#' Hierarchical Gating Pipeline for flow cytometry data.
#' openCyto is a package designed to facilitate the automated gating methods in sequential way
#' to mimic the manual gating strategy.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab openCyto\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Version: \tab 1.2.8\cr
#' Date: \tab 2014-04-10\cr
#' License: \tab GPL (>= 2)\cr
#' LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#' }
#' @author
#' Mike Jiang \email{wjiang2@@fhcrc.org},
#' John Ramey \email{jramey@@fhcrc.org},
#' Greg Finak \email{gfinak@@fhcrc.org}
#' Maintainer: Mike Jiang \email{wjiang2@@fhcrc.org}
#' @name openCyto
#' @docType package
#' @title Hierarchical Gating Pipeline for flow cytometry data
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{gatingTemplate('test.csv')}
#' @seealso See \code{\link[openCyto]{gt_gating}},
#' \code{\link{gate_flowclust_1d}},
#' for an overview of gating functions.
#' a class storing the gating method and population information in a graphNEL object
#' Each cell population is stored in graph node and is connected with its parent population
#' or its reference node for boolGate or refGate.
#' @rdname gatingTemplate-class
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom graph graphNEL graphBase graph
#' @importClassesFrom Biobase AssayData
#' @name gatingTemplate-class
setClass("gatingTemplate", contains = "graphNEL", representation(name = "character"))
#' a virtual class that represents the gating result generated by flowClust gating function
#' Bascially it extends flowCore 'filter classes to have extra slot to store priors and posteriors
#' @name fcFilter-class
setClass("fcFilter", representation("VIRTUAL", priors = "list", posteriors = "list"))
#' a concrete class that reprents the polygonGate generated by flowClust
#' It stores priors and posteriors as well as the actual polygonGate.
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore polygonGate
#' @name fcPolygonGate-class
setClass("fcPolygonGate", contains = c("fcFilter", "polygonGate"))
#' a concrete class that reprents the ellipsoidGate generated by flowClust
#' It stores priors and posteriors as well as the actual ellipsoidGate.
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore ellipsoidGate
#' @name fcEllipsoidGate-class
setClass("fcEllipsoidGate", contains = c("fcFilter", "ellipsoidGate"))
#' a concrete class that reprents the rectangleGate generated by flowClust
#' It stores priors and posteriors as well as the actual rectangleGate.
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore rectangleGate
#' @name fcRectangleGate-class
setClass("fcRectangleGate", contains = c("fcFilter", "rectangleGate"))
#' constuctor for \code{fcRectangleGate}
#' @param x a \code{rectangleGate} object
#' @param priors a \code{list} storing priors
#' @param posts a \code{list} storing posteriors
fcRectangleGate <- function(x, priors, posts) {
res <- as(x, "fcRectangleGate")
res@priors <- priors
res@posteriors <- posts
#' constuctor for \code{fcPolygonGate}
#' @param x a \code{polygonGate} object
#' @inheritParams fcRectangleGate
fcPolygonGate <- function(x, priors, posts) {
res <- as(x, "fcPolygonGate")
res@priors <- priors
res@posteriors <- posts
#' constuctor for \code{fcEllipsoidGate}
#' @param x a \code{ellipsoidGate} object
#' @inheritParams fcRectangleGate
fcEllipsoidGate <- function(x, priors, posts) {
res <- as(x, "fcEllipsoidGate")
res@priors <- priors
res@posteriors <- posts
#' a class that extends \code{filterList} class.
#' Each filter in the filterList must extends the \code{fcFilter} class
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore filterList
#' @name fcFilterList-class
setClass("fcFilterList", contains = "filterList")
#' constuctor for \code{fcFilterList}
#' @param x \code{list} of \code{fcFilter} (i.e. \code{fcPolygonGate} or \code{fcRectangleGate})
fcFilterList <- function(x) {
if (!all(unlist(lapply(x, function(i) extends(class(i), "fcFilter"))))) {
stop("not all filters are fcFilter!")
if (class(x) == "list") {
x <- filterList(x)
sname <- names(x)
x <- as(x, "fcFilterList")
attr(x, "names") <- sname
#' A class to represent a flowClust tree.
#' It is a graphNEL used as a container to store priors and posteriors for each flowClust gate that can be
#' visualized for the purpose of fine-tunning parameters for flowClust algorithm
#' @name fcTree-class
setClass("fcTree", contains = "gatingTemplate")
#' constructor of \code{fcTree}
#' It adds an extra node data slot "fList"(which is a \code{filterList} object) to the \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param gt a \code{gatingTemplate} object
fcTree <- function(gt) {
res <- as(gt, "fcTree")
nodeDataDefaults(res, "fList") <- new("filterList")
#' A class to represent a gating method.
