# This file contains all wrapper methods for dispatching data and arguments to
# gating/preprocessing algorithms.
#' An adapter to connect the gating wrapper function with the \link{gating} method
#' It coerce the input (\code{flowSet}) to a single \code{flowFrame} and apply the gating wrapper function
#' then replicate the gates across samples from the \code{flowSet}.
#' @inheritParams .prior_flowclust
#' @param pp_res preprocessing result produced by the \code{preprocessing} method
#' @param gFunc \code{character} function name of the wrapper function to be invoked
#' @param popAlias \code{character} the population names that are used to determine how many gates to be expected from the gating function
#' @param gFunc_args arguments to be passed to wrapper function('gFunc')
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{filter}s
#' @noRd
.gating_adaptor <- function(fs, pp_res, gFunc, popAlias, channels, gFunc_args){
require(openCyto) #since it is going to be invoked by MPI, better load it
sn <- sampleNames(fs)
fr <- as(fs,"flowFrame")
total <- nrow(fr)
#parse the subSample argument from the gating function argument list
subSample <- gFunc_args[["subSample"]]
gFunc_args[["subSample"]] <- NULL #prevent it from passing down to the gFunc
if(subSample > 1){
samp.ind <- sample.int(total, subSample)
fr <- fr[samp.ind]
}else if(subSample >0 ){
samp.ind <- sample.int(total, subSample * total)
fr <- fr[samp.ind]
stop("invalid 'subSample' argument: ", subSample)
stop("invalid 'subSample' argument: ", subSample)
openCyto.options <- getOption("openCyto")
minEvents <- openCyto.options[["gating"]][["minEvents"]]
# Allow rowwise specification of minEvents
row_minEvents <- gFunc_args[["openCyto.minEvents"]]
if(is.call(row_minEvents)) {
row_minEvents <- eval(row_minEvents)
minEvents <- row_minEvents
gFunc_args[["openCyto.minEvents"]] <- NULL
minEvents <- 0
if(nrow(fr) <= minEvents){
warning(paste(sn, collapse =","), ": Not enough events to proceed the data-driven gating!Returning a dummy gate instead.")
#create dummy rectangleGate
#TODO: move channels to ... to deprecate x,y channel
# dots <- list(...)
# channels <- dots$channels
channels <- as.vector(na.omit(channels))
nDim <- length(channels)
if(nDim == 1)
gate_coordinates <- list(c(-Inf, -Inf))
else if(nDim == 2)
gate_coordinates <- list(c(-Inf, -Inf), c(-Inf, -Inf))
stop(nDim, " dimensional gating is not supported yet!")
names(gate_coordinates) <- channels
filterRes <- rectangleGate(gate_coordinates)
#this is flowClust-specific operation, which
# be abstracted out of this framework
if(grepl("(flowClust|gate_flowclust)[\\._][12]d", gFunc))
filterRes <- fcRectangleGate(filterRes, priors = list(), posts = list())
nPop <- length(popAlias)
filterResType <- ifelse(nPop == 1, "filter", "filters")
if(filterResType == "filters"){
filterRes <- filters(lapply(1:nPop, function(i)filterRes))
stop(sprintf("Can't gate using unregistered method %s",gFunc))
thisCall <- substitute(f(fr = fr
, pp_res = pp_res
, channels = channels
,list(f = as.symbol(gFunc))
filterRes <- try(do.call(gFunc, c(list(fr = fr
, pp_res = pp_res
, channels = channels
, gFunc_args
, silent = TRUE
resType <- class(filterRes)
if(extends(resType, "filter")||extends(resType, "filters")||extends(resType, "logical")||extends(resType, "factor")){
#replicate the filter across samples
list(sapply(sampleNames(fs),function(i)filterRes, simplify = FALSE))
stop("failed at ",paste0(sn), "\n", filterRes)
#' wrapper for \link[singletGate]{singletGate}
#' @param pp_res not used
#' @param fr \code{flowFrame} object as a data input
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link[singletGate]{singletGate}
#' @inheritParams .prior_flowclust
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.singletGate <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
# Creates a list of polygon gates based on the prediction bands at the minimum
# and maximum x_channel observation using a robust linear model trained
gate_singlet(fr, area = channels[1], height = channels[2], ...)
