context("---- gs")
test_that("gs_pop_get_gs", {
pop <- "CD3+"
nodes <- gh_pop_get_descendants(gs[[1]], pop)
parent <- gs_pop_get_parent(gs, pop) <- gsub(paste0("^\\Q", file.path(parent, pop), "\\E"), "", nodes)
gs1 <- gs_pop_get_gs(gs, pop)
# only contain the descendants of pop
# only has cells from pop
expect_equal(nrow(gs1)[[1]], gh_pop_get_count(gs[[1]], pop))
# stats unchanged
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_stats(gs, nodes)[, c(1,3)], gs_pop_get_stats(gs1,[, c(1,3)])
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_stats(gs, nodes)[, c(1,3)], gs_pop_get_stats(gs1,[, c(1,3)])
# Quick test to make sure get_stats methods do not alter the original data frame when
# passed a function and/or inverse.transform = TRUE
stats_1 <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs, nodes, type = pop.MFI, inverse.transform = TRUE)
stats_2 <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs, nodes, type = pop.MFI, inverse.transform = TRUE)
expect_equal(stats_1, stats_2)
test_that("gs_get_leaf_nodes", {
leaf.all <- c('CD4/38- DR+','CD4/38+ DR+','CD4/38+ DR-','CD4/38- DR-'
,'CD4/CCR7- 45RA+','CD4/CCR7+ 45RA+','CD4/CCR7+ 45RA-','CD4/CCR7- 45RA-'
,'CD8/38- DR+','CD8/38+ DR+','CD8/38+ DR-','CD8/38- DR-'
,'CD8/CCR7- 45RA+','CD8/CCR7+ 45RA+','CD8/CCR7+ 45RA-','CD8/CCR7- 45RA-'
expect_true(setequal(gs_get_leaf_nodes(gs, path = "auto"), leaf.all))
expect_true(setequal(gs_get_leaf_nodes(gs, path = "auto", ancestor = "CD4"), leaf.all[1:8]))
expect_true(setequal(gs_get_leaf_nodes(gs, path = "auto", ancestor = "CD8"), leaf.all[9:16]))
test_that("gs_get_uri", {
expect_equal(gs_get_uri(gs), cs_get_uri(gs))
test_that("nrow", {
expect_equal(nrow(gs), nrow(gs_cyto_data(gs)))
test_that("Subset ",{
gs <- gs_copy_tree_only(gs)
gs <- Subset(gs, sampleFilter(10))
expect_true(all(nrow(gs) == 10))
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_count(gs[[1]], "CD4") , 5)
expect_equal(nrow(gh_pop_get_data(gs[[1]], "CD3+")) , 6)
test_that("gs_get_cytoframe", {
expect_equal(gs_get_cytoframe(gs, 1), cs_get_cytoframe(gs_cyto_data(gs), 1))
test_that("markernames<- ",{
gs1 <- gs_clone(gs)
gh <- gs1[[1]]
# expect_error(gs[[1]] <- gh)
gs1[[1]] <- gh
markernames(gs1[[1]]) <- c("<B710-A>" = "cd4")
expect_equivalent(markernames(gs1[[1]])[1], "cd4");
test_that("gs_is_persistent ",{
expect_equal(gs_is_persistent(gs), TRUE);
test_that("length ",{
expect_equal(length(gs), 1)
test_that("show ",{
expect_output(show(gs), "A GatingSet with 1 samples")
test_that("gs_pop_get_data ",{
ncfs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs)
expect_is(ncfs, "cytoset");
expect_equal(nrow(ncfs[[1]]), 119531)
ncfs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, "root")
expect_equal(nrow(ncfs[[1]]), 119531)
ncfs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, "singlets")
expect_equal(nrow(ncfs[[1]]), 87022)
expect_is(gs[[1]], "GatingHierarchy");
test_that("gs_cyto_data ",{
ncfs <- gs_cyto_data(gs)
expect_is(ncfs, "cytoset");
expect_equal(nrow(ncfs[[1]]), 119531)
#restore data
gs_cyto_data(gs) <- ncfs
expect_is(gs_cyto_data(gs), "cytoset");
gs1 <- gs_clone(gs)
expect_is(gs1, "GatingSet");
#check data consistency
fs1 <- gs_pop_get_data(gs)
fs2 <- gs_pop_get_data(gs1)
expect_equal(fs1[[1]], fs2[[1]])
== cs_get_uri(fs2)
orig_sn <- sampleNames(gs)
clone_sn <- sampleNames(gs1)
expect_identical(orig_sn, clone_sn)
#check tree consistentcy
expect_identical(gs_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]]), gs_get_pop_paths(gs1[[1]]))
#check if trans is preserved
expect_equal(gh_get_transformations(gs[[1]]), gh_get_transformations(gs1[[1]]))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs), gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs1))
expect_equal(gh_pop_compare_stats(gs[[1]]), gh_pop_compare_stats(gs1[[1]]))
#clone without copying hdf data
gs2 <- gs_copy_tree_only(gs)
#check data consistency
fs2 <- gs_pop_get_data(gs2)
expect_equal(fs1[[1]], fs2[[1]])
== cs_get_uri(fs2)
#check tree consistentcy
expect_identical(gs_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]]), gs_get_pop_paths(gs2[[1]]))
#check if trans is preserved
