#adapted from plyr::list_to_array
function (x, drop = FALSE)
if (length(x) == 0)
return(structure(integer(), n = 0L))
if (!is.null(attr(x, "n")) && !drop)
if (is.factor(x) && !drop) {
x <- addNA(x, ifany = TRUE)
id <- as.integer(x)
n <- length(levels(x))
else {
levels <- sort(unique(x), na.last = TRUE)
id <- match(x, levels)
n <- max(id)
structure(id, n = n)
id <-
function (.variables, drop = FALSE)
lengths <- vapply(.variables, length, integer(1))
.variables <- .variables[lengths != 0]
if (length(.variables) == 0) {
n <- nrow(.variables) %||% 0L
return(structure(seq_len(n), n = n))
if (length(.variables) == 1) {
return(id_var(.variables[[1]], drop = drop))
ids <- rev(lapply(.variables, id_var, drop = drop))
p <- length(ids)
ndistinct <- vapply(ids, attr, "n", FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
n <- prod(ndistinct)
if (n > 2^31) {
char_id <- do.call("paste", c(ids, sep = "\r"))
res <- match(char_id, unique(char_id))
else {
combs <- c(1, cumprod(ndistinct[-p]))
mat <- do.call("cbind", ids)
res <- c((mat - 1L) %*% combs + 1L)
attr(res, "n") <- n
if (drop) {
id_var(res, drop = TRUE)
else {
structure(as.integer(res), n = attr(res, "n"))
.dims <- function (x) {length(amv_dim(x))}
amv_dim <- function (x) {
if (is.vector(x)) length(x) else dim(x)}
amv_dimnames <-function (x)
d <- if (is.vector(x))
else dimnames(x)
if (is.null(d))
d <- rep(list(NULL), .dims(x))
null_names <- which(unlist(lapply(d, is.null)))
d[null_names] <- lapply(null_names, function(i) seq_len(amv_dim(x)[i]))
list_to_array <- function (res, labels = NULL)
if (length(res) == 0)
n <- length(res)
# atomic <- sapply(res, is.atomic)
# if (all(atomic) || all(!atomic)) {
# dlength <- unique.default(llply(res, .dims))
# if (length(dlength) != 1)
# stop("Results must have the same number of dimensions.")
# dims <- unique(do.call("rbind", llply(res, amv_dim)))
# if (is.null(dims))
# stop("Results must have one or more dimensions.",
# call. = FALSE)
# if (nrow(dims) != 1)
# stop("Results must have the same dimensions.", call. = FALSE)
res_dim <- amv_dim(res[[1]])
res_labels <- amv_dimnames(res[[1]])
if (any(vapply(res_labels, anyDuplicated, integer(1)) !=
0)) {
warning("Duplicate names not supported.", call. = FALSE)
res_index <- expand.grid(res_labels)
res <- unlist(res, use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
# }
# else {
# stop("Results must have compatible types.")
# }
if (is.null(labels)) {
labels <- data.frame(X = seq_len(n))
in_labels <- list(NULL)
in_dim <- n
else {
in_labels <- lapply(labels, function(x) if (is.factor(x))
else sort(unique(x), na.last = TRUE))
in_dim <- sapply(in_labels, length)
index_old <- rep(id(rev(labels)), each = nrow(res_index))
index_new <- rep(id(rev(res_index)), nrow(labels))
index <- (index_new - 1) * prod(in_dim) + index_old
out_dim <- unname(c(in_dim, res_dim))
out_labels <- c(in_labels, res_labels)
n <- prod(out_dim)
if (length(index) < n) {
overall <- match(1:n, index, nomatch = NA)
else {
overall <- order(index)
out_array <- res[overall]
dim(out_array) <- out_dim
dimnames(out_array) <- out_labels
.aaply <- function(x, margin, FUNC){
res <- unlist(apply(x, margin, function(i) {
}), recursive = F)
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