#' boundary gating function
#' It essentially constructs a rectangle gate from input range (min, max)
#' @description It is useful for filtering out very large signal (e.g. FSC,SSC, Time)
#' @inheritParams .singletGate
#' @param min,max the range input for constructing the \code{rectangleGate}
#' @param ... other arguments (not used.)
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.boundary <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, min = NULL, max = NULL, ...) {
num_channels <- length(channels)
if(!num_channels %in%1:2)
stop("invalid number of channels for boundary!")
if (is.null(min)) {
min <- rep(-Inf, num_channels)
if (is.null(max)) {
max <- rep(Inf, num_channels)
if (!(num_channels == length(min) && num_channels == length(max))) {
stop("The lengths of 'min' and 'max' must match the number of 'channels' given.")
gate_coordinates <- lapply(seq_len(num_channels), function(i) {
c(min[i], max[i])
names(gate_coordinates) <- channels
#' wrapper for flowClust.1d
#' It does some parameter preprocessing before calling the flowClust.1d
#' @param fr \code{flowFrame} object as a data input
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link{flowClust.1d}
#' @param xChannel must be \code{NA}.
#' @param yChannel the dimension used for gating
#' @inheritParams .gating_adaptor
#' @inheritParams .prior_flowclust
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.gate_flowclust_1d <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels,...) {
if(length(channels) != 1)
stop("invalid number of channels for gate_flowclust_1d!")
prior <- pp_res
priorList <- list()
prior <- prior[[channels]]
args <- list(...)
# parse arguments for flowClust
# If any of 'K, 'neg' or 'pos' are given, we extract them from the
# 'args' and coerce them as integers. Otherwise, they are defaulted to
# NOTE: the named elements within 'args' are coerced to lowercase.
K <- neg_cluster <- pos_cluster <- NULL
if ("K" %in% names(args)) {
K <- as.integer(args["K"])
if ("neg" %in% names(args)) {
neg_cluster <- as.integer(args["neg"])
args[["neg"]] <- NULL
if ("pos" %in% names(args)) {
pos_cluster <- as.integer(args["pos"])
args[["pos"]] <- NULL
# Examines the various cases of pos, neg and K.
# In the case that K is not given, we automatically select it.
# Exception: If both 'pos' and 'neg' are given, we set: K <- pos + neg
if (is.null(K)) {
if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && !is.null(pos_cluster)) {
K <- neg_cluster + pos_cluster
} else {
# If pos and neg are given, throw a warning and set: K <- pos + neg
# In the case that one of pos and neg are given and either exceeds K,
# we throw an error.
if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && !is.null(pos_cluster)) {
warning("Values given for 'K', 'neg', and 'pos'. Setting K = neg + pos")
K <- neg_cluster + pos_cluster
} else if (!is.null(pos_cluster) && K < pos_cluster) {
stop("The number of positive clusters exceeds 'K'.")
} else if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && K < neg_cluster) {
stop("The number of negative clusters exceeds 'K'.")
args[["neg_cluster"]] <- neg_cluster
# args[["pos_cluster"]] <- pos_cluster
# args[["k"]] <- NULL
args[["K"]] <- K
# If 'min' and/or 'max' are given, we pass this value along to the
# prior-elicitation method as well as flowClust. Otherwise, these values
# are set to NULL.
min_values <- -Inf
max_values <- Inf
if ("min" %in% names(args)) {
min_values <- as.numeric(args["min"])
if ("max" %in% names(args)) {
max_values <- as.numeric(args["max"])
# If the number of positive clusters is 0 and no cutpoint method has been
# specified, we use the quantile gate by default.
if (!is.null(pos_cluster) && pos_cluster == 0 && is.null(args[["cutpoint_method"]])) {
args[["cutpoint_method"]] <- "quantile"
# 1d gate
gate <- do.call("gate_flowclust_1d"
,args = c(list(fr = fr
,params = channels
,prior = prior
.flowClust.1d <- .gate_flowclust_1d
#' wrapper for mindensity
#' It does some parameter preprocessing before calling the mindensity
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link{mindensity}
#' @inheritParams .gate_flowclust_1d
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.gate_mindensity <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
if(length(channels) != 1)
stop("invalid number of channels for mindensity!")
gate <- gate_mindensity(fr, channel = channels, ...)
