#' The similarity between genes(modified the dDAGgeneSim in dnet)
#' @importFrom dnet dDAGinduce
#' @importFrom dnet dDAGtip
#' @importFrom dnet dCheckParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @import igraph
#' @param g an object of class "igraph"
#' @param genes the genes between which pair-wise semantic similarity is calculated
#' @param method.gene the method used for how to derive semantic similarity
#' between genes from semantic similarity between terms
#' @param method.term the method used to measure semantic similarity between terms
#' @param force logical
#' @param fast logical to indicate whether a vectorised fast computation is used
#' @param parallel logical to indicate whether parallel computation
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param multicores parallel computation
#' @return a sparse matrix of similarity between input genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #load HPPA as igraph object
#' HPPA <-dRDataLoader(RData='ig.HPPA')
#' g <- ig.HPPA
#' #load human genes annotated by HPPA
#' Hs.egHPPA <- dRDataLoader(RData='org.Hs.egHPPA')
#' dag <- dDAGannotate(g, annotations=org.Hs.egHPPA,
#' path.mode="all_paths", verbose=TRUE)
#' allgenes <- unique(unlist(V(dag)$annotations))
#' genes <- sample(allgenes,5)
#' #just for an example:
#' #geneSim(g = dag, genes = genes, method.gene="BM.average",
#' # method.term = "Resnik", parallel = TRUE,
#' # multicores = 2, verbose = FALSE)
geneSim <- function (g, genes=NULL, method.gene=c("BM.average","BM.max","BM.complete","average","max"), method.term=c("Resnik","Lin","Schlicker","Jiang","Pesquita"),
force=TRUE, fast=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, multicores=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
startT <- Sys.time()
message(paste(c("Start at ",as.character(startT)), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
message("", appendLF=TRUE)
method.gene <- match.arg(method.gene)
method.term <- match.arg(method.term)
ig <- g
if (class(ig) != "igraph"){
stop("The function must apply to either 'igraph' or 'graphNEL' object.\n")
if(is.null(V(ig)$annotations) | is.null(V(ig)$IC)){
stop("The function requires that input graph has already contained annotation data. Please first run 'dDAGannotate'.\n")
## A function to indicate the running progress
progress_indicate <- function(i, B, step, flag=FALSE){
if(i %% ceiling(B/step) == 0 | i==B | i==1){
if(flag & verbose){
message(sprintf("\t%d out of %d (%s)", i, B, as.character(Sys.time())), appendLF=TRUE)
message(sprintf("First, extract all annotatable genes (%s)...", as.character(Sys.time())), appendLF=TRUE)
anno <- V(ig)$annotations
allgenes <- sort(as.character(unique(unlist(anno))))
## checking input genes
genes <- genes[!is.na(genes)]
if(is.null(genes) || is.na(genes)){
genes <- allgenes
flag <- genes %in% allgenes
genes <- genes[flag]
genes <- allgenes
## pre-compute a sparse matrix of input genes x terms
allterms <- 1:length(anno)
sGT <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow=length(genes), ncol=length(allterms), sparse=TRUE)
for(j in 1:length(allterms)){
ind <- match(anno[[j]], genes)
flag <- ind[!is.na(ind)]
sGT[flag,j] <- 1
colnames(sGT) <- V(ig)$name
rownames(sGT) <- genes
message(sprintf("\tthere are %d input genes amongst %d annotatable genes", length(genes), length(allgenes)), appendLF=TRUE)
## a list of genes, each containing terms annotated by
genes2terms <- sapply(1:length(genes), function(x){
res <- names(which(sGT[x,]==1))
subg <- dDAGinduce(ig, nodes_query=res, path.mode="all_paths")
res <- dDAGtip(subg)
names(genes2terms) <- genes
terms <- unique(unlist(genes2terms))
## also instore index for terms (in genes2terms)
genes2terms_index <- sapply(genes2terms, function(x){
match(x, terms)
message(sprintf("Second, pre-compute semantic similarity between %d terms (forced to be the most specific for each gene) using %s method (%s)...", length(terms), method.term, as.character(Sys.time())), appendLF=TRUE)
message(sprintf("Second, pre-compute semantic similarity between %d terms using %s method (%s)...", length(terms), method.term, as.character(Sys.time())), appendLF=TRUE)
## pre-compute semantic similarity between terms in subject
sim.term <- suppressMessages(dDAGtermSim(ig, terms=terms, method=method.term, parallel=parallel, multicores=multicores, verbose=TRUE))
message(sprintf("Last, calculate pair-wise semantic similarity between %d genes using %s method (%s)...", length(genes), method.gene, as.character(Sys.time())), appendLF=TRUE)
num_genes <- length(genes2terms)