#' A gating method object contains the specifics for generating the gates.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{name}{ a \code{character} specifying the name of the gating method}
#' \item{dims}{ a \code{character} vector specifying the dimensions (channels or markers) of the gate}
#' \item{args}{ a \code{list} specifying the arguments passed to gating function}
#' \item{groupBy}{ a \code{character} or \code{integer} specifying how to group the data.
#' If \code{character}, group the data by the study variables (columns in \code{pData}).
#' If \code{integer}, group the data by every \code{N} samples.
#' }
#' \item{collapse}{ a \code{logical} specifying wether to collapse the data within group before gating.
#' it is only valid when \code{groupBy} is specified}
#' }
#' @rdname gtMethod-class
#' @name gtMethod-class
#' @aliases gtMethod
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gh_pop_get_gate(gt, '2', '3')
#' }
setClass("gtMethod", representation(name = "character"
, dims = "character"
, args = "list"
, groupBy = "ANY"
, collapse = "logical"
#' A class to represent a preprocessing method.
#' It extends \code{gtMethod} class.
#' @name ppMethod-class
#' @aliases ppMethod
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' ppMethod(gt, '3', '4')
#' }
setClass("ppMethod", contains = "gtMethod")
#' A class to represent a reference gating method.
#' It extends \code{gtMethod} class.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{refNodes}{ \code{character} specifying the reference nodes}
#' }
#' @name refGate-class
setClass("refGate", contains = "gtMethod", representation(refNodes = "character"))
#' A class to represent a dummy gating method that does nothing but serves as reference to be refered by other population
#' It is generated automatically by the csv template preprocessing to handle the gating function that returns multiple gates.
setClass("dummyMethod", contains = "refGate")
#' A class to represent a boolean gating method.
#' It extends \code{refGate} class.
#' @name boolMethod-class
setClass("boolMethod", contains = "refGate")
#' A class to represent a polyFunctions gating method.
#' It extends \code{boolMethod} class and will be expanded to multiple \code{boolMethod} object.
#' @name polyFunctions-class
setClass("polyFunctions", contains = "boolMethod")
#' A class to represent a cell population that will be generated by a gating method.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id}{ \code{numeric} unique ID that is consistent with node label of graphNEL in gating template}
#' \item{name}{ \code{character} the name of population}
#' \item{alias}{ \code{character} the more user friendly name of population}
#' }
#' @name gtPopulation-class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, '2')
#' }
setClass("gtPopulation", representation(id = "character", name = "character",
alias = "character"
#' A class representing a group of cell populations.
#' It extends \code{gtPopulation} class.
#' @name gtSubsets-class
setClass("gtSubsets", contains = "gtPopulation")
#' A function to tell wether a gating method is \code{polyFunctions}
#' @rdname isPolyfunctional
#' @param gm an object that extends \code{gtMethod}
#' @noRd
.isPolyfunctional <- function(gm) {
# grepl('^\\[\\:.+\\:\\]$',x)
class(gm) == "polyFunctions"
#' gating arguments parser
#' parsing the arguments read from `args` columns of csv template into
#' list of paired arguments
#' @noRd
.argParser <- function(txt, split = TRUE) {
# trim whitespaces at beginning and the end of string
txt <- gsub("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", txt)
if (split) {
paired_args <- paste("c(", txt, ")")
paired_args <- try(parse(text = paired_args), silent = TRUE)
if (class(paired_args) == "try-error") {
errmsg <- attr(paired_args, "condition")
msg <- conditionMessage(errmsg)
stop("invalid gating argument:\n", msg)
paired_args <- as.list(as.list(paired_args)[[1]])[-1]
names(paired_args) <- names(paired_args)
} else {
if(nchar(txt) >0){
paired_args <- as.symbol(txt)
paired_args <- list(paired_args)
stop("argument is empty!")
#' @title
#' gatingTemplate constructor
#' @description
#' It parses the csv file that specifies the gating scheme for a particular staining pannel.
#' @details
#' This csv must have the following columns:
#' 'alias': a name used label the cell population, the path composed by the alias and its precedent nodes (e.g. /root/A/B/alias) has to be uniquely identifiable.
#' So alias can not contain '/' character, which is reserved as path delimiter.
#' 'pop': population patterns of '+/-` or '+/-+/-', which tells the algorithm which side (postive or negative) of 1d gate or which quadrant of 2d gate to be kept.