# .gateToFilterResult(fr, yChannel, gate, positive)
.mindensity <- .gate_mindensity
#' wrapper for gate_flowclust_2d
#' It does some parameter preprocessing before calling the gate_flowclust_wd
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link{gate_flowclust_2d}
#' @inheritParams .gate_flowclust_1d
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.gate_flowclust_2d <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
if(length(channels) != 2)
stop("invalid number of channels for gate_flowclust_2d!")
xChannel <- channels[1]
yChannel <- channels[2]
args <- list(...)
# get the value of neg and pos
if (is.element(c("K"), names(args))) {
K <- as.integer(args["K"])
} else {
message("'K' argument is missing! Using default setting: K = 2")
K <- 2
args[["K"]] <- K
if (is.null(pp_res)) {
usePrior <- "no"
pp_res <- list(NA)
} else {
usePrior <- "yes"
,args = c(list(fr = fr
, xChannel = xChannel
, yChannel = yChannel
, usePrior = usePrior
,prior = pp_res
.flowClust.2d <- .gate_flowclust_2d
#' wrapper for rangeGate (deprecated)
#' It does some parameter preprocessing before calling the rangeGate
#' @param pp_res not used
#' @inheritParams .gate_flowclust_1d
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.rangeGate <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
#' wrapper for quantileGate
#' It does some parameter preprocessing before calling the quantileGate
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \link{quantileGate}
#' @inheritParams .gate_flowclust_1d
#' @return a \code{filter} object
#' @noRd
.gate_quantile <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
gate_quantile(fr = fr, channel = channels, ...)
.quantileGate <- .gate_quantile
.gate_quad_tmix <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...) {
if(length(channels) != 2)
stop("invalid number of channels for quadGate.tmix!")
gate_quad_tmix(fr, channels, ...)
.quadGate.tmix <- .gate_quad_tmix
.gate_quad_sequential <- function(fr, pp_res = NULL, channels, ...){
quadrants <- gate_quad_sequential(fr, channels, ...)
quadrants[[1]]@filterId <- paste0(channels[[1]], "-", channels[[2]], "+")
quadrants[[2]]@filterId <- paste0(channels[[1]], "+", channels[[2]], "+")
quadrants[[3]]@filterId <- paste0(channels[[1]], "+", channels[[2]], "-")
quadrants[[4]]@filterId <- paste0(channels[[1]], "-", channels[[2]], "-")
.quadGate.seq <- .gate_quad_sequential
# preprocessing wrappers
#' @inheritParams .prior_flowclust
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @noRd
.warpSet <- function(fs, gs, gm, channels, groupBy, isCollapse, stains, ...){
return (NULL)
#' wrapper for prior_flowclust
#' This wrapper does some parameter preprocessing before calls \link{prior_flowclust}
#' @param fs \code{flowSet} or \code{ncdfFlowSet} object
#' @param gs \code{GatingSet}
#' @param gm \code{gtMethod}
#' @param xChannel,yChannel \code{character} specifying the dimensions of flow data used by \code{prior_flowclust}
#' @param prior_source \code{character} specifying the ancester node from where the prior is elicited.
#' @param neg,pos \code{numeric} specifying how many peaks are expected on positive and negative sides from 1d density profile
#' @inheritParams .prior_flowClust1d
#' @return a \code{list} of priors, see \link{prior_flowClust} for more details
#' @noRd
.prior_flowclust <- function(fs, gs, gm, channels, groupBy, isCollapse
, prior_source = NULL
, K = NULL
, neg, pos
, min, max
, ...){
prior_list <- list()
nChannel <- length(channels)
if(nChannel == 1){
xChannel <- NULL
yChannel <- channels
}else if(nChannel == 2){
xChannel <- channels[1]
yChannel <- channels[2]
stop("invalid number of channels for prior_flowclust!")
