#'@rdname ExpParam-class
#' @param object An ExpParam object
setMethod("show", "ExpParam", function(object){
message("Experimental parameters info:")
message(paste0("\tppm error: ", object@ppm))
message(paste0("\tMass resolution: ", object@res))
message(paste0("\tMass range: ", object@minmz, "-",
message(paste0("\tNoise cutoff value: ", object@nthr))
message(paste0("\tIonization mode: ", object@ion))
message(paste0("\tNumber of compounds: ", nrow(object@DB)))
message(paste0("\tNumber of unique formulas: ",
message(paste0("\tNumber of adducts: ", nrow(object@adlist)))
if (nrow(object@adlist) != 0) {
message(paste0("\tAdduct list: ", paste(object@adlist$adduct,
collapse = ", ")))
#' @title setExpParam
#' @description Main interface to set the experimental parameters into a
#' RHermesExp object. The user can either provide an ExpParam object
#' (partially or fully customized) or provide a template tag to use a pre-made
#' parameter set.
#' @param struct The RHermesExp object to modify.
#' @param params Optional if using template. An ExpParam object detailing a
#' custom set of parameters.
#' @param template Ignored if using params. A character describing the ID of
#' the pre-made parameter set to use. Currently you can use: 'orbi-pos',
#' 'orbi-neg', 'qtof-pos' and 'qtof-neg'. The parameters can be found,
#' modified or even expanded in the csv at app/www/InstrumentTemplates.csv
#' @return An RHermesExp object with the desired experimental parameters set.
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' myHermes <- RHermesExp()
#' #Using template
#' myHermes <- setExpParam(myHermes, template = 'orbi-pos')
#' #Custom parameters
#' myHermes <- setExpParam(myHermes,
#' ExpParam(ppm = 10, res = 135000, ion = '-'))
#' }
setGeneric("setExpParam", function(struct, params = ExpParam(),
template = character(0)) {
#' @rdname setExpParam
setMethod("setExpParam", signature = c("RHermesExp", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, params = ExpParam(), template = character(0)) {
if (length(template) == 0) {
struct <- setTime(struct,
"Changed Experimental Parameters to custom template")
} else {
if (length(template) > 1) {
warning("More than one template inserted, using only the first one")
tryCatch(expr = {
csvfile <- read.csv2(system.file("extdata",
package = "RHermes"),
stringsAsFactors = F)
row <- which(csvfile$name == template[1])
if (length(row) == 0) {
stop("No template matches the inserted name ID")
params <- ExpParam(ppm = csvfile$ppm[row], res = csvfile$res[row],
nthr = csvfile$nthr[row], minmz = csvfile$minmz[row],
maxmz = csvfile$maxmz[row], ion = csvfile$ion[row],
instr = csvfile$instr[row])
struct <- setTime(struct, paste0("Changed Experimental Parameters to ",
template, " template"))
struct@metadata@ExpParam <- params
#'@title setDB
#'@description It updates the RHermesExp object and sets the formula database
#' and adduct list to use in the following steps of the workflow. The adduct
#' list used is based on the
#' \href{http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00941}{EnviPat}
#' package
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object to update
#'@param db A character defining which database to use. You can test a sample of
#' HMDB or Norman using "hmdb" and "norman", respectively. Set it to "custom"
#' to use your own database. You can also specify some kegg pathways with
#' "kegg_p" and then a list of pathway IDs in the keggpath parameter.
#'@param adcharge The maximum charge (in absolute value, so polarity does not
#' matter) the adducts in the list can have. Defaults to 1.
#'@param admult The maximum multiplicity (M, 2M, 3M and so on) the adducts can
#' have. Defaults to 1.
#'@param DBfile Address to where the database is located. Can be either a csv
#' or a xls/xlsx.
#'@param adductfile Address to where the adduct list is located. Can only be a
#' csv file and should adhere to EnviPat adduct list format (run data(adducts,
#' package = "enviPat") to see how it's like).
#'@param adlist Vector of adduct names to use. It is an alternative to setting
#'your own adduct file or using the default lists.
#'@param keggpath A list of KEGG pathway IDs
#'@return An RHermesExp object with the formula and adduct database set.
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' myHermes <- setDB(myHermes, 'hmdb') #Adcharge and admult default to 1
#' myHermes <- setDB(myHermes, 'norman', 2, 1) #Charge 2, multiplicity 1
#' }
setGeneric("setDB", function(struct, db = "hmdb", adcharge = 1,
admult = 1, DBfile = "", adductfile = "",
adlist = NA, keggpath = "") {
#' @rdname setDB
setMethod("setDB", signature = c("RHermesExp", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
"ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, db = "hmdb", adcharge = 1, admult = 1, DBfile = "",
adductfile = "", adlist = NA, keggpath = "") {
message(paste("Parsing the", db, "formula database"))
minmz <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@minmz
maxmz <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@maxmz
dbdata <- switch(db,
hmdb = database_importer("hmdb",
minmass = minmz,
maxmass = maxmz),
norman = database_importer("norman",
minmass = minmz,
maxmass = maxmz),
custom = database_importer("custom",
filename = DBfile,
minmass = minmz,
maxmass = maxmz),
kegg_p = database_importer("kegg_p",
keggpath = keggpath,
minmass = minmz,
maxmass = maxmz),
stop("Please input a valid DB name")
struct@metadata@ExpParam@DB <- dbdata
#Set corresponding adduct table
if(adductfile != ""){
ad <- tryCatch(read.csv(adductfile),
error = function(cond){stop("Invalid csv address")})
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <- ad
} else {
ad <- adductTables(adcharge, admult)
ion <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@ion
if (ion == "+") {
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <- ad[[2]]
} else {
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <- ad[[1]]
row.names(struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist) <- NULL
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <- filter(adlist(struct),
.data$adduct %in% adlist)
if(nrow(adlist(struct)) == 0){
warning("No adducts remaining, please check the adduct names.")
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("Added the", db,
"formula database and an adduct list",
"with charge", adcharge, "and multiplicity",
check_adduct_validity <- function(adduct_df){
adduct_fields <- c("adduct", "Charge", "Mult", "massdiff", "Ion_mode",
"Formula_add", "Formula_ded")
missing <- !colnames(adduct_df) %in% adduct_fields
stop("The following adduct fields are missing:",
if(ncol(adduct_df) != 7){
warning("The number of adduct fields does not match with expectations")
if(colnames(adduct_df) != adduct_fields){
stop("The adduct fields aren't ordered correctly\n",
"Expected order: ", paste(adduct_fields, collapse ="/"))
if(nrow(adduct_df) == 0){
stop("No adduct rows in the dataframe")
#' @title addAd
#' @description Adds new custom adducts to the RHermesExp adduct
#' list
#' @details The function adds an entry to the Envipat-style
#' dataframe containing the adducts used for the experiment. It
#' is important to specify what atoms to add or substract to
#' the molecular formula. Polarity is inferred directly from
#' the specified charge.
#' @return An updated RHermesExp object with the new adduct list
#' @param struct The RHermesExp object
#' @param name Name of the adduct to add.
#' @param deltam Delta m/z of the adduct, in Da.
#' @param ch Adduct charge. Remember to specify the symbol if
#' negative.
#' @param mult Multiplicity (eg, M, 2M, 3M, etc.)
#' @param toadd Atoms to add to the formula when it ionizes as
#' the adduct. (ex: M+H -> H1, M+Cl -> Cl1). Note the explicit
#' use of a 1 after the symbol.
#' @param tosub Atoms to substract to the formula. Same idea as
#' in toadd. (ex: M-H2O+H -> H2O1)
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' addAd(myHermes, 'M+H', 1.0072, ch = 1, mult = 1, toadd = 'H1')
#' }
#' @export
function(struct, name, deltam, ch = 1, mult = 1,
toadd = "FALSE", tosub = "FALSE") {
#' @rdname addAd
setMethod("addAd", c("RHermesExp", "character",
"numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
function(struct, name, deltam, ch = 1, mult = 1,
toadd = "FALSE", tosub = "FALSE") {
if (ch == 0 | mult == 0) {
warning("Invalid charge or multiplicity, they can't be zero")
newentry <- data.frame(adduct = name, Charge = ch, Mult = mult,
massdiff = deltam,
Ion_mode = ifelse(ch > 0, "positive", "negative"),
Formula_add = toadd, Formula_ded = tosub)
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <- rbind(struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist,
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("Added the adduct", name,
"with mass", deltam))
#' @title remAd
#' @description Remove adducts from an RHermesExp adduct list
#' @details Removes a row (or many) from the adduct list slot inside the
#' RHermesExp object
#' @return An updated RHermesExp object
#' @param struct The RHermesExp object
#' @param name The names of the adducts to remove. If they aren't in the
#' RHermesExp will raise a warning but no rows will be substracted.
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' remAd(myHermes, 'M+H') #Just one
#' remAd(myHermes, c('M+DMSO+H', 'M+2K-H', 'M+CH3OH+H')) #Or many at a time
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("remAd", function(struct, name) {
#' @rdname remAd
setMethod("remAd", c("RHermesExp", "character"), function(struct, name) {
nad <- nrow(struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist)
if (nad == 0) {
warning("No adducts to substract")
tosub <- c()
for (i in seq_along(name)) {
cur <- which(struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct ==
if (length(cur) == 0) {
warning(paste("Adduct", name[i], "not found\n"))
tosub <- c(tosub, cur)
if (length(tosub) != 0) {
struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist <-
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("Removed the adduct/s", name))
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