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
change.to.search.genome <- function(granges.object, search.genome) {
if (all(!is.na(genome(granges.object)))) {
if (identical(genome(granges.object), genome(search.genome))) {
if(isTRUE(all.equal(seqlevels(granges.object), seqlevels(search.genome)))) {
seqinfo(granges.object) <- seqinfo(search.genome)
} else {
if(!all(seqlevelsStyle(granges.object) %in% seqlevelsStyle(search.genome))) {
seqlevelsStyle(granges.object) <- seqlevelsStyle(search.genome)
normal.xome <- seqlevels(granges.object)[(regexpr("_", seqlevels(granges.object)) < 0)]
positions <- unlist(sapply(paste0("^", normal.xome, "$"), grep, seqnames(seqinfo(search.genome))))
new2oldmap <- rep(NA, length(seqinfo(search.genome)))
new2oldmap[positions] <- seq_len(length(positions))
seqinfo(granges.object, new2old = new2oldmap) <- seqinfo(search.genome)
granges.object <- keepStandardChromosomes(granges.object, pruning.mode = "coarse")
biomartToGranges <- function(bm.snp, biomart.dataset) {
bm.snp$split_id <- factor(bm.snp$refsnp_id)
bm.snp <- bm.snp[order(bm.snp$split_id),]
allele <- strsplit(bm.snp$allele, split = "/")
snps.ref <- vapply(allele,
function(x) {
}, character(1))
snps.alt.split <- Map(f = function(x,y) {
}, allele, lengths(allele))
bm.snp <- split(bm.snp, bm.snp$refsnp_id)
rep.vars <- vapply(snps.alt.split, length, integer(1))
bm.snp <- rep(bm.snp, rep.vars)
snps.ref <- rep(snps.ref, rep.vars)
snps.alt <- unlist(snps.alt.split)
bm.snp <- do.call(rbind, bm.snp)
bm.snp$SNP_id <- bm.snp$refsnp_id
bm.snp$REF <- snps.ref
bm.snp$ALT <- snps.alt
ens.genome <- searchDatasets(biomart.dataset, pattern = biomart.dataset@dataset)$version[[1]]
ens.genome <- Seqinfo(genome = ens.genome)
bm.snp <- with(bm.snp, GRanges(seqnames = chr_name,
ranges = IRanges(start = chrom_start,
end = chrom_end),
SNP_id = SNP_id,
REF = DNAStringSet(REF),
ALT = DNAStringSet(ALT),
seqinfo = ens.genome))
# browser()
bm.snp <- keepSeqlevels(bm.snp, value = unique(as.character(runValue(seqnames(bm.snp)))), pruning.mode = "coarse")
names(bm.snp) <- bm.snp$SNP_id
strSort <- function(x) {
sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), sort), paste, collapse = "")
unlistColumn <- function(x, column = NULL) {
if (is.null(column)) {
stop("select column to unlist from x")
if (is(mcols(x)[[column]], "DNAStringSet")) {
mcols(x)[[column]] <- as.character(mcols(x)[[column]])
if (is(mcols(x)[[column]], "DNAStringSetList") & all(lengths(mcols(x)[[column]]) == 1)) {
mcols(x)[[column]] <- as.character(unlist(mcols(x)[[column]]))
if (any(lengths(mcols(x)[[column]]) > 1)) {
columnvals <- unlist(mcols(x)[[column]])
numsplits <- lengths(mcols(x)[[column]])
x <- rep(x, times = numsplits)
mcols(x)[[column]] <- columnvals
} else {
formatVcfOut <- function(x, gseq) {
x$SNP_id <- names(x)
mcols(x) <- mcols(x)[, c("SNP_id", "REF", "ALT")]
x$REF <- unlist(DNAStringSetList(x$REF))
x$ALT <- unlist(DNAStringSetList(x$ALT))
x <- keepStandardChromosomes(x, pruning.mode = "coarse")
seqlevelsStyle(x) <- seqlevelsStyle(gseq)
seqlevels(x) <- mapSeqlevels(seqlevels(x), seqlevelsStyle(gseq))
x <- change.to.search.genome(x, gseq)
can.ref <- getSeq(gseq, x)
names(can.ref) <- NULL
if (all(can.ref == x$REF)) {
} else {
warning(paste0("User selected reference allele differs from the sequence in ",
attributes(gseq)$pkgname, " continuing with genome specified",
" reference allels\n", "there are ", sum(x$REF != can.ref),
" differences"))
attributes(x)$genome.package <- attributes(gseq)$pkgname
#' Import SNPs from a BED file or VCF file for use in motifbreakR
#' @param file Character; a character containing the path to a bed file or a vcf file
#' see Details for a description of the required format
#' @param dbSNP OPTIONAL; an object of class SNPlocs to lookup rsids; see \code{availible.SNPs} in
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{injectSNPs}} to check for availible SNPlocs
#' @param search.genome an object of class BSgenome for the species you are interrogating;
#' see \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} for a list of species
#' @param format Character; one of \code{bed} or \code{vcf}
#' @param indels Logical; allow the import of indels.