#' 'parent': the parent population alias, its path has to be uniquely identifiable.
#' 'dims': characters seperated by comma specifying the dimensions(1d or 2d) used for gating.
#' It can be either channel name or stained marker name (or the substrings of channel/marker names as long as they are uniquely identifiable.).
#' 'gating_method': the name of the gating function (e.g. 'flowClust'). It is invoked by a wrapper function that has the identical function name prefixed with a dot.(e.g. '.flowClust')
#' 'gating_args': the named arguments passed to gating function (Note that double quotes are often used as text delimiter by some csv editors. So try to use single quote instead if needed.)
#' 'collapseDataForGating': When TRUE, data is collapsed (within groups if 'groupBy' specified) before gating and the gate is replicated across collapsed samples.
#' When set FALSE (or blank),then 'groupBy' argument is only used by 'preprocessing' and ignored by gating.
#' 'groupBy': If given, samples are split into groups by the unique combinations of study variable (i.e. column names of pData,e.g."PTID:VISITNO").
#' when split is numeric, then samples are grouped by every N samples
#' 'preprocessing_method': the name of the preprocessing function(e.g. 'prior_flowclust'). It is invoked by a wrapper function that has the identical function name prefixed with a dot.(e.g. '.prior_flowclust')
#' the preprocessing results are then passed to gating wrapper function through 'pps_res' argument.
#' 'preprocessing_args': the named arguments passed to preprocessing function.
#' @rdname gatingTemplate-class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' plot(gt)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("gatingTemplate", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("gatingTemplate"))
#' @aliases gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @param x \code{character} csv file name or a \code{data.table}
#' @param name \code{character} the label of the gating template
#' @param strict \code{logical} whether to perform validity check(special characters) on the alias column. By default it is(and should be) turned on for the regular template parsing.
#' But sometime it is useful to turned it off to bypass the check for the dummy nodes(e.g. the csv template generated by 'gh_generate_template' with some existing boolean gates that has '!' or ':' symbol).
#' @param strip_extra_quotes \code{logical} Extra quotes are added to strings by fread. This causes problems with parsing R strings to expressions in some cases. Default FALSE for usual behaviour. TRUE should be passed if parsing gating_args fails.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{data.table::fread}
#' @importFrom graph graphNEL addEdge nodes edges nodeDataDefaults nodeData edgeDataDefaults addEdge edgeData subGraph
#' @rdname gatingTemplate-class
setMethod("gatingTemplate", signature(x = "character"), function(x, name = "default", strict = TRUE, strip_extra_quotes=FALSE,...) {
dt <- fread(x, ...)
# empty gatingTemplate error
if(nrow(dt) == 0) {
"Cannot create gatingTemplate from ",
" as it contains no gating entries."
dt <- .preprocess_csv(dt, strict = strict)
#append the isMultiPops column based on pop name
dt[, isMultiPops := FALSE]
dt[pop == "*", isMultiPops := TRUE]
.gatingTemplate(dt, name = name)
#' @aliases gatingTemplate,data.table-method
#' @rdname gatingTemplate-class
signature(x = "data.table"),
name = "default",
strict = TRUE,
strip_extra_quotes = FALSE,
...) {
if(nrow(x) == 0) {
"Cannot create gatingTemplate from this data.table as it ",
"contains no gating entries."
dt <- .preprocess_csv(x, strict = strict)
#append the isMultiPops column based on pop name
dt[, isMultiPops := FALSE]
dt[pop == "*", isMultiPops := TRUE]
.gatingTemplate(dt, name = name)
#' @importFrom graph nodeDataDefaults<- edgeDataDefaults<- nodeData<- edgeData<-
#' @noRd
.gatingTemplate <- function(dt, name = "default"){
# browser()
# create graph with root node
# browser()
g <- graphNEL(nodes = "root", edgemode = "directed")
g <- as(g, "gatingTemplate")
nodeDataDefaults(g, "pop") <- ""
edgeDataDefaults(g, "gtMethod") <- ""
edgeDataDefaults(g, "ppMethod") <- ""
edgeDataDefaults(g, "isReference") <- FALSE
# add default root
nodeData(g, "root", "pop") <- new("gtPopulation", id = "root", name = "root", alias = "root")
# parse each row
nEdges <- nrow(dt)
edgs <- vector("list", nEdges)
for (i in 1:nEdges) {
thisRow <- dt[i,]
# extract info from dataframe
parent <- thisRow[,parent][[1]]
# get parent ID
curPop <- thisRow[,alias][[1]]
if(grepl("/", curPop))
stop("Population name(or alias) '", curPop , "' contains '/', which is reserved as gating path delimiter!")