###### parallel computing
flag_parallel <- FALSE
flag_parallel <- dCheckParallel(multicores=multicores, verbose=verbose)
i <- 1
sim <- foreach::`%dopar%` (foreach::foreach(i=1:(num_genes-1), .inorder=TRUE, .combine=rbind), {
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
fast <- TRUE
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- rep(0, num_genes)
x[js] <- res
}else if(method.gene=='max'){
i <- 1
sim <- foreach::`%dopar%` (foreach::foreach(i=1:(num_genes-1), .inorder=TRUE, .combine=rbind), {
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
fast <- TRUE
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- rep(0, num_genes)
x[js] <- res
}else if(method.gene=='BM.average'){
i <- 1
sim <- foreach::`%dopar%` (foreach::foreach(i=1:(num_genes-1), .inorder=TRUE, .combine=rbind), {
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
fast <- TRUE
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
0.5*(mean(apply(x,1,max)) + mean(apply(x,2,max)))
x <- rep(0, num_genes)
x[js] <- res
}else if(method.gene=='BM.max'){
i <- 1
sim <- foreach::`%dopar%` (foreach::foreach(i=1:(num_genes-1), .inorder=TRUE, .combine=rbind), {
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
fast <- TRUE
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
max(mean(apply(x,1,max)), mean(apply(x,2,max)))
x <- rep(0, num_genes)
x[js] <- res
}else if(method.gene=='BM.complete'){
i <- 1
sim <- foreach::`%dopar%` (foreach::foreach(i=1:(num_genes-1), .inorder=TRUE, .combine=rbind), {
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
fast <- TRUE
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
x <- rep(0, num_genes)
x[js] <- res
## add the last row
sim <- rbind(sim, rep(0, num_genes))
sim <- sim + Matrix::t(sim)
sim <- Matrix::Matrix(sim, sparse=TRUE)
###### non-parallel computing
## calculate pair-wise semantic similarity between input genes
sim <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow=length(genes), ncol=length(genes), sparse=TRUE)
## print with possibly greater accuracy:
##op <- options(digits.secs = 6)
for(i in 1:(num_genes-1)){
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
sim[i,js] <- res
for(j in (i+1):num_genes){
ind2 <- genes2terms_index[[j]]
## pairwise similarity between terms
sim12 <- as.matrix(sim.term[ind1, ind2])
sim[i,j] <- mean(sim12)
}else if(method.gene=='max'){
for(i in 1:(num_genes-1)){
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
sim[i,js] <- res
for(j in (i+1):num_genes){
ind2 <- genes2terms_index[[j]]
## pairwise similarity between terms
sim12 <- as.matrix(sim.term[ind1, ind2])
sim[i,j] <- max(sim12)
}else if(method.gene=='BM.average'){
for(i in 1:(num_genes-1)){
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
0.5*(mean(apply(x,1,max)) + mean(apply(x,2,max)))
sim[i,js] <- res
for(j in (i+1):num_genes){
ind2 <- genes2terms_index[[j]]
## pairwise similarity between terms
sim12 <- as.matrix(sim.term[ind1, ind2])
sim[i,j] <- 0.5*(mean(apply(sim12,1,max)) + mean(apply(sim12,2,max)))
}else if(method.gene=='BM.max'){
for(i in 1:(num_genes-1)){
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
max(mean(apply(x,1,max)), mean(apply(x,2,max)))
sim[i,js] <- res
for(j in (i+1):num_genes){
ind2 <- genes2terms_index[[j]]
## pairwise similarity between terms
sim12 <- as.matrix(sim.term[ind1, ind2])
sim[i,j] <- max(mean(apply(sim12,1,max)), mean(apply(sim12,2,max)))
}else if(method.gene=='BM.complete'){
for(i in 1:(num_genes-1)){
ind1 <- genes2terms_index[[i]]
progress_indicate(i, num_genes, 10, flag=TRUE)
js <- (i+1):num_genes
ind_js <- genes2terms_index[js]
sim12 <- matrix(sim.term[ind1, unlist(ind_js)], nrow=length(ind1))
new_ind_js <- rep(1:length(ind_js), sapply(ind_js,length))
res <- sapply(1:length(ind_js), function(k){
x <- as.matrix(sim12[,which(new_ind_js==k)])
sim[i,js] <- res
for(j in (i+1):num_genes){
ind2 <- genes2terms_index[[j]]
## pairwise similarity between terms
sim12 <- as.matrix(sim.term[ind1, ind2])
sim[i,j] <- min(c(apply(sim12,1,max),apply(sim12,2,max)))
sim <- sim + Matrix::t(sim)
rownames(sim) <- colnames(sim) <- genes
endT <- Sys.time()
message("", appendLF=TRUE)
message(paste(c("Finish at ",as.character(endT)), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
runTime <- as.numeric(difftime(strptime(endT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), strptime(startT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), units="secs"))
message(paste(c("Runtime in total is: ",runTime," secs\n"), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
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