#' @param biomart.dataset a Mart object from \code{\link{useEnsembl}} specifying
#' the \code{snps} biomart, which dataset i.e., \code{hsapiens_snp}, and which
#' version i.e., \code{111} or \code{GRCm39}. This will override \code{SNPlocs} and must
#' be compatible with search.genome selection, and will query from \code{biomaRt},
#' which may be considerably faster than a lookup from a \code{SNPlocs} object.
#' @param check.unnamed.for.rsid Logical; check snps in the form chr:pos:ref:alt
#' for corresponding rsid, lookup may be slow, requires either param dbSNP or biomart.dataset.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{motifbreakR}} for analysis; See \code{\link{snps.from.rsid}}
#' for an alternate method for generating a list of variants.
#' @details \code{snps.from.file} takes a character vector describing the file path
#' to a bed file that contains the necissary information to generate the input for
#' \code{motifbreakR} see \url{http://www.genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1}
#' for a complete description of the BED format. Our convention deviates in that there
#' is a required format for the name field. \code{name} is defined as chromosome:start:REF:ALT
#' or the rsid from dbSNP (if you've included the optional SNPlocs argument).
#' For example if you were to include rs123 in it's alternate
#' format it would be entered as chr7:24966446:C:A
#' @return a GRanges object containing:
#' \item{SNP_id}{The rsid of the snp with the "rs" portion stripped}
#' \item{alleles_as_ambig}{THE IUPAC ambiguity code between the reference and
#' alternate allele for this SNP}
#' \item{REF}{The reference allele for the SNP}
#' \item{ALT}{The alternate allele for the SNP}
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7)
#' library(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP155.GRCh37)
#' snps.bed.file <- system.file("extdata", "danRer.bed", package = "motifbreakR")
#' # see the contents
#' read.table(snps.bed.file, header = FALSE)
#' #import the BED file
#' snps.mb <- snps.from.file(snps.bed.file,
#' search.genome = BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7,
#' format = "bed")
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import export.bed
#' @importFrom Biostrings IUPAC_CODE_MAP uniqueLetters BStringSetList DNA_ALPHABET
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation readVcf ref alt isSNV VcfFile ScanVcfParam
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom stringr str_sort str_split
#' @export
snps.from.file <- function(file = NULL, dbSNP = NULL, search.genome = NULL, format = "bed", indels = FALSE, biomart.dataset = NULL, check.unnamed.for.rsid = FALSE) {
if (format == "vcf") {
if (!inherits(search.genome, "BSgenome")) {
stop(paste0(search.genome, " is not a BSgenome object.\n", "Run availible.genomes() and choose the appropriate BSgenome object"))
genome.name <- genome(search.genome)[[1]]
vcfparam <- ScanVcfParam(info = NA, geno = NA)
vcffile = open(VcfFile(file))
vcf = readVcf(vcffile, genome = genome.name, param = vcfparam)
vcf_ranges <- rowRanges(vcf)
vcf_ranges <- unlistColumn(vcf_ranges, "ALT")
vcf_ranges <- unlistColumn(vcf_ranges, "REF")
vcf_ranges$index <- seq_along(vcf_ranges)
complex.variants <- vcf_ranges[nchar(vcf_ranges$REF) > 1 | nchar(vcf_ranges$ALT) > 1]
snps <- vcf_ranges[!(nchar(vcf_ranges$REF) > 1 | nchar(vcf_ranges$ALT) > 1)]
if (indels) {
if (length(complex.variants) > 0) {
alt_letters <- uniqueLetters(unlist(BStringSetList(complex.variants$ALT)))
ref_letters <- uniqueLetters(unlist(BStringSetList(complex.variants$REF)))
alt_letters_remove <- alt_letters[!alt_letters %in% DNA_ALPHABET]
ref_letters_remove <- ref_letters[!ref_letters %in% DNA_ALPHABET]