# prior estimation is done separately from flowClust routine because
# .prior_flowClust1d requires the entire parent flowSet yet flowClust only
# takes one flowFrame
if (is.null(prior_source)) {
prior_data <- fs
} else {
prior_data <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, prior_source)
# browser()
if (names(gm) == "gate_flowclust_1d") {
# If any of 'K, 'neg' or 'pos' are given, we extract them from the
# 'args' and coerce them as integers. Otherwise, they are defaulted to
neg_cluster <- pos_cluster <- NULL
if(!is.null(K)) {
K <- as.integer(K)
if(!missing(neg)) {
neg_cluster <- as.integer(neg)
if(!missing(pos)) {
pos_cluster <- as.integer(pos)
# Examines the various cases of pos, neg and K.
# In the case that K is not given, we automatically select it.
# Exception: If both 'pos' and 'neg' are given, we set: K <- pos + neg
if (is.null(K)) {
if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && !is.null(pos_cluster)) {
K <- neg_cluster + pos_cluster
} else {
# If pos and neg are given, throw a warning and set: K <- pos + neg
# In the case that one of pos and neg are given and either exceeds K,
# we throw an error.
if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && !is.null(pos_cluster)) {
warning("Values given for 'K', 'neg', and 'pos'. Setting K = neg + pos")
K <- neg_cluster + pos_cluster
} else if (!is.null(pos_cluster) && K < pos_cluster) {
stop("The number of positive clusters exceeds 'K'.")
} else if (!is.null(neg_cluster) && K < neg_cluster) {
stop("The number of negative clusters exceeds 'K'.")
# If 'min' and/or 'max' are given, we pass this value along to the
# prior-elicitation method as well as flowClust. Otherwise, these values
# are set to NULL.
min_values <- -Inf
max_values <- Inf
if (!missing(min)) {
min_values <- as.numeric(min)
if (!missing(max)) {
max_values <- as.numeric(max)
# browser()
if (!is.null(xChannel)) {
prior_list[[xChannel]] <- prior_flowclust(flow_set = prior_data,
channels = xChannel, K = K,
min = min_values, max = max_values, ...)
prior_list[[yChannel]] <- prior_flowclust(flow_set = prior_data,
channels = yChannel, K = K,
min = min_values, max = max_values, ...)
} else {
# get the value of neg and pos
if (!is.null(K)) {
K <- as.integer(K)
} else {
message("'K' argument is missing in prior_flowclust! Using default setting: K = 2.\nYou should set this to the same value as 'K' in the call to flowClust.")
K <- 2
prior_list <- prior_flowclust(flow_set = prior_data, channels = c(xChannel,
yChannel), K = K, ...)
else# when collapse is FALSE, gating is done at sample level, thus we need to replicate priors across samples so that it matches with the gating input
sapply(sampleNames(prior_data), function(i)prior_list, simplify = FALSE)
.prior_flowClust <- .prior_flowclust
#' preprocessing wrapper for .standardize_flowFrame
#' @param fs a \code{flowSet} object
#' @param xChannel not used
#' @param yChannel the channel to standardize
#' @param groupBy \code{character} tells whether 'groupBy' column in csv template has been set
#' @param isCollapse \code{logical} indicates whether the gating is done on collapsed data. If so, the prior does not need to be replicated across samples.
#' @noRd
.standardize_flowset <- function(fs, gs, gm, channels, groupBy, isCollapse, ...) {
if(length(channels) != 1)
stop("invalid number of channels for standardize_flowset!")
stop("'collapse = TRUE' is not applicable to 'standardize_flowset'!")
isGroup <- nchar(groupBy) > 0
# if(pData(fs)$Center == "UCLA" && pData(fs)$Sample == "12828")
# browser()
#standardize multiple flowFrames within the sub-group
transform_out <- fsApply(fs, .standardize_flowFrame, channel = channels, data = TRUE)
# Creates a flowSet object from the transformed flowFrame objects
fs <- flowSet(lapply(transform_out, function(x) x$flow_frame))
collapsedFr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
# update each flow_frame with collapsed flowFrame
transform_out <- lapply(transform_out, function(x) {
x$flow_frame <- collapsedFr
#standarize within the single flowFrame
# fs is now the entire data set
# and we only pass the transformation back to gating function without the flow data (to save memory)
transform_out <- fsApply(fs, .standardize_flowFrame, channel = channels, data = FALSE)
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