curNodePath <- paste(parent, curPop, sep = "/")
curNodePath <- sub("root", "", curNodePath)
curPopName <- thisRow[, pop][[1]]
isMultiPops <- thisRow[, isMultiPops]
#try to split alias for the gating function that returns multi-pops
curPop <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(split = ",", curPop)))
# create pop object
curNode <- new("gtPopulation", id = curNodePath, name = curPopName,
alias = curPop
# create gating method object
cur_method <- thisRow[, gating_method][[1]]
cur_args <- thisRow[, gating_args][[1]]
cur_dims <- thisRow[, dims][[1]]
cur_collapse <- thisRow[, collapseDataForGating][[1]]
if(cur_collapse == "")
cur_collapse <- FALSE
cur_collapse <- as.logical(cur_collapse)
stop("Invalid `collapseDataForGating` flag!")
cur_groupBy <- thisRow[, groupBy][[1]]
cur_method_name_pattern <- paste0("^", cur_method , "$")
# do not parse args for refGate-like gate since they might break the current
# parse due to the +/- | &,! symbols
if (any(grepl(cur_method_name_pattern, c("boolGate", "polyfunctions", "refGate", "dummy_gate"), ignore.case = TRUE))) {
split_args <- FALSE
} else {
split_args <- TRUE
cur_args <- .argParser(cur_args, split_args)
gm <- new("gtMethod"
, name = cur_method
, dims = cur_dims
, args = cur_args
, collapse = cur_collapse
, groupBy = cur_groupBy
# specialize gtMethod as needed
if (grepl(cur_method_name_pattern , "boolGate", ignore.case = TRUE)) {
gm <- as(gm, "boolMethod")
} else if (grepl(cur_method_name_pattern , "polyFunctions", ignore.case = TRUE)) {
gm <- as(gm, "polyFunctions")
} else if (grepl(cur_method_name_pattern , "refGate", ignore.case = TRUE)) {
gm <- as(gm, "refGate")
if(nchar(cur_dims) == 0){
stop("No dimensions defined for refGate!")
if (grepl(cur_method_name_pattern , "dummy_gate", ignore.case = TRUE))
gm <- as(gm, "dummyMethod")
#preprocessing object
cur_pp_Method <- thisRow[, preprocessing_method][[1]]
cur_pp_args <- thisRow[, preprocessing_args][[1]]
cur_pp_args <- .argParser(cur_pp_args, TRUE)
if(nchar(cur_pp_Method) > 0)
ppm <- new("ppMethod"
, name = cur_pp_Method
, dims = cur_dims
, args = cur_pp_args
, collapse = cur_collapse
, groupBy = cur_groupBy
message("Adding population:", basename(curNodePath))
# browser()
# add current node to graph
g_updated <- graph::addNode(curNodePath, g)
# if (!extends(class(gm), "refGate")) {
# add edge from parent
g_updated <- addEdge(parent, curNodePath, g_updated)
#add preprcessing method to the edge
if(nchar(cur_pp_Method) > 0)
edgeData(g_updated, parent, curNodePath, "ppMethod") <- ppm
# refGate-like methods need extra parsing
if (extends(class(gm), "refGate")) {
# get argument
args <- gm@args[[1]]
args <- deparse(args)
# parsing reference nodes
if (class(gm) == "boolMethod") {
# strip ! symbols
args <- gsub("!", "", args)
# split by logical operator when regular boolean gates
refNodes <- strsplit(args, "&|\\|")[[1]]
} else {
# split by colon for refGate or polyfunctional boolean gates
refNodes <- strsplit(args, "\\:")[[1]]
# update refNodes slot of gm object
gm@refNodes <- refNodes
# specialize the node type for polyfunctions
if (class(gm) == "polyFunctions") {
# browser()
curNode <- as(curNode, "gtSubsets")
# add edges from reference nodes (only used for tsort)
for (ref_node in refNodes) {
# add the edge from it
g_updated <- addEdge(.getFullPath(ref_node, dt), curNodePath, g_updated)
# flag the edge
edgeData(g_updated, .getFullPath(ref_node, dt), curNodePath, "isReference") <- TRUE
# attach the gm object to the parent edge
edgeData(g_updated, parent, curNodePath, "gtMethod") <- gm
# flag the edge
edgeData(g_updated, parent, curNodePath, "isReference") <- FALSE
# add the current population object to the current node
nodeData(g_updated, curNodePath, "pop") <- curNode
# update graph
g <- g_updated
g@name <- name
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