if (length(alt_letters_remove) > 0) {
search.pattern <- paste0(alt_letters_remove, collapse = "|")
drop.variants.alt <- vapply(complex.variants$ALT,
remove_letters = search.pattern) {
any(grepl(remove_letters, x))
}, logical(1))
} else {
drop.variants.alt <- as.logical(rep.int(0, length(complex.variants)))
if (length(ref_letters_remove) > 0) {
search.pattern <- paste0(ref_letters_remove, collapse = "|")
drop.variants.ref <- vapply(complex.variants$REF,
remove_letters = search.pattern) {
any(grepl(remove_letters, x))
}, logical(1))
} else {
drop.variants.ref <- as.logical(rep.int(0, length(complex.variants)))
complex.variants <- complex.variants[!(drop.variants.alt | drop.variants.ref)]
complex.variants <- unlistColumn(complex.variants, "ALT")
complex.variants <- unlistColumn(complex.variants, "REF")
all.variants <- c(complex.variants, snps)
all.variants <- formatVcfOut(all.variants[order(all.variants$index), ], search.genome)
} else {
snps <- formatVcfOut(snps, search.genome)
} else {
if (format == "bed") {
snps <- import(file, format = "bed")
if (any(grepl("rs", snps$name)) & !((!inherits(dbSNP, "SNPlocs")) | (!inherits(biomart.dataset, "Mart")))) {
stop(paste0(file, " contains at least one variant with an rsID and no SNPlocs has been indicated\n",
"Please run availible.SNPs() to check for availble SNPlocs"))
if (!inherits(search.genome, "BSgenome")) {
stop(paste0(search.genome, " is not a BSgenome object.\n", "Run availible.genomes() and choose the appropriate BSgenome object"))
## spit snps into named and unnamed snps
snps.noid <- snps[!grepl("rs", snps$name), ]
snps.rsid <- snps[grepl("rs", snps$name), ]
## get ref for unnamed snps
snps.ref <- getSeq(search.genome, snps.noid)
snps.ref <- as.character(snps.ref)
## get alt for unnamed snps
snps.alt <- snps.noid$name
snps.alt <- unlist(lapply(snps.alt, strsplit, split = ":"), recursive = FALSE)
snps.ref.user <- sapply(snps.alt, "[", 3)
if (isTRUE(all.equal(snps.ref, snps.ref.user))) {
} else {
warning(paste0("User selected reference allele differs from the sequence in ",
attributes(search.genome)$pkgname, " continuing with genome specified",
" reference allels\n", " there are ", sum(snps.ref != snps.ref.user),
" differences"))
snps.alt <- sapply(snps.alt, "[", 4)
snps.alt.split <- str_split(snps.alt, ",")
rep.vars <- vapply(snps.alt.split, length, integer(1))
snps.noid <- rep(snps.noid, rep.vars)
snps.ref <- rep(snps.ref, rep.vars)
snps.alt <- unlist(snps.alt.split)
is.indel <- nchar(snps.alt) > 1 | nchar(snps.ref) > 1
if (!indels) {
snps.noid <- snps.noid[!is.indel]
snps.ref <- snps.ref[!is.indel]
snps.alt <- snps.alt[!is.indel]
alt.letters <- uniqueLetters(unlist(BStringSetList(snps.alt)))
alt_letters_remove <- alt.letters[!alt.letters %in% DNA_ALPHABET]
if (length(alt_letters_remove) > 0) {
search.pattern <- paste0(alt_letters_remove, collapse = "|")
drop.variants.alt <- vapply(complex.variants$ALT,
remove_letters = search.pattern) {
any(grepl(remove_letters, x))
}, logical(1))
} else {
drop.variants.alt <- as.logical(rep.int(0, length(snps.alt)))
## check if alt was given for unnamed snps
alt.allele.is.valid <- !drop.variants.alt & (snps.alt != snps.ref)
if (!all(alt.allele.is.valid)) {
snpnames <- snps.noid$name[drop.variants.alt]
if (length(snpnames) < 50 && length(snpnames) > 0) {
warning(paste("User variant", snpnames, "alternate allele is not one of \"A\", \"T\", \"G\", or \"C\""))
} else {
if (length(snpnames) > 0) {
warning(paste0(length(snpnames), " user variants contain an alternate allele that is not one of \"A\", \"T\", \"G\", \"C\"\n",
" These variants were excluded"))
equal.to.ref <- snps.alt == snps.ref
if (sum(equal.to.ref) > 0) {
warning(paste0(sum(equal.to.ref), " user variants are the same as the reference genome ",
