#' @title Expression Plot 2
#' @description Displays the level of expression of two genes in each cell on the 2D projected data.
#' @details This function can be used independantly from any other. It displays
#' the expression level of two genes of interest on a 2D projection.
#' @details
#' `name.1` and `name.2` can be any characters that correspond to a row name of `data`.
#' @param data a data frame of n rows (genes) and m columns (cells) of read or UMI counts (note : rownames(data)=genes)
#' @param name.1 the identifier of the first gene of interest
#' @param name.2 the identifier of the second gene of interest
#' @param tsne a table of n rows and 2 columns with t-SNE projection coordinates for each cell
#' @return The function returns a R plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(runif(100,0,1),nrow=2,ncol=50)
#' rownames(data) <- c("gene 1", "gene 2")
#' tsne <- matrix(runif(100,-1,1),ncol=2)
#' expression_plot_2(data,"gene 1","gene 2",tsne)
expression_plot_2 <- function(data,name.1,name.2,tsne){
if (is.element(name.1,rownames(data))==TRUE & is.element(name.2,rownames(data))==TRUE){
a <- as.numeric(data[name.1,])
a <- a*100/max(a)
a <- log(5*a+1)
b <- as.numeric(data[name.2,])
b <- b*100/max(b)
b <- log(5*b+1)
opar <- par()
if (sum(is.na(a))==0){
if (sum(as.numeric(data[name.1,]))==0){
print(paste(name.1,"-> No expression"))
if (sum(as.numeric(data[name.2,]))==0){
print(paste(name.2,"-> No expression"))
if (sum(as.numeric(data[name.1,]))!=0 & sum(as.numeric(data[name.2,]))!=0){
a <- a+1
b <- b+1
cr.1 <- colorRampPalette(c("ivory","gray90","#CC0033"),alpha=TRUE)(max(a))
cr.2 <- colorRampPalette(c("ivory","gray90","dodgerblue3"),alpha=TRUE)(max(b))
par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8))
plot(x=tsne[,1],y=tsne[,2],type="n",main=list(paste(name.1,"/",name.2),cex=3, col="black", font=3),xlab="t-SNE1",ylab="t-SNE2")
bx <- par("usr")
if (sum(a==1)!=0){
if (sum(b==1)!=0){
n.1 <- length(cr.1)
DY <- (bx[4]-bx[3])/2
Y <- bx[3]
dX <- bx[2] - bx[1]
dY <- (bx[4] - bx[3])/2
dy <- dY / n.1
dx <- 0.1*dX
x0 <- bx[2]+dx*0.8
for (i in seq_len(n.1)){
polygon(c(x0,x0+dx,x0+dx,x0), c(Y+(i-1)*dy,Y+(i-1)*dy,Y+i*dy,Y+i*dy), col=cr.1[i], border=cr.1[i],xpd=NA)
mtext(name.1, side=4,at=Y+(n.1/2)*dy,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.2)
mtext("-", side=4,at=Y+1,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.6,adj=1)
mtext("+", side=4,at=Y+(n.1)*dy-1,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.6)
n.2 <- length(cr.2)
Y <- (bx[4]+bx[3])/2+0.1*bx[4]
dy <- dY / n.2
for (i in seq_len(n.2)){
polygon(c(x0,x0+dx,x0+dx,x0), c(Y+(i-1)*dy,Y+(i-1)*dy,Y+i*dy,Y+i*dy), col=cr.2[i], border=cr.2[i],xpd=NA)
mtext(name.2, side=4,at=Y+(n.2/2)*dy,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.2)
mtext("-", side=4,at=Y+1,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.6,adj=1)
mtext("+", side=4,at=Y+(n.2)*dy-1,xpd=NA,line=+5,cex=1.6)
} else {print("NA not supported")}
} else {
print("Change names")
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