expect_equal(gh_get_transformations(gs[[1]]), gh_get_transformations(gs2[[1]]))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs), gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs2))
expect_equal(gh_pop_compare_stats(gs[[1]]), gh_pop_compare_stats(gs2[[1]]))
test_that("merge_list_to_gs", {
sn1 <- sampleNames(gs)
suppressMessages(gs_clone <- gs_clone(gs))
#duplicated sample names
expect_error(merge_list_to_gs(list(gs, gs_clone)), "There are overlapping samples across GatingSets")
sn2 <- "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_2.fcs"
sampleNames(gs_clone) <- sn2
#different colnames
chnnls <- colnames(gs_cyto_data(gs_clone))
chnnls[1] <- "FSC-H"
expect_error(colnames(gs_cyto_data(gs_clone)) <- chnnls, "duplicates", class = "error")
chnnls[1] <- "F"
colnames(gs_cyto_data(gs_clone)) <- chnnls
expect_error(merge_list_to_gs(list(gs, gs_clone)), "colnames of cyto data don't match")
#different tree structure
invisible(gs_pop_remove("CD8", gs = gs_clone))
expect_error(merge_list_to_gs(list(gs, gs_clone)), "gating structure doesn't match: CytoTrol_CytoTrol_2.fcs CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs")
suppressMessages(gs_clone <- gs_clone(gs))
sampleNames(gs_clone) <- sn2
gs <<- merge_list_to_gs(list(gs, gs_clone))
expect_is(gs, "GatingSet")
samp <- c(sn1, sn2)
expect_equal(sampleNames(gs), samp)
#share the same h5 with original gs
cs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs)
cf <- get_cytoframe_from_cs(cs, sn2)
expect_equal(cf_get_uri(cf), cf_get_uri(get_cytoframe_from_cs(gs_cyto_data(gs_clone), sn2)))
expect_equal(nrow(cs[[sn2]]), 119531)
cs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, "CD8")
expect_equal(nrow(cs[[sn2]]), 14564)
thisRes <- keyword(gs)
expect_equal(thisRes[[1]], keyword(gs_clone)[[1]])
expect_true(setequal(markernames(gs), sort(markernames(gs_clone))))
chnls <- c('FSC-A','FSC-H','FSC-W','SSC-A','<B710-A>','<R660-A>','<R780-A>','<V450-A>','<V545-A>','<G560-A>','<G780-A>','Time')
expect_equal(colnames(gs), chnls)
gs2 <- gs_clone(gs)
sampleNames(gs2) <- c("A", "B")
gs3 <- merge_list_to_gs(list(gs, gs2))
#create discrepancy
chnls <- c("<B710-A>", "<R780-A>")
markers <- c("CD4", "CD8")
names(markers) <- chnls
markernames(gs2) <- markers
expect_warning(res <- markernames(gs3), "marker names are not consistent across")
#preserved the original sample order
expect_equal(sampleNames(gs3), c(sampleNames(gs), sampleNames(gs2)))
sn <- sampleNames(gs)
expect_equal(sn, c("CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs", "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_2.fcs"))
#update name
sampleNames(gs)[1] <- "newSample"
new_sn <- sampleNames(gs)
expect_equal(new_sn, c("newSample", "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_2.fcs"))
#check if sample name is also updated in cpp data structure
name_stored_in_cpp <- flowWorkspace:::cpp_getSamples(gs@pointer)
expect_equal(sort(new_sn), sort(name_stored_in_cpp))
#restore the original name
sampleNames(gs) <- sn
test_that("lapply ",{
gh_list <- lapply(gs, function(x)x)
expect_is(gh_list, "list");
expect_equal(length(gh_list), 2);
res <- lapply(gh_list,function(gh){
expect_is(gh, "GatingHierarchy")
test_that("pData ",{
pd <- pData(gs)
expect_is(pd, "data.frame");
new_pd <- pd
new_pd[, "PTID"] <- c("001", "002")
pData(gs) <- new_pd
expect_identical(pData(gs)[, colnames(new_pd)], new_pd);
#ensure pdata is flushed to disk during gs_clone
expect_identical(pData(gs_clone(gs))[, colnames(new_pd)], new_pd)
expect_identical(pData(gs_copy_tree_only(gs))[, colnames(new_pd)], new_pd)
#restore pdata
pData(gs) <- pd
expect_identical(pData(gs)[, colnames(pd), drop = FALSE], pd);
test_that("[ subsetting",{
gs_sub1 <- gs[1]
expect_is(gs_sub1, "GatingSet");
gs_sub2 <- gs["CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs"]
expect_is(gs_sub2, "GatingSet");
expect_equal(pData(gs_sub1), pData(gs_sub2))
expect_equal(length(gs_sub1), 1)
# GvHD has more samples for this test
gs_full <- GatingSet(GvHD)
gs_sub <- subset(gs_full, Visit == 2)
expect_equal(length(gs_sub), 5)
test_that("Adding subpopulation off empty population", {
gs_scratch <- GatingSet(GvHD)
empty_gate <- rectangleGate(filterId="emptyGate", list("FL1-H"=c(2500, 5000), "FL2-H"=c(5000, 7500)))
gs_pop_add(gs_scratch, empty_gate, parent= "root")
extra_gate <- rectangleGate(filterId="extraGate", list("FL3-H"=c(0, 300), "FL2-A"=c(0, 250)))
gs_pop_add(gs_scratch, extra_gate, parent="emptyGate")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "empty_pop.rds"))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_stats(gs_scratch), expectRes)
test_that("gs_pop_get_gate for gs",{
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD3+")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getGate_gs_ellipse.rds"))
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes, tol = 5e-04)
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "singlets")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getGate_gs_polygon.rds"))
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes, tol = 2e-08)
nodeName <- gs_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]])[3]
gs_pop_set_name(gs, "singlets", "S")
lapply(gs, function(gh){
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh)[3], "/not debris/S")
gs_pop_set_name(gs, "S", "singlets")
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs, , statistic = "freq", path = "full", format = "wide")
expect_is(thisRes, "matrix")
expectRes <- fread(file.path(resultDir, "getPopStats_gs.csv"))
expect_equal(rownames(thisRes),expectRes[["V1"]])#check rownames
expect_equal([,1:2]), expectRes[,-1, with = F], tol = 2e-3)
#use auto path #EDIT auto is no longer supported for long fmt
stats_wide <- gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs, format = "wide", path = "full")
stats_wide <- stats_wide[-match("root", rownames(stats_wide)), ] #remove root
stats_wide <-
#get long format
stats_long <- gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs, format = "long", path = "full")
#convert it to wide to do the comparsion
stats_long[, value := Count]
stats_long <-[, list(Population,name, value)], Population~name)
rn <- stats_long[, Population]
stats_long[, Population := NULL]
stats_long <-
rownames(stats_long) <- rn
stats_long <- stats_long[rownames(stats_wide), colnames(stats_wide)]
expect_equal(stats_long, stats_wide)
test_that("compute CV from gs",{
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.computeCV(gs)
expect_is(thisRes, "matrix")
expectRes <- fread(file.path(resultDir, "cv_gs.csv"))
expect_setequal(rownames(thisRes),expectRes[["V1"]])#check rownames
tol <- ifelse(isCpStaticGate, 2e-2, 1.5e-8)
expect_equal(, expectRes[,-1, with = F], tol = tol)
thisRes <- keyword(gs)
expect_is(thisRes, "list")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "kw_gs.rds"))
#eliminate the local path difference
expectRes <- lapply(expectRes, function(thisResult){
thisResult[["FILENAME"]] <- basename(thisResult[["FILENAME"]])
#fix this due to the difference generated from the constructor GatingSet(gh, files)
thisResult[["ORIGINALGUID"]] <-thisResult[["GUID"]] <- basename(thisResult[["FILENAME"]])
#skip flowCore_R keys due to the historical archived results do not have this info up to date
ind <- !grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)",names(thisResult))
thisResult <- thisResult[ind]
#fix legacy result
thisResult[paste0("$P",5:11, "N")] <- paste0("<", thisResult[paste0("$P",5:11, "N")], ">")
thisResult$FCSversion <- NULL #avoid comaptibility test failure
thisResult[["$BEGINDATA"]] <- NULL
thisResult[["$ENDDATA"]] <- NULL
thisResult <- sapply(thisResult, function(i)
if(is(i, "character"))
i <- trimws(i)
}, simplify = FALSE)
thisRes <- lapply(thisRes, function(thisResult){
thisResult[["FILENAME"]] <- basename(thisResult[["FILENAME"]])
thisResult[["ORIGINALGUID"]] <-thisResult[["GUID"]] <- basename(thisResult[["FILENAME"]])
thisResult[["$BEGINDATA"]] <- NULL
thisResult[["$ENDDATA"]] <- NULL
thisResult[["$CYTOLIB_VERSION"]] <- NULL
thisResult$FCSversion <- NULL #avoid comaptibility test failure
colnames(thisResult[["SPILL"]]) <- gsub("<|>", "", colnames(thisResult[["SPILL"]]))
ind <- !grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)",names(thisResult))
#reorder thisRes since now keywords were stored in hash map
expect_setequal(names(thisRes[[1]]), names(expectRes[[1]]))
for(i in seq_along(thisRes))
thisRes[[i]] <- thisRes[[i]][names(expectRes[[i]])]
thisRes <- keyword(gs, "$P1N")
expect_equal(thisRes, data.frame(`$P1N` = c("FSC-A", "FSC-A"), check.names = FALSE))
#test_that("getIndices for COMPASS",{
# thisRes <- getIndices(gs,quote(`CD8/38- DR+|CD8/CCR7- 45RA+`))
# expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getIndices_gs.rds"))
# tol <- ifelse(isCpStaticGate, 1e-2, 1.5e-8)
# expect_equal(sum(thisRes[[1]]), sum(expectRes[[1]]), tol = tol)
# expect_equal(sum(thisRes[[2]]), sum(expectRes[[2]]), tol = tol)
# })
test_that("add", {
filterslist1 <- lapply(gs, function(gh){
cd4_gate <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "CD4")
cd4_gate@filterId <- "CD4_test"
cd8_gate <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "CD8")
cd8_gate@filterId <- "CD8_test"
#add without name
Ids <- gs_pop_add(gs, filterslist1)
expect_equal(Ids, c(25,26))
cd4_gate <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD4")
cd4_gate <- lapply(cd4_gate, function(g){
g@filterId <- "CD4_test"
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD4_test"), cd4_gate)
gs_pop_remove("CD4_test", gs = gs)
gs_pop_remove("CD8_test", gs = gs)
#customize names
expect_error(gs_pop_add(gs, filterslist1, names = c("CD4_demo")), "number of population names ")
expect_error(gs_pop_add(gs, filterslist1, names = c("CD4_demo", "CD4_demo")), "not unqiue")
Ids <- gs_pop_add(gs, filterslist1, names = c("CD4_demo", "CD8_demo"))
expect_equal(Ids, c(25,26))
cd4_gate <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD4")
cd4_gate <- lapply(cd4_gate, function(g){
g@filterId <- "CD4_demo"
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD4_demo"), cd4_gate)
gs_pop_remove("CD4_demo", gs = gs)
gs_pop_remove("CD8_demo", gs = gs)
test_that("gs_get_singlecell_expression for COMPASS",{
nodes <- c('CD8/38- DR+', 'CD8/CCR7- 45RA+')
thisRes <- gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes, map = list("CD8/38- DR+" = "CD38 APC", "CD8/CCR7- 45RA+" = "CCR7 PE"))
#test other.markers (redundant marker should be merged automatically)
thisRes <- gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes
, map = list("CD8/38- DR+" = "CD38 APC", "CD8/CCR7- 45RA+" = "CCR7 PE")
, other.markers = c("CD4", "CD38 APC")
, threshold = FALSE
expect_equal(colnames(thisRes[[1]]), c("CD38 APC", "CCR7 PE", "CD4 PcpCy55"))
expect_warning(thisRes2 <- gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes
, map = list("CD8/38- DR+" = "R660", "CD8/CCR7- 45RA+" = "G560")
, other.markers = c("B710", "R660")
, threshold = FALSE
, swap = T
), "partially matched")
expect_equal(colnames(thisRes2[[1]]), c("<R660-A>", "<G560-A>", "<B710-A>"))
expect_error(gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes
, map = list("CD8/38- DR+" = "CD38 APC", "CD8/CCR7- 45RA+" = "CCR7 PE")
, other.markers = c("CD4", "CD38 APC")
), "number of markers")
#marginal = FALSE
thisRes <- gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes, marginal = FALSE)
#gates share the same marker
nodes <- c('CD8/38- DR+', "CD8/38+ DR-", 'CD8/CCR7- 45RA+')
thisRes <- gs_get_singlecell_expression(gs, nodes, marginal = FALSE)
#TODO: gh_pop_get_indices_mat api is somehow broken, since rarely used, not going to fix until asked for
#verify the results by calling R routines
# nodes.expr <- quote(`CD8/38- DR+|CD8/38+ DR-|CD8/CCR7- 45RA+`)
# <- ncdfFlow::getIndices(gs[1], nodes.expr)[[1]]
# ind.mat <- gh_pop_get_indices_mat(gs[[1]], nodes.expr)
# #Or the ind for the same marker from nodes
# ind.DR <- ind.38 <- ind.mat[,1] | ind.mat[,2]
# ind.CCR <- ind.45 <- ind.mat[,3]
# #masking
# mat <- exprs(gh_pop_get_data(gs[[1]]))[,c(6, 9, 10, 11)]
# mat <- mat * c(ind.38, ind.DR, ind.CCR, ind.45)
# mat <- mat[, ]
# expect_equal(thisRes[[1]], mat, check.attributes = FALSE)
#gs_get_singlecell_expression_by_gate associated with channel that does not have markers
mat <- gs_get_singlecell_expression_by_gate(gs, "CD3+")
expect_equal(colnames(mat[[1]]), c("CD3 V450", "SSC-A"))
expect_equal(nrow(mat[[1]]), gh_pop_get_count(gs[[1]], "CD3+"))
test_that("markernames", {
markers <- c('CD4 PcpCy55','CD38 APC','CD8 APCH7','CD3 V450','HLA-DR V500','CCR7 PE','CD45RA PECy7')
expect_equivalent(markernames(gs), markers) <- c("CD4", "CD8")
chnls <- c("<B710-A>", "<R780-A>")
names( <- chnls
gh <- gs[[1]]
markernames(gh) <-
expect_warning(res <- markernames(gs), "not consistent")
expect_equivalent(unique(lapply(gs, markernames)), res)
markernames(gs) <-
#restore original markers
markers.orig <- markers[c(1,3)]
names(markers.orig) <- chnls
markernames(gs) <- markers.orig
expect_equivalent(markernames(gs), markers)
test_that("colnames", {
chnls <- c('FSC-A','FSC-H','FSC-W','SSC-A','<B710-A>','<R660-A>','<R780-A>','<V450-A>','<V545-A>','<G560-A>','<G780-A>','Time')
expect_equal(colnames(gs), chnls) <- chnls[c(1,4)] <- c("fsc", "ssc")
gh <- gs[[1]]
expect_error(colnames(gh) <-, "Can't change")
colnames(gs) <-
#restore original chnls
colnames(gs) <- chnls
expect_equal(colnames(gs), chnls)
expect_equal(colnames(gs[[1]]), chnls)
expect_equal(colnames(gs[[2]]), chnls)
test_that("node path accessors for GatingSet", {
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gs)[c(4,7,9)], c("/not debris/singlets/CD3+",
"/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD4/38+ DR+",
"/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD4/38- DR-"))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_parent(gs, "DNT"), "/not debris/singlets/CD3+")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gs, "CD3+"), c("/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD4",
"/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD8",
"/not debris/singlets/CD3+/DNT",
"/not debris/singlets/CD3+/DPT"))
test_that("keyword setters", {
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
#add new
gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, "k1", 2)
expect_error(gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, "k1", 2), "exist")
gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, "k1", "k2")
expect_error(gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, "k1", "k2"), "not found")
expected <- data.frame(k2=rep("2",2))
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy, "k2"), expected)
#set (subset)
gs_keyword_set(gs_copy, "k2", 5)
expected <- data.frame(k2=rep("5",2))
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy, "k2"), expected)
gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, "k2")
expect_error(gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, "k2"), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
#add new
gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, c("k1", "k2", "k3"), c("red", 5, 1.23))
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, c("k1", "k2"), c("blue", 6)), "exist")
gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2"))
expect_error(gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[1]][c("key1", "key2")], expected)
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[2]][c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
gs_keyword_set(gs_copy, c("key1", "key2", "key4"), c("green", 7, "newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[1]][c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[2]][c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations with named vectors
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
#add new
gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, c(k1="red", k2=5, k3=1.23))
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(gs_keyword_insert(gs_copy, c(k1="blue", k2=6)), "exist")
gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, c(k1="key1", k2="key2"))
expect_error(gs_keyword_rename(gs_copy, c(k1="key1", k2="key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[1]][c("key1", "key2")], expected)
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[2]][c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
gs_keyword_set(gs_copy, c("key1", "key2", "key4"), c("green", 7, "newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[1]][c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
expect_equal(keyword(gs_copy)[[2]][c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(gs_keyword_delete(gs_copy, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
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