metadata(search.genome)$genome, " for ", metadata(search.genome)$common_name, "\n These variants were excluded"))
snps.noid <- snps.noid[alt.allele.is.valid]
snps.ref <- snps.ref[alt.allele.is.valid]
snps.alt <- snps.alt[alt.allele.is.valid]
snps.noid$REF <- snps.ref
snps.noid$ALT <- snps.alt
strand(snps.noid) <- "*"
names(snps.noid) <- paste(as.character(snps.noid), snps.ref, snps.alt, sep = ":")
if(check.unnamed.for.rsid) {
snps.noid <- change.to.search.genome(snps.noid, dbSNP)
snps.actually.name <- GRanges(snpsByOverlaps(dbSNP, snps.noid, drop.rs.prefix = FALSE))
which.actually.name <- findOverlaps(snps.actually.name, snps.noid)
} else {
ens.genome <- searchDatasets(biomart.dataset, pattern = biomart.dataset@dataset)$version[[1]]
ens.genome <- Seqinfo(genome = ens.genome)
seqlevelsStyle(snps.noid) <- seqlevelsStyle(ens.genome)
snps.noid.original <- snps.noid
snps.noid <- as.character(snps.noid)
snps.noid.add.end <- snps.noid[attr(regexpr(":", snps.noid), "match.length") < 2]
snps.noid.keep <- snps.noid[!(attr(regexpr(":", snps.noid), "match.length") < 2)]
snps.noid.add.end <- strsplit(snps.noid.add.end, ":")
snps.noid.add.end <- vapply(snps.noid.add.end, function(x) { paste(x[1], x[2], x[2], sep = ":")}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
snps.noid <- c(snps.noid.keep, snps.noid.add.end)
rm(snps.noid.add.end, snps.noid.keep)
seqlevelsStyle(ens.genome) <- seqlevelsStyle(search.genome)
compatible_genome <- genome(ens.genome)[[1]] == genome(search.genome)[[1]]
if(!compatible_genome) stop("bioMart genome and BSgenome are not compatible")
bm.snp <- getBM(attributes = c('refsnp_id','chr_name','chrom_start','chrom_end','allele'),
filters = c("chromosomal_region"),
values = list(snps.noid),
mart = biomart.dataset)
bm.snp <- biomartToGranges(bm.snp, biomart.dataset)
bm.snp <- subsetByOverlaps(bm.snp, snps.noid.original, type = "equal")
ohits <- findOverlaps(bm.snp, snps.noid.original, type = "equal")
snp.add.id <- snps.noid.original[subjectHits(ohits)]$ALT == bm.snp[queryHits(ohits)]$ALT
snps.actually.name <- bm.snp
snps.actually.name$RefSNP_id <- snps.actually.name$SNP_id
which.actually.name <- ohits[snp.add.id]
snps.noid <- snps.noid.original; rm(snps.noid.original)
if(length(which.actually.name) > 0) {
if(length(which.actually.name) < 50) {
" was found as a match for ",
"; using entry from dbSNP\n "))
} else {
warning(length(which.actually.name), " variants had names replaced using entries from dbSNP")
snps.noid[subjectHits(which.actually.name),]$name <- snps.actually.name[queryHits(which.actually.name)]$RefSNP_id
snps.noid <- change.to.search.genome(snps.noid, search.genome)
names(snps.noid) <- snps.noid$name
} else {
snps.noid <- change.to.search.genome(snps.noid, search.genome)
snps.noid <- formatVcfOut(snps.noid, search.genome)
## get object for named snps
if (length(snps.rsid) > 0) {
snps.rsid.out <- snps.from.rsid(snps.rsid$name, dbSNP = dbSNP, search.genome = search.genome, biomart.dataset = biomart.dataset)
colnames(mcols(snps.rsid.out))[1] <- "SNP_id"
names(snps.rsid.out) <- snps.rsid.out$SNP_id
snps.out <- c(snps.rsid.out, snps.noid)
} else {
snps.out <- snps.noid
attributes(snps.out)$genome.package <- attributes(search.genome)$pkgname
} else {
stop("format must be one of 'vcf' or 'bed'; currently set as ", format)
#' @describeIn snps.from.file Allows the use of indels by default
#' @export
variants.from.file <- function(file = NULL, dbSNP = NULL, search.genome = NULL, biomart.dataset = NULL, format = "bed") {
return(snps.from.file(file = file, dbSNP = dbSNP, search.genome = search.genome, format = format, biomart.dataset = biomart.dataset, indels = TRUE))
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