heatplot<-function (dataset, dend = c("both", "row", "column", "none"),
cols.default = TRUE, lowcol = "green", highcol = "red", scale = "none",
classvec = NULL, classvecCol=NULL, classvec2 = NULL,distfun=NULL, returnSampleTree=FALSE,method="ave", dualScale=TRUE, zlim=c(-3,3),scaleKey=TRUE, ...)
data <- array2ade4(dataset)
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (dualScale) {
# print(range(data))
print(paste("Data (original) range: ", round(range(data),2)[1], round(range(data),2)[2]), sep="")
data <- t(scale(t(data)))
print(paste("Data (scale) range: ", round(range(data),2)[1], round(range(data),2)[2]), sep="")
data <- pmin(pmax(data,zlim[1]),zlim[2])
print(paste("Data scaled to range: ", round(range(data),2)[1], round(range(data),2)[2]), sep="")
distEisen <- function(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") {
co.x <- cor(x, use = use)
dist.co.x <- 1 - co.x
cols <- function(low = lowcol, high = highcol, ncolors = 123) {
low <- col2rgb(low)/255
if (is.character(high))
high <- col2rgb(high)/255
col <- rgb(seq(low[1], high[1], len = ncolors), seq(low[2],
high[2], len = ncolors), seq(low[3], high[3], len = ncolors))
cols.gentleman <- function() {
hmcol <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdBu"))(256)
if (cols.default)
plotcols = cols.gentleman()
else plotcols = cols()
#if (dend == TRUE)
# dend = "both"
#if (dend == FALSE)
# dend = "none"
if (is.null(distfun)) distf=distEisen
else distf = function(x) dist(t(x), method=distfun)
## Dendrogram column and row order
Colv <- FALSE
Rowv <- FALSE
dend <- match.arg(dend)
dend = tolower(dend)
# print(distf(data))
if (dend %in% c("row", "r")) {
Rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(distf(t(data)), method = method))
if (dend %in% c("column", "col", "c")) {
Colv = as.dendrogram(hclust(distf(data), method = method))
dend = "column"
if (dend %in% c("both", "TRUE")) {
Colv = as.dendrogram(hclust(distf(data), method = method))
Rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(distf(t(data)), method = method))
dend = "both"
## Side color bars
RSideColors = CSideColors = NULL
if (any(!is.null(classvec), !is.null(classvec2))) {
proc.classvec <- function(classvec) {
classvec = as.factor(classvec)
if (is.null( classvecCol)) classvecCol=getcol(length(levels(classvec)))
SideCols = factor(classvec, labels = classvecCol)
print(cbind(Class=levels(classvec), Color=levels(SideCols)))
SideCols = as.character(SideCols)
nSC = length(SideCols)
return(list(nSC, SideCols))
if (!is.null(classvec)) {
out = proc.classvec(classvec)
nSC = out[[1]]
SideCols = out[[2]]
if (!nSC %in% dim(data))
print("Error: classvec length not equal to nrow or ncol in data")
if (nSC == nrow(data))
RSideColors = SideCols
if (nSC == ncol(data))
CSideColors = SideCols
if (!is.null(classvec2)) {
out = proc.classvec(classvec2)
nSC = out[[1]]
SideCols = out[[2]]
if (!nSC %in% dim(data))
print("Error: classvec2 length not equal to nrow or ncol in data")
if (nSC == nrow(data))
RSideColors = SideCols
if (nSC == ncol(data))
CSideColors = SideCols
## NEED TO ADD BACK Dendrogram parameters
if (all(is.null(RSideColors), is.null(CSideColors)))
gplots::heatmap.2(data, Colv = Colv, Rowv = Rowv, col = plotcols,
scale = scale, trace = "none", density.info = "none", zlim=zlim,
dendrogram = dend, ...)
if (all(!is.null(RSideColors), is.null(CSideColors)))
gplots::heatmap.2(data, Colv = Colv, Rowv = Rowv, col = plotcols,
scale = scale, trace = "none", density.info = "none",
RowSideColors = RSideColors, dendrogram = dend,zlim=zlim,
if (all(is.null(RSideColors), !is.null(CSideColors)))
gplots::heatmap.2(data, Colv = Colv, Rowv = Rowv, col = plotcols,
scale = scale, trace = "none", density.info = "none",
ColSideColors = CSideColors, dendrogram = dend,zlim=zlim,
if (all(!is.null(RSideColors), !is.null(CSideColors)))
gplots::heatmap.2(data, Colv = Colv, Rowv = Rowv, col = plotcols,
scale = scale, trace = "none", density.info = "none",
RowSideColors = RSideColors, ColSideColors = CSideColors,zlim=zlim,
dendrogram = dend, ...)
if (returnSampleTree) return(Colv)
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