GFF_convert <- function(annot.GTF=NULL, GTF.File=NULL,GFF.File=NULL){
### make sure R doesn't add factors -- R creators never should have made this default = TRUE
### Check to ensure that the GTF variable was given, GFF variable is optional
if (is.null(GTF.File) == TRUE){
if (is.null(annot.GTF) == TRUE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GTF.File_missing)
### Now check that the GTF file path specified actually exists if annot.GTF == false
if (is.null(annot.GTF) == TRUE){
if (file.exists(GTF.File) == FALSE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$bad_GTF_filepath)
# if the GTF.File exists, read it into R<-read.table(GTF.File, header=FALSE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
### if annot.GTF exists, read it into R
# if the typeof(annot.GTF) is S4, treat it as an rtracklayer object
if (typeof(annot.GTF) == "S4"){
# reformat rtracklayer to GTF <- reformat_GTF(rtracklayer.GTF=annot.GTF)
# rename annot.GTF <- annot.GTF
# clean up
######################## Check GTF file for correct formatting ########################
### run some checks to verify the GTF file format integrity
### double check to make sure that 9 columns exactly are present in the GTF file
if (ncol( != 9){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$check_GTF_columns)
### check to make sure column 3 has values 'gene' 'exon' and 'transcript'
feature.Values <- unique([,3])
# check to see if "gene", "transcript", and "exon" are present in feature.Values
feature.Indices <- match(c("gene","transcript","exon"),feature.Values)
# the length of the above should be 3
if (length(feature.Indices) != 3){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GTF_missing_features)
### check to make sure columns 4 & 5 are numeric start/stops with positive differences only
# we do this by subtracting 'start' from 'stop' and making sure the math works, and minimum = 0
# test to see if the math will work (will only work if columns 4 & 5 are properly formatted)
coord.Diff <- try(as.numeric([,5]) - as.numeric([,4]),silent = TRUE)
# check to see if we have an error
if (substr(coord.Diff[1],1,5) == "Error"){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$bad_GTF_start_stop)
# if that did not fail, the code continues and we verify that all stop - start subtractions are >= 0
if (min(coord.Diff) < 0){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$start_stop_not_numeric)
### check to make sure column 7 unique values have at least "+" or "-" (could be just one for test gtf files)
# unique values of column 7 in the GTF file
strand.Values <- unique([,7])
# is "+" present? if true this will == 1, if false this will == 0
positive.Length <- length(which('+'%in%strand.Values))
# is "-" present? if true this will == 1, if false this will == 0
negative.Length <- length(which('-'%in%strand.Values))
# make sure there are no more than 2 unique values of column 7
if (length(strand.Values) > 2){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$bad_GTF_plus_minus)
# if the previous check passed, make sure at least one of '-' or '+' is present
if ((positive.Length + negative.Length) < 1){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GTF_plus_minus_missing)
### lastly, check to make sure transcript_id and gene_id values are present in GTF metadata column 9
# grab 1st 25 rows -- sufficient for testing purposes
metacol.Values <-[seq(1,25),9]
# check the number of rows (if any) 'gene_id' is present in for this metadata column
gene_id.Length <- length(grep("gene_id",metacol.Values))
# check the number of rows (if any) 'transcript_id' is present in for this metadata column
transcript_id.Length <- length(grep("transcript_id",metacol.Values))
# now make sure gene_id.Length == 25 and transcript_id.Length > 1
# this is because each row should have a gene_id, and at least some rows should contain a transcript_id
if (gene_id.Length != 25 || transcript_id.Length < 1){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GTF_missing_gene_id)
########################################### MAIN CODE ###################################################
# select only GTF rows that correspond to exons (includes UTRs, CDS, and retained introns)<[which($V3 =='exon'),]
# add columns to gtf.file for gene_name, gene_id, and transcript_id$ <- gsub(".*gene_id (.*?);.*", "\\1",$V9)$ <- gsub(".*gene_name (.*?);.*", "\\1",$V9)$ <- gsub(".*transcript_id (.*?);.*", "\\1",$V9)
# now remove that mess of a 9th column <-[,-c(9)]
# make an empty data matrix for gff file<- vector("list", 1)
# generate a hash table for the start/stop of each gene (2nd and 3rd columns, 1st column gene_id)
GeneHash <- IndexGeneStartStop($
# now loop through each gene in the GeneHash table & collapse exon bins with an lapply function
for (x in seq(nrow(GeneHash))){
# subset the current gene data <-[seq(GeneHash[x,2],GeneHash[x,3]),]
# collapse exon bins for this gene
exons.collapsed <- CollapseExons(
# exon bin numbers for the current gene (1:n for +ve strand by default, n:1 for -ve strand)
Bins <- seq(nrow(exons.collapsed))
# strand is by default +ve
chr.Strand <- "+"
# if -ve strand, reverse this
if ([1,7] == "-"){
Bins <- rev(Bins)
# also change chr.Strand to -ve
chr.Strand <- "-"
# make temporary gff matrix
temp.gff <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(exons.collapsed),ncol=9)
# add chromosome names
temp.gff[,1] <- exons.collapsed[,1]
# add EnsID + exon bin
temp.gff[,2] <- "."
# add exon_bin column
temp.gff[,3] <- "exon"
# add start + stop columns
temp.gff[,c(4,5)] <- exons.collapsed[,c(3,4)]
# add '.' columns
temp.gff[,c(6,8)] <- "."
# add strand column (+ve or -ve based on previous chr.Strand)
temp.gff[,7] <- chr.Strand
# prepare gene IDs, Names, and Transcripts
gff.ID <- sprintf(paste("ID=",exons.collapsed[,2],":%03d",sep=""),Bins)
gff.Name <- sprintf(paste("Name=",exons.collapsed[,6],sep=""))
gff.Transcript <- paste("Transcripts=",exons.collapsed[,5],sep="")
# add a final 9th column with gene IDs, names, and transcripts
temp.gff[,9] <- paste(gff.ID,gff.Name,gff.Transcript,sep=";")
# assign temp.gff to be item x on the list[[x]] <- temp.gff
# clean up gtf data now
# now we can combine the gff data into one data frame structure with <- data.frame(,
# change filenames to arbitrary V1, V2, etc. (necessary for next step in read counting)
colnames( <- c("V1","V2","V3","V4","V5","V6","V7","V8","V9")
# parse out IDs from the GFF data
#gff3.IDs <- gsub(".*ID=(.*?);.*", "\\1",[,9])
# sort on position and then chromsome <-[order([,1],gff3.IDs),]
### if the GFF outpath was specified, AND the filepath is writeable, write out the file
# check if file path is writeable
if (is.null(GFF.File) == FALSE){
WriteCheck <- file.access(dirname(GFF.File), mode=2)
if (WriteCheck == 0){
write.table(, file=GFF.File,sep="\t",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
# reformat GFF3 data to GRanges object <- GRangesFromGFF(
# return & end function
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