#' @include AllClass.R AllGenerics.R
#' select the GO term size
#' @name getThreshold
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getThreshold-methods
#' @title getThreshold method
#' @param object the GSminer object
#' @param u the upper bound, 1/2 by default
#' @param l the lower bound, 1/4 by default
#' @return a list of upper bound and lower bound
#' @exportMethod getThreshold
#' @aliases getThreshold,GSminer-method
#' @author Li Zhaohong && Wu Zefeng
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- paste0(system.file(package = "GSminer"), "/extdata/TAIR.GO")
#' miner <- GSminer(inputFile = inputFile, sep = "\t")
#' # just for an example:
#' #getThreshold(miner, u = 0.5, l = 0.25)
setMethod("getThreshold", signature(object = "GSminer"),
function(object, u = 0.5, l = 0.25)
BPoffsprings <- get("BPoffsprings", envir = object@mapping)
total <- length(unique(unlist(BPoffsprings)))
result <- vector("list", length=2)
names(result) <- c("upper", "lower")
upper <- round(total*u)
lower <- round(total*l)
totalGene <- function(GOList, size)
if(!is.list(GOList)) return(NULL)
GOList[elemLen(GOList) <= size]
message("Now selectting the upper threshold, please wait!")
for(x in seq_along( 1:total))
# message("Now x: ", x, " ", totalGene(BPoffsprings, x), " >= ", upper)
if(totalGene(BPoffsprings, x) >= upper)
result[["upper"]] <- x
message("Now selectting the lower threshold, please wait!")
for (x in seq_along( 1:total))
# message("Now x: ", x, " ", totalGene(BPoffsprings, x), " >= ", lower)
if(totalGene(BPoffsprings, x) >= lower)
result[["lower"]] <- x
if(result[["upper"]] == result[["lower"]])
warning("upper threshold and lower threshold has the same value. Please reset!")
#' select the GO term based on the threshold
#' @name selectGO
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname selectGO-methods
#' @title selectGO method
#' @param u the upper bound, 1/2 by default
#' @param l the lower bound, 1/4 by default
#' @param object the GSminer object
#' @param method method for computing the similarity
#' @param multicores an integer to specify how many cores will be registered as the multicore parallel backend to the 'foreach' package.
#' @param seed for reproducibility, the seed of the random number generator can be set to a fixed value before adding noise.
#' @return a vector which name is selected GO term
#' @exportMethod selectGO
#' @aliases selectGO,GSminer-method
#' @author Li Zhaohong && Wu Zefeng
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- paste0(system.file(package = "GSminer"), "/extdata/TAIR.GO")
#' miner <- GSminer(inputFile = inputFile, sep = "\t")
#' #just for an example
#' #selectGO(miner,u = 0.5, l = 0.25, method= "Resnik", multicores = 2)
setMethod("selectGO", signature(object = "GSminer"),
function(object, u = 0.5, l = 0.25, method=c("Resnik", "Lin", "Schlicker", "Jiang", "Pesquita"), multicores = NULL, seed = NA)
method <- match.arg(method)
threshold <- getThreshold(object, u, l)
`%ni%` <-Negate("%in%")
if("upper" %ni% names(threshold) && "lower" %ni% names(threshold))
stop("threshold must have the upper bound and the lower bound")
BPoffsprings <- list()
if(!exists("BPoffsprings", envir = object@mapping))
assign("BPoffsprings", get("BPoffsprings", envir = object@mapping))
assign("BPoffsprings", get("BPoffsprings", envir = object@mapping))
selectedGO <- BPoffsprings[ elemLen(BPoffsprings) >= threshold[["lower"]] & elemLen(BPoffsprings) <= threshold[["upper"]] ]
simMat <- getGOSim( GO2igraph(mapping = GOBPPARENTS),
selectedGO = selectedGO,
method = method,
multicores = multicores)
GOCluster(sim = simMat, selectedGO = selectedGO, seed